Civil war in Ukraine

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Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
I will not touch the figures or deny the repressions.

But I want to say, that the discrimination policy based on ideas of revenge is something that is not expected from a European democratic country.

Otherwise you should say straight that Russian do not deserve to be counted on the basis of European values"‹"‹, human rights and democracy (what we see on the example of Ukrainian crisis).
I was living in Riga 2004 to 2007. I did not see any discrimination, half of my colleagues were Latvian speaking and half Russian speaking. Also I think that the "Nazi demonstrations" were bloated up by Russian media, my total 5 years in Latvia I did not witness a single thing pointing out to discrimination. My then girlfriend was Russian origin and we never talked about any discrimination. I think that the current Russian leadership is using "protecting Russians in near abroad countries" as an excuse for their expansionist foreign policy. Also Baltic states has been an EU member state for ten years, in EU there are strong laws against discrimination, they have many times pointed out for example Finland that we have too long court processes in some cases.

There might have been in the beginning of their independence some "pay back" mentality towards Russian speaking population, but that was 25 years from now.

One problem in Baltic States is, that the rural areas are quite underdeveloped and a lot of these areas are close to Russian border, so there majority of people might be Russian language. I also think that because many Latvians are fluent in Russian, it has opened them good jobs abroad and also in EU -jobs in Brussels.

You were talking about de-industrialization, and that is the problem of the whole "western word", cheap labour moves to China and India. Factories in the Baltics could not compete with more modern ones in Germany and rest of the Europe. So it is more issue of Globalization than anything else.

Is there tension in Estonia, the Russian-speaking and Estonian-speaking from? In 2007, there were riots.

"Of course they are, but now the situation is still relatively good, if you think about it from me, and when we started our situation compared to many other European countries. Take a look at even if the situation in the Balkans. Estonia is a country where nearly one-fifth of the population was forced to suffer Soviet persecution. Each of the Estonian family has someone who was killed or who went to prison. We had a large Russian-speaking later on the ground duties consisted of the population, many of whose members represented the ordinary Estonians occupation. Now, over 20 years after independence the situation has changed without violence. Today a majority of Estonia's Russian-speaking people have Estonian citizenship. Now, an important part of Estonia's Russian-speaking people are fully integrated into Estonian society. We can not even expect that the major social and demographic changes occur suddenly. I think our situation is now relatively good. It's not perfect and we have a lot of work to do. The situation is not, however, hostile, and that the Estonians and the Russians have learned to live together. Political divisions means more today, sometimes political division mean also the ethnic division and it is not a good thing. "
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Regular Member
Jan 18, 2013
I was living in Riga 2004 to 2007. I did not see any discrimination, half of my colleagues were Latvian speaking and half Russian speaking. Also I think that the "Nazi demonstrations" were bloated up by Russian media, my total 5 years in Latvia I did not witness a single thing pointing out to discrimination. My then girlfriend was Russian origin and we never talked about any discrimination. I think that the current Russian leadership is using "protecting Russians in near abroad countries" as an excuse for their expansionist foreign policy. Also Baltic states has been an EU member state for ten years, in EU there are strong laws against discrimination, they have many times pointed out for example Finland that we have too long court processes in some cases.

There might have been in the beginning of their independence some "pay back" mentality towards Russian speaking population, but that was 25 years from now.

One problem in Baltic States is, that the rural areas are quite underdeveloped and a lot of these areas are close to Russian border, so there majority of people might be Russian language. I also think that because many Latvians are fluent in Russian, it has opened them good jobs abroad and also in EU -jobs in Brussels.

You were talking about de-industrialization, and that is the problem of the whole "western word", cheap labour moves to China and India. Factories in the Baltics could not compete with more modern ones in Germany and rest of the Europe. So it is more issue of Globalization than anything else.

Viron asema ennen Ukrainan kriisiä ja nyt | Yhteiskunta |

Is there tension in Estonia, the Russian-speaking and Estonian-speaking from? In 2007, there were riots.

