DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


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Sep 27, 2022
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Last year, in a similar requirement, Indian private defence conglomerate Larsen & Toubro emerged as the L1 (lowest bidder) for the Indian Air Force contract for about 240 air defence gun systems.

In this case, the indigenous air defence system also required a full-fledged air defence system which included the search radar to track radar with fire controls command control and electro-optics.

While the air defence guns for the IAF were a more complex system with two radars, the new RFP for the Indian army is rather simpler without radar.


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Sep 27, 2022
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Last year, in a similar requirement, Indian private defence conglomerate Larsen & Toubro emerged as the L1 (lowest bidder) for the Indian Air Force contract for about 240 air defence gun systems.

In this case, the indigenous air defence system also required a full-fledged air defence system which included the search radar to track radar with fire controls command control and electro-optics.

While the air defence guns for the IAF were a more complex system with two radars, the new RFP for the Indian army is rather simpler without radar.
Will there be no FCR for AA gun in the case of IA?


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Sep 27, 2022
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Last year, in a similar requirement, Indian private defence conglomerate Larsen & Toubro emerged as the L1 (lowest bidder) for the Indian Air Force contract for about 240 air defence gun systems.

In this case, the indigenous air defence system also required a full-fledged air defence system which included the search radar to track radar with fire controls command control and electro-optics.

While the air defence guns for the IAF were a more complex system with two radars, the new RFP for the Indian army is rather simpler without radar.

IMO, this will be the likely offering from the AWEIL.


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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This project is a total failure of HAL. Indian AF has also bought Hawks which nobody has objected.

Nobody criticises UN generals without any reason.

There was time when HAL was criticised for all wrong reasons but PSUs has improved significantly but Armed forces remain the same.

UN Generals are like Indian judiciary who criticise others day and night but can’t see dirt on their face.

Similarly we can ask what is your opinion on following?
1) endless trials or Indigenous weapons?
2) where is order to LCH, ATAGs, LUH, Nag, SRSAM, many others?
3) Why armed forces come with New RFI when indigenous products reach maturity
4) Years of Negative propaganda for Tejas, Arjun,
5) rejected Arjun on grounds that IA do not have supporting bridges in Punjab. Didn’t IA know this fact when Arjun was built?
6) Buying foreign weapons in 5-10 numbers
7) Changing goal posts in mid way
8) why foreign weapons complete trials within 2-3 months without hu-halla.?

Please understand PSUs are companies but Armed forces are institutions. Armed forces are responsible for countries security so need to behave more sincerity rather behaving arrogantly.

Indigenisation is the key for country’s defence and independent foreign policy but our armed forces led us just in opposite direction.
Thanks for showing the example of the soft spot some members have for Defence PSUs on this forum.

Nobody criticises UN generals without any reason.
Armed Forces =/= UN Genrols. There are bad apples and corrupt babus in every sector, defense included.

There was time when HAL was criticised for all wrong reasons but PSUs has improved significantly but Armed forces remain the same.
Armed forces have improved, or shall I say, forced to improve after 2014. Good, aatmanirbhartha supporting leaders were chosen as CDS and Chief of respective branches of Armed Forces.

On the other points, I can counter you. But we both know our in our history of debate we have never reached any conclusion. So let's leave that.

Understand that when some sub-standard equipment is bought either from foreign vendors (corruption) or acquired locally (from PSUs), the suffering party is always the Armed Forces (sans the upper leadership) primarily.

It's criminal to force our armed forces to use sub-standard, unverified, or faulty equipment on frontlines whether it originates from PSUs or foreign vendors.


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Oct 8, 2019
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IMO, this will be the likely offering from the AWEIL.
DRDO : Post firing target damage assessment capability. Combustible cartridge & proximity/programmable fuze based ammo. Digitally operated & all electric drive & actuation. EO/IR & radar based target detection & tracking. AI based autonomous target engagement. Camouflage, concealment, firing signature management. Detection avoidance & stealth operation. Multi role operation using same or different ammo. Capable of 360° traverse. Thermal management. Sensor to shooter logic. Revolving feed & firing management, misfire management

Le AWEIL : Muh twin BMP-2 guns goes Brrrrrrrrrrrrttttttt


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Jul 8, 2011
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DRDO : Post firing target damage assessment capability. Combustible cartridge & proximity/programmable fuze based ammo. Digitally operated & all electric drive & actuation. EO/IR & radar based target detection & tracking. AI based autonomous target engagement. Camouflage, concealment, firing signature management. Detection avoidance & stealth operation. Multi role operation using same or different ammo. Capable of 360° traverse. Thermal management. Sensor to shooter logic. Revolving feed & firing management, misfire management
Sounds more like a wet dream, if you ask me. I mean, do you seriously believe DRDO can pull off even half of that Wishlist??


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Oct 8, 2019
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Sounds more like a wet dream, if you ask me. I mean, do you seriously believe DRDO can pull off even half of that Wishlist??
मैं इस संज्ञान में माननीय न्यालय का ध्यान पृष्ट संख्या २५३००१३ की ओर आकृष्ट करना चाहूंगा
> No prior experience in any kind of auto-cannon R&D let alone Gatling
> No prior experience in gun fired proximity fuze let alone miniaturizing it enough for 20-30mm
> No prior experience in programming while firing rounds let alone doing it when the RPM is extremely high; coz Gatling
> No prior experience in combustible cartridge for small arms let alone making one for such a high rate of fire weapon where chamber temperature will cause cook-offs
> God knows what they mean by camouflage, concealment, firing signature management on a 20-30mm Gatling gun
> Just like everyone is now throwing around AI because of ChatGPT so...AI based autonomous target engagement
> What kind of unique capability is this post firing target damage assessment capability?

In short


New Member
Oct 8, 2019
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Although not something from Indian defence sector, but quite interesting. Perhaps first such system to deploy or even explored

Long Range Fires Launcher

> Unmanned, requiring only satellite waypoints to do basic deployment
> Based on Oshkosh 4x4 JTLV, so excellent off-road capabilities. Better than our trailers
> Can be air-transported by C-130, air dropped or lifted by CH-47
> Uses a Mk-41 VLS instead of a traditional launcher enabling the same tube to fire either
-- a Tomahawk (2,000km nuclear capable cruise missile) or
-- a SM-3 (anti-ballistic missile) or
-- a SM-6 (240km long range SAM) or
-- x4 ESSM (50km range SAM) or
-- an ASROC (25km anti-submarine missile)
> As it doesn't require a crane to load missiles like in ship based Mk-41s, it can be re-configured for missions in minutes.

Love Charger

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Oct 9, 2021
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