China Military: Photos & Videos


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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Considering there are only two active, one at any time, and none of the LSTs have much range, it would likely be alone in oversea action.
I love how you always make up stats... All Chinese LST's in service(30 at last count with more under construction) have over 2500nm of range. That covers anywhere PLAN amphibious vessels would be needed. The PLAN can offer the 071's the best support of ANY Asian nation.
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Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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I love how you always make up stats... All Chinese LST's in service(30 at last count with more under construction) have over 2500nm of range. That covers anywhere PLAN amphibious vessels would be needed. The PLAN can offer the 071's the best support of ANY Asian nation.
The Type-72s? :rofl: They can't support amphibious operations overseas. They can only land wet vehicles. There is no hanger for helos and no troop accommodations. Troops sleeping in their LCPVs with an unprotected helo deck means it can only deploy for a couple days in good weather. When it gets there it can't land support elements or large cargo loads. They were designed to land the armour which would be augmented by troop transports and landing barges to Taiwan or SCS. The Type 071 is the only landing ship of any strategic value in PLAN and if it is loading up with wet vehicles in its well deck it is utterly useless in that capacity.


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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The Type-72s? :rofl: They can't support amphibious operations overseas. They can only land wet vehicles. There is no hanger for helos and no troop accommodations. Troops sleeping in their LCPVs with an unprotected helo deck means it can only deploy for a couple days in good weather. When it gets there it can't land support elements or large cargo loads. They were designed to land the armour which would be augmented by troop transports and landing barges to Taiwan or SCS. The Type 071 is the only landing ship of any strategic value in PLAN and if it is loading up with wet vehicles in its well deck it is utterly useless in that capacity.
The American LPD's and LHD's were meant to be able to carry the USMC EFV amphibious IFV before it was cancelled, not using landing craft, but deploying them from their well decks. That's hardly "üseless" unless you know something world millitary leaders dont. Having a fleet of LPD's as China does allows for one of them to be used as an amphib armour dispenser, as there will always be more than one LPD in any large scale amphib operation.

Prove your bull about the Type072 LST, how a vessel built to transport 500 tonnes of equppment at a time cant deploy combat troops and equipment. And while you make up some more stats, here:

Since the PLA's victory in the civil war, a handful of ex-US LSTs were captured (or salvaged) from the Nationalists and impressed into service. These craft were built for US forces between 1942 and 1945. The first indigenously designed LST was completed in 1980 as the Yukan Type 072 class. Sea lift of the Yukan is 200 troops, 10 tanks and two LCVPs (up to 500 tons), as well as a heavy armament of 57 mm/37 mm/25 mm cannons. Production ended in 1995 after seven ships were built. A much improved class was the Yuting 072II, with nine ships built by 2001. Improvements included longer hull to accommodate an aft helicopter deck, larger internal flood bay for four LCVP and improved self defense artillery. The notable advantage of the Yuting II is its ability to operate helicopters. Despite being without hangar facilities, the heli-deck could operate two medium sized helicopters. With this combination of helicopter and LCVP operations, the Yuting could insert small groups of infantry from over the horizon. In addition, marine and army amphibious tanks/APCs have exercised swimming operations off LSTs while being a distance away from shore. This reduces the vulnerability of the LSTs from operating on beachheads. From 2002 onwards, another improved class, the 072III was seen in large numbers. This class features a redesigned superstructure. At least nine have been confirmed with more being built in shipyards.
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Regular Member
Jan 13, 2011
Superb pics :thumb:
Awesome how PLA equiped all its infantry units with modern helmets and other stuff, they are even carrying side arms :yuck:

Meanwhile IA soldiers are still waiting for F-INSAS and are running around with 20 kg BP vests and WW2 helemts :mad:


Tihar Jail
Oct 2, 2009
Superb pics :thumb:
Awesome how PLA equiped all its infantry units with modern helmets and other stuff, they are even carrying side arms :yuck:

Meanwhile IA soldiers are still waiting for F-INSAS and are running around with 20 kg BP vests and WW2 helemts :mad:
It's just different priority. india is expected to spend by 2020 ca 100 billion dollars on imported arms alone (MRCA, C-17, P-75, etc), so short of cash is the indian military obvious not.


Tihar Jail
Nov 25, 2011
The friendship of China and Pakistan with some sure personal motives is definitely not in the favor of India.The ongoing trend of buying new weapons and supporting each others military aspires is poses a great danger for our country.China is on its way to become super power,its veto power and increasing military power and economy all are against our hopes.


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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The American LPD's and LHD's were meant to be able to carry the USMC EFV amphibious IFV before it was cancelled, not using landing craft, but deploying them from their well decks. That's hardly "üseless" unless you know something world millitary leaders dont. Having a fleet of LPD's as China does allows for one of them to be used as an amphib armour dispenser, as there will always be more than one LPD in any large scale amphib operation.
American LHDs carry two full battalions which includes all of its dry support equipment. The EFV was to be launched in conjunction with LCACs. There is a massive vehicle hanger in front of the well dock where they would be stored. It is hardly useless as Marine units move in Expeditionary forces that can land an entire division with all of its equipment and air support. To compare PLAN to the USMC is so laughable i couldn't fill this page with enough lols.

Prove your bull about the Type072 LST, how a vessel built to transport 500 tonnes of equppment at a time cant deploy combat troops and equipment.
It's amasing how you try to put words in my mouth that I didn't say. I said it can't support a Type 071 in long distance seabourne operations. I already proved why... it has no troop accommodation, no helo hanger, nothing bigger than a Higgens boat and was designed to land wet armour, not dry vehicles. Your source is saying the same thing, it was designed to land armour.


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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American LHDs carry two full battalions which includes all of its dry support equipment. The EFV was to be launched in conjunction with LCACs. There is a massive vehicle hanger in front of the well dock where they would be stored. It is hardly useless as Marine units move in Expeditionary forces that can land an entire division with all of its equipment and air support. To compare PLAN to the USMC is so laughable i couldn't fill this page with enough lols.

It's amasing how you try to put words in my mouth that I didn't say. I said it can't support a Type 071 in long distance seabourne operations. I already proved why... it has no troop accommodation, no helo hanger, nothing bigger than a Higgens boat and was designed to land wet armour, not dry vehicles. Your source is saying the same thing, it was designed to land armour.
You still aren't providing any source's or links to your claims.

Are you high? are you saying american amphibs were going to land AMPHIBIOUS EFV's using landing craft that could otherwise land more troops and armour from other LPD's/LHD's?

I think you are high, since my source clearly states that from both 072II and 072III classes can carry $ LCVP's, which are landing craft. You can find no source but yourself that says the 072's can only carry amphib armour.


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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China 12th Somalia Task Force Before Departure



Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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2 pics depicting thee type 05's Towed array Sonar... Looks like it really is an ASW corvette, and with so many being built, it seems the PLAN is really serious about ASW.



Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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A depiction of the 052C destroyer, the developmental 052D destroyer and the 054A frigate...



Regular Member
Jun 20, 2011
A depiction of the 052C destroyer, the developmental 052D destroyer and the 054A frigate...
Good pic.

Any news about QC280, J20?

That pic still projects a ~6k tons DDG for 052D -- means it doesn't expect break-thru on engine. Yet, it's a 10k ship PLAN need to carry enough missiles, IMO.

It has been at least 5 years since China can produce GT25000. If there is still no progress in QC280B, it's time to give up that project.
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