Delhi's Cold Start Strategy vs. Islamabad's Azm Nau

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Apr 17, 2010
Indian Generals and Commanders have been punctiliously, meticulously and diligently planning for an exercise in futility– the so called "Cold Start Strategy". Stephen Cohen and others have been coaching the Indians on how to use the threat of a Cold Start Strategy to threaten and intimidate the Pakistanis into kowtowing to the Indian diktat. It has not worked and it will not work. Pakistan's War College has scrupulously and diligently run all the permutations of possible combinations in an India Pakistan conflict. Every conceivable action by India has been preempted and planned for.

Stephen Cohen and other Israeli and Indian pundits who come up with the "Cold Start Strategy" based it upon the 1967 model of the preemptive Israeli attack on Arab countries. The "Six Day War" destroyed the Arab Air Forces on the ground, and decimated most of the Soviet propped Arab armies that were assembling for a decisive battle with Israel.

The IAF action was decisive in taking out the artillery and infantries of the joint armies of Syria, Jordan, and Egypt.
Delhi's Cold Start Strategy Frozen DOA (Dead on Arrival)

That ephemeral "victory" by Israel allowed it to control 60% of the Egypt and took over the West Bank and Gaza. However the victory was short lived, and not decisive. The '67 war created the conditions for spring action of of '73 when the Egyptian Army only crossed the impregnable natural border of "Greater Israel", the Suez Canal. The Egyptian Army then went on to decimate the the indestructible Barlev Line–and was marching towards Tel Aviv, when US planes freshly repainted with the Star of David attacked the 3rd Army and forced it to stop the advance. The Israelis sued for peace, and promised to return Sanai to Egypt.

Why India did not attack Pakistan in 2002 and 2008? The Bharati Army hopes to demolish the 7th largest army in a few days using its rapid deployment Pakistan-specific force which is parked right on the Pakistani border. The army along with the IAF hopes to take out the Pakistan Army's command and control centers and duplicate the US attack on Iraq which destroyed the Iraqi radar system within a few hours of the attack and then had free reign over the air space. Responding to the "Surgical Strikes": Neutralizing Delhi's Cold Start strategy.

The Doctrine does not take into account the effect of Pakistani missiles, and nuclear assets. However there is much emphasis on "wiping out Pakistan". The Doctrine fails to understand the problems that India faces in Kashmir, Assam and the Maoist insurgency.

After dramatic failure of "Cold Start Strategy" India comes up with cockamamy "96 hour Rapid Thrust" scheme

India has been practicing its emerging Cold Start strategy in the border opposite Kasur. Under this strategy, up to four Integrated Battle Groups could move rapidly across the border and occupy a strategic chunk of Pakistani territory up to the outskirts of Lahore in a "limited war".

For Pakistan, there is no concept of "limited war". Any war with India is seen as a total war, for survival. It risks losing everything the moment India crosses its border, and will likely react by attacking India in force at a point of its own choosing under its own Offensive-Defensive strategy. (That is probably why it is moving some of its Strike Force infantry divisions back from the Afghan border to the Indian one.) As the battles escalate, Indian's numerical and weapon superiority will become critical. If no external intervention takes place quickly, Pakistan will then be left with the "poison pill" defense of its nuclear weapons. Shuja Nawaz is the author of Crossed Swords: Pakistan, its Army, and the Wars Within (Oxford University Press 2008) and the forthcoming FATA: A Most Dangerous Place (CSIS, January 2009). He can be reached at

If there was ever a need, the Comptroller & Auditor General (CAG) of India's damning reports on the depleted state of Indian military's readiness took the hot air out of the myth of Pakistan Army specific 'Cold-Start Doctrine' (CSD). If CAG reports weren't damaging enough, recent media reports of feeble condition of the Indian military have made it the laughing stock. The rundown condition of the Indian military's legacy hardware has taken the sting out of its numerical superiority; a far cry from an aggressive strategy of the CSD. Adnan Gill. The Statesman

The India-Pakistan war. Muhammad Bilal Iftikhar Khan has written a brilliant article on Azm e Nau and the objectives of the Cold Start Strategy.

Pakistan Army has started its biggest Military exercises in history. The exercise Azm-e-Nou 3 is outcome of two war games conducted by forces named as Azm-e-Nou 1 and Azm-e-Nou 2. In this exercise Pakistani Forces will practice its new concepts and doctrine to counter Indian Army's Cold Start.


