Closure of DFI effective 10th July 2024

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Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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Dear Valued DFI member,

Our journey started on 14th of February 2009, in the aftermath of the Mumbai 26/11 attack. It has been a great journey with avid defence enthusiasts, some professionals, and others just lurking for their daily dose of high on a subject we are all passionate about - the defence of India.

They say, all good things come to an end. We only wish this didn’t. However, we regret to inform you that DFI will be closing permanently effective 10th July.

In the age of fake news, deepfakes and stringent laws and compliances, despite our best efforts, we will be unable to sustain the necessary technical and operational requirements.

We know it will leave a void for our members who have stayed with the forum even as other social media platforms have taken over daily discourse.

@Singh, the owner of the forum along with the admin team thanks all the moderators who have done their best to run the forum. We thank every member for being part of our community and making DFI a part of their lives and making it the place to go for discussion on defence.

Jai Hind! 🇮🇳


DFI Technocrat
Oct 10, 2009
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Dear Valued DFI member,

Our journey started on 14th of February 2009, in the aftermath of the Mumbai 26/11 attack. It has been a great journey with avid defence enthusiasts, some professionals, and others just lurking for their daily dose of high on a subject we are all passionate about - the defence of India.

They say, all good things come to an end. We only wish this didn’t. However, we regret to inform you that DFI will be closing permanently effective 10th July.

In the age of fake news, deepfakes and stringent laws and compliances, despite our best efforts, we will be unable to sustain the necessary technical and operational requirements.

We know it will leave a void for our members who have stayed with the forum even as other social media platforms have taken over daily discourse.

@Singh, the owner of the forum along with the admin team thanks all the moderators who have done their best to run the forum. We thank every member for being part of our community and making DFI a part of their lives and making it the place to go for discussion on defence.

Jai Hind! 🇮🇳
@Yusuf Thank you for inviting me into the DFI community at a time when many Indians were being removed from international forums post 26/11. Though I'm no longer a regular poster nowadays DFI has been & will remain a big part of my life & has given me many real life friends such as yourself , Sayarekd & Sumoberoi . DFI will be missed !

jai jaganath

Senior Member
Jul 3, 2022
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So this is the end
I thank supermods for preventing Hollywood style ending and giving us time to accept and recover

Anyway where will our members flock any suggestions?
Where can we shift in order to maintain our defence knowledge and be updated

And will this forum be closed for replies and posting or completely disabled bcoz many important and critical posts of knowledgeable members have been bookmarked and saved


Regular Member
Apr 28, 2024
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So this is the end
I thank supermods for preventing Hollywood style ending and giving us time to accept and recover

Anyway where will our members flock any suggestions?
Where can we shift in order to maintain our defence knowledge and be updated

And will this forum be closed for replies and posting or completely disabled bcoz many important and critical posts of knowledgeable members have been bookmarked and saved
Someone suggested Strategic Front.
Someone can design a forum like this? How much money will it cost.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
Senior Member
Aug 10, 2020
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Ya'll Nibbiars BharatRakshak is for Script Writer's and startegic Front is too liberal for anyone here to sustain there. We lost the Final Bastion of Defense and RW Indian Forum?.
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