Civil war in Ukraine

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Jun 14, 2012
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But why? These are american genitals. I heard Ukraine loves america these days.

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Would you be pleased if I show caricatures about Indians who suck a penis? There are a lot of similar forums. Do not turn this forum into a sexual garbage.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
But why? These are american genitals. I heard Ukraine loves america these days.

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This caricature directly shows "political ukrainians" stupid hope on being the 51-th state of USA.

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Feb 12, 2014
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Would you be pleased if I show caricatures about Indians who suck a penis? There are a lot of similar forums. Do not turn this forum into a sexual garbage.
Are you implying that Ukrainians suck american penis?

Relax, previous post was a joke.

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Jun 14, 2012
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Are you implying that Ukrainians suck american penis?

Relax, previous post was a joke.

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He offended me. I also do not like much in Ukrainian politics, but there is no road back. The Kremlin can try to prove to the whole world that it is not guilty at the beginning of the war, but we know the truth.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Su-24MR from the 43-th OMShAP KChF (Saki, Crimea) participates in AviaDarts-2017 in PRC:


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
In the DNR have developed a 4-barrel 122-mm MLRS.
This is an old news, they've made this in 2014 from the ukrainian Grad wrecks salvaged after battles and also from single barrell Grad-P.

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Jun 14, 2012
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This is an old news, they've made this in 2014 from the ukrainian Grad wrecks salvaged after battles and also from single barrell Grad-P.

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Mar 21, 2009
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08/09/17. Material from journalists.

"The alignment with NATO standards:" warriors of the light "in the" ATO "zone is sipped with slops and fed with smelly" gentoo ", which is disgraced by stray dogs. While civil Ukraine successfully integrates european, its brave" warriors of the world "no less successfully equate to NATO standards Although the two processes are closely interrelated, the interconnection has provided particularly notable successes of the MAT in the transition to NATO standards in the field of provision of "whole Europe" defenders

In the "ATO" zone of the militants of the 108th battalion of the 10th separate mountain-assault brigade, they are given a typical swamp dung - completely dirty water, not suitable for use. Customize it, however, in quite decent bottling signed water "Shayanka." This was reported in Facebook Cherkasy volunteer, coordinator of the Army Assistance Center Oksana Tsyganok, attaching a photo of a terrible swill.

"Such water was brought to the fighters for cooking ... Green for color and the same for taste, even after boiling, the guys experience stomach pain and problems with the intestines! Such" weapons "disable our children practically all at the same time," she wrote And appealed to the military commanders with an astonishingly naive demand "to bring order to the army."

The order, we will remind, It has long been induced by the revolution of hydrology and the country's course toward Europe. The army of Ukraine has long finished off the "scoop", and military commanders are actively being introduced into the North Atlantic alliance.

The similar NATO standardization, which is observed in the Ukrainian Armed Forces and with foodstuffs, is proof of this. In particular, canned food reminds "g * vno", stank and taste them even a stray street dog refuses. Anyway, Negro Vlast, a volunteer, head of the Transcarpathian regional branch of the "Dill" party, announced this at a press conference in Kiev.

Both ordinary military men and officers informed the volunteers on the solemn day of the Ukrainian Constitution, that is, on June 28, from different advanced positions.

"They say with indignation - Vlast, did you see that they send us, what do they feed us? They sent us some photos, Where there was a discovery of canned food, finger was selected, and it was like a clam. In general, it is unclear what the children are fed on the front line, "the volunteer of the" Political Navigator "quotes.

"I appealed, in particular, to my volunteers, we also have lawyers, and I say, look, maybe this is some kind of misunderstanding? We looked at public procurement, it is supplied by the state. Our outrage was ... It's just there d ** vno, there's generally one piece of meat and an incomprehensible substance. Even fat does not melt in the hands, it breaks into pieces.

The guys say - we have such heartburn, we generally can not eat it. There the stench is worth it, that I can not even tell you. The next day we published it on the Internet, in particular, it was put on Facebook. And several volunteers and soldiers also showed what they eat and eat on this day, Not only on this day, but it was until several months in a row that such food went to them.

The next day we found out who it was. Our team worked perfectly. There were different comments on the Internet - they said that there could not be such a supply to the military, and there were comments that maybe we ourselves have brought and fed these soldiers, and want to shit state purchases.

Our team was preparing at this time to leave for the forefront, and they on the way brought some of these cans to the examination. And then there is a volunteer who brought these preserves from the front.