"Of course they are, but now the situation is still relatively good, if you think about it from me, and when we started our situation compared to many other European countries. Take a look at even if the situation in the Balkans. Estonia is a country where nearly one-fifth of the population was forced to suffer Soviet persecution. Each of the Estonian family has someone who was killed or who went to prison. We had a large Russian-speaking later on the ground duties consisted of the population, many of whose members represented the ordinary Estonians occupation. Now, over 20 years after independence the situation has changed without violence. Today a majority of Estonia's Russian-speaking people have Estonian citizenship. Now, an important part of Estonia's Russian-speaking people are fully integrated into Estonian society. We can not even expect that the major social and demographic changes occur suddenly. I think our situation is now relatively good. It's not perfect and we have a lot of work to do. The situation is not, however, hostile, and that the Estonians and the Russians have learned to live together. Political divisions means more today, sometimes political division mean also the ethnic division and it is not a good thing. "

Baltic states respond to Russian minorities | The Lithuania TribuneThe Lithuania Tribune
LOL no discrimination in Lativia? Sorry Jouny but no citizenship nor passport, no chance of vote or to hold a public office how do you call it? preferential treatment? just because they don't use the official languages? what should we do with all the rest of linguist minorities in Europe like Bask or the germanphones in norther italy.

This is DW not Russian propaganda

Russian Latvians: target of discrimination? | Europe | DW.DE | 01.05.2014

Before this post had a good view of your post, not anymore


Regular Member
May 5, 2014
I was living in Riga 2004 to 2007. I did not see any discrimination, half of my colleagues were Latvian speaking and half Russian speaking. Also I think that the "Nazi demonstrations" were bloated up by Russian media, my total 5 years in Latvia I did not witness a single thing pointing out to discrimination. My then girlfriend was Russian origin and we never talked about any discrimination. I think that the current Russian leadership is using "protecting Russians in near abroad countries" as an excuse for their expansionist foreign policy. Also Baltic states has been an EU member state for ten years, in EU there are strong laws against discrimination, they have many times pointed out for example Finland that we have too long court processes in some cases.

There might have been in the beginning of their independence some "pay back" mentality towards Russian speaking population, but that was 25 years from now.

One problem in Baltic States is, that the rural areas are quite underdeveloped and a lot of these areas are close to Russian border, so there majority of people might be Russian language. I also think that because many Latvians are fluent in Russian, it has opened them good jobs abroad and also in EU -jobs in Brussels.

You were talking about de-industrialization, and that is the problem of the whole "western word", cheap labour moves to China and India. Factories in the Baltics could not compete with more modern ones in Germany and rest of the Europe. So it is more issue of Globalization than anything else.

Viron asema ennen Ukrainan kriisiä ja nyt | Yhteiskunta |

Is there tension in Estonia, the Russian-speaking and Estonian-speaking from? In 2007, there were riots.

"Of course they are, but now the situation is still relatively good, if you think about it from me, and when we started our situation compared to many other European countries. Take a look at even if the situation in the Balkans. Estonia is a country where nearly one-fifth of the population was forced to suffer Soviet persecution. Each of the Estonian family has someone who was killed or who went to prison. We had a large Russian-speaking later on the ground duties consisted of the population, many of whose members represented the ordinary Estonians occupation. Now, over 20 years after independence the situation has changed without violence. Today a majority of Estonia's Russian-speaking people have Estonian citizenship. Now, an important part of Estonia's Russian-speaking people are fully integrated into Estonian society. We can not even expect that the major social and demographic changes occur suddenly. I think our situation is now relatively good. It's not perfect and we have a lot of work to do. The situation is not, however, hostile, and that the Estonians and the Russians have learned to live together. Political divisions means more today, sometimes political division mean also the ethnic division and it is not a good thing. "

Baltic states respond to Russian minorities | The Lithuania TribuneThe Lithuania Tribune

Your personal opinion based on own experience is good, but does not cover the whole picture.