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
According to ISPR "AZM-e-NOU will begin with violent surprise attack by Fox Land's Air force on Blue Land territory followed by ground invasion. In Initial stage 20 thousand Troops will Take Part in exercise and at later stage 50 thousand troops will be involved. In this exercise all forces and their wings will take Part. The battle situation will be generated in three operation sectors and all conventional weapons will be tested and practiced. According to agreement India has been informed about the military maneuvers.

Why Pakistan Army had to start this exercise? Especially more than hundred thousand of Pakistani troops are engaged in Counter terrorism operations in FATA"¦..To understand this we have to see developments on Pakistan's eastern borders and threats originating from them.

Indian army is the biggest army in south Asia and is also one of the largest in the world. However, its biggest dilemma is Pakistani Armed Forces that are haunting it since the independence of both countries. The active strength of Indian army alone is more than 12 00,000. The army consist of 38 divisions, which are distributed in 5 tactical area commands namely

* "Northern Command" which is headquartered at Udhampur and is responsible for Indian Occupied Kashmir.
* "Western Command", which is headquartered at Chandimadir and is responsible for Punjab.
* "Southern Command", which is headquartered at Poona and is responsible for Gujrat and Maharashtra.
* "Eastern Command", which is headquartered at Calcutta and is responsible for counter-insurgency operations in Assam and defence of boarder with Bangladesh.
* "Central Command", which is headquartered in Luckhnow and consists of Indian army's strike elements to take offensive against Pakistan.

In addition to these five commands India has raised a new tactical command christened as "North Western Command" along with a new Corps (HQ 9 Corps) for the defense of "Chicken Neck" (working boundary with Pakistan) area where Indians are traditionally weak.

Looking at the deployment of these tactical commands one thing is obvious that out of 7 tactical commands 5 are specifically meant against Pakistan (And Indian Leaders weep about Chinese Threat fooling whom??).
On April 28th 2005, Indian army gave out its new war doctrine named as "Cold Start". Formulators of this doctrine revealed that it is specifically for Pakistan. Indian officials and analysts, who are quite excited about it, are predicting that the future Indo-Pak war will be short and decisive one and will be based on info centric concept which US army demonstrated During Iraq Invasion..
The Cold Start doctrine is a combination of Information 0r Network Centric War fare and Shock and Awe Strategy tactics as displayed by Americans in Iraq Invasion of 2003.

According to this doctrine the air borne troops and air cavalry units will be dropped behind Pakistani lines and important installations to destroy Pakistani command and defense infrastructure and capabilities. For the said purpose 8 or more integrated battle groups (formed with elements of Army, air force and navy) will undertake Blitzkrieg type action against Pakistan.


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
The war will not exceed 2 to 3 days. The actions will be crisp and violent because due to intergradations of all intelligence available at troop level allows commanders at junior level to modify the plans according to operational requirements and increase the pace of battle. This information sharing at lowest level, according to Kapalia, will allow Indian forces space and flexibility for maneuvers to Indian commanders to execute in such a speed that objectives will be achieved before the international community will have the chance to intervene.

This doctrine do not aims at the capture of Pakistani territory but at the destruction of Pakistani armed forces and defense infrastructure. The formulators of this doctrine suggest that essence of "Cold Start" is surprise, mobility and speed achieved by coordinated efforts of services. They say traditional slow mobilization of forces gives enough time to enemy for taking measures and so surprise is washed out. In future war they say they will not give time to think and react.

Indian planners think that future war will be a limited war (in time dimension) fought under nuclear umbrella but short to nuclear threshold. They say Pakistan will not use nuclear weapons

a) Because Pakistan knows that if Pakistan goes for its nuclear option than "it will be wiped out by Indian counter nuclear strikes".

b) Purpose of action will be to destroy not to capture therefore Pakistan will not be able to use its assets.

c) Initial attack will leave Pakistani forces in Shock and Paralysis.

Indian generals think decisive results can be achieved by close coordination among the three services, which is only possible when all services act under a unified commander. They also think that any blitzkrieg type action requires the revolution in military affairs of India and up gradation of Indian air force and logistic capability.

Since end of Operation Porakaram in 2002-03 Indian forces have conducted many exercises to practice their new concept. In next Part of the essay we will see the results and lessons learned by these exercises and in end Pakistan Army's response to cold Start.

