Civil war in Ukraine

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Regular Member
May 5, 2014
When they say things?
Not just saying, but also making laws.

S.2277 - Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014
S.2828 - Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014

If you read carefully, you can see that these measures will take place step-by-step and connected not only to Ukraine, but also "other independent countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia" where shit begins to boil too.

Enough or what? Or I should post articles where Russia is compared by US officials with ISIS and Ebola, and declarations like "Obama would consider all options short of military action to prevent Russian agression bla-bla-bla"?


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Aug 12, 2013
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Yeah, I remember, I have voted in this poll too :thumb:
There was a viral blog post about that in Russian social networks.
23.000 times from one IP could mean requests from one internet provider.
No magic.
Lool,since when the ruskov are allowed to vot in our polls ?
I'm pretty sure that on every French poll concrerning raaaassssiiiyyyaaaa,90% of the voters are russians. lol.


Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
Not just saying, but also making laws.

S.2277 - Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014
S.2828 - Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014

If you read carefully, you can see that these measures will take place step-by-step and connected not only to Ukraine, but also "other independent countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia" where shit begins to boil too.

Enough or what? Or I should post articles where Russia is compared by US officials with ISIS and Ebola, and declarations like "Obama would consider all options short of military action to prevent Russian agression bla-bla-bla"?
Russia took the part of a sovereign country,unleashed on the territory of Ukraine the war and does not want her to stop. Naturally followed such laws. Putin. believes that Ukraine is not his opponent (not the level), so the opponent of the United States. If the US we have supplied ATGMs new generation (we have very little), tanks militants and tanks of the Russian army for a short time burned.The US does not participate in the confrontation.


Regular Member
May 5, 2014
Lool,since when the ruskov are allowed to vot in our polls ?
I'm pretty sure that on every French poll concrerning raaaassssiiiyyyaaaa,90% of the voters are russians. lol.
Well, that may be. I guess there was no country filter on this poll. :russia:


Regular Member
May 5, 2014
Russia took the part of a sovereign country,unleashed on the territory of Ukraine the war and does not want her to stop. Naturally followed such laws. Putin. believes that Ukraine is not his opponent (not the level), so the opponent of the United States. If the US we have supplied ATGMs new generation (we have very little), tanks militants and tanks of the Russian army for a short time burned.The US does not participate in the confrontation.
Russia does not want Ukraine to suppress DNR and LNR by force. Only peace talks, constitutional reform and legalization of LDNR officials in Ukrainian politics. Meanwhile your government does not want peace, but wants a military victory, which is unacceptable for Russia. So that results continuous clashes.

Oh, I must admit, the USA does not want to spend too much on you, proxy fight rules matters.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
War Is Going Badly for Kiev. Which Makes It All the More Dangerous
War Is Going Badly for Kiev. Which Makes It All the More Dangerous - Russia Insider

I have been trying to wait as long as possible to get some facts confirmed, but at this point in time I am confident enough to say that there are numerous and convergent signs that things are going extremely badly for the regime in Kiev. Just look at the following recent headlines:

"‹Kiev urgently summons NATO-Ukraine meeting in Brussels
Junta officers get the right to shoot their man in case of insubordination
Kiev introduces state of emergency in Donbass, high alert across Ukraine
Resistance to New Wave of Ukraine Mobilization Has Already Begun
Panic in Kiev: Ukrainian forces surrender Donbass
Clearly, things are not going well *at all* for the Junta.
Concerning Debaltsevo and the rumors that the Junta forces were encircled in another "cauldron", they are probably a little premature.
However, even if the Ukrainian forces have not been fully encircled *yet*, there is strong evidence that they are indeed in the process of being encircled and many reports even speak of panic. However, Kiev has kept numerically large forces north of Donetsk and we should not dismiss them.
By all accounts, Kiev's forces are trying hard to break the Novorussian noose around Debaltsevo and they are also trying to recapture the Donetsk airport.
Here are two SITREPS translated by the great Kazzura which I find interesting:

I am generally weary of triumphalism and I always get nervous when I see somebody underestimating the enemy. Most importantly, we should remember that while the regime in Kiev seems to be suffering major military losses, it still has two options available a false flag operation and declare war with Russia.