Kudos to @Meriv90

Calls for NATO and US presence from Baltic leaders prove, that this problem exists and they afraid it could break out under some circumstances. Otherwise the fears of a so-called "Russian aggression" are unfounded.
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Senior Member
Mar 12, 2013
Grad attack om #Ukrainian forces --
Мариуполь, на восточных окраинах города идут ожесточенные бои -Грады. 04.09 2014


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2013
Warning Merkel on Russian 'Invasion' Intel
September 1, 2014

Alarmed at the anti-Russian hysteria sweeping Official Washington – and the specter of a new Cold War – U.S. intelligence veterans took the unusual step of sending this Aug. 30 memo to German Chancellor Merkel challenging the reliability of Ukrainian and U.S. media claims about a Russian "invasion."

MEMORANDUM FOR: Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany

FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)

SUBJECT: Ukraine and NATO

We the undersigned are long-time veterans of U.S. intelligence. We take the unusual step of writing this open letter to you to ensure that you have an opportunity to be briefed on our views prior to the NATO summit on Sept. 4-5.

You need to know, for example, that accusations of a major Russian "invasion" of Ukraine appear not to be supported by reliable intelligence. Rather, the "intelligence" seems to be of the same dubious, politically "fixed" kind used 12 years ago to "justify" the U.S.-led attack on Iraq.

We saw no credible evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq then; we see no credible evidence of a Russian invasion now. Twelve years ago, former Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, mindful of the flimsiness of the evidence on Iraqi WMD, refused to join in the attack on Iraq. In our view, you should be appropriately suspicious of charges made by the U.S. State Department and NATO officials alleging a Russian invasion of Ukraine.

President Barack Obama tried on Aug. 29 to cool the rhetoric of his own senior diplomats and the corporate media, when he publicly described recent activity in the Ukraine, as "a continuation of what's been taking place for months now "¦ it's not really a shift."

Obama, however, has only tenuous control over the policymakers in his administration – who, sadly, lack much sense of history, know little of war, and substitute anti-Russian invective for a policy. One year ago, hawkish State Department officials and their friends in the media very nearly got Mr. Obama to launch a major attack on Syria based, once again, on "intelligence" that was dubious, at best.

Largely because of the growing prominence of, and apparent reliance on, intelligence we believe to be spurious, we think the possibility of hostilities escalating beyond the borders of Ukraine has increased significantly over the past several days. More important, we believe that this likelihood can be avoided, depending on the degree of judicious skepticism you and other European leaders bring to the NATO summit next week.

Experience With Untruth

Hopefully, your advisers have reminded you of NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen's checkered record for credibility. It appears to us that Rasmussen's speeches continue to be drafted by Washington. This was abundantly clear on the day before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq when, as Danish Prime Minister, he told his Parliament: "Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. This is not something we just believe. We know."

Photos can be worth a thousand words; they can also deceive. We have considerable experience collecting, analyzing, and reporting on all kinds of satellite and other imagery, as well as other kinds of intelligence. Suffice it to say that the images released by NATO on Aug. 28 provide a very flimsy basis on which to charge Russia with invading Ukraine. Sadly, they bear a strong resemblance to the images shown by Colin Powell at the UN on Feb. 5, 2003, that, likewise, proved nothing.

That same day, we warned President Bush that our former colleague analysts were "increasingly distressed at the politicization of intelligence" and told him flatly, "Powell's presentation does not come close" to justifying war. We urged Mr. Bush to "widen the discussion "¦ beyond the circle of those advisers clearly bent on a war for which we see no compelling reason and from which we believe the unintended consequences are likely to be catastrophic."

Consider Iraq today. Worse than catastrophic.

Although President Vladimir Putin has until now showed considerable reserve on the conflict in the Ukraine, it behooves us to remember that Russia, too, can "shock and awe." In our view, if there is the slightest chance of that kind of thing eventually happening to Europe because of Ukraine, sober-minded leaders need to think this through very carefully.