Delhi's Cold Start Strategy Frozen DOA (Dead on Arrival)

The Bharati (aka Indian) Cold Start Strategy has a few startling weaknesses.

1) The other weakness of the India's military thinking is that the Doctrine is that doctrine assumes that the Pakistani Military will fold instantly and the Indian forces will be able to destroy the Pakistani forces without inflicting damage to the Pakistani civilian population. Pakistan's Air Force is not as decrepit and arcane as the Arab Air Forces of 1967. The PAF is potent and carries the latest planes with indigenous capability. It also assumes that Pakistan will not use tactical or full-fledged nuclear weapons.

2) The Pakistan missile defense could thwart the advancing Bharati Army in its tracts with hundreds of short range missiles taking out the soldiers and tanks and long range missiles making it very expensive for Bharat. Pakistani missiles can now attack every Bharati city.

3) Bringing the war to Kolkota, Chenai, Mumbai and Delhi would make Bharat think twice about crossing the border or targeting the Pakistani Armed forces.

4) There are inherent weaknesses in the Bharati Armed forces. The Cold Start Strategy banks on an element of surprise, pin-point-precision, technological and optimal efficiency–Nothing can be left to chance. The main weakness of Indi'a Cold Start Doctrine is that India needs 70 or 80 squadrons of aircraft. Indian Airforce crying wolf? or facing shortage of jets?.


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
5) ) Then there are the tactical nuclear weapons. Bharat can never be sure that Pakistan will not use low intensity tactical nuclear weapons which would annihilate the Indian Air Force bases and the Indian Command and Control Centers.

6) Initiation of hostilities against Pakistan will galvanize forces from the Indus to the Amu Darya and beyond. This is not the sixties. Hundreds of thousands of armed men will pur to the war and cross into Bharat totally destroying the country and plunging it into war and violence for decades. The Doctrine is based on cold water strategies and does not take into account the irregulars in the that defend Pakistan. Pakistani irregular number a bout 200,000 and then there are the forces energized in FATA and NWFP which would be mobilized.

7) Finally the Bharati Army does not know what the "Nuclear Threshold" is. It cannot count on sanity and logical thinking–specially in the heat of the battle. Pakistan may go for the Nuclear option at an early stage and burn all of South Asia. The US think tanks conducted hundreds of different scenarios of limited war between Bharat and Pakistan. All permutations and combinations ended in full-fledged hostilities and total nuclear war. Nuclear deterrence & Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) blunts Bharat's Cold Start Strategy.

Pakistani response to "India's Cold start strategy": Limited strikes against targets vs Hot War leading to Nuclear Armageddon. The false Bharati calculation about "wiping out Pakistan" and its ability to survive a nuclear war is not supported by evidence on and facts. Pakistan has more than 250 nuclear bombs. They can wipe out every major and minor Bharati city laying to waste the entire country for hundreds of years. Pakistan already has 2nd strike capability and is working on third and the 4th strike capacity. India's Cold War strategy guarantees hot war—Nuclear annihilation

India knows that it can never win a conventional warfare because of the Nuclear Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). However it still harbors notions of winning a sort of a mini war. India may think it has a Cold Start Strategy, but it may end as a hot nuclear war. Indian Defense planners cannot guarantee that a limited strike will not escalte into a full fledged war. A full fledged war with a nuclear armed neighbor may destroy both countries. Is Delhi preventing the 4th Battle of Panipat or instigating it?


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
Indian army is the biggest army in south Asia and is also one of the largest in the world. However, its biggest dilemma is Pakistani Armed Forces that are haunting it since the independence of both countries. The active strength of Indian army alone is more than 1,000,000. The army consist of 38 divisions, which are distributed in 5 tactical area commands namely
1. "Northern Command" which is headquartered at Udhampur and is responsible for Indian Occupied Kashmir.
2. "Western Command", which is headquartered at Chandimadir and is responsible for Punjab.
3. "Southern Command", which is headquartered at Poona and is responsible for Gujrat and Maharashtra.
4. "Eastern Command", which is headquartered at Calcutta and is responsible for counter-insurgency operations in Assam and defence of boarder with Bangladesh.
5. "Central Command", which is headquartered in Luckhnow and consists of Indian army's strike elements to take offensive against Pakistan.
In addition to these five commands India is raising a new tactical command christened as "North Western Command" along with a new Corps (HQ 9 Corps) for the defence of "Chicken Neck" (working boundary with Pakistan) area where Indians are traditionally weak.

