DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Common misconception

Time of arrival is of utmost importance in real life target engagement

Lofted trajectory alerts enemies , prone to detection and importantly classification as a nuclear strike

Lofted trajectory complicates MIRV dispersal.


A3 is for both .
That's why you use smaller range missile for nearer target. That's why we still keep agni 1 version.

If we are using longer range missile for shorter distance then I don't see much leeway. A3 can hit Pakistan from 3000-3500km surely we'll rather use k4 then from bay of bengal from appreciate distance if we don't want lofted trajectory. That will be more prudent.


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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That's why you use smaller range missile for nearer target. That's why we still keep agni 1 version.

If we are using longer range missile for shorter distance then I don't see much leeway. A3 can hit Pakistan from 3000-3500km surely we'll rather use k4 then from bay of bengal from appreciate distance if we don't want lofted trajectory. That will be more prudent.
Are baba you think life is a bed of roses , it will go exactly as planned ?

Porkies are zombies or something ?

Those in charge or security do not have the luxury to say that ok we will use short range missile on porkies and will not fire long range missile at them.

What happens if our shorter range missiles get taken out

Are you so naive not to understand that war gaming is done explicitly on the basis of probability . Those who do so are cold calculting and pragmatic man , not jignoistic people.

They even factor in complete annihilation of India.

That might be unthinkable for you
Not for them .

I once read a doc on it . Full of mathematics , matrixes . Tried reading between lines , what i remember is every possibility being factored was a equally likely event . Rest didn't have the mathematical background to understand.
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Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Are baba you think life is a bed of roses , it will go exactly as planned ?

Porkies are zombies or something ?

Those in charge or security do not have the luxury to say that ok we will use short range missile on porkies and will not fire long range missile at them.

What happens if our shorter range missiles get taken out

Are you so naive not to understand that war gaming is done explicitly on the basis of probability . Those who do so are cold calculting and pragmatic man , not jignoistic people.
Are Bhai that's why we are developing k4 and whole ssbn system so that our second strike is guaranteed even if we are under a massive attack from enemy. Our policy makers are two step ahead already.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
Those who do so are cold calculting and pragmatic man , not jignoistic people.
My nigga not dissing u or anything but if they are so cold and calculative then why do they lobby for foreign equipment.
What part of the armed forces is corrupt and rotten?


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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Are Bhai that's why we are developing k4 and whole ssbn system so that our second strike is guaranteed even if we are under a massive attack from enemy. Our policy makers are two step ahead already.
In the meantime who is guaranting against the possibility of attack ?

In deployment A3 or underdevelopment K4 ?

Seriously let's not be porkies talking about guarantees. In this world nobody can guarantee anything.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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In the meantime who is guaranting against the possibility of attack ?

In deployment A3 or underdevelopment K4 ?

Seriously let's not be porkies talking about guarantees. In this world nobody can guarantee anything.
You are right there are no guarantees in the end.
Meanwhile in present we have pritvi Agni 1.2 .3.4.5 all deployed with k15 deployed too. Then there is nuke bombs from mirage /su30 and jaguar. Also bramhos too is nuke capable , wonder why they kept first bramhos equipped squadron in South India!

All of them with rail/road mobile launchers and multiple decoys so they could be anywhere who knows.

As for Pakistan it doesn't have any missile defence system so what does it matter how missiles land on it. Also at present Pakistan doesn't have enough warheads or even fissile material to destroy India. .

But yes no guarantees.


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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My nigga not dissing u or anything but if they are so cold and calculative then why do they lobby for foreign equipment.
What part of the armed forces is corrupt and rotten?
Overall Indian security decision , policy formulation etc making apparatus kya sabgi ka bazar hai ?

Ki har koi kisi ko janta hai , har koi kon kya karta hai pata hai .

Compartmentalization is one of the requisition to enforce secrecy and security .

Those who do all these war gaming are different set of people with different skill sets they are the creme de elite , who don't have anything to do with mundane tasks like making procurement policies or decision . Except for very very few nobody knows their identity.
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Senior Member
Apr 8, 2016
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I have a question

Say a missile (with 2 solid stages) is positioned in Hyderabad which say has the range to hit Beijing. It was initially feed with the coordinates to hit Beijing.

Later it was decided it was time to kill porkies . So coordinates of Lahore was feed.

And then fired

Lahore is less than half the distance to Beijing . And the missile has necessary fuel and therefore range to hit Beijing.

So the missile with 2 stage solid fuel which has just enough fuel to hit Beijing is now launched at Lahore.

Say 1st stage is used up to reach over Rajasthan , again say only 20% solid fuel of 2nd stage is used to reach over lahore.

What happens next ?

Remember once a solid fuel motor starts burning it doesn't stop untill it completely burns out .

And so won't the missile overshoot lahore since there is still 80% of solid fuel still left and thrust will continuously be produced till burnout ?

Again remember no separation of stages or payload is possible when the adjoining stage is producing thrust

How will this problem be overcomed in the missile ?

The answer to the above problem will probably be the answer to the below problem

View attachment 41928
The answer is thrust termination device .