If the photos that NATO and the U.S. have released represent the best available "proof" of an invasion from Russia, our suspicions increase that a major effort is under way to fortify arguments for the NATO summit to approve actions that Russia is sure to regard as provocative. Caveat emptor is an expression with which you are no doubt familiar. Suffice it to add that one should be very cautious regarding what Mr. Rasmussen, or even Secretary of State John Kerry, are peddling.

We trust that your advisers have kept you informed regarding the crisis in Ukraine from the beginning of 2014, and how the possibility that Ukraine would become a member of NATO is anathema to the Kremlin. According to a Feb. 1, 2008 cable (published by WikiLeaks) from the U.S. embassy in Moscow to Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, U.S. Ambassador William Burns was called in by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who explained Russia's strong opposition to NATO membership for Ukraine.

Lavrov warned pointedly of "fears that the issue could potentially split the country in two, leading to violence or even, some claim, civil war, which would force Russia to decide whether to intervene." Burns gave his cable the unusual title, "NYET MEANS NYET: RUSSIA'S NATO ENLARGEMENT REDLINES," and sent it off to Washington with IMMEDIATE precedence. Two months later, at their summit in Bucharest NATO leaders issued a formal declaration that "Georgia and Ukraine will be in NATO."

On Aug. 29, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk used his Facebook page to claim that, with the approval of Parliament that he has requested, the path to NATO membership is open. Yatsenyuk, of course, was Washington's favorite pick to become prime minister after the Feb. 22 coup d'etat in Kiev.

"Yats is the guy," said Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland a few weeks before the coup, in an intercepted telephone conversation with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt. You may recall that this is the same conversation in which Nuland said, "---- the EU."

Timing of the Russian "Invasion"

The conventional wisdom promoted by Kiev just a few weeks ago was that Ukrainian forces had the upper hand in fighting the anti-coup federalists in southeastern Ukraine, in what was largely portrayed as a mop-up operation. But that picture of the offensive originated almost solely from official government sources in Kiev. There were very few reports coming from the ground in southeastern Ukraine. There was one, however, quoting Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, that raised doubt about the reliability of the government's portrayal.

According to the "press service of the President of Ukraine" on Aug. 18, Poroshenko called for a "regrouping of Ukrainian military units involved in the operation of power in the East of the country. "¦ Today we need to do the rearrangement of forces that will defend our territory and continued army offensives," said Poroshenko, adding, "we need to consider a new military operation in the new circumstances."

If the "new circumstances" meant successful advances by Ukrainian government forces, why would it be necessary to "regroup," to "rearrange" the forces? At about this time, sources on the ground began to report a string of successful attacks by the anti-coup federalists against government forces. According to these sources, it was the government army that was starting to take heavy casualties and lose ground, largely because of ineptitude and poor leadership.

Ten days later, as they became encircled and/or retreated, a ready-made excuse for this was to be found in the "Russian invasion." That is precisely when the fuzzy photos were released by NATO and reporters like the New York Times' Michael Gordon were set loose to spread the word that "the Russians are coming." (Michael Gordon was one of the most egregious propagandists promoting the war on Iraq.)

No Invasion – But Plenty Other Russian Support

The anti-coup federalists in southeastern Ukraine enjoy considerable local support, partly as a result of government artillery strikes on major population centers. And we believe that Russian support probably has been pouring across the border and includes, significantly, excellent battlefield intelligence. But it is far from clear that this support includes tanks and artillery at this point – mostly because the federalists have been better led and surprisingly successful in pinning down government forces.

At the same time, we have little doubt that, if and when the federalists need them, the Russian tanks will come.

This is precisely why the situation demands a concerted effort for a ceasefire, which you know Kiev has so far been delaying. What is to be done at this point? In our view, Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk need to be told flat-out that membership in NATO is not in the cards – and that NATO has no intention of waging a proxy war with Russia – and especially not in support of the rag-tag army of Ukraine. Other members of NATO need to be told the same thing.

