DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


New Member
Jan 22, 2016
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It’s definitely an older generation one. Any Idea how the newest version would have performed
Goes to show just how hard it is to manufacture a Turbofan.

SCB is probably the pinnacle of Metallurgy in all its glory.

Only handful countries around the world have the IP for this feat.

General Electric(USA)
Pratt and Whittney(USA)
Rolls Royles(UK)

Ever wondered why the Chinese who can reverse engineer entire tanks, ships and Guns can't reverse enginner a turbofan?

It's because they simply can't!

U can't make a turbofan without understanding the complexity behind it.

U have to study the heat distrubution patterns of each and every component of the turbofan under different temperature and pressures.

Everything that u have studied since class 1 i.e. Differnetiaion, Integration, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, bernoulli equation, newtonian physics, molecular chemistry, bessels formula, heat equation, metallurgy, electroplating, Neuman condition, boundary effect, casting, forging, structural analysis etc etc is put to the test here.

U can't build it unless u understand every single atom that makes it.

Yes u have to reinvent the wheel.

When Chinese make tech they just copy study the Metallurgy and make exact replica of the same component. Often the replica isnt upto the mark and the component when put into use under performs.

It's the same things as buying Adidas and Abibas.

Can u cook the same kind of food as your mother which she has mastered over yeras and u just started.
Of course u can cook it but it won't be the same taste.

Turbofan is probably the most costly machine in the world, no one is gonna give it to u for free.

Turbofan (4 to 10 M $)
MRI machine (1.5 to 5 M $)
Tunnel Bore (5 to 15 M $)

I consider Turbofan tech on the same priority level as that of a SSBN.
Forgetting the great Ruski


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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That guy is a noob, a good presenter, not a bad presenter in any way but a noob never the less. I mean who shoots the side with a .44 mag extreme penetrator round from literally point-blank range and expects the helmet to hold??!! Wish he could get his hands on a Patka, that'd be really cool.

Aaj ka hero

Has left
Oct 8, 2018
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It seems varunastra torpedo has been exported .

Came across a version of the same named as varunastra-XP

same XP designation was used in LWT export version

Either Vietnam or Myanmar my guess
Yes, there was news of torpedo sell to Myanmar.


New Member
Apr 8, 2016
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I think this is for knocking out pakistanis bunkers for terrorists in mountains.
Why use a machete to chop vegetables ?

Spare a thought for the use of the word " strategic "

It implies targets of highest importance which implies heavy protected underground complexes used to hide WMDs.

Google for porky WMD sites they are deeply buried complexes with NATO standard protection like triple layered overhead physical defences at ingress and egress points.

It is no joke to defeat them


New Member
Apr 8, 2016
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So this potentially could be underslug like Brahmos with SU-30?

If so, it can hold atleast 2000 kg of explosives.
Most of the weight will be of the casing

Deep earth penetrators are made of super hardened materials , the explosives are at the rear for protection against damage during penetration through re enforced concrete with embedded steel rods , reactive explosive embedded steel plates, granite rock layers etc.

Possibility of using small sized nukes is also high given the priority of destroying a underground WMD complex. Conventional explosives effects will be very much localised at site of penetration.

south block

up your a**
New Member
Feb 1, 2016
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Most of the weight will be of the casing

Deep earth penetrators are made of super hardened materials , the explosives are at the rear for protection against damage during penetration through re enforced concrete with embedded steel rods , reactive explosive embedded steel plates, granite rock layers etc.

Possibility of using small sized nukes is also high given the priority of destroying a underground WMD complex. Conventional explosives effects will be very much localised at site of penetration.
You will need a specially designed nuke to bust modern C&C --- just look at Indian C&C for e.g on Google earth ---- most are more than 14 floor deep according to @sayareakd --- I am sure most were designed thinking of bunker busting nuke in mind & are well protected against CBRN attacks.
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New Member
Apr 8, 2016
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You will need a specially designed nuke to bust modern C&C --- just look at Indian C&C for e.g on Google earth ---- most are more than 14 floor deep according to @sayareakd --- I am sure most were designed thinking of bunker busting nuke in mind & our well protected against CBRN attacks.
I will beg to differ regarding the specifically designed nuke.

Nukes have omni directional blast effect .
Cannot make the blast effect directional as in with directional shape charged conventional explosives , where blast can be concentrated at the point of choosing.

What is needed to defeat deep underground complexes is technologies where

1. The vector has the characteristics and power to penetrate deep inside the earth without damaging itself or loosing it's penetration capabilities in the process.

2. The payload of the vector has necessary protection and resilience against damage during impact and subsequent penetration through hardened defences both natural and man-made. Incase of nukes , the design must have protection and safety features to ensure nukes assembly is kept safe and in working condition and no premature detonation takes place due to heavy impact and shocks.