Drdo took some time to perfect it

Solid fuel rocket motors cannot stop combustion ( producing thrust ) once started, they employ an alternative means to negate the thrust . This is done via thrust termination device included with advanced solid fuel rocket motors , which allows to negate the ongoing thrust being produced inorder to allow staging or separation of PBV to occur safely and importantly control range and corresponding trajectory . More more details try Google.

And IMO those vents in Agni 3 releasing smoke during launch are probably connected to thrust termination devices, the moment when the pyro devices are set off.


It the target is within the reach of 1st stage of A3 , the 2nd stage is made redundant by firing the thrust termination devices on 2nd stage during launch , hence IMO the smoke coming out of the vents adjacent to the 2nd stage .

When the first stage burns out and gets separated during flight , the 2nd stage fires as standard operating procedure but since the thrust termination devices have already being activated the combustion of solid fuel starts but does not produce thrust since the gases produced during combustion starts escaping via the thrust termination vents , thus producing reverse or retro thrust , which allows for safer seperation of unneeded 2nd stage from PBV. All these happens in a matter of few seconds. Thus missile can fly in a lower controlled trajectory or conversely trajectory can be controlled as per requirements of range . This is an advanced and complicated flight control system mastered by very few countries. Implications of same for developing SLBMs are huge. Remember rumours of Agni 3 being used to test SLBM technologies.

Google to understand , without knowledge of thrust termination device and vent , difficult to comprehend what i wrote.

As usual use your own discretion , i cannot guarantee i am correct IMO.
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fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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The answer is thrust termination device .

Drdo took some time to perfect it

Solid fuel rocket motors cannot stop combustion ( producing thrust ) once started, they employ an alternative means to negate the thrust . This is done via thrust termination device included with advanced solid fuel rocket motors , which allows to negate the ongoing thrust being produced inorder to allow staging or separation of PBV to occur safely and importantly control range and corresponding trajectory . More more details try Google.

And IMO those vents in Agni 3 releasing smoke during launch are probably connected to thrust termination devices, the moment when the pyro devices are set off.


It the target is within the reach of 1st stage of A3 , the 2nd stage is made redundant by firing the thrust termination devices on 2nd stage during launch , hence IMO the smoke coming out of the vents adjacent to the 2nd stage .

When the first stage burns out and gets separated during flight , the 2nd stage fires as standard operating procedure but since the thrust termination devices have already being activated the combustion of solid fuel starts but does not produce thrust since the gases produced during combustion starts escaping via the thrust termination vents , thus producing reverse or retro thrust , which allows for safer seperation of unneeded 2nd stage from PBV. All these happens in a matter of few seconds. Thus missile can fly in a lower controlled trajectory or conversely trajectory can be controlled as per requirements of range . This is an advanced and complicated flight control system mastered by very few countries. Implications of same for developing SLBMs are huge. Remember rumours of Agni 3 being used to test SLBM technologies.

Google to understand , without knowledge of thrust termination device and vent , difficult to comprehend what i wrote.

As usual use your own discretion , i cannot guarantee i am correct IMO.
so agni 3 is the most sophisticated and critical among agni series.

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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The answer is thrust termination device .

Drdo took some time to perfect it

Solid fuel rocket motors cannot stop combustion ( producing thrust ) once started, they employ an alternative means to negate the thrust . This is done via thrust termination device included with advanced solid fuel rocket motors , which allows to negate the ongoing thrust being produced inorder to allow staging or separation of PBV to occur safely and importantly control range and corresponding trajectory . More more details try Google.

And IMO those vents in Agni 3 releasing smoke during launch are probably connected to thrust termination devices, the moment when the pyro devices are set off.


It the target is within the reach of 1st stage of A3 , the 2nd stage is made redundant by firing the thrust termination devices on 2nd stage during launch , hence IMO the smoke coming out of the vents adjacent to the 2nd stage .

When the first stage burns out and gets separated during flight , the 2nd stage fires as standard operating procedure but since the thrust termination devices have already being activated the combustion of solid fuel starts but does not produce thrust since the gases produced during combustion starts escaping via the thrust termination vents , thus producing reverse or retro thrust , which allows for safer seperation of unneeded 2nd stage from PBV. All these happens in a matter of few seconds. Thus missile can fly in a lower controlled trajectory or conversely trajectory can be controlled as per requirements of range . This is an advanced and complicated flight control system mastered by very few countries. Implications of same for developing SLBMs are huge. Remember rumours of Agni 3 being used to test SLBM technologies.

Google to understand , without knowledge of thrust termination device and vent , difficult to comprehend what i wrote.

As usual use your own discretion , i cannot guarantee i am correct IMO.
is k4 mirv capable. ..................

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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Hey @Kuntal willing to model K4 ?

It will surely grab headlines but i am kind of afraid we could get into trouble.

We could do for private distribution and put a disclaimer that the design concept is imaginery lol
we don't even have exact pictures. in test video also firing of 1st stage has been removed. what they are trying to hide??.also why k4 exhaust nozzles are different??

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