For the Steering Group, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

William Binney, former Technical Director, World Geopolitical & Military Analysis, NSA; co-founder, SIGINT Automation Research Center (ret.)

Larry Johnson, CIA & State Department (ret.)

David MacMichael, National Intelligence Council (ret.)

Ray McGovern, former US Army infantry/intelligence officer & CIA analyst (ret.)

Elizabeth Murray, Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Middle East (ret.)

Todd E. Pierce, MAJ, US Army Judge Advocate (Ret.)

Coleen Rowley, Division Counsel & Special Agent, FBI (ret.)

Ann Wright, Col., US Army (ret.); Foreign Service Officer (resigned)

Warning Merkel on Russian ‘Invasion’ Intel | Consortiumnews


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
LOL no discrimination in Lativia? Sorry Jouny but no citizenship nor passport, no chance of vote or to hold a public office how do you call it? preferential treatment? just because they don't use the official languages? what should we do with all the rest of linguist minorities in Europe like Bask or the germanphones in norther italy.

This is DW not Russian propaganda

Russian Latvians: target of discrimination? | Europe | DW.DE | 01.05.2014

Before this post had a good view of your post, not anymore
Here are Requirements for Finnish citizenship, requirement is sufficient language skills, that is the problem in the Baltics many people fail test because of language skills. To be fair, you should also start accuse Finland of discrimination, we have lot of Somalian, Kosovon, Serbian, Russian, etc. people who fail the test because of language skills. Like I said, during my time I saw no discrimination, nor was it a big be honest most of the top level colleagues of the company were even Russian, some Latvians complained that Russians get the top jobs because of their networking. Also in the article it is said that over half of the original Russian-Estonians have already got citizenship.


You may obtain Finnish citizenship if

your identity has been established beyond doubt
you have reached the age of 18
you meet the residential period requirement, meaning that you have lived in Finland for a sufficient length of time
you meet the integrity requirement
you have not neglected your payment obligations
you have established your means of livelihood
you have sufficient language skills
For further information on these requirements, see the links in the menu on the left-hand side of the page.

No advan

Samar Rathi

Senior Member
May 11, 2013
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The assault on Ilovaysk was mainly done by volunteer btlns, and elements of the 17th Armored, and 93rd Mech. They ended up in the encirclement. An attempt to relieve the encirclement was made by elements of the 28th mech (a BTG) but it failed with high casualties.

The 51st and 30th Mech were almost annihilated.

Ignominious death "supermen" Maidana
The first major counteroffensive forces VS New Russia (WPC) on the position of the Ukrainian army is continuing successfully. But now we can talk about it some slowing in the south. The troops are assigned to positions, pull more power and rear. Nevertheless guide DNR and LC is already talking about a new large-scale offensive. Most likely, the blow will be inflicted to the north - in the Slavonic and Kramators'k.

Giri on his feet
Boilers and kettles, wandering groups of the enemy that can not get to her in combat formations parts VSN was enough. Stepping on without their elimination - it is impossible. Ukrainian encircled worse weights on the legs of the Army of New Russia. Leave in the rear rather strong group, partially preserving ammunition, fuel and combat capability, - extremely dangerous. Especially chain Luhansk boilers blockaded city. Although not completely.
In the area of Dyakova remnants of the 24th mechanized brigade APU do not give to stay there for part of the offensive. South of Yenakievo in Zhdanovka , still trying to break out of the ring remains of the 25th Airmobile Brigade - so far unsuccessfully.
Nevertheless, over the last few days the powerful blows of artillery and mechanized units were cleared from the Ukrainian forces Peremozhnoe, Georgievka Novoannovka, Novosvetlovka, gristly Lutugino . The last three localities now littered the burnt and twisted armor Kiev, dilute and appliances militia - there were fierce fights. Here smashed tank companies of the 1st Tank Brigade and Battalion nationalists "Aydar" .
After the shock of heavy artillery and MLRS was taken and suffering Lugansk airport . Enemy beaten these settlements largely destroyed. Remains parts retreated to the area of the White . Obviously, the soldiers will try to break out to the north, to his. Although there have been attempts to make again so beloved by Ukrainians maneuver deep into combat orders DNR to the area Perevalskiy, Ilir . These attempts are caused by the fact that the path to the north will soon be closed. North of Lugansk finally finally cleared area Merry Mountains and close to the final epic with taking Happiness . Although this city is heavily fortified.
In any case, if Kiev does not withdraw its troops from the remnants of the former chain of Luhansk boilers - front in the north will soon be nothing to keep. Heavy pieces quite small, and the "poultice" part of the National Guard and the destroyer battalions will not be saved. But shelling Lugansk Ukrainians already problematic - except that long-range MLRS, howitzers and tactical missiles (which end). Gradually solved question shelling in Donetsk . There also began to throw the enemy from the city. And most importantly - APU knocked out of the airport.

