Combat Aircraft technology and Evolution


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Dec 24, 2015
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I really should discount your thinking power, maybe you are not even 10% of most posters here..
Your question.. "If indians are stupid to pay that high price for Mirage 2000 upgrade .." the word is not "stupid" but CORRUPT ..And if you use the word kickbacks and corrupt, then the deal to upgrade Mirage 2000 without an AESA etc.. then it makes sense, and also makes sense why Rafale wa declared L1, but then with new govt seeing all the details, feel Rafale is not worth.

IAF themselves put a conditon that any plane for MMRCA should have an AESA, and specially when they do that, and request the same for Tejas, why do they not want AESA for Mirage 2000. I mean the plane is outdated now, and outdated even after upgrade..Mirage 2000 eve after upgrade is no match for PAF F-16...
I mean we cannot send a "premier" fighter plane with an escort.

So, Indians are corrupt, and the French are too (they do pack kickbacks) and that is what was getting orders for French..and that is why Mirage 2000 was upgraded at such high price and Rafale declared L1.. so clear about it?
Thank you for your appreciation. You just imagine I have the same about you. You NEVER show me you are clever on all the subjects of these kind of forums.

Let's come back to the forum.
You forgot just one thing : it's now forbiden in the french law to give kickbacks.

An AESA solution exist in the israeli's panel to equip Mirage 2000. You may even integrate Derby or Astra. Why not using this? Just use the small grey material up your eyes.

And if I use your agrument, how many kickbacks did the russian gave to india for taking SU ?


New Member
Dec 24, 2015
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So you mean to say. F-16 Block 60 with AESA and AMRAAM and Mirage 2000 wih its outdated Radar and smaller ranged MICA confront then Mirage 2000 will be able to hit F-16 from distance.. You do sound foolish dear boy. Go ahead have a glass of nice wine and dream on.
UAE is realistic, and they have seen both planes and guess they are dumping the one which is inferior.
Pakistan F16 only have outdated radar (I use your langage, to be sure you understand well), so don't be afraid.
APG66(V2) ..... ha ha ha.... absolutely nothing compare to RDY2.

AND, because size matter a lot for you (I suggest psychotherapy), see the nose cone of F16 : smaller than those of Mirage 2000.

Are you reassured my little boy ?


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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We should follow the Russian foot steps they adopted in PAKFA. They made it using Sukhoi series as the base and added stealth to it. No maneuverability was compromised much. Whatever the maneuverability was compromised was made up by more powerful engine.
Look at the following photograph. It will tell you a lot.



New Member
Dec 24, 2015
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Look at the following photograph. It will tell you a lot.

Nice !
The foot steps. It was the method Marcel Dassault used in his company (and explicit why such numbers of prototyps in Dassault history)

Sure with these pictures of russian airplanes, our friend SM will suddenly loved foot steps method....


New Member
Nov 3, 2012
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Thank you for your appreciation. You just imagine I have the same about you. You NEVER show me you are clever on all the subjects of these kind of forums.

Let's come back to the forum.
You forgot just one thing : it's now forbiden in the french law to give kickbacks.

An AESA solution exist in the israeli's panel to equip Mirage 2000. You may even integrate Derby or Astra. Why not using this? Just use the small grey material up your eyes.

And if I use your agrument, how many kickbacks did the russian gave to india for taking SU ?
ITs forbidden by the French law to give kickbacks or to have accounts in foreign banks. So please explain to me, how did your now President Hollande have an offshore account? A few months after he was declared the president, it was leaked to the press that he had an account in tax haven, Now why would a hard working french politiician send his hard earned money in France to a tax haven?