Looking at the deployment of these tactical commands one thing is obvious that out of 6 tactical commands 4 are specifically meant against Pakistan (And Indian Leaders weep about Chinese Threat fooling whom??).
On April 28th 2005, Indian army gave out its new war doctrine named as "Cold Start". Formulators of this doctrine revealed that it is specifically for Pakistan. Indian officials and analysts, who are quite excited about it, are predicting that the future Indo-Pak war will be short and decisive one and will be based on info centric concept which US army demonstrated During Iraq Invasion..
The Cold Start doctrine is a combination of fantasy and wishful thinking. Close study of Cold Start reveals that it is modification of General Krishna Swami Sunderejee's Proto- German Blitzkrieg doctrine with mixture of Info centric or net work centric concept of modren War.

According to this doctrine the air borne troops and air cavalry units will be dropped behind Pakistani lines and important installations to destroy Pakistani command and defence infrastructure and capabilities. For the said purpose 8 or more integrated battle groups (formed with elements of Army, air force and navy) will under take Blitzkrieg type action against Pakistan.

The war will not exceed 2 to 3 days. The actions will be crisp and violent due to integratation of all intelligence available at tank level. this information shareing at lowest level will allow its forces space and flexibility that will allow manuvers by indian army to be executed in such a speed that objectives will be achieved before the international community will have the chance to intervene.
This doctrine do not aims at the capture of Pakistani territory but at the destruction of Pakistani armed forces and defence infrastructure. The formulators of this doctrine suggest that essence of "Cold Start" is surprise, mobility and speed achieved by coordinated efforts of services. They say traditional slow mobilisation of forces gives enough time to enemy for taking measures and so surprise is washed out. In future war they say they will not give time to think and react.
Indian planners think that future war will be a limited war (in time dimension) fought under nuclear umbrella but short to nuclear threshold. They say Pakistan will not use nuclear weapons
a) Because Pakistan knows that if Pakistan goes for its nuclear option than "it will be wiped out by Indian counter nuclear strikes".
b) Purpose of action will be to destroy not to capture therefore Pakistan will not be able to use its assets.
Indian generals think decisive results can be achieved by close coordination among the three services, which is only possible when all services act under a unified commander. They also think that any blitzkrieg type action requires the revolution in military affairs of India and up gradation of Indian air force and logistic capability.
Few details, which have come out from Indian media and think tanks, suggest that India is looking for some kind of adventure against Pakistan if Indo- Pakistan dialogue fails in the future because of Pakistani insistence that Kashmir issue be resolved according to wishes of kashmiris.
India who has badly failed in controlling freedom struggle in Kashmir, is continuously accusing Pakistan for waging proxy war against it. There is a perception in Indian masses, created intentionally by Indian leadership and media that all the ills of India are due to Pakistan and destruction of Pakistan especially its army is necessary for peace in India.
The biggest problem with Indian political and military leadership is that it always feels unsafe. Indian policy historically is kotalya inspired and is for regional hegemony. In pursuit of Indian dream of Maha Bharat, India supported insurgencies and destructive forces in its neighbouring countries from Tamil insurgency in Sri Lanka to unrest in Balochistan, Indian hand is clearly visible. May be its due to these Indian acts against its neighbours that are causing sense of guilt and insecurity in Indian minds.
Pakistan is seen as the biggest threat to Indian aims in the region. Pakistan, who has never accepted Indian hegemony, as a result has always been the prime target of Indian hate and malice.
Where as in South Asia in general, Pakistan is seen as a ray of hope among People against Indian power and domination. The excellent friendly relations of SAARC countries with Pakistan are seen as thorn in the eyes of Indian policy makers.
Indians see Pakistan army, which is defender of ideological and territorial integrity and boundaries of Pakistan, with contempt due to un known inferiority complex. Both friends and foes alike recognize that Pakistan army as one of the best in the world capable of doing unbelievable. At present when Pakistan is an overt nuclear state Indian army and leadership, due to their hate against Pakistan are hallucinating that they can destroy Pakistan and its army.
Indians see them selves as a regional super power and while dreaming so they forget that Pakistan is not Bhutan or Nepal. Indians planners wish to act like Americans but disregard the fact that there is lots of difference between American and Indian capabilities. They for get that "Wars are not fought by wishful planning's or on map exercises but are fought and won on the grounds and ground realities sometimes are not as favourable as one likes.
Cold Start is an effort to bring psychological sense of superiority among de-morale Indian troops and nation. It's a fantastic effort to make Indian people fools. There are hundreds of drawbacks in the implementation of this doctrine but the few drawbacks, which any layman can point out, are:
a) First of all Indians are not capable of supporting logistically such kind of operations. Their deficiency in field of logistics became clearly visible during 2002-3 Indo-Pak military standoff.
b) Secondly major portion of Indian air force consists of obsolete planes, which are threat to their own pilots. Indian air force is in shortage of trained pilots and qualitative equipment where as Pakistan Air Force is qualitatively and technologically best compared to any regional air force. Furthermore, Pakistan's air defence system is one of the best in the region. Keeping all this in mind question rises how Indians plan to achieve air superiority? When on ground their condition is miserable.
c) Thirdly Pakistan army is not of Stone Age. It is one of the most modern army in the region. Pakistan army is better trained and equipped as compare to Indian army. In this era of modern warfare "big army" like Indian should not even dream to attempt any large-scale air born or blitzkrieg action when it insists that it is a professional army.
d) How can Indians predict Pakistan's reaction? India must understand they are dreaming to undertake action against Pakistan army in Pakistan not in Bangladesh.
It appears Indian army has learned nothing from 2002-3 military standoff. There is possibility that Indians do not know about Pakistani capabilities or they intentionally wish to live in their self-created paradise.
India is emerging as a regional power its leadership must show maturity. Indian army should not speak so loudly about its hegemonic plans and motives because it will damage the peace and prosperity of South Asian region and add fuel in hate against India in neighbouring countries.
In era of globalisation when information flows is uncontrollable. World know what is happening in Kashmir and in other states of India with minorities and other non-Aryan ethnic groups. World knows that what kind of army India have and what is the condition of its morale and discipline.

