Guys calm down a bit.
Take rest for a day or two.
Let us think together about possible solution.
I will download latest version of PHP Forums CMS and tinker about a bit.
Lets see how to take care of the hosting issues.
PhpBB is free but we all are used to Xenforo.
Next, we need to know if it will be a high availability website or a simple monolith large server.
IMO, we will need a HA set up with one load balancer and multiple nodes for web and database to handle the traffic we generate.
Linode signed up with Cloudflare so most DDOS attacks will terminate at their end before they manage to put you out of action.
This will require dedicated volunteers who can spare time without expecting any money or bouquets in return. Who among us will devote time for it?
Question to be asked is can it be scaled commercially so some folks can be assigned responsibilities and paid a small remuneration?
Guys, forget gora platforms like Twitter and BigTech. They decide who gets the eyeballs. Worse, your domain can be simply dropped off by a powerful group of DNS providers if they think you are borderline extremist because you do not agree with their POV. Lot of pondering to do before taking the plunge.
As we intend to start with a limited number of threads and member privileges, I think the $648 plan per annum by Xenforo should be good enough for a start. We can figure it out among ourselves as to how we become 'self aware' within the next six months on a custom built forum kit.
I think Laravel+Livewire should do the job quite nicely.
NodeJS+FE ninjas can do a better job than PHP as it tends to scale up better. ExpressJS et al.