Maidan died under Ilovaiskaya
The smallest of the southern boilers was Ilovajskij . It emerged after this strategically important city south of Donetsk for more than three weeks stormed the Ukrainian nationalists. It was there in the last offensive legkovooruzhёnnye were thrown, but motivated by territorial battalions. Some of them consist of volunteers fascist organizations and hundreds of Maidan. They were reinforced parts of the APU from the 93rd mechanized brigade and the 17th Tank Brigade. Just at the peak group had up to 7 thousand. persons .
As a result, during the fighting Ukrainian forces were defeated, discarded and partially put into the pot. It is this boiler was the most "smelly." Various "patriotic" Ukrainian bloggers and politicians have sought to express their requirements Poroshenko "find and punish those responsible" once "Peremoga" and "to help and get the guys." Why would suddenly this concern? Nearby, in the neighboring boilers is trapped significantly more soldiers. And other groups were filled with military equipment, which is after all the defeats MAT became its weight in gold.
The answer is simple - to volunteer battalions were in trouble deserved "the best people, the future of the Ukrainian nation": the nationalists, fascists and prominent maydanovtsy . It was them and rushed to save in the first place, rather than a "black bone" of the Army of Ukraine.
However, most of the rescue failed. Half-hearted attempts to break the aid only led to large losses in the battalion tactical group (BTG) 28th mechanized brigade . Caught in a trap "Natsik" accused of this time the army had departed and his colleagues in the territorial battalions. They say, they "fled". Though actually the first to trifling wounds ran to the hospital bed combat battalion "Donbass" Simon Sementchenko (in the world Grishin). As a result, his battalion was forced to surrender.

"Humanitarian corridor"
Army of New Russia, even using powerful artillery support, physically unable to firmly hold such a large number of people and equipment in the boilers. Forces too stretched out front is huge, a lot of problems. Although VSN could provide around the boilers even double encirclement, slip or break through his chances were. Only not all were able to get out.
However, to spend time mixing with the soil a few more thousand people when the enemy front in the south collapsed and can move at least to Zaporozhye - impractical. It will only give the Ukrainian army time to send to the front last reserves. So the idea of a "humanitarian corridor" for the encirclement, through which can come only to those who passed the artillery, armored vehicles, ammunition and equipment , -naprashivalas.
Here are just a Kiev for a good yield not given. The generals were ordered to break the force. Did not happen. going out with a fight just shot of MLRS and heavy artillery. In particular, BTG 51th mechanized brigade , which numbered 77 armored vehicles were destroyed completely - survived only one armored vehicle and a few dozen people. A similar fate befell the remains of the 30th mechanized brigade , and a number of territorial battalions. How much when trying to break through the enemy soldiers were killed - no one knows. Losses are just awful.
Others compounds correctly realizing prospects have started to take the technique and out of the boiler. Judging by the number of "horseless" groups Starobeshevo and other places, the technique they just gave or threw. Only a few days ago gave up more than 600 people . However, up to half of them released or changed on its own. Prisoners already have a lot of - there is nothing to feed them.
Now VSN completes liquidation Starobeshevskiy, Amvrosievsky and the rest of southern boilers. Militia gradually takes thrown APU settlements and moves to the west and south - obkladyvaya from all sides Mariupol checkpoints.