In most countries many things are forbidden, drunk driving, manslaughter, still people do it yes? So having something forbidden does not mean that its not done
Also if there were no kickbacks in Mirage 2000 and upgrade deals it would never have happened. everyone is wondering why India upgraded Mirage 2000 for 50 million a plane when Su-30 MKI is avaialable at cheaper rates. I mean are the indian politicians investing in French industry?
There was a swiss banker name Falciani, he gave a list, now the 9187 French have illegal money in Swiss banks which the french govt did not know. The money is about 11.8 Billion Euro..
Just a question, as per you, its allowed for French citizen to have an undeclared account in bank in Switzxerland? Give it a thought then you tell me .
About Russians,, they surely would have given kickbacks..The russians dont accept or deny anything


New Member
Nov 3, 2012
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Nice !
The foot steps. It was the method Marcel Dassault used in his company (and explicit why such numbers of prototyps in Dassault history)

Sure with these pictures of russian airplanes, our friend SM will suddenly loved foot steps method....
The French are really impressed the PAKA prototypes, there is still time for the final product to go operational why so much worry.. Dassault orders already dried up?


New Member
Dec 24, 2015
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ITs forbidden by the French law to give kickbacks or to have accounts in foreign banks. So please explain to me, how did your now President Hollande have an offshore account? A few months after he was declared the president, it was leaked to the press that he had an account in tax haven, Now why would a hard working french politiician send his hard earned money in France to a tax haven?

In most countries many things are forbidden, drunk driving, manslaughter, still people do it yes? So having something forbidden does not mean that its not done
Also if there were no kickbacks in Mirage 2000 and upgrade deals it would never have happened. everyone is wondering why India upgraded Mirage 2000 for 50 million a plane when Su-30 MKI is avaialable at cheaper rates. I mean are the indian politicians investing in French industry?
There was a swiss banker name Falciani, he gave a list, now the 9187 French have illegal money in Swiss banks which the french govt did not know. The money is about 11.8 Billion Euro..
Just a question, as per you, its allowed for French citizen to have an undeclared account in bank in Switzxerland? Give it a thought then you tell me .
About Russians,, they surely would have given kickbacks..The russians dont accept or deny anything
Once again : FALSE.
It's not forbiden to have a bank accounts in a foreign bank, even in a fiscal paradise, but you have to declare it, so as to pay tax. And it's why it is declared you know it !


New Member
Dec 24, 2015
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The French are really impressed the PAKA prototypes, there is still time for the final product to go operational why so much worry.. Dassault orders already dried up?
PAKA ? it's the new song of All Blacks ? LOL.

Why be impressed? It's a beautifull heavy plane, but far to be induced.


New Member
Nov 3, 2012
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Once again : FALSE.
It's not forbiden to have a bank accounts in a foreign bank, even in a fiscal paradise, but you have to declare it, so as to pay tax. And it's why it is declared you know it !
So in that case why do 9000 odd french have undeclared accounts in swiss bank,, as you said its forbidden..I dont think you are that stupid to realise that people put their money in Fiscal paradise to avoid taxes, so they dont declare it.


New Member
Nov 3, 2012
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PAKA ? it's the new song of All Blacks ? LOL.

Why be impressed? It's a beautifull heavy plane, but far to be induced.
I mean are you really going to look at typos/??? hahahahaha
If I point out all the typos, I would have to take your grammar class. So, if you can get over the typos and reply for the content, it will be beautiful (yes does not end with double L) Lesson 01


New Member
Dec 12, 2015
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PAKA ? it's the new song of All Blacks ? LOL.

Why be impressed? It's a beautifull heavy plane, but far to be induced.
PAK-FA is a parallel stream for India. Rafale and PAK-FA are not competitors.

MMRCA concept had a specific purpose. If you remember, IAF was OK to get more Mirage2000 10 years back.

MMRCA concept does not involve a heavy plane. Or even a twin engine plane. I am sure MOD has all information compiled by IAF on record.


New Member
Dec 24, 2015
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So in that case why do 9000 odd french have undeclared accounts in swiss bank,, as you said its forbidden..I dont think you are that stupid to realise that people put their money in Fiscal paradise to avoid taxes, so they dont declare it.
I don't know if speed limits exist on the indian roads, but in such a case you ALWAYS respect them ?

