DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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And we blew some 3000 crores to build statue of unity.
Its things like this which sometimes make the leftists look sensible.

What sort of emergency procurement?
What could be more important than building credible troop transportation system.
Look I'm not mad they shelved the project.
I'll be mad if they buy some foreign maal instead of Indigenous option.
Sirji, this is battle management system. It’s a software, along with hardware.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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And we blew some 3000 crores to build statue of unity.
Its things like this which sometimes make the leftists look sensible.
That statue is generating revenue from tourism and payback more than what was invested why berate it. A nation needs it's symbols .

Nothing about leftist policy is sensible. UPA era crippled our military this govt has done 10 times more than UPA already .


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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View attachment 41895

Compact co-axial bicopter drone (which means having two propellers rotating clock and anti-clockwise about a common axis)

Abhilekh Mukherjee is the inventor , unfortunately he got no help from govt agencies inspite of appeals for funding.

This drone has great potential and application

This is the problem in India , if anybody does anything out of ordinary , path breaking and revolutionary , they are shunned because it is deemed as a risk , a aberration from status quo.
Stupid rigid mindset , always wanting to take safe path .

Do you think same would happen in Japan USA china ?
Tejas's F404-IN20 is the highest rated version of that engine, kinda like EPE... With the size of order we are to place they could come up with a enhanced 105kN version atleast.

Ours K-10 was supposed be 110kN class, maybe 115kN at best. Why are people saying 120kN? Did I miss some piece of news?
F404 is at max already no program to improve it.
EPE is only for f414.

There is no fixed thrust limit. What iaf wants is 110kn thrust atleast in all conditions that means the new engine will have to be higher rated so that even at hot and high thrust doesn't degrade below 110kn. Indian conditions are brutal for thrust.

Oops misquoted @porky_kicker .


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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View attachment 41895

Compact co-axial bicopter drone (which means having two propellers rotating clock and anti-clockwise about a common axis)

Abhilekh Mukherjee is the inventor , unfortunately he got no help from govt agencies inspite of appeals for funding.

This drone has great potential and application

This is the problem in India , if anybody does anything out of ordinary , path breaking and revolutionary , they are shunned because it is deemed as a risk , a aberration from status quo.
Stupid rigid mindset , always wanting to take safe path .

Do you think same would happen in Japan USA china ?
The chap has to make a demonstration video, most people cannot visualise in 3D.

And potential end user applications have to be shown in a visual format.

No point blaming India, people have to be creative. It is what it is.


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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The chap has to make a demonstration video, most people cannot visualise in 3D.

And potential end user applications have to be shown in a visual format.

No point blaming India, people have to be creative. It is what it is.

Seriously bro ?

What makes you think he didn't do all that ?

He has a patent for it , one rarely gets patent for drones.

Those who are incharge of promoting new tech at various govt levels , the onus is on them , they guy contacted almost everybody .

Now he has decided to take the route of crowd sourcing.

Tonbo imaging was not even given an audience in india and the irony was then they were working for darpa.

When half educated people with degrees and undeserving people with degrees through reservation rule the roost they will never have the competence to recognise innovation because they never had to sweat it out. What we sow is what we reap. The blame is on India , when idiots went about correcting historical aberrations the fools ended by repeating the same mistakes on a even grandiose scale , only difference is the paint of misplaced morality.
Wrong is wrong, what happened hundreds years back or what is happening now since last 70 years.
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Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Seriously bro ?

What makes you think he didn't do all that ?

He has a patent for it , one rarely gets patent for drones.

Those who are incharge of promoting new tech at various govt levels , the onus is on them , they guy contacted almost everybody .

Now he has decided to take the route of crowd sourcing.

Tonbo imaging was not even given an audience in india and the irony was then they were working for darpa.

When half educated people with degrees and undeserving people with degrees through reservation rule the roost they will never have the competence to recognise innovation because they never had to sweat it out. What we sow is what we reap. The blame is on India , when idiots went about correcting historical aberrations the fools ended by repeating the same mistakes on a even grandiose scale , only difference is the paint of misplaced morality.
Wrong is wrong, what happened hundreds years back or what is happening now since last 70 years.
No point blaming the past, only the future can be changed.