Siege of Mariupol
The most important task for the troops of New Russia is taking Mariupol. But VSN clearly want to take the city with minimal casualties and destruction. In Kiev few forces in the city - no heavy machinery in general, light armored vehicles, too little. Forces are represented by several punitive battalions (including Nazi "Azov" , which no one in captivity is not going to take) and a battalion of the 1st Brigade, the National Guard .
Defend with such forces in a big city is not very promising. Yeah Mariupol and uncomfortable for the defense. This proves the experience of the Civil and Great Patriotic War - the battle for many days he never had. So showing a desire "lay down his life" and increased digging fortifications confused - is one thing, but the real defenses of the city - more. But what happens in reality - until the question.

Ukraine retreats
In recent days, it has become clear that the Army of Ukraine began to take pre-planned defensive lines. Kiev "reduces the front line," as she loved to talk about the defeat and retreat Goebbels propaganda. Seen from the withdrawal of the forces of Lugansk, leaving villages in Donetsk. Although Gorlovka section of the front until there is no movement, and the walled city of "Besa" (Bezlera) is still in a semicircle. In the south, Ukrainians and does go on Volnovakha where there was an opportunity to create an unpleasant for Shakhtar center of resistance. Remove roadblocks and strong points, and in other places.
Is the enemy decided to withdraw the remnants of the early, not waiting for them to return that surround? Hardly. Most likely, in the south Kiev will try to build defenses along the border with Zaporozhye . Possible counter-attack in the direction of Mariupol. But the north-west, Ukraine plans to defend the frontier Sloviansk and Kramators'k closing access to the Kharkiv region . Unlikely to give just north and LC, certainly grabbed or abroad Seversky Donets , or New Aydar , as the last chance to organize a strike out in Lugansk.
On these lines Kiev hopes to lick wounds, patch up damaged equipment, gain more cannon fodder - and try to take revenge. However, most likely, this time it will have.

Sea Battle
Interesting episode occurred in the area surrounded by the Mariupol on the last day of summer. naval battle took place there - the first in this war.
Two Ukrainian Border Guard boats - a 40-ton "Grif" and 8-ton glider "Kalkan" patrolling the coastal waters in the territorial waters of the NPT, were shot near the village Bezymenskii from the shore. It is alleged that the boats were shot tanks. Ukrainians say tank guided missiles. Indeed, the existing frames it is clear that from shore to boat was from 4 to 5 miles - the distance is almost the limit for shells, and even for tank missiles.
Get from this distance the projectile in a fast and small boat difficult. But the rocket - it is possible. argued that in the boat quickly "slapped" 6 guided missiles "Invar" with the tanks T-72B . It speaks of the once 2-3 tanks and sufficient qualification gunner. "Grief", was hit in the add-in, machine-gun turret and hull broke out and quickly fading - on such ships are used to the maximum light alloys and plastics, increasing fire risk. The second boat also got a rocket or two, but is said to have survived. It is doubtful - it was too small. Of the 12 -man crew , two were killed and seven injured.
Thus, the BCH showed that they intend to stop the activities of Ukrainian naval warships in their waters. And also gave a clear signal is surrounded Mariupol, that the sea is better not to send reinforcements.

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Samar Rathi

Senior Member
May 11, 2013
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Note the shaded area. The rebels do not control it, but have some sort of presence there (recon elements).



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finnish foreign minister was right, Russian propaganda is quite poor in quality and easy to recognize. Got to admit though visually it is quite impressive.
The Finnish Foreign Minister, and the former Finnish ambassador to Russia have been well trained in the art of prevarication.

Unfortunately, not everyone has a one sided view of history, neither the intention to distort them. That, is best left to the experts, such as, but not limited to Finnish media, which includes "Moscow" Times.
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