China Military News & Updates


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Jul 1, 2009
I wonder if the reductions are targetting the reserve corps or just cutting border guards and internal security.


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May 6, 2009
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China sets its sights on US Navy, admiral warns

October 2, 2009

AS CHINA celebrated 60 years of communist rule with a parade of military hardware, a senior US commander expressed concern that it was shaping to challenge the US militarily.

The commander of the Seventh Fleet, Vice-Admiral John Bird, said in Sydney yesterday that China's naval capability "has grown much faster than any of our predictions''.

Of China's new capabilities, "many are intended to counter a navy such as the US Navy," with weapons systems "targeted to our carriers and larger ships."

He suggested that China aimed ultimately to displace the US in the Pacific: "I think the Chinese would like to see less of the Seventh Fleet in this part of the world.

"I think their track record is pretty clear - the Chinese will continue to expand their maritime area of operations further in the future," he told reporters aboard his command vessel, the USS Blue Ridge.

And with at least four US Navy vessels steaming to provide help after this week's earthquakes, Admiral Bird said that "it would be good to see the Chinese deploying some of their strength in disaster relief". He pointed out that China had not offered any such help after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

The purpose of the Chinese build-up was clouded: "Their intentions are unclear. I would like to see more transparency."

Admiral Bird commands two aircraft carriers, a flotilla of about 50 other vessels, 200 aircraft and 40,000 personnel.

He said the incident in March where Chinese vessels had jostled a US ship in the South China Sea had been followed by other, lesser incidents but had not been repeated with the same intensity.

"I would like to believe China learnt from that but, to be truthful, at any time they could do that again … They have made it clear they consider the South China Sea to be more or less theirs."

Admiral Bird said China's progress in developing an anti-ship ballistic missile could force the US to adapt: "Challenged with that threat you might adjust your approach, but that's a far cry from making carriers obsolete."

And China's capability, without yet any operating aircraft carriers, remained "a far cry" from America's 11 nuclear-powered carriers, he said.

Peter Hartcher|China 60 years celebration


New Member
May 30, 2009
I am looking for some information about the Chinese YJ-12 supersonic cruise missile. From the little info I could gather, it has a range of 400 km and maximum velocity of mach 3.0. According to wikipedia, its design is supposedly similar to the Air-Sol_Moyenne_Portée (Check Air-Sol Moyenne Portée - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ), which makes me suspicious that China may have stolen the technology from France. This missile has been modified to minimize frontal rcs (see the downward canted inlets) and carries a 200 kg warhead. From what I've heard, China has kept this missile under wraps on purpose, while deploying close to 1000 of these missiles on its ships, land-launchers and aircraft.


Respected Member
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Sep 25, 2009
"It’s also highly unlikely that France would export ASMP, or any other nuclear strike weapons and delivery system to China. Contrary to the ASMP which is a sole an air-to-surface missile, YJ-12 was first developed as an anti-ship missile instead, and then as an anti-radar missile, and the land-attack air-to-surface version was the latest development. Chinese developer of YJ-12 claimed that the reason YJ-12 looked almost identical to ASMP was because the aerodynamic layout was the best to meet the performance requirements thus resulting in similar looks of the two missiles." See YJ-12 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The EU arms embargo was imposed on China after 1989. Logically, why would you think that China reverse engineered a missile if they never obtained a French ASMP? My guess is convergent design. Many submarines have a tear-drop shape, periscope, and a screw-propeller. For jet fighters, many have delta wings. They look very similar, but it doesn't mean that they're copies.


New Member
May 30, 2009
The EU arms embargo was imposed on China after 1989. Logically, why would you think that China reverse engineered a missile if they never obtained a French ASMP? My guess is convergent design. Many submarines have a tear-drop shape, periscope, and a screw-propeller. For jet fighters, many have delta wings. They look very similar, but it doesn't mean that they're copies.
I never said the Chinese obtained a copy legally, but that they stole it. Chinese spies have also successfully stolen the engine inlet design for the B-2 bomber, so stealing from the French is definitely possible.

The other reason why I suspected this is because prior to YJ-12, Chinese cruise missile technology was behind the Russians. How do you go from heavier Russian style Cruise missiles to something far more advanced (check the weight/warhead/speed specs of YJ-12/ASMP and compare them to Yakhont/Brahmos) in just a couple of years without dramatic advances in materials/engine technology? You steal it.