Anshu Attri

New Member
Nov 19, 2009
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first article don't say about any tactics or strategy to counter INDIAN armed thrust.........this article is just a threatening that ''we will use nuclear weapons''.
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New Member
Jan 3, 2010
How Pakistani army is better than Indian army. Please tell why Pakistani 90000 army men surrender in front of Indian.


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
this article don't say about any tactics or strategy to counter INDIAN armed thrust.........this article is just a threatening that ''we will use nuclear weapons''.
This article is more like saying --you do not move otherwise i'll blow my head off =heheh


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
Let this laborious exercise finish and details be disseminated so that one can see what PA has validated against Bharat . Its useless to rant with boring long stuff to weigh between cold war doctrine and Pakistan's strategies at this stage. You could have waited for that exercise to finish before posting this blog crap here, I think your boss is going to be pissed on you for your timing.
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Anshu Attri

New Member
Nov 19, 2009
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1) The other weakness of the India's military thinking is that the Doctrine is that doctrine assumes that the Pakistani Military will fold instantly and the Indian forces will be able to destroy the Pakistani forces without inflicting damage to the Pakistani civilian population. Pakistan's Air Force is not as decrepit and arcane as the Arab Air Forces of 1967. The PAF is potent and carries the latest planes with indigenous capability. It also assumes that Pakistan will not use tactical or full-fledged nuclear weapons.
seriously i am not taunting but i want to know about pakistan's indigenous capabilities in aviation field....


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
This article is more like saying --you do not move otherwise i'll blow my head off
new delhi's conventional supremacy has to be balanced by a strong deterrent the nuclear weapons would serve that purpose and in countries sharing vast borders the effect ill be spilled over.the exact aim of a nuclear policy is when the conventional route has been edged out and with a policy of no return it counter acts the swift action principal of the cold start used to make inroads and massive gains

Anshu Attri

New Member
Nov 19, 2009
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2) The Pakistan missile defense could thwart the advancing Bharati Army in its tracts with hundreds of short range missiles taking out the soldiers and tanks and long range missiles making it very expensive for Bharat. Pakistani missiles can now attack every Bharati city.

