DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


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Sep 27, 2022
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I feel like IN will put VL-SRSAM only on the second class ships like Talwar class, Delhi class, Kamorta class. The first class like Kolkata class, Nilgiri class will only operate MRSAM.

There is a high chance that we might not see both of them together on one ship.

Here, class doesn't mean superior or something like that.


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Question should be asked to IA that why they are not mentioning the required minimum range. Is that not a factor?
Was DRDO conveyed that 40~km range or even 35km would've been fine for IA.

Had the ATAGS weight been less than 15T but range slightly less than ATHOS , imbeciles would've put up a minimum range requirement in RFI instead of Weight,

and then you and I would've been discussing about "where is the weight requirement written🤡"
Now see, there lies our basic problem. Instead of looking deep, we always look at superficial facts. I've already mentioned this before, let me rewind it again.

After the 130 mm, Bofors was the first 155 mm gun we are using. It's of 39 cal. We are well versed with its range and it's capability. After Kargil when we started FARP program, IA opted to move to 52 cal. We had no prior experience of 52 cal. Testing started from 2003 onwards and in 2011 ATHOS got preference. Now what is the range of ATHOS? More then 40 km. IA's minimum range requirement was always clear. They wanted the minimum range to be more then existing Bofors. Now while you are testing a particular system, how on earth you expect user to come up with a range estimation?

IA never put the maximum range requirement of 50 km. They have only quoted that the range should be more then existing Bofors range.

Arihant Roy

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Jan 25, 2018
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This could very well be the composition of an Army Pralay missile group .


FfZ6SCyXwAIjHJO (1).jpeg

But the ML in pics are Prahaar launchers with each launcher carrying 6 missiles for a total of 96 missiles in each group.

In case of Pralay, it will be 32 missiles ready to fire in each group plus reloads.


New Member
Feb 17, 2019
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Pralay Launch vehicle had how many missiles?
It would be a waste if they go with 1 missile per launch vehicle instead of 2.

Corvus Splendens

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Dec 8, 2021
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All that in the middle of an economic crisis,

Meanwhile CCS need 6-8 months just to approve the AMCA project.

PAK will get their first Sq. operational before we get our first flight.
Because the gov's attitude towards almost all arms acquisitions are fueled by solely political motivation. They don't want to fight wars, they want to focus all their mental capacity on reelections and geopolitik balancing. That's why Amethi based AK-203 factory sham hasn't been scrapped and was signed in the first place. Could indigenize multiple systems but won't because what would JV partner say. AMCA funding is the least of this gov's agenda. I mean what sane bunch orders Fleet Supply Ships from Turkey in the current political climate, and authorizes acquisition of 3 different assault rifle calibers for the military. Won't take risks, won't invest money on anything unless a foreign partner is involved with the "promise" of ToT. AMCA should've been in prototype stage already and Tejas Mk2 should've been flying for 2 years now.


New Member
Jan 25, 2016
Because the gov's attitude towards almost all arms acquisitions are fueled by solely political motivation. They don't want to fight wars, they want to focus all their mental capacity on reelections and geopolitik balancing. That's why Amethi based AK-203 factory sham hasn't been scrapped and was signed in the first place. Could indigenize multiple systems but won't because what would JV partner say. AMCA funding is the least of this gov's agenda. I mean what sane bunch orders Fleet Supply Ships from Turkey in the current political climate, and authorizes acquisition of 3 different assault rifle calibers for the military. Won't take risks, won't invest money on anything unless a foreign partner is involved with the "promise" of ToT. AMCA should've been in prototype stage already and Tejas Mk2 should've been flying for 2 years now.
At the end of day it all comes to circus that is electrol democracy. We are in perpetual cycle of inward jumlebazi, ignoranance, incompetent leadership,at same time ignorant about dangers from outside with no concrete steps to address this problem. Considering we are sandwich between two nuclear armed countries threatening our existence ,occupying our land hoping some kind of sane policy will take hold but no it’s all same every time.