We even opened these cans in the office, I can not even tell you, they opened those canned food, it's outrageous, the stench spread all over the hall. All who at us, workers, did not want to even go to lunch already, they say, there is such a smell, we do not want to have dinner at all. We collected everything, thought to throw it away, but regretted - on the street playing a dog. The dog sniffed in the street, he says - what are you talking about! The dog does not want to eat. The mongrel who runs around, and eats bread, and that's all - he does not want it, "said Vlast Negro, a vetter."


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Mar 21, 2009
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Both ordinary military men and officers informed the volunteers on the solemn day of the Ukrainian Constitution, that is, on June 28, from different advanced positions.

"They say with indignation - Vlast, did you see that they send us, what do they feed us? They sent us some photos, Where there was a discovery of canned food, finger was selected, and it was like a clam. In general, it is unclear what the children are fed on the front line, "the volunteer of the" Political Navigator "quotes.

"I appealed, in particular, to my volunteers, we also have lawyers, and I say, look, maybe this is some kind of misunderstanding? We looked at public procurement, it is supplied by the state. Our outrage was ... It's just there d ** vno, there's generally one piece of meat and an incomprehensible substance. Even fat does not melt in the hands, it breaks into pieces.

The guys say - we have such heartburn, we generally can not eat it. There the stench is worth it, that I can not even tell you. The next day we published it on the Internet, in particular, it was put on Facebook. And several volunteers and soldiers also showed what they eat and eat on this day, Not only on this day, but it was until several months in a row that such food went to them.


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Mar 21, 2009
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"Zakharchenko handed over the keys to the new apartment to a resident of Yasinovata, where Viktoria Vikhreva's new apartment is located.The housing where a woman with two children used to live, one of whom is seriously ill, was in Yasinovataya and was destroyed as a result of firing at APU. With this, the woman had to rent an apartment in Donetsk, where she later had to move away, and at the end of June she addressed the head of the People's Democratic Republic of Belarus, Alexander Zakharchenko, in the course of his direct line.In response to her video message, the leader of the Republic ordered woman be new housing. Alexander Zakharchenko has personally handed over the keys to the apartment and congratulated the family Vortex housewarming. As the head of department of housing and communal services Gorlovka city administration Roman Konev, Victoria was allocated a three-room apartment, fully suitable for housing. The rooms are renovated, plastic windows are installed. The kitchen and bathroom are equipped with electric stove, boiler and plumbing. Also, during his visit to Gorlovka, Alexander Zakharchenko laid flowers at the memorial to the deceased residents of the city. "



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Mar 21, 2009
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Note from the blogger "Centercigr".