Option one: false flag
The worse the Junta's military defeats, the higher the risk of a major false flag. Keep in mind that the Kiev Junta despises the east Ukrainian which it considers as "bugs", "insects" and "subhumans" which should be barbecued and that it will have no pity for its own forces if they are defeated or, worse, disloyal. And remember the Nazi slogan about Crimea: "the Crimea will be Ukrainian or empty". We have to assume that the regime in Kiev is capable of anything and, having already shot down a civilian airliner, I would not put it past them to sabotage a nuclear plant or some other very high risk target.

Option two: declare with with Russia
Notice, I did not say war "on Russia" because that would make Kiev the aggressor. But the Rada is quite capable tomorrow of declaring Russia an "aggressor state".

And if that is not enough, Kiev is absolutely capable of striking (at least a few times) anywhere along the Russian-Ukrainian border (including in Crimea) in order to pull Russia in.

Even if Russia does not take the bait and simply rides out the strikes, or if Russia responds with a very minimal amount of force, Kiev will continue to declare the "thousands" of Russian troops have invaded and that Russian "tactical battalion groups" are operating all along the line of contact.

There is no way that Kiev will ever admit that its forces have been defeated by local Novorussian resistance fighters. In other words, any defeat of the Junta forces will always be presented as a "Russian aggression against the European choice of the free Ukrainian nation".

Folks like Yatseniuk or Turchinov will never just flee like Yanukovich did - before they do that, they will make darn sure to destroy as much of the Ukraine as possible and that happens to be exactly the US plan too: if Uncle Sam cannot have it, neither will anybody else.

This one is far from over
I therefore caution everybody against any premature triumphalism. It ain't over and it won't be over anytime soon. Even if the Novorussians comprehensively defeat Kiev forces (again!), this will not push their attack very far beyond the current frontlines (they just don't have the manpower for that).
So don't expect the Novorussians to free Kiev and overthrown the Junta. That is something only the Ukrainian people themselves can do, and right now they are nowhere near that kind of outcome.

Things to look very, very bad for Kiev and the current tactical difficulties faced by the regime might well result in an operational level collapse. At which point we can expect all sides except the Novorussians to try to revive some kind of stale and futile "peace process" which the Novorussians will have to accept, except that this time around Russia will probably make more demands then the first time around.

Now that Putin has declared that the Junta's army is just "NATO's legion" the mood in Moscow is rather dark and the disgust with Poroshenko and all his lies very widespread. So even if Russia accepts another cease-fire, the Junta will have to pay a price for its failed assault. I think that the loss of Mariupol might be one of the conditions demanded by Russia (at least I hope so).
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Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
"I never met any Russian who said Crimea was not worth it and I am making up stories, just like I made up stories about the Finnish history."
Of course it helped that one of those Russians was my colleague who had lived in Finland for two years and could speak freely. He had also changed his mind: in the autumn he said that Russia has done right.


Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
Russia does not want Ukraine to suppress DNR and LNR by force. Only peace talks, constitutional reform and legalization of LDNR officials in Ukrainian politics. Meanwhile your government does not want peace, but wants a military victory, which is unacceptable for Russia. So that results continuous clashes.

Oh, I must admit, the USA does not want to spend too much on you, proxy fight rules matters.
Don't repeat propaganda. It is not our side started the offensive. This propaganda is like when the USSR attacked Poland or Finland. The same "pansky Poland" and "militaristic" Finland". To win over quasi-States DNR/LNR at this hour is not possible, because the collision not only with the militants, but with the regular Russian army. Ukraine has power only defend, but not offensive.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Shredded by Rebel Artillery Ukraine Army Is Forced on the Counter-Attack


...A few words about losses. The junta lost 1800 soldiers by January 21, of which 500-600 were killed. In the last week their losses totaled another 2000, of which 500-600 were killed. Most of the killed are still on the battlefield and cannot be evacuated.

