DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News

no smoking

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Aug 14, 2009
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DF21 is HGV, it doesn't use Scramjet,it glides over upper atmosphere,it's unpowered during terminal flight & hence require precise mid-course updates to hit a moving target.
DF21 is NOT a HGV but a traditional ballistic missile with MRV for the terminal stage.

What I'm trying to say is a new Mizzile with Agni-P as a booster + Scramjet powered Hypersonic Cruise Vehicle as a terminal stage. This Hypersonic cruise vehicle will be powered and hence can easily hit a moving target when compared to a unpowered Glide Vehicle like DF-21. So, it will be more precise.
Any middle range missile's RV at its terminal stage has plenty of kinetic energy for maneuvering as it has around 8-10 Mach speed at this moment. So, it doesn't need much additional power except posture adjustment. In this stage, hypersonic CV doesn't have much advantage.

The advantage of HCV is in the middle stage by changing the trajectory to avoid enemy's air defense system and minimize enemy's pre-warning time.