By the way, I already checked the wikipedia info on YJ-12, but was looking for something more concrete/detailed. This missile, if true, is an incredible threat to the Indian Navy. It's like Brahmos, but with lower RCS and greater range.


New Member
Jul 1, 2009
I am looking for some information about the Chinese YJ-12 supersonic cruise missile. From the little info I could gather, it has a range of 400 km and maximum velocity of mach 3.0. According to wikipedia, its design is supposedly similar to the Air-Sol_Moyenne_Portée (Check Air-Sol Moyenne Portée - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ), which makes me suspicious that China may have stolen the technology from France. This missile has been modified to minimize frontal rcs (see the downward canted inlets) and carries a 200 kg warhead. From what I've heard, China has kept this missile under wraps on purpose, while deploying close to 1000 of these missiles on its ships, land-launchers and aircraft.
YJ-12 was just a mock-up. Once we sold them Kh-31 they gave up development so they could start work on copying it.


Respected Member
New Member
Sep 25, 2009
"I never said the Chinese obtained a copy legally, but that they stole it. Chinese spies have also successfully stolen the engine inlet design for the B-2 bomber, so stealing from the French is definitely possible."

I don't think that it's that easy to steal an advanced supersonic French missile. Even if you can somehow circumvent the tight security and controls on advanced weaponry, the French would discover the theft. Afterwards, the French will most likely complain loudly and publicize the theft. It would be great marketing for their weapon. Look everybody! Our ASMP is so advanced that the Chinese violated international law and stole one! I haven't heard any complaints from the French government.

With regards to the issue of "dramatic advances in materials/engine technology," wouldn't it be easier to send your spies into neighboring Taiwan and steal the technology for the supersonic Hsiung Feng III cruise missile?

"The Hsiung Feng III has a range of 300 kilometers (187.5 miles), enough to hit China, 160 kilometers (100 miles) across the Taiwan Strait. The new missile is believed to outperform a similar weapon in China's arsenal, the Russian-made Sunburn." See or

"The September 1 issue of Jane’s Navy International includes a profile of Taiwan’s Hsiung Feng-3 (HF-3) anti-ship cruise missile. Designed and produced by the Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, the HF-3 is believed to be a supersonic variant of the Hsiung Feng-2, with an increased range that some sources claim exceeds 600 km." See

Of course, China has been spending a lot of money on R&D. It is entirely possible that they developed the technology themselves.


New Member
May 30, 2009
I don't think that it's that easy to steal an advanced supersonic French missile. Even if you can somehow circumvent the tight security and controls on advanced weaponry, the French would discover the theft. Afterwards, the French will most likely complain loudly and publicize the theft. It would be great marketing for their weapon. Look everybody! Our ASMP is so advanced that the Chinese violated international law and stole one! I haven't heard any complaints from the French government.
They don't have to steal the missile itself, they can simply steal the technology behind it by paying off French scientists. They stole the B-2 inlet design by paying off one of the head scientists of the project, and they've been doing similar things in US/Europe for a while now.

And the reason why I think the YJ-12 is a direct copy of the ASMP is because the similarities are too great. The Taiwanese missile is larger and slower. There were some brochures of the YJ-12 on the web earlier, which have disappeared. As I said, the Chinese are trying to keep this missile under wraps, while deploying 1000 such missiles on land, sea, and air platforms.

To all readers: I would appreciate any detailed information (not wikipedia,etc.) on the Chinese YJ-12 supersonic cruise missile, as I believe it will be a great threat to the Indian armed forces in the future.


Respected Member
New Member
Sep 25, 2009
According to Wikipedia, the YJ-12 is ten years old. Isn't this old technology?

You might find some of the following information useful.

"I must say, YJ-12 does have similarities to the ANF, such as the dual side rectangular ram-jet intakes and the ramjet engines but if you look at the back of the YJ-12 and the tail of the ANF, there are definite differences because there are stabilizers for the ANF and YJ-12 doesn't and YJ-12's intakes goes all the way to the end of the missile unlike the ANF. YJ-12's developement is actually ahead of the ANF as YJ-12 is in service on the Type 052C class of destroyers, so we know at least the naval surface version is in service with no info on the TEL based or the fighter/bomber based versions.

YJ-12 is supposed to be REALLY REALLY advanced and out performs all current AShM systems that exists today just like what the ANF is promising, maybe a secret co-operation between France and China in terms of technology and design just like how we co-operated on sonars and AIP tech to Germany?"