For example, Ukrainian remains are still being found at the Donetsk airport. They already carted out 100 corpses. And it's not the end.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Don't repeat propaganda. It is not our side started the offensive. :scared2:This propaganda is like when the USSR attacked Poland or Finland. The same "pansky Poland" and "militaristic" Finland". To win over quasi-States DNR/LNR at this hour is not possible, because the collision not only with the militants, but with the regular Russian army. Ukraine has power only defend, but not offensive.
Its not Lvov or Kiev that is bombarded , but Lugansk and Donietsk..
so please stop bullsheet us in here .. smells bad


Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
Its not Lvov or Kiev that is bombarded , but Lugansk and Donietsk..
so please stop bullsheet us in here .. smells bad

Why I, a resident of Donetsk need to read it in another state? Do not anger me! You have a primitive worldview. The national socialist!


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
January 27, 2015 5:35 pm
Greeks rebuff EU call for more Russia sanctions

Alarm bells ring over Syriza's Russian links - FTENG -
The day after his election as Greece's new prime minister, Alexis Tsipras threw a grenade in the direction of Brussels: he objected to calls for fresh sanctions against Russia as a result of rising violence in Ukraine
Alarm bells ring over Syriza's Russian links

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Greece's new radical leftwing-dominated government signalled on Tuesday that friction with its European partners might extend from economic to foreign policy when it distanced itself from an EU call to consider broader sanctions against Russia.
A spokesman for the ruling coalition of Alexis Tsipras, prime minister, said Greece had not approved a statement from EU heads of government that asked their foreign ministers to review further sanctions in response to the latest flare-up of violence in eastern Ukraine, blamed by the US and most European nations on Russian-backed separatists.

High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email [email protected] to buy additional rights.

The Greek statement raised questions over whether the new government, led by the radical leftist Syriza party, would support a continuation of existing EU sanctions, including visa bans and asset freezes on Russian officials and Moscow-supported separatists, when they come up for renewal in March.
Mr Tsipras' intervention is likely to add to concerns in EU capitals, especially Berlin, about growing Russian influence in south-eastern Europe and the Balkans. German chancellor Angela Merkel warned last month that Moscow was trying to make some Balkan states "politically and economically dependent".
The first foreign diplomat to meet Mr Tsipras after his formal appointment as premier on Monday was Andrei Maslov, the Russian ambassador to Athens, who passed on a congratulatory telegram from President Vladimir Putin.
Nikolai Fyodorov, Russia's agriculture minister, suggested on January 16 that, if Greece's debt woes forced it to leave the EU, the Kremlin would help Athens by lifting a ban on Greek food exports that forms part of the measures adopted by Moscow in retaliation for western sanctions.
Syriza has already given a taste of its foreign policy outlook in the European Parliament, where, since last May's elections, its MEPs have adopted a number of pro-Russian positions, including voting against a EU-Ukrainian association agreement.
Costas Isychos, a Syriza foreign affairs spokesman, last year derided western sanctions on Russia as "neocolonial bulimia" and praised the military efforts of the Kremlin-backed separatists in Donetsk and Lugansk in eastern Ukraine.
Syriza's 2013 party manifesto demanded Greece's exit from Nato and the closure of a US navy base on the island of Crete.
However, the party has since then played down its hostility to Nato, making clear its highest priority is to secure extensive debt relief from its EU partners and to abandon austerity policies at home.
Though a Nato member, Greece in modern times has often enjoyed warm relations with Russia, and the Soviet Union before it, no matter what the political complexion of the government in Athens. The two countries are culturally close, with a shared Orthodox religion, and leftwing Greeks in the cold war used to have an anti-US, anti-imperialist outlook very close to the views of Moscow.
Greece's Russia Stance Could Be a Major Headache for Brussels
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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
Why I, a resident of Donetsk need to read it in another state? Do not anger me! You have a primitive worldview. The national socialist!
because you accepted to become Banderestan and Nulanland and BidenStan.. that why..
because if you have both Slavic and Greek blad inside you you shouldn't become a puppet of Nuland and Biden