"Defenders of Novorossia. Callsign "Goodwin". A small material with my good friend Daniel Bessonov "Goodwin", which from the first days of protecting Novorossia. Goodwin himself: "I repeatedly hear the question, why did I come here, now, after all that I've gone through, I can answer it by putting everything in its proper place and clearly articulating my position." But then, when the whole situation seemed to be some kind of fantastic film, it was hard to realize your role in all this. Yes, I understood that something very bad was happening in the country and this was badly inspired by the west. Perhaps this bad was even contained in Maydanov cookies. Yes, after the events in other cities of the South-East, such as the shooting of the anti-Maidan demonstrators in Kharkiv by the Right Sector or the setting of Molotov cocktails in the tent camp in Nikolaev, etc., I understood that there would be fighting, shooting. But it was hard to believe in a large-scale war. I understood that the army was thrown to pacify the East. But it was not believed that the army would be able to attack cities, people. So that's it. Of course, I came here at the call of my heart. I could not stand aloof from what was happening.
The concept of choosing a party for me was not at all. This is not a computer game. There was only one side for me and I began to defend it. To protect people against whom incomprehensible "new" authorities abandoned the army, to defend their native language, to protect the memory of their ancestors, to defend justice. At that moment, I more than ever felt that I had made the most important and right choice in my life. And I was not mistaken. Although much has been experienced. Much ... But I was not mistaken.
Yes, I had to cross out all past lives and people who, in the end, just as easily struck me off. I came to Donetsk without knowing absolutely anyone. On the Internet I knew only one guy, we became friends on anti-Maidan themes)) we are still, although rarely, but we communicate. His name is Stas. I explained to him that I came to help in the defense of the Donetsk Regional State Administration. He introduced me to one of the leaders of the OGA seizure. As a result, in a couple of days I became the senior 6th floor of Donetsk Regional State Administration. But after on the Holy Easter 20.04.14 the Ukrainian side shot the guys at the checkpoint in Slavyansk, I decided to go there and on 21.04.14 was already there.
Me near the headquarters met "Beard", he was there as someone like a clerk. He had a short interview. I asked what I want. He offered to stay at the headquarters in connection with a suitable education, but I said that I want to be on the edge of resistance. I myself did not understand how to call it right. Yes, then there was no front line either. (By the way, "Beard" glory to God is alive and we've recently seen)) is a very cool guy and the brightest person.)
After that, I first got to the company "Balu" in the platoon of "Trump". There for a short time he acted as an instructor and commander of the 2nd division, After which I was offered to serve in the intelligence-sabotage group "Bolgar" and I gladly agreed.
Well, and since then we have been away from the headquarters and from the kitchen))) Two and a half months of the defense of Slavyansk was an unforgettable period of life. After him a lot more was, but there was a special spirit. Also, there for the first time experienced real, real fear. So strong that he instantly absorbed all the space around, all thoughts, every cell of the body, all past, present and future. It was so scary that I wanted to raise my head higher, that I would catch a bullet, just not to experience more of this fear. And then came the moment of choice. To perish? Escape? To go crazy? To get sick? Or find answers to all the "why" and "for what" and continue to do, do, do. And then you get used to it. Fear remains, of course. But he is already becoming your friend. Helps to survive. Do not climb stupidly for trouble and think through each step. The main thing is that fear will not go away. If the fear goes away, you will not live long in the war.
Then we left Slavyansk. It was very painful, but we understood that there were no other options. After that, there was a lot of things. I remember very much the August of 2014 in the town of Snezhnoe. Then in the vicinity of the city were the hardest fights. And I was at that time serving in a unit where, with weapons in general, there were no problems and after Slavyansk it seemed to me that I was in a military paradise)) We had more than enough for 16 people.
Now I'm rarely on the front lines, and when I'm there, it's not for fighting. Now I have other work and other tasks. Too important, too interesting. But I will never forget what kind of work it is and the feat of being a soldier. And it's a pity that very few people understand this, and just think about it.
But ... "Everyone carries his own cross" "Do what you must and be, what will be!"
I want to thank all my friends. All who are near, was near and just who mentally with me. I used to think that there are not many friends. Here I was convinced of the opposite. I have many friends who have always been friends in any situation. And this is real happiness. More important than people and human relations is nothing. Thank you for being friends!
For us the truth! God is with us! We will win! "
At the moment, Daniil serves as the Chief of the Press Service of the Dniester National Army, and more such guys!" I want to thank all my friends. All who are near, was near and just who mentally with me. I used to think that there are not many friends. Here I was convinced of the opposite. I have many friends who have always been friends in any situation. And this is real happiness. More important than people and human relations is nothing. Thank you for being friends! For us the truth! God is with us! We will win! " At the moment, Daniil serves as the Chief of the Press Service of the Dniester National Army, and more such guys!" I want to thank all my friends. All who are near, was near and just who mentally with me. I used to think that there are not many friends. Here I was convinced of the opposite. I have many friends who have always been friends in any situation. And this is real happiness. More important than people and human relations is nothing. Thank you for being friends! For us the truth! God is with us! We will win! " At the moment, Daniil serves as the Chief of the Press Service of the Dniester National Army, and more such guys!" More important than people and human relations is nothing. Thank you for being friends! For us the truth! God is with us! We will win! " At the moment, Daniil serves as the Chief of the Press Service of the Dniester National Army, and more such guys!" More important than people and human relations is nothing. Thank you for being friends! For us the truth! God is with us! We will win! " At the moment, Daniil serves as the Chief of the Press Service of the Dniester National Army, and more such guys!"



Jun 14, 2012
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Mar 21, 2009
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People's militia ЛНР conducted large-scale drills on maneuver defense

Tankmen, motorized gunners and artillerymen of the People's Militia of the People's Republic of Finland conducted large-scale exercises to develop elements of maneuver defense. This is reported by a correspondent of the LIC from one of the military proving grounds of the defense department of the Republic.

In the course of the training, the actions of individual servicemen and units in general in the conditions of defensive combat were worked out. Also the organization of management, communication and interaction of divisions was practiced.

More than 100 units of equipment and more than 700 personnel were involved in the exercises. At the same time, the official representative of the People's Militia of the People's Republic of Finland, Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Marochko, noted that most of the personnel for the first time took part in such a "large-scale event, getting the necessary skills and knowledge in the practical mastery of weapons and military equipment in conditions close to the combat situation."

"Practical experience was obtained by arrows in the performance of firing from various types of weapons, crews of combat vehicles, tank units, mortar, Artillery and antiaircraft calculations.

The security departments worked together to arrange the delivery of ammunition, the evacuation of equipment and personnel from the battlefield, as well as the organization of the rear control post, "Marochko said. " The divisions showed a high level of coherence and organization of combat command and demonstrated a constant readiness to carry out the tasks assigned to them Tasks, "- said the lieutenant colonel.

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