DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


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Aug 12, 2015
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Achieving 30000 feets is not difficult but getting desirable performance of all systems at that altitude is the issue
Now that's not possible with piston engine infact many drones in its league have such capability
So they will have to shift to Shakti engine type or other necessary ones thus going through trails again then certifications then all those shits then user trails
If they achieve with current engine then great if not then it's basically 4-5 years more that's basically killing the project
OK. But what made you think that Tapas has been rejected?

Moreover which Piston engine are you talking about?

jai jaganath

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Jul 3, 2022
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OK. But what made you think that Tapas has been rejected?

Moreover which Piston engine are you talking about?
I have written the reason sir when entire process being repeated for next 4-5 years means delaying thus united nations armed forces convincing govt to pursue import option for immediate requirement after that closing the project being the only option


New Member
Sep 15, 2021
I have written the reason sir when entire process being repeated for next 4-5 years means delaying thus united nations armed forces convincing govt to pursue import option for immediate requirement after that closing the project being the only option
FYI- Currently only IN asking for MALE/HALE drones, IAF and IA not interested in expensive drones, means DRDO having plenty of time to develop MALE/HALE drones & DRDO not delaying MALE/HALE drone but giving priorities to other areas and learning. IAF want more more jets and IA asking for AH64/LUH
May be in future IAF/IA buy DRDO MALE/HALE drones for theater command
The major issue with MALE/HALE drones are, they wont survive under high AD systems which is deployed by pak and Chinese


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Aug 12, 2015
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Ok let's see how outdated this DRDO HMDS is

1. It's weight distribution is horrible, too much weight on the front portion which ideally should have been at the back.

2. Wiring is horrible, see the quality of the protruding wire, (you won't even use that type of wire in your own house), not to mention that wire shouldn't even be on the outside in the first place.

3. The internal padding is not ergonomic and optimised properly (eg. excessive padding near the ears) causing wearer a great amount of discomfort.

4. The visor glass is of poor quality (will be unable to provide proper protection against sun rays, because of poor tinting)

5. Modern HMDS don't use monocles (I am unable to remember the correct word right now, so please make do with this word) they use dual glass panels (visors) who display information to both eyes in a digital format like this View attachment 217764
and not like thisView attachment 217765
indicating it's a technologically obsolete design

6. No integrated microphone, inside the helmet, and the currently attached microphone seems very cumbersome.
Ok let's see how outdated this DRDO HMDS is

1. It's weight distribution is horrible, too much weight on the front portion which ideally should have been at the back.

2. Wiring is horrible, see the quality of the protruding wire, (you won't even use that type of wire in your own house), not to mention that wire shouldn't even be on the outside in the first place.

3. The internal padding is not ergonomic and optimised properly (eg. excessive padding near the ears) causing wearer a great amount of discomfort.

4. The visor glass is of poor quality (will be unable to provide proper protection against sun rays, because of poor tinting)

5. Modern HMDS don't use monocles (I am unable to remember the correct word right now, so please make do with this word) they use dual glass panels (visors) who display information to both eyes in a digital format like this View attachment 217764
and not like thisView attachment 217765
indicating it's a technologically obsolete design

6. No integrated microphone, inside the helmet, and the currently attached microphone seems very cumbersome.
Ok. So for you, let me keep forward some news.

This helmet which you have seen has begun its development phase back before 2010. When you are talking about protruding wires, let me show you the final helmet design.


This is helicopter version manufactured by a local company from ToT,


And this is the jet version.

Now HMS is not been integrated in it. But why the SHCHEL-3UM optics being used? Because for wind test purpose, we do require those and those SHCHEL helmets were no longer being used by us. Even for Mig-29s we are using TopSight HMSD.
But for people like you who do rely on DCS for knowing about the coolness of a design, let me present TopSight-I HMSD


This advance system is using the same 20 degree monocular tech which SHCHEL use. Infact even DASH uses the same tech.


