DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


New Member
Jul 8, 2011
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true right now they are dragging 16 missile 16 vls cells in ins rana but hopefully it house 32-48 for destroyer sized ship
regarding uvls brahmos itself is 8.4 frekkin meter long compared ti it vl-srsam is not even 4 m even its diameter is 180mm compared to brahmos's 670mm
Exactly, although, it's the diameter that is the more important factor here, rather than the length. I mean, really, why don't we just use the Brahmos cells as our UVLS and call it a day?? They are already larger than the Mk41 VLS systems onboard NATO ships, right??


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Ok boys here's the good news & the bad news. The good news is that it's the newly coined term for bad news. Why ? Good question . Coz what's bad news now was termed worse news yesterday.

MII gets priority as the GoI will not be inclined for any controversial procurement. What does that mean ? Read on ...

You can kiss MRFA , Project 75(I) & all other competitive tender based procurement good bye for the duration of this government . This means the Predator & GE 414 TF deal goes thru if the US doesn't jam it from their end as this is a G2G contract.

This also may include ATHOS which is essential coz ATAGS isn't coming in numbers as the IA deems it overweight & the Bharat -52 isn't battle tested according to the same IA which means our artillery modernisation plan is in jeopardy which in turn puts our war preparations against China in jeopardy too.

It gets worse. Since the Modi government is not in the pink of health seat wise speaking , they'd be opening up their purse strings for more freebies. Which means they'd be opening up the draw strings of the armed forces to phuck them in terms of CAPEX.

I'd update more good & bad news as I recall further planned procurements.

Now let the breast beating commence in right earnest. At least a dozen pages ought to be filled by the day end .

Shuru ho jao....


New Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Ok boys here's the good news & the bad news. The good news is that it's the newly coined term for bad news. Why ? Good question . Coz what's bad news now was termed worse news yesterday.

MII gets priority as the GoI will not be inclined for any controversial procurement. What does that mean ? Read on ...

You can kiss MRFA , Project 75(I) & all other competitive tender based procurement good bye for the duration of this government . This means the Predator & GE 414 TF deal goes thru if the US doesn't jam it from their end as this is a G2G contract.

This also may include ATHOS which is essential coz ATAGS isn't coming in numbers as the IA deems it overweight & the Bharat -52 isn't battle tested according to the same IA which means our artillery modernisation plan is in jeopardy which in turn puts our war preparations against China in jeopardy too.

It gets worse. Since the Modi government is not in the pink of health seat wise speaking , they'd be opening up their purse strings for more freebies. Which means they'd be opening up the draw strings of the armed forces to phuck them in terms of CAPEX.

I'd update more good & bad news as I recall further planned procurements.

Now let the breast beating commence in right earnest. At least a dozen pages ought to be filled by the day end .

Shuru ho jao....
Man-boobs you mean. 🤣🤣

Satish Sharma

New Member
Dec 3, 2023
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Do missiles make such loud sounds?
I had seen a video of amraam chasing a Russian cruise missile to intercept. This missile do make loud sonic boom. But only in vicinity of few km. So a2a missiles could be fired from su30 just above coast. This was just a scenario
astra mk3 most probably
talking about tests its very unlikely it's a2a missiles. They won't put a 420km notam for that.
It is most likely a rudram 2 or rudram 3.
Mate every test isn't astra mk3.
I know you lurk for SFDR astra mk3 me too.
Cant wait for it. It will achieve superiority over both of our adversaries. And as far as I know they're will be nothing which would come close to this missile..


New Member
Feb 12, 2024
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talking about tests its very unlikely it's a2a missiles. They won't put a 420km notam for that.
It is most likely a rudram 2 or rudram 3.
Mate every test isn't astra mk3.
I know you lurk for SFDR astra mk3 me too.
Cant wait for it. It will achieve superiority over both of our adversaries. And as far as I know they're will be nothing which would come close to this missile..
i miscalculated the notam wait for that 350km notam :)

