Civil war in Ukraine

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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
The End of Maidan - Ukraine Rewinds to 1996

“The only reason why the new premier won’t be able to make the situation any worse is because it can’t get any worse”

Sergey Arbuzov | (Izvestia) | Russia Insider

“Now you know what a reformer looks like,” says Groysman’s brand new T-Shirt

Originally appeared at Izvestia. Translated by Julia Rakhmetova and Rhod Mackenzie
The author is Ukraine's former First Deputy Prime Minister

When Ukraine Premier Arseniy Yatsenyuk announced his resignation, not only the President’s close associates but people all over the country breathed a sigh of relief, hoping for the end of yet another political crisis. As a result of his ‘peaceful’ resignation the person who finished ruining the economy will not be punished. Yatsenyuk’s party, the ‘National Front’ will remain part of the ruling coalition and the majority of his teammates will stay in office.

In general, it’s up to the President and those who seeking profits during the rigged games and backroom confabs,” as was noted by Mr. Saakashvili. However, it’s still too early to talk about ending the political crisis. The country will face some wild squabbling over cabinet appointments, the signing of the coalition agreement and the attitude of those who are ‘insulted’ during the redistribution of power and money.

The Oligarchs will be not be offended: the resignation of Yatsenyuk after many months of confrontation with the President proves that the rich and the powerful can reach a consensus. The fact that he resigned voluntarily means that they and the President found his weak point and were given some guarantees.

The country will also pay for his ‘peaceful’ departure with the rejection of early parliamentary elections. More generally, this implies the rejection of a parliamentary presidential republic. With the arrival of Vladimir Groysman, this will be the first time in many years that a Presidential protégé who is not supported by the voters will become the head of parliament, giving President sole executive power. This rather coincides with the Constitution of 1996 than with the Constitution of 2004 that was discussed in Maidan, which is why we can say that the ‘revolution’ in the Ukraine is over.

The post-Maidan power system having proved its inefficiency, it is being dismantled by those the Maidan put in power. Objectively, the period of ‘restoration’ that is coming looks like a farce.

If the new set in power promises politicians the illusion of stability, ordinary Ukrainians can expect nothing. The political games in Kiev are being played out against the background of the situation in the Donbass and other regions. There were clashes over the weekend in Odessa; there is unrest in the Volynskaya and Rovnenskaya regions – people living in poverty refuse to stop the illegal production of amber.

Vladimir Groysman has few chances of becoming a successful premier. First, he is not an independent politician and thus can’t say ‘no.’ Second, he will be forced to follow the current policy in which the economy takes not second, but third or fourth place. It’s obvious that Ukraine’s economy cannot be restored without economic relations with Russia. But even if Groysman knows this, he will not be allowed to act.

The only reason why the new premier won’t be able to make the situation any worse is because it can’t get any worse. The economy is at rock bottom and the country is practically bankrupt. At best the Ukraine will have a few points of economic growth a year in the immediate future. It will be a long time before the country catches up to 2013 levels.

The Ukraine should have voted for an early election, to see the quickest removal from power of those who led it into civil war and bankruptcy. But instead, the same pack of low cards will be redistributed, and the Ukraine and its people will continue to lose.



Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
The End of Maidan - Ukraine Rewinds to 1996
By the way it was a good time. Lots of girls and beer. Bottle of Brandy-Cola was worth at least 1 grn.60. In that year, bought for$ 50 ZAZ 966. Half an hour of shame - but you're at college.:rofl:


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
By the way it was a good time. Lots of girls and beer. Bottle of Brandy-Cola was worth at least 1 grn.60. In that year, bought for$ 50 ZAZ 966. Half an hour of shame - but you're at college.:rofl:
Well, Arsenic Yatz left on the anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's space flight. I wonder what the significance is. :)

Now, you have this Vlad Groysman. He will be a puppet of the chocolate seller. Do you think things will improve?


Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
Well, Arsenic Yatz left on the anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's space flight. I wonder what the significance is. :)

Now, you have this Vlad Groysman. He will be a puppet of the chocolate seller. Do you think things will improve?
Look further. I am now on vacation. Currently in Kremenchuk. While everyone here is asleep - I write. Trust me, think about politics now there is no desire.


Jun 14, 2012
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Cheap imitation of Sapsan. :)

They should have painted it blue and yellow. Why red, blue, and white? Is the train trying to defect to Russia?
Yes it is cheap. Much cheaper than the Sapsan, which Russia is not itself built and bought from Siemens. He's 2 times cheaper trains Hyundai, which Ukraine bought earlier.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Yes it is cheap. Much cheaper than the Sapsan, which Russia is not itself built and bought from Siemens. He's 2 times cheaper trains Hyundai, which Ukraine bought earlier.
I love the double decker coaches made in Tver.