Please share any demo videos if possible.


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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View attachment 41913
@porky_kicker Any info on this
Why drdo chooses Israel ....iSky-50HD
Specifically no

Anyways they won the tender issued drdo itself based on competitive trials and pricing

There are something's which i don't want to say but i will make an exception this time

Most of EO systems by drdo or public sector or private sector companies are derivatives or based on foreign systems via jv or tot etc. We don't have our own IPR. Don't want to spend huge sums of money on r&d yet expect to produce high tech systems ? Is it that easy.

There are some very rare exceptions though like tonbo imagings .

However companies like tonbo loose the tenders because their products are more expensive due to lack of economics of scale which foreign companies have the advantage of.

India should change the lowest bidder system and give leeway to indian companies who develop original products, interms of cost over foreign companies by a buffer margin of maximum 20% cost overhead.

Otherwise we will keep shooting out legs as always.

If i want to put it harshly
It is basically a scam by both private and public companies since they are basically relabelling foreign products . But genuine india companies developing own products get lost in the the quagmire this mess by so called public and private companies.

Do you know all bolometers are imported . It is the critical component of all EO systems
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south block

up your a**
Regular Member
Feb 1, 2016
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Specifically no

Anyways they won the tender issued drdo itself based on competitive trials and pricing

There are something's which i don't want to say but i will make an exception this time

Most of EO systems by drdo or public sector or private sector companies are derivatives or based on foreign systems via jv or tot etc. We don't have our own IPR. Don't want to spend huge sums of money on r&d yet expect to produce high tech systems ? Is it that easy.

There are some very rare exceptions though like tonbo imagings .

However companies like tonbo loose the tenders because their products are more expensive due to lack of economics of scale which foreign companies have the advantage of.

India should change the lowest bidder system and give leeway to indian companies who develop original products, interms of cost over foreign companies by a buffer margin of maximum 20% cost overhead.

Otherwise we will keep shooting out legs as always.

If i want to put it harshly
It is basically a scam by both private and public companies since they are basically relabelling foreign products . But genuine india companies developing own products get lost in the the quagmire this mess by so called public and private companies.

Do you know all bolometers are imported . It is the critical component of all EO systems
Tonbo technology is not Indian but is from Sarnoff & it's 3 board members are foreigners ----- where do you get that it's tech is Indian ?

south block

up your a**
Regular Member
Feb 1, 2016
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If anybody has any doubts
Well my best answer is to ask you to go ask Arvind Lakshmikumar the man himself.

Or read his interview

From your link
After a short stint at Honeywell, Lakshmikumar was back then heading technology and operations at the Indian arm of the US-based Sarnoff Corporation, which specialised in vision, video and semiconductor technology innovations
In his stint in the US, he was the director for a number of international military programmes (DARPA, US Army, NSF and DRDO) and lead subcontractor on multiple next-generation military programmes
This is why Lakshmikumar and his team decided to set up Tonbo Imaging after completing a management buyout of the Indian arm of Sarnoff Corporation, which in turn decided to divest its Indian operations in 2008, giving Tonbo everything except its products, which were protected by IP restrictions.
It smell more & more like CIA -- DIA deep s**t :dude:


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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where do you get that it's tech is Indian ?
The above post of yours gets contradicted by the next post of yours which was the crux of the whole discussion.

From your link

This is why Lakshmikumar and his team decided to set up Tonbo Imaging after completing a management buyout of the Indian arm of Sarnoff Corporation, which in turn decided to divest its Indian operations in 2008, giving Tonbo everything except its products, which were protected by IP restrictions.
It smell more & more like CIA -- DIA deep s**t :dude:
So i guess matter closed regarding whether tonbo tech is indian or not .

Lol CIA don't need to waste their time when they can buy politicians , scientists , generals , bureaucrats etc.

Irony is somebody can call me a cia spy or conversely somebody can call you a cia spy. Lol


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Thrusters for separation, maneuvering , course correction RV?..........

The missile is firing it's thrusters on the nose section while it has still not left the launcher so the above reasons are not valid
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