1) Humanitarian battalion "Novorossiya" of Ekaterina Gubareva.
Their website:

PayPal: [email protected]
Western Union, MoneyGram: Gubareva Ekaterina Urievna, Rostov-on-Don.
Please, inform about transferring money to: [email protected]

You can send humanitarian aid by post mail.
Address in English:
Malahova Irina Vladimirovna
do vostrebovaniya

Address in Russian:
Малахова Ирина Владимировна
до востребования

2) Fond "Svoih ne brosaem". Their website in Rus, Eng, Ger, Ita, Fra, Spa:

Bank wire transfer (USD):
IBAN: 40703840038001000018
Beneficiary: Fond "Svoih ne brosaem"
Address: Moscow, Akademika Vinogradova 1-270

Bank wire transfer (EUR):
IBAN: 40703978338001000017
Beneficiary: Fond "Svoih ne brosaem"
Address: Moscow, Akademika Vinogradova 1-270

3) If you live in the Czech Republic or Slovakia, you can help through unofficial embassy of Novorossiya in Slovakia. They cooperate with Ekaterina Gubareva. All the necessary information you can find here:Но...¹-Республикe/733266613410730?fref=ts

4) If you live in Russia, visit / Если вы живёте в России, посетите:
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Jun 14, 2012
Country flag
because you accepted to become Banderestan and Nulanland and BidenStan.. that why..
because if you have both Slavic and Greek blad inside you you shouldn't become a puppet of Nuland and Biden

Believe me. I can find hundreds of insults in your country. But one of the filth and before the respects to the ancestors I wouldn't do it.

because if you have both Slavic and Greek blad inside you you shouldn't become a puppet of Nuland and Biden
So Greece lives on European handouts?
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Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
The time of defeats for Kiev has started. More Kiev defeats in pipeline.

However West (USA) will act dirty, and anything can happen. USA cannot digest a defeat. It will prod Poroshenko for dirtier tricks.
The Europeans are brainwashed (and influenced by money). People live in dreamworld and ignore the reality.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
Russia does not want Ukraine to suppress DNR and LNR by force. Only peace talks, constitutional reform and legalization of LDNR officials in Ukrainian politics. Meanwhile your government does not want peace, but wants a military victory, which is unacceptable for Russia. So that results continuous clashes.

Oh, I must admit, the USA does not want to spend too much on you, proxy fight rules matters.
You attacked sovereign country whos politics and leaders you do not like. Ukraine is just a follow up of Afganistan, Vietnam or Iraq. The rhetoric is the same. The difference is that in Europe after bloody world wars has built new structures to avoid just those acts of violence. Now Russia is breaking the rules, it itself was making.

This will be a long conflict, the whole foundation of Europe is in danger and EU is not gonna back down.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
You attacked sovereign country whos politics and leaders you do not like. Ukraine is just a follow up of Afganistan, Vietnam or Iraq. The rhetoric is the same. The difference is that in Europe after bloody world wars has built new structures to avoid just those acts of violence. :laugh: Now Russia is breaking the rules, it itself was making.

This will be a long conflict, the whole foundation of Europe is in danger and EU is not gonna back down.
So what happened in Libya .. MALI or even ex Yougoslavia..
please no bull... here..

( to remind you also the war against Cyprus 1974 and thw invasion of British troops in Athens 1946
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Regular Member
May 5, 2014
You attacked sovereign country whos politics and leaders you do not like. Ukraine is just a follow up of Afganistan, Vietnam or Iraq. The rhetoric is the same. The difference is that in Europe after bloody world wars has built new structures to avoid just those acts of violence. Now Russia is breaking the rules, it itself was making.

This will be a long conflict, the whole foundation of Europe is in danger and EU is not gonna back down.
Not just because "do not like" politics and leaders, but rather absolutely cannot accept them. They should not take over the whole country.
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