One day, Ukraine will be back to Mother Russia, and Ukrainians (Russians really) will be able to enjoy this train. o_O


Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
In the ATO zone almost every week knock down or intercept the Russian and Ukrainian reconnaissance UAV.
Under Yasinovataya shot down by a Ukrainian reconnaissance UAV "Furia"

In Nagorno-Karabakh shot down every week or Azerbaijani or Armenian drone.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Donetsk blog, April 15: Fighting on Entire Frontline - Bombardment in Gorlovka (Video) - Kiev Creates ATO Ministry

Irina Burya | Russia Insider

Ukraine’s civil war is still very much ongoing. Both sides are exchanging fire. Civilians and soldiers continue to die on both sides.

DONi was recently founded by a Finnish journalist and Russian businessman whom we know, and we have every reason to believe that their reporting can be relied on as truthful. More information about the agency follows below this report.

Due to its slow, simmering nature, events in Novorossiya rarely make headlines, so people forget there is a real war going on.

Donetsk, Friday, April 15, 16.30 pm. Exclusive to Russia Insider

(Attn readers: this is frequent feature - if you would like to have clarification of facts mentioned here, additional information, more explanation of why certain events are happening, please ask us in the comments section, or email the author at: [email protected] This will help us provide you with information you want to have.)

April 13 represented two years since Ukraine started its so-called anti-terrorist operation (ATO), which turned into a war against the people of Donbass. Naturally, the intensity of attacks on the Ukrainian side significantly increased around this date. There is fighting along the entire front line. Kiev is not only using mortars, grenade launchers and small arms, but artillery, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, anti-aircraft systems and MLRS also (see below pictures of weapons mentioned).

The situation remains the tensest on the northern and western outskirts of Donetsk, in the Mariupol direction to the south from the DPR capital and in the suburbs of Gorlovka situated in the north of the DPR.

On the northern outskirts of Donetsk bombardment is constant, continuing throughout the night. According to soldiers in DPR positions, they usually commence with mortar fire, followed by shells from Ukrainian tanks and motorised artillery systems. After that, infantry are engaged in fighting lasting hours, with the Ukrainian side supported by mortars.

In one of the western suburbs of Donetsk during the night of April 13, according to a few residents remaining there, about 40 mortar bombs launched from the Ukrainian side landed there. A large-caliber artillery projectile also landed on the edge of a central district of the DPR capital. One of our reporters who lives near this place heard the explosion, which made windows and walls of neighbouring houses shake.

At the Yasinovatsky checkpoint, situated on the Donetsk-Gorlovka road, fighting involving infantry continues around the clock. The Ukrainian troops have been attacking the checkpoint for over a month. According to DPR soldiers, the Ukrainian military shell it at night with mortars and artillery of all types. Two days ago, the area of the railway station was hit by several 122mm artillery shells. Another night the Ukrainian side made several single launches from a “Grad” MLRS.

In some areas to the south of Donetsk a few nights were relatively quiet, but on April 13 the intensity of mortar bombing dramatically increased there. During the night, residents of one of the localities counted over 55 mortar bombs launched from Ukrainian positions. As a result of the bombardment, roofs were riddled with shrapnel, windows were shattered, and walls damaged.

In Mariupol, the largest city in the south of Donbass, in one of the central streets, local partisans, passing by a group of Ukrainian soldiers in a car, threw a grenade at them. Local residents inform that the Ukrainian command announced an “Interception” plan, which, according to available information, has so far failed.

In attacks on the northern outskirts of Gorlovka, according to the DPR soldiers and local residents, Kiev uses all equipment amassed there, including heavy artillery, infantry fighting vehicles, armoured personnel carriers, anti-aircraft systems, as well as tanks, which deliberately shell residential areas.

One such bombardment from the Ukrainian side started immediately after the OSCE mission completed its inspection. DONi reporters accompanied the OSCE observers and were able to record both the attack and the immediate departure of the observers (see video below). Instead of documenting a clear violation of the Minsk Agreements by Kiev, Alexander Hug, the deputy head of the OSCE mission in Ukraine, promised to install a video camera in this locality in order to facilitate the recording of violations.

The next day the local authorities reported that about ten 82mm mortar bombs landed, resulting in four private homes being seriously damaged. The DPR Defense Ministry also informed that on April 13, as a result of the bombing, one DPR soldier was killed and two civilians wounded.

On one segment of the front line near Gorlovka, DPR army units managed to push the Ukrainian military back. The result was a neutral zone about three kilometres wide between the positions of the DPR army and the Ukrainian troops where several minor localities are situated. Seeking to return the lost territory, the Ukrainian military shelled with heavy artillery both the DPR positions and those localities. According to local authorities, in the night of April 13 alone, four 122mm artillery shells were documented as hitting residential areas.