"If France sold China ANF designs then wouldn't China be the one thats lagging behind in the development with the new missile? China certainly is not when you compare the YJ-12s developement and the ANFs development, ANF states that it wishes to enter service in 2010 while YJ-12 is already in service on two destroyers with unknown induction dates on the air launched, TEL based and sub based versions (they might've already entered service or they might not, there is not enough information to discuss this)."


New Member
Oct 2, 2009
stole?copy?haha ,everyboby please trust me that China will never and ever has any ability to develop weapon by ourselves.The nuclear missile is fake,the rocket and satellite is also a hubble.please,don't wake up.


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May 6, 2009
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Russia, China to sign deals on missiles, high-speed trains

MOSCOW — Moscow and Beijing will sign a range of agreements when Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin visits China this week, including one on missile launches, the Russian government said Sunday.

"More than 10 documents are being prepared for signing, including ... an intergovernmental agreement on notification of the launches of ballistic missiles," the Russian government said in a statement.

Other agreements in the works include Russian-Chinese business deals and a memorandum of understanding on the "organisation and development of fast and high-speed train travel on Russian territory," it said.

Putin is due to visit China from Monday to Wednesday, during which he is scheduled to hold talks with his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao.

On Wednesday he is to attend a heads of government meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), a regional security group dominated by China and Russia that has been touted as a counterweight to Western-led institutions.

The leaders at the SCO meeting will adopt an "important document" on joint efforts to combat the effects of the global financial crisis, the Russian government said, without giving details.

Besides Russia and China, the SCO also includes four ex-Soviet Central Asian countries -- Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan -- while India, Iran, Mongolia and Pakistan have observer status.

AFP: Russia, China to sign deals on missiles, high-speed trains


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May 6, 2009
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Bolivia to buy Chinese K-8 jets to battle drugs

Bolivia plans to buy six Chinese light military aircraft worth nearly $58 million to fight drug traffickers in the world’s No. 3 cocaine producer, leftist President Evo Morales said on Saturday.

“Last week we issued a supreme decree to … acquire six K-8 aircraft from China,” said Morales in a speech in La Paz to mark the 52nd anniversary of the Bolivian air force.

Morales said his government decided to acquire the K-8, a jet trainer that can be used as a light attack aircraft, after the U.S. government blocked the country from buying similar planes from the Czech Republic.

Morales’ main regional ally, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, is also buying Chinese K-8 to be used to pursue cocaine flights. They replace a purchase of Brazilian Super Tucanos blocked by a U.S. arms embargo.

Bolivia, which is the third largest producer of the white powder drug after Colombia and Peru, has been at odds with Washington after Morales expelled the U.S. ambassador and anti-drug agents on charges of conspiring to overthrow him.

Since taking office in 2006 Morales, an Aymara Indian who once farmed coca, has forged ahead with controversial reforms to help the poor Indian majority in the Andean nation.

The coca leaf is the main ingredient for cocaine, but Indians in Bolivia and across the Andes use it in rituals and chew it for its medicinal and nutritional properties.

Morales also said Bolivia is negotiating the acquisition of an Antonov from Russia’s aircraft manufacturer Ilyushin, which will be used as presidential plane, and that the company is considering building an airplane repair hub in the country.

Last month, Morales unveiled a plan to buy a Chinese telecommunications satellite worth up to $300 million.

Bolivia to buy Chinese K-8 jets to battle drugs IDRW.ORG


House keeper
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Feb 16, 2009
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China's Global Hawk revealed

By Stephen Trimble on October 12, 2009 9:05 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBacks (0)

Doug Barrie posted the photo above on the Ares blog last week. The picture shows a relatively new Chinese UAV obviously designed (see high-aspect ratio wing) for high-altitude operations.

