DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


Designated Cynic
New Member
Jul 12, 2014
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Yes your original statement talks about domestic alternatives, ARDE MCIWS or OFB Guns were domestic alternatives. nowhere you mentioned that by domestic alternatives you only meant private domestic alternatives. Sure along with ARDE, et al other private players could have been tasked for the same. I am just trying to say, things dont seem as chocolaty as we want to believe. Why I have Train 18 as an example, because this was one project pushed at PM level and hailed as Make in India center piece. How it was sabotaged and curiously tenders floated to Global Vendors to "improve" train 18 by railway ministry - is something to wonder and reminds me of such sagas in defence too (Arjun - t 90 anyone?)
Thanks for your inputs.
Let’s see what others have to say..


Defense lover
New Member
Aug 23, 2017
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View attachment 41872

Now this is interesting if true

MWF getting F414EPE engine ie 118-120KN thrust
F414 epe is not tested yet....
F18 has not got yet.....
If mwf gets f414 epe...then it will. Be delayed....
Again if f414epe...is ready. .then why drdo is developing amca mk1 with a lower thrust Engine..


New Member
Apr 8, 2016
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F414 epe is not tested yet....
F18 has not got yet.....
If mwf gets f414 epe...then it will. Be delayed....
Again if f414epe...is ready. .then why drdo is developing amca mk1 with a lower thrust Engine..
No idea , the pic if true mwf will have the efe , if false then no efe.

As for amca wait for next aeroindia for concrete info


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Can the good people of DFI help me test this theory?

Supporting and opposing views welcome.

Theory: Purchase of foreign equipment or munitions are not being allowed to go ahead unless there is a domestic alternative in the same category, since 2015.

There maybe a few exceptions like chinook, but it’s not a rule.
Our defence procurement decisions are too complex to be bound by a theory. There is dangerous combinations of domestic capacity Vs foreign interests. Developing products Vs mature off the shelf solutions. Private Vs PSU qualifications . Operational necessity Vs strategic independence. Two front war Vs cold start type punishment to Pakistan.

So many more conflicts are inbuilt. But overall intent of this govt is to chose indigenous over foreign that is visible from new service chiefs and their more supportive statements for indigenous equipment which is a stark difference from past.

Also the domestic capabilities have grown multifold over previous decade ( including in private sector ) and with new generation of confidant young Indians in charge is shifted the balance. Examples are how DRDO was adamant on mpatgm and how hal brought up htt40 despite all opposition. Similarly LCA has spanned LCA mk1a/ mwf amca and now tedbf/ orca.

We are pretty sure of what we want now that's why we walked out of pakfa we are confident we can do better ! This increasing confidence is reflecting itself at policy level to some extent . Previous govt wouldn't have courage to walk out of something as hyped and important as fgfa. This one did.

It seems we are finally breaking the chains of colonial mentality and inferiority complex at all levels including institutional and policy level.

That's my two cents. I went off topic probably but couldn't resist .


Laughing member
New Member
Nov 23, 2017
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F414 epe is not funded by us navy as of now. So mwf will rely on 98 KN version .

But since we are going to build 200 of them later batches could see f414 epe is developed by then or our own indigenous 120KN engine.
Tejas's F404-IN20 is the highest rated version of that engine, kinda like EPE... With the size of order we are to place they could come up with a enhanced 105kN version atleast.

Ours K-10 was supposed be 110kN class, maybe 115kN at best. Why are people saying 120kN? Did I miss some piece of news?

