DRDO, PSU and Private Defence Sector News


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Mk2 is missing from this exhaustive list 😰

From the Sep-Oct issue of aeromag-
View attachment 126713

But no mention of Mk2 in CAS' interview in aeromag Nov-Dec issue. Infact, it is being omitted in the question itself!

View attachment 126714

Disturbing. Looks like ADA is pushing full steam ahead with Mk2, while IAF is trying to push back against it.
Well, fuck the IAF leadership.

RMO should back the ADA and repeal the 114 render midway (give it some runway to accelerate, to keep the arms lobbies busy). Mk2 will be a fierce platform that would have the best of what a 4.5+ gen fighter can offer; as good as some of the fighters bidding for the MRFA tender.

Even if we look at the timelines, it will take 3 years to deliver the first squadrons + 1 year tender time minimum. HAL claims that it can easily deliver Mk2s in the same time frame.

My prayer goes in support of Tejas Mk2.

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
Senior Member
Nov 9, 2021
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Can we send some of these to Armenia? The fight there is not over yet and there's a chance that things might flare up more there given the continued political hostilities between the two countries. Also that anti-drone system that DRDO built.

View attachment 126762
We had already provided Armenia with a couple of Swathi Weapon Locating Radar. Around 4 such Radars were given to Armenia.

(Picture of a Swathi Radar)
So in my opinion, we should definitely provide Armenia with more Weopons. Armenia needs help. And anyways, what will you do by sending DRDO Anti Drone System over there? To fight what?

Aditya Ballal

Senior Member
Dec 16, 2020
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We had already provided Armenia with a couple of Swathi Weapon Locating Radar. Around 4 such Radars were given to Armenia.View attachment 126763
(Picture of a Swathi Radar)
So in my opinion, we should definitely provide Armenia with more Weopons. Armenia needs help. And anyways, what will you do by sending DRDO Anti Drone System over there? To fight what?

Swathi WLRs role is to detect enemy artillery & mortars, armoured vehicles and large formations of men.
As of now that DRDO-BEL Anti Drone system is more along the lines of dealing with destroying/intercepting smaller drones like quad to octo copters. Unlike the threats Armenia faced like Harold loitering munitions.
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Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
Senior Member
Nov 9, 2021
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View attachment 126770
Swathi WLRs role is to detect enemy artillery & mortars, armoured vehicles and large formations of men. As of now that DRDO-BEL Anti Drone system is more along the lines of destroying/intercepting smaller drones like quad to octa copters.
I am aware that the Role of Swathi is to detect enemy artillery & mortars, armoured vehicles and large formations of men for counter battery fire. It's no point selling them DRDO Anti Drone System. But maybe we could sell the Armenians a couple of K-9 Vajra Howitzer Gun systems? We could also supply them with Weopons like Small arms, Grenades.(Just a personal Suggestion from my side)

Aditya Ballal

Senior Member
Dec 16, 2020
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I am aware that the Role of Swathi is to detect enemy artillery & mortars, armoured vehicles and large formations of men for counter battery fire. It's no point selling them DRDO Anti Drone System. But maybe we could sell the Armenians a couple of K-9 Vajra Howitzer Gun systems? We could also supply them with Weopons like Small arms, Grenades.(Just a personal Suggestion from my side)
They already have a well established small arms factory that makes AK-12 family rifles and have vast stocks of erstwhile soviet small arms

Aditya Ballal

Senior Member
Dec 16, 2020
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I am aware that the Role of Swathi is to detect enemy artillery & mortars, armoured vehicles and large formations of men for counter battery fire. It's no point selling them DRDO Anti Drone System. But maybe we could sell the Armenians a couple of K-9 Vajra Howitzer Gun systems? We could also supply them with Weopons like Small arms, Grenades.(Just a personal Suggestion from my side)
K9 too will require getting Korea on board and they would rather do it themselves then getting us on board if they’re even willing to get involved in this conflict.

Super Flanker

Aviation and Defence Enthusiast
Senior Member
Nov 9, 2021
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They already have a well established small arms factory that makes AK-12 family rifles and have vast stocks of erstwhile soviet small arms
Yeah, that Totally slipped my mind, I believe that the Armenians Also make some Domestic body armour and combat Helmets. They also make most of their small arms with only specialised units being imported from foreign Vendors. Some examples of Countries who supply Armenia with Weopons are China, Russia, India etc.

Op Kahuta

Tihar Jail
Nov 10, 2021
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Can anyone please give me a list of new tech innovation in defense done by DRDO? Need it to shut someone's mouth off saying muh DRDO hasn't developed a single new technology in defense muh look at murica's R&D work

Sir pe tapla

Regular Member
Aug 15, 2021
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View attachment 126770
Swathi WLRs role is to detect enemy artillery & mortars, armoured vehicles and large formations of men.
As of now that DRDO-BEL Anti Drone system is more along the lines of dealing with destroying/intercepting smaller drones like quad to octo copters. Unlike the threats Armenia faced like Harold loitering munitions.
Armenia would never have been in a situation where Azeri drones wreaked havoc on them if Armenia had a good airforce. Better they focus on a strong airforce to prevent such things from happening in the future.

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