The UAV is likely the BZK-005. It hasn't received much press in the West, but is well-known on indigenous Chinese defense blogs. See reference on the blog's UAV page below:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica][SIZE=-1] BZK-005 was developed by BUAA and HAIG in 2005 as a medium/high altitude long range reconnaissance UAV. It was unveiled briefly in an AVIC promotional video at the 2006 Zhuhai International Airshow. The UAV features a stealth optimized fuselage and twin tailfins tilted outwards to reduce RCS. A large SATCOM antenna is thought to be installed inside the nose bulge, which provides live data transmission over thousands of kilometers. A small turret is installed underneath the nose housing the FLIR/CCD cameras. Those can be used for photo reconnaissance if needed. The UAV also features wings of a large wingspan and a fuel efficient poston engine, and is constructed using large amount of composite materials. These help to increase its range and cruising altitude, while reduce its RCS. Some specifications: cruising speed 150-180km/hr, service ceiling 8,000m, endurance 40hr, max TO weight <1,250kg, max payload >150kg, TO distance <600m, landing distance <500m.
There are also good references to the BZK-005 on Chinese-language military blogs. You can read Google-translated versions of the BZK-005 pages here and here, but look out for a not-safe-for-work-image at the bottom of the former page.
China's Global Hawk revealed - The DEW Line


New Member
Oct 14, 2009
China's Global Hawk revealed

By Stephen Trimble on October 12, 2009 9:05 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBacks (0)

Doug Barrie posted the photo above on the Ares blog last week. The picture shows a relatively new Chinese UAV obviously designed (see high-aspect ratio wing) for high-altitude operations.

The UAV is likely the BZK-005. It hasn't received much press in the West, but is well-known on indigenous Chinese defense blogs. See reference on the blog's UAV page below:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica][SIZE=-1] BZK-005 was developed by BUAA and HAIG in 2005 as a medium/high altitude long range reconnaissance UAV. It was unveiled briefly in an AVIC promotional video at the 2006 Zhuhai International Airshow. The UAV features a stealth optimized fuselage and twin tailfins tilted outwards to reduce RCS. A large SATCOM antenna is thought to be installed inside the nose bulge, which provides live data transmission over thousands of kilometers. A small turret is installed underneath the nose housing the FLIR/CCD cameras. Those can be used for photo reconnaissance if needed. The UAV also features wings of a large wingspan and a fuel efficient poston engine, and is constructed using large amount of composite materials. These help to increase its range and cruising altitude, while reduce its RCS. Some specifications: cruising speed 150-180km/hr, service ceiling 8,000m, endurance 40hr, max TO weight <1,250kg, max payload >150kg, TO distance <600m, landing distance <500m.
There are also good references to the BZK-005 on Chinese-language military blogs. You can read Google-translated versions of the BZK-005 pages here and here, but look out for a not-safe-for-work-image at the bottom of the former page.
China's Global Hawk revealed - The DEW Line
This is just a surveillance UAV with a propeller turbine engine. Chinese "global hawk",named as Long Hawk, has a turbinefan engine that is about half the size of the US global hawk. Video: and close look:


New Member
Jul 1, 2009
Interesting video... the "Global Hawk" clone in the video is not that of the model pictured. The pictured model is a model of the actual Global Hawk with Chinese markings. The testbed in the video has no sensor dome and a very short SATCOM sphere, if that is what it is. Considering China has no Ku band FSS satellites, it most likely isn't. They were chasing it down pretty fast which suggests limited radio control range.


New Member
Sep 20, 2009
Interesting video... the "Global Hawk" clone in the video is not that of the model pictured. The pictured model is a model of the actual Global Hawk with Chinese markings. The testbed in the video has no sensor dome and a very short SATCOM sphere, if that is what it is. Considering China has no Ku band FSS satellites, it most likely isn't. They were chasing it down pretty fast which suggests limited radio control range.

The model in the pic is under ground test, that is why cars are following the global Hawk. Later it flies.

and "China has no Ku band FSS satellites" ???? why is Ku band?


New Member
Sep 20, 2009
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The model in the pic is under ground test, that is why cars are following the global Hawk. Later it flies.

and "China has no Ku band FSS satellites" ???? why is Ku band?
Sometimes I feel we talked too much, we should keep low file, otherwise those "experts" will feel frastrated, you know "experts" like Pinkov...etc


New Member
May 24, 2009
Final prototype of Z-10A ready for Mass Production

China Defense Blog: Latest signing of the Z-10 Attack Helicopter.

According to Huitong, this latest signing could be the "optimized" "Z-10A" model under development and expected to enter the mass production soon.

The new Z-10A sports a redesigned nose, reduction in weight and powered by the upgraded WZ-9 turboshaft twin engine (notice the twin 90 degree upwarded engine exhaust port). The original twin Pratt & Whitney PT6C-76C turboshaft engine equipped Z-10 prototype is rumored to be underpowered.


New Z-10A (final)



DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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Mods! could this be moved to the Chinese military developments thread please!