In their turn, Kiev also reports of a record number of attacks by the DPR and LPR, accusing them of using the type of heavy equipment prohibited by the Minsk Agreements. However, according to the ATO press service, the Ukrainian positions are always shelled when the OSCE representatives are not there. Moreover, in the absence of real evidence of such attacks, the Ukrainian authorities sometimes attribute to the DPR and LPR errors in shelling made by their own side.

For example, on April 13, Kiev reported of the bombardment of a school by the DPR in Ukrainian-controlled Avdeevka, situated near Donetsk. The DPR Defense Ministry believes that the school was most likely mistakenly hit by Ukrainian artillery, as the Republic does not have on the front line the type of artillery systems used in the attack, something that was repeatedly confirmed by the OSCE mission.

Yesterday, with the Ukrainian artillery incessantly at work in Donbass, Ukraine changed the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. However, the new authorities are no more willing to resolve the conflict in Donbass peacefully that the previous ones.

In his first speech, the new Prime Minister, Volodymyr Groisman, announced his intention to “heal the wounds of Ukrainians by returning the Crimea and Donbass.”

A former Ukrainian ATO spokesman, Tymchuk, informed of a meeting of Ukrainian MPs with a US delegation headed by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Michael Carpenter, during which the American side threatened to cease military assistance to Ukraine if by July 2016 there were no demonstrable results of military reform.

The Defense Ministry of Ukraine announced that the “Donbass” and “Aidar” nationalist battalions, comprising residents of the former Donetsk and Luhansk regions, were to be united and shortly sent to the east.

The new government created the Anti Terrorist Operation (ATO) Ministry, which clearly indicates that Kiev is planning to continue it.

Information on weapons mentioned in this article

A mortar is a tube-like cannon which fires a projectile which explodes upon impact. They have ranges of up to 3 miles

A grenade launcher

An infantry fighting vehicle

A tank T-72

A 122mm motorised artillery system “Gvozdika”

A 152mm howitzer

An anti-aircraft system ZU-23

A MLRS “Grad”

The Donetsk International News Agency is a private, non-profit information agency located in the center of the city of Donetsk. It is headed by Finnish journalist, Janus Putkonen and has 10 full time journalists on staff. Approximately half of them are natives of Western European countries. Its website is:


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Donetsk blog, April 15: Fighting on Entire Frontline - Bombardment in Gorlovka (Video) - Kiev Creates ATO Ministry

Irina Burya | Russia Insider

Ukraine’s civil war is still very much ongoing. Both sides are exchanging fire. Civilians and soldiers continue to die on both sides.

DONi was recently founded by a Finnish journalist and Russian businessman whom we know, and we have every reason to believe that their reporting can be relied on as truthful. More information about the agency follows below this report.

Due to its slow, simmering nature, events in Novorossiya rarely make headlines, so people forget there is a real war going on.

Donetsk, Friday, April 15, 16.30 pm. Exclusive to Russia Insider

(Attn readers: this is frequent feature - if you would like to have clarification of facts mentioned here, additional information, more explanation of why certain events are happening, please ask us in the comments section, or email the author at: [email protected] This will help us provide you with information you want to have.)

April 13 represented two years since Ukraine started its so-called anti-terrorist operation (ATO), which turned into a war against the people of Donbass. Naturally, the intensity of attacks on the Ukrainian side significantly increased around this date. There is fighting along the entire front line. Kiev is not only using mortars, grenade launchers and small arms, but artillery, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, anti-aircraft systems and MLRS also (see below pictures of weapons mentioned).

The situation remains the tensest on the northern and western outskirts of Donetsk, in the Mariupol direction to the south from the DPR capital and in the suburbs of Gorlovka situated in the north of the DPR.

On the northern outskirts of Donetsk bombardment is constant, continuing throughout the night. According to soldiers in DPR positions, they usually commence with mortar fire, followed by shells from Ukrainian tanks and motorised artillery systems. After that, infantry are engaged in fighting lasting hours, with the Ukrainian side supported by mortars.

In one of the western suburbs of Donetsk during the night of April 13, according to a few residents remaining there, about 40 mortar bombs launched from the Ukrainian side landed there. A large-caliber artillery projectile also landed on the edge of a central district of the DPR capital. One of our reporters who lives near this place heard the explosion, which made windows and walls of neighbouring houses shake.

At the Yasinovatsky checkpoint, situated on the Donetsk-Gorlovka road, fighting involving infantry continues around the clock. The Ukrainian troops have been attacking the checkpoint for over a month. According to DPR soldiers, the Ukrainian military shell it at night with mortars and artillery of all types. Two days ago, the area of the railway station was hit by several 122mm artillery shells. Another night the Ukrainian side made several single launches from a “Grad” MLRS.