3) Bringing the war to Kolkota, Chenai, Mumbai and Delhi would make Bharat think twice about crossing the border or targeting the Pakistani Armed forces.

i.e.why we are developing air defence system to counter these attacks....=heheh


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
Let this laborious exercise finish and details be disseminated so that one can see what PA has validated against Bharat . Its useless to rant with boring long stuff to weigh between cold war doctrine and Pakistan's strategies at this stage. You could have waited for that exercise to finish before posting this blog crap here, I think your boss is going to be pissed on you for your timing.
This is a strategic plan does not mean its put into existence its a step towards trials the blog post is by military expert and having said that could not have explained in fewer words although the length of posts is boring and to make it interesting i have divided it into parts
The exercise is to test operative doctrines does not imply that it will achieve points or score over a certain adversary its a counteractive strategy to an advancing force and as always before placing a doctrine it has to be reviewed over and over again


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
How Pakistani army is better than Indian army. Please tell why Pakistani 90000 army men surrender in front of Indian.
Ok. lets see to whom ever pak army surrendered.

1. To taliban-- in waziristan.

2. to Indian Army---kargil.

3.To indian Army and Mukti bahini in Dacca

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Anshu Attri

New Member
Nov 19, 2009
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a scenerio for the future and the much ridiculed Joint fighter will come into being
so in future ....
(. The main weakness of Indi'a Cold Start Doctrine is that India needs 70 or 80 squadrons of aircraft. Indian Airforce crying wolf? or facing shortage of jets?)

we will not have shortage of jet because......
1. MMRCA-126
2. LCA - 150
3. SU 30 - ADDITIONAL 50
4. PAK FA - 200
4. MCA

i think this is enough for 70-80 sqn.......and we have just started it new air bse at Phalodi in Rajasthan.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
How Pakistani army is better than Indian army. Please tell why Pakistani 90000 army men surrender in front of Indian.
thats the opinion of the writer of the article my stress was on the technical aspects of the exercise rather than a this VS that or who is better and so on .pakistani army like many other world armies is a professional unit and are doing their job at the best of their abilities this has nothing to do with whom they surrendered before and so on, what has happened is a past and cannot be altered but that does not imply we do not plan for the future. The intension is how effectively can pakistan counter the cold start principal with the resources at hand , past surrenders are not related to this discussion anyway


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
so in future ....
(. The main weakness of Indi'a Cold Start Doctrine is that India needs 70 or 80 squadrons of aircraft. Indian Airforce crying wolf? or facing shortage of jets?)

we will not have shortage of jet because......
1. MMRCA-126
2. LCA - 150
3. SU 30 - ADDITIONAL 50
4. PAK FA - 200
4. MCA

i think this is enough for 70-80 sqn.......and we have just started it new air bse at Phalodi in Rajasthan.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
the rate of induction is slower than the rate of procurement thats the principal for any so the argument provided is nullified as pakistan would also enhance its arsenal and capabilities within the constraints of its permissible economic capabilities nowhere in the indian future doctrine does mention of delay and shortages of supply incase of rate of induction but 70-80 figure is over blown as strike force of advanced aircrafts with adequate logistics and supplies will be the actual scenerio


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
Thie article is not a strategy or analysis piece but just the verbal diarrhea of the writer.when writer says---

"6) Initiation of hostilities against Pakistan will galvanize forces from the Indus to the Amu Darya and beyond. This is not the sixties. Hundreds of thousands of armed men will pur to the war and cross into Bharat totally destroying the country and plunging it into war and violence for decades. The Doctrine is based on cold water strategies and does not take into account the irregulars in the that defend Pakistan. Pakistani irregular number a bout 200,000 and then there are the forces energized in FATA and NWFP which would be mobilized."

Btw the so called bharati have been figting socalled galvanised forces from indus to amu darya since 1980s and bharat is where as it is?Infact the truth is the amu darya forces are taking toll on the pakistan itself.

Anshu Attri

New Member
Nov 19, 2009
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thats the opinion of the writer of the article my stress was on the technical aspects of the exercise rather than a this VS that or who is better and so on .pakistani army like many other world armies is a professional unit and are doing their job at the best of their abilities this has nothing to do with whom they surrendered before and so on, what has happened is a past and cannot be altered but that does not imply we do not plan for the future. The intension is how effectively can pakistan counter the cold start principal with the resources at hand , past surrenders are not related to this discussion anyway
this is a good answer but articles posted by you do not give any technical base to counter INDIAN THRUST....
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