3. Sensors for the vector which can survive impact and penetration rigours while have the sophistication to sense " void " . Void sensing fuzes are required for deep earth penetrators so that the payload is activated inside the underground caverns / complexes for maximum and self propagating damage.

The best defence for WMD sites is secrecy of location. Once the location is found , it loses half it's defence and becomes vulnerable to defeat. Because enemy will employ all its assets to find its weaknesses during peacetime.


New Member
Jul 15, 2018
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DRDO Laser Ordnance Disposal System (LORDS) -1000 . Can use to Remote disposal of UXO Soft/thin cased IEDS, Grenade Shells, Hand grenade, plastic cased mine. All subsystems are integrated on to the TATA LSV vehicle for transportation.


south block

up your a**
New Member
Feb 1, 2016
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I will beg to differ regarding the specifically designed nuke.

Nukes have omni directional blast effect .
Cannot make the blast effect directional as in with directional shape charged conventional explosives , where blast can be concentrated at the point of choosing.

What is needed to defeat deep underground complexes is technologies where

1. The vector has the characteristics and power to penetrate deep inside the earth without damaging itself or loosing it's penetration capabilities in the process.

2. The payload of the vector has necessary protection and resilience against damage during impact and subsequent penetration through hardened defences both natural and man-made. Incase of nukes , the design must have protection and safety features to ensure nukes assembly is kept safe and in working condition and no premature detonation takes place due to heavy impact and shocks.

3. Sensors for the vector which can survive impact and penetration rigours while have the sophistication to sense " void " . Void sensing fuzes are required for deep earth penetrators so that the payload is activated inside the underground caverns / complexes for maximum and self propagating damage.

The best defence for WMD sites is secrecy of location. Once the location is found , it loses half it's defence and becomes vulnerable to defeat. Because enemy will employ all its assets to find its weaknesses during peacetime.
Many facilities are more than 250 meter deep some up to 700 meters in certain rock formations & are specially designed to absorb pressure generated even by nuclear weapons penetrator --- no penetrator going that deep until you build something like this :biggrin2:

  • Many underground command, control, and communications (C3) complexes and missile tunnels are between 100 and 400 meters deep, with the majority less than 250 meters deep. A few are as deep as 500 meters or even 700 meters, in competent granite or limestone rock.

  • As identified by the Defense Intelligence Agency, there are about 10,000 HDBTs in the territory of potential U.S. adversaries worldwide.


New Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Many facilities are more than 250 meter deep some up to 700 meters in certain rock formations & are specially designed to absorb pressure generated even by nuclear weapons penetrator --- no penetrator going that deep until you build something like this :biggrin2:
View attachment 44182

Yeah that's correct

Point is you never target a HDBT at its strong points . You target it's weaknesses like blast doors , entryways , ingress / egress tunnels for personnel , maintenance and supply , air ducts , ventilation points , escalators vents , support systems like cooling system , ventilation system , power supply points etc etc.

Thats why intelligence driven ops are carried out to identify vulnerabilities in HDBTs .

You primarily use aerial assets or space based assets for that including HUMINT .

Topography , terrain analysis , geological analysis , stratigraphy analysis are the tools that help to find points of vulnerability where correct application of force can lead to over pressure in adjoining areas leading to cave in and collapse of underground caverns.

Military victory is not all about target kill , it involves mission kill too.

If I can render a HDBT like a WMD storage location inoperable by destroying it's exits points , then no WMD will be deployable from that location and thus render it useless.

It is interesting that India is researching diamond-SiC . Their only utility is very high deformation resistance coupled with very high hardness.

Only single crystal diamonds are known to outperform them in the same .

Even at high hypersonic impact , the diamond-SiC will not deform beyond acceptable level necessary for penetration through very thick basalt rock layers.

Anyways American Thor orbital bombardment system with KE penetrators is a good idea but thing is it will wipe out everything like cities etc in proximity to the underground target through high seismic upheavals.
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New Member
Jul 15, 2018
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L&T Torpedo Launch Complex for Underwater Platforms.

The Torpedo Launch Complex is designed to launch Heavy Weight Torpedoes from submarines and other underwater platforms, in both push-out and swim-out mode. The Torpedo Launch Complex comprises of:

Torpedo Tubes.
A quick Loading Gear assembly.
Torpedo Tube Preparation System.

south block

up your a**
New Member
Feb 1, 2016
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Anyways American Thor orbital bombardment system with KE penetrators is a good idea but thing is it will wipe out everything like cities etc in proximity to the underground target through high seismic upheavals.
movies exaggerate a lot though ---- 2003 Air Force report above, a 6.1 m × 0.3 m tungsten cylinder impacting at Mach 10 has a kinetic energy equivalent to approximately 11.5 tons of TNT or 7.2 tons of dynamite.

Global Defence