We are quick to quote the DCS pics, but misses the basic technology. In this DASH display, the operator has to bring in the crosshair to the TD boxes. Incase of SHCHEL the operator has to look at the target through the monocle. Both are using same technology its just that in case of DASH, because of miniaturization, the monocle has been removed. But in terms of targeting effectiveness, both are equal. But yes, DASH does gives more situational awareness to pilot. In our case, the similar work has been undertaken by ARVR to increase the pilot's situational awareness through collaboration with DRDO in designing HMS.

jai jaganath

New Member
Jul 3, 2022
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FYI- Currently only IN asking for MALE/HALE drones, IAF and IA not interested in expensive drones, means DRDO having plenty of time to develop MALE/HALE drones & DRDO not delaying MALE/HALE drone but giving priorities to other areas and learning. IAF want more more jets and IA asking for AH64/LUH
May be in future IAF/IA buy DRDO MALE/HALE drones for theater command
The major issue with MALE/HALE drones are, they wont survive under high AD systems which is deployed by pak and Chinese
So u feel unaf will procure tapas after 4-5 years
U r OK with it ?


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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I have written the reason sir when entire process being repeated for next 4-5 years means delaying thus united nations armed forces convincing govt to pursue import option for immediate requirement after that closing the project being the only option
I mean from where you have got the reason? Or did you formulate it of your own?


New Member
Sep 15, 2021
So u feel unaf will procure tapas after 4-5 years
U r OK with it ?
There is no such thing like UNAF, only fantasy to become UN permanent member
Ans. NO, and only for testing and compare it with ETOS of US reaper
yes, I'm more interested in ghatak for IAF[100s' and short/medium range drone for IA. MALE/HALE normally operated by AF for special ops

jai jaganath

New Member
Jul 3, 2022
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There is no such thing like UNAF, only fantasy to become UN permanent member
Ans. NO, and only for testing and compare it with ETOS of US reaper
yes, I'm more interested in ghatak for IAF[100s' and short/medium range drone for IA. MALE/HALE normally operated by AF for special ops
Sir it's sarcasm


New Member
May 21, 2016
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Lets see how much attention this gets. I am sure our esteemed members will be critical of HAL and blame babus, poor work culture and professionalism.

It’s not like they have a inherent bias towards a particular group of organisation, right ?
wait which engine we are referring to here ?
HAL first opted for Turbomeca Larzac (engine of Dassault-Dornier Alphajet, analogous trainer to Hawk) which has ~13.25 kN thrust;
then when it was tested etc it was deemed underpowered and HAL made license + ToT with NPO Saturn for a fork of their Al-55 (which again is said to be downscaled Al-31F series one that we use in Su-30MKI) in ~17.6 kN;
then most problems were attributed to the design itself where HAL get to consult many aviation firms etc and most issues only got solved recently

so again which engine is exactly being blamed here ? french Larzac or russian Al-55I ?


New Member
Dec 3, 2013
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Lets see how much attention this gets. I am sure our esteemed members will be critical of HAL and blame babus, poor work culture and professionalism.

It’s not like they have a inherent bias towards a particular group of organisation, right ?
This project is a total failure of HAL. Indian AF has also bought Hawks which nobody has objected.

Nobody criticises UN generals without any reason.

There was time when HAL was criticised for all wrong reasons but PSUs has improved significantly but Armed forces remain the same.

UN Generals are like Indian judiciary who criticise others day and night but can’t see dirt on their face.

Similarly we can ask what is your opinion on following?
1) endless trials or Indigenous weapons?
2) where is order to LCH, ATAGs, LUH, Nag, SRSAM, many others?
3) Why armed forces come with New RFI when indigenous products reach maturity
4) Years of Negative propaganda for Tejas, Arjun,
5) rejected Arjun on grounds that IA do not have supporting bridges in Punjab. Didn’t IA know this fact when Arjun was built?
6) Buying foreign weapons in 5-10 numbers
7) Changing goal posts in mid way
8) why foreign weapons complete trials within 2-3 months without hu-halla.?

Please understand PSUs are companies but Armed forces are institutions. Armed forces are responsible for countries security so need to behave more sincerity rather behaving arrogantly.

Indigenisation is the key for country’s defence and independent foreign policy but our armed forces led us just in opposite direction.


Defense lover
New Member
Aug 23, 2017
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Actually this ijt matter came in to light
When everything is going ok with ijt
No doubt after htt40 , ijt will be ordered.

Actually Indian media is something which should not be trusted,
A report said that mk2 prototype will roll out after 5 years

Fact is than many subsystem s including fuelsage are in production.

Raj Malhotra

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Aug 13, 2009
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In production by 2030 WoW
that would be optimistic time line.

on different note, why can’t DRDO simply use turboprop engines on tapas ? Weight is similar to piston engines being currently used in Tapas. While extra power of turboprop engines would give adequate lift for additional required fuel. Tapas already has adequate internal volume for extra fuel required for turbo prop engines.