In some areas to the south of Donetsk a few nights were relatively quiet, but on April 13 the intensity of mortar bombing dramatically increased there. During the night, residents of one of the localities counted over 55 mortar bombs launched from Ukrainian positions. As a result of the bombardment, roofs were riddled with shrapnel, windows were shattered, and walls damaged.

In Mariupol, the largest city in the south of Donbass, in one of the central streets, local partisans, passing by a group of Ukrainian soldiers in a car, threw a grenade at them. Local residents inform that the Ukrainian command announced an “Interception” plan, which, according to available information, has so far failed.

In attacks on the northern outskirts of Gorlovka, according to the DPR soldiers and local residents, Kiev uses all equipment amassed there, including heavy artillery, infantry fighting vehicles, armoured personnel carriers, anti-aircraft systems, as well as tanks, which deliberately shell residential areas.

One such bombardment from the Ukrainian side started immediately after the OSCE mission completed its inspection. DONi reporters accompanied the OSCE observers and were able to record both the attack and the immediate departure of the observers (see video below). Instead of documenting a clear violation of the Minsk Agreements by Kiev, Alexander Hug, the deputy head of the OSCE mission in Ukraine, promised to install a video camera in this locality in order to facilitate the recording of violations.

The next day the local authorities reported that about ten 82mm mortar bombs landed, resulting in four private homes being seriously damaged. The DPR Defense Ministry also informed that on April 13, as a result of the bombing, one DPR soldier was killed and two civilians wounded.

On one segment of the front line near Gorlovka, DPR army units managed to push the Ukrainian military back. The result was a neutral zone about three kilometres wide between the positions of the DPR army and the Ukrainian troops where several minor localities are situated. Seeking to return the lost territory, the Ukrainian military shelled with heavy artillery both the DPR positions and those localities. According to local authorities, in the night of April 13 alone, four 122mm artillery shells were documented as hitting residential areas.

In their turn, Kiev also reports of a record number of attacks by the DPR and LPR, accusing them of using the type of heavy equipment prohibited by the Minsk Agreements. However, according to the ATO press service, the Ukrainian positions are always shelled when the OSCE representatives are not there. Moreover, in the absence of real evidence of such attacks, the Ukrainian authorities sometimes attribute to the DPR and LPR errors in shelling made by their own side.

For example, on April 13, Kiev reported of the bombardment of a school by the DPR in Ukrainian-controlled Avdeevka, situated near Donetsk. The DPR Defense Ministry believes that the school was most likely mistakenly hit by Ukrainian artillery, as the Republic does not have on the front line the type of artillery systems used in the attack, something that was repeatedly confirmed by the OSCE mission.

Yesterday, with the Ukrainian artillery incessantly at work in Donbass, Ukraine changed the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. However, the new authorities are no more willing to resolve the conflict in Donbass peacefully that the previous ones.

In his first speech, the new Prime Minister, Volodymyr Groisman, announced his intention to “heal the wounds of Ukrainians by returning the Crimea and Donbass.”

A former Ukrainian ATO spokesman, Tymchuk, informed of a meeting of Ukrainian MPs with a US delegation headed by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Michael Carpenter, during which the American side threatened to cease military assistance to Ukraine if by July 2016 there were no demonstrable results of military reform.

The Defense Ministry of Ukraine announced that the “Donbass” and “Aidar” nationalist battalions, comprising residents of the former Donetsk and Luhansk regions, were to be united and shortly sent to the east.

The new government created the Anti Terrorist Operation (ATO) Ministry, which clearly indicates that Kiev is planning to continue it.

Information on weapons mentioned in this article

A mortar is a tube-like cannon which fires a projectile which explodes upon impact. They have ranges of up to 3 miles

A grenade launcher

An infantry fighting vehicle

A tank T-72

A 122mm motorised artillery system “Gvozdika”

A 152mm howitzer

An anti-aircraft system ZU-23

A MLRS “Grad”

The Donetsk International News Agency is a private, non-profit information agency located in the center of the city of Donetsk. It is headed by Finnish journalist, Janus Putkonen and has 10 full time journalists on staff. Approximately half of them are natives of Western European countries. Its website is:
:biggrin2::bounce::bounce::bounce:More bureaucracy and budget ravaging! Senia has left, th next ones waiting to be rich! :rofl:


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Off topic

Russians weapons experts,identify this ?



Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Bastion shore-based anti-shipping missiles (with 3M55 Onyx-K) complex targetting radar vehicle.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Bastion shore-based anti-shipping missiles (with 3M55 Onyx-K) complex targetting radar vehicle.
But IMHO there is no Bastion in Indian Navy service.

@gadeshi do you have some similar pics like above and how do you know its bastion ?

We have P 15, i have the pics.
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