And why people put money in fiscal paradise according to you ? FISCAL PARADISE : all is said.


New Member
Dec 24, 2015
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I mean are you really going to look at typos/??? hahahahaha
If I point out all the typos, I would have to take your grammar class. So, if you can get over the typos and reply for the content, it will be beautiful (yes does not end with double L) Lesson 01
Keep your lesson for you. You have, on all the subjets of these forum, nothing to teach.

Open a forum "misinformation". It's all you are able to do. And with small talent, as mainly you don't give source.


New Member
Nov 3, 2012
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I don't know if speed limits exist on the indian roads, but in such a case you ALWAYS respect them ?

And why people put money in fiscal paradise according to you ? FISCAL PARADISE : all is said.
Well speeding is much different matter than keeping money in Tax haven, Speeding is different and corruption is different, are you going to equate it? So you mean to say, French are corrupt but dont give kickbacks??


New Member
Nov 3, 2012
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Keep your lesson for you. You have, on all the subjets of these forum, nothing to teach.

Open a forum "misinformation". It's all you are able to do. And with small talent, as mainly you don't give source.
If you have nothing to contribute to a particular post, its nice to ignore it, rather than to find typos and then reply based on typos, when people go for typos that means they dont have anything to contribute.. Rafale... dead, just kept on so called Ventilator, where France and Dassault still have hope on its survival.
By the way tactical frog, what about the drink you were talking of, I mean if you can send a bottle of wine for each month the Rafale deal is not signed, it would be worthwhile, If you say that you will send the bottle when deal is siigned means well you dont want to send the bottle at all.. try to give it a thought both of you.. BTW again a british slave boy??

A suggestion, better not say "I have a french flag now" and be happy about it till you have it at least on for a week, your joy seems short duration.. same as Rafale news in France, you hear nice Rosy things and keep posting, and then you realise that it was same crap they told in the news a year ago.


New Member
Dec 24, 2015
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Well speeding is much different matter than keeping money in Tax haven, Speeding is different and corruption is different, are you going to equate it? So you mean to say, French are corrupt but dont give kickbacks??
When you are french, having an account in a fiscal paradise without declaring it is a fault. You can go on court for that.


New Member
Dec 24, 2015
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If you have nothing to contribute to a particular post, its nice to ignore it, rather than to find typos and then reply based on typos, when people go for typos that means they dont have anything to contribute.. Rafale... dead, just kept on so called Ventilator, where France and Dassault still have hope on its survival.
By the way tactical frog, what about the drink you were talking of, I mean if you can send a bottle of wine for each month the Rafale deal is not signed, it would be worthwhile, If you say that you will send the bottle when deal is siigned means well you dont want to send the bottle at all.. try to give it a thought both of you.. BTW again a british slave boy??

A suggestion, better not say "I have a french flag now" and be happy about it till you have it at least on for a week, your joy seems short duration.. same as Rafale news in France, you hear nice Rosy things and keep posting, and then you realise that it was same crap they told in the news a year ago.
Just ignore me in this case, small brain.


New Member
Aug 13, 2014
It doesn't increase the range of radar, rather it let it perform at it's maximum capability. The one we had was stopping the radar to perform at it' maximum.
But the point is - is it unique to tejas ? Or is it a tejas only issue ?

Or it is a fibre / composite radome v/s quartz radome issue ?

I already know the answer it is for some french sidekicks.benefit


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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But the point is - is it unique to tejas ? Or is it a tejas only issue ?

Or it is a fibre / composite radome v/s quartz radome issue ?

I already know the answer it is for some french sidekicks.benefit
Neither it is a unique nor its a Tejas only issue. The thing is composites is never been a good choice as RADAR dome for any platform. The reason that a repeated comparison of Tejas with JF17 on basis of RCS brings out Tejas as a sure winner is because of its extensive use of carbon fibre and composite in its structure. Both are bad reflector as well as bad emancipator of radio waves.

