China Military News & Updates


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Jun 29, 2009
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Chinese Armed Forces Say Progress Has Been Made in Border Defense

defence.professionals |

10:30 GMT, September 14, 2009 Dramatic changes have taken place in China’s frontier and coastal defense in the past 60 years since the founding of People’s Republic of China in 1949. Especially in the recent years, with the help of the rapidly-developing information technologies, capabilities of the frontier and coastal defense troops in reconnaissance and monitoring, command and control and rapid reaction have been beefed up in an all round way, according to leaders of the frontier defense bureau of a department of the PLA General Staff Headquarters (GSH).

In the vast border areas of China, except several frontier defense companies stationed in Motuo, Tibet, all the units at company level and above of the PLA frontier defense troops have been linked with optical cables. Dozens of video monitoring centers and hundreds of video monitoring stations and thousands of “electronic eyes” are scattered along the frontier and coastal defense lines, which makes it possible for frontier defense regiments, military sub-commands, provincial military commands, military area commands and general headquarters/departments of the PLA to carry out synchronic monitoring of key frontier and coastal defense areas. The PLA has preliminarily set up an IT-based frontier defense which is visible and controllable in real time.

With the use of electronic video monitoring systems, 24h monitoring has been basically realized at China’s key border ports and passages. In case of emergencies, the frontier defense troops are able to respond promptly upon receiving the orders given by superior commanding bodies by means of cable, wireless and satellite communication.

Except a few areas with complicated landforms which are inaccessible for vehicles, most of the land borders of China have been reached by patrol cars and the frontier defense companies are generally equipped with new-type patrol cars and patrol boats installed with wireless communication and command terminals, thus the duty-performance efficiency has been elevated by a big margin.

Apart from patrolling in vehicles or boats, border guards in China’s most of the frontier and coastal defense areas have helicopters to perform air patrol missions, and the patterns for air patrol have been changed from irregular patrol into regular patrol and from patrol by a single helicopter into patrol by a flying formation of helicopters. In some military area commands, the on-board video collection system in the helicopter is connected with the ground monitoring center, so the air and ground synchronous monitoring of the situations in remote frontier areas have been realized.


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May 6, 2009
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China unveils 52 new weapons systems in National Day parade


Fifty-two types of new weapon systems developed with China’s own technologies, including airborne early warning and control (AEWC) aircraft, will be showcased at the military parade celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China.

Further cutting-edge weaponry would include sophisticated radar, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and satellite communication devices of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), Lieutenant General Fang Fenghui, general director of the parade, told Xinhua Wednesday.

Oct. 1 parade would also show personnel and equipment from the navy, air force and China’s ballistic missile corps, Fang said.

Fang did not identify the specific models of the weapon systems but said all of the weapons are tagged: “Made in China”.

“They (the weapon systems) embody the ongoing transformation of the PLA from a labor-intensive force to technology-intensive might be capable of joint operations in modern warfare,” said Fang, who is also commander of the PLA’s Beijing Military Area Command.

“The weapon systems to be shown in the parade also showcase the ability of the PLA to carry out diverse military missions,” he said.

There will be 56 regiments on the ground and in the air during the parade, symbolizing the country’s 56 ethnic groups marching along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics in solidarity, Fang said.

Fourteen of the regiments will march through Chang’an Avenue on foot, 30 in wheeled transport and 12 will take to the air.

All the troops in the parade will be dressed in PLA 07-type uniforms and most of them are from generations born in the 1980s and 1990s.

Compared with the previous military parade on National Day 10 years ago, this one would have less troops and equipment but increased high-tech weaponry and special force units, Fang said.

China unveils 52 new weapons systems in National Day parade IDRW.ORG


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Jun 29, 2009
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China rejects US criticism of its military

Beijing: China dismissed US accusations that the growth and modernisation of its military poses a threat, saying on Friday that the comments were groundless and irresponsible.

The rejection of the US criticism comes just weeks before China shows off its military muscle with a hardware display expected to be the centrepiece of a grandiose parade through Beijing on October 1 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic.

Earlier this week, US National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair released the 2009 National Intelligence Strategy, which raised US concerns about China's aggressive pursuit of natural resources around the world and its work to modernise its military.

Hu Changming, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defence, said "the US should respect China's national defence policy and take measures to correct the wrong comments," according to the official Xinhua News Agency.

Hu called the US comments "totally groundless and irresponsible," according to Xinhua.

Blair said in a speech that US naval carriers and air bases in the Pacific face new threats from China's modernisation and that China has become "very aggressive" in the cyberworld.

"China shares many interests with the United States, but its increasing natural resource-focused diplomacy and military modernisation are among the factors making it a complex global challenge," the report said.

China, with its People's Liberation Army of 2.3 million members, has long been tight-lipped about its military strength and capacity, drawing criticism and concern from the US, which has been wary of the Asian giant's growing power and skyrocketing military spending which reached USD 71 billion this year, though analysts believe the actual figure is much higher.

The spending is second to the US but a fraction of American defence spending. Beijing says its increased defence spending is not a threat to other countries.


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Sep 20, 2009
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the presence of officer of engineers always makes me feel entertained, I like his post


New Member
Sep 21, 2009
As to the cold war, Russia had got enough nuclear bomb,but lose the war.
The richer will alwars win the war,


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Jun 29, 2009
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China Army parade may give clue to new missiles

Beijing: When the National Day parade rolls down Beijing's streets next week, foreign observers will look beyond the goose-stepping soldiers for signs that China is developing a new missile able to threaten US aircraft carriers.

If China is able to mount systems that support an anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM), it could force the US carrier fleet to keep a greater distance, American defense analysts said, changing US strategy for defending Taiwan should war break out.

On October 1, all eyes will be on the Avenue of Eternal Peace to see if China displays a Dongfeng 21-D missile, with maneuverable fins to help it find a moving target at sea, as well as a more finalized launch vehicle.

"The ASBM is far from operational, but it is close enough to make a splash," said Eric McVadon, a retired rear admiral whose 35-year naval career included a defense attache post in Beijing.

"It is something big. It represents the ability to make the US think twice before sending carrier strike groups into the Western Pacific."

China is using the parade, which involves hundreds of thousands of marchers, to celebrate its modernization and the spectacular economic growth of three decades of reform.

Ten years ago, the military parade showcased new fighter jets and a model of an intercontinental ballistic missile.

This one will highlight achievements like the budding space programme -- illustrated in a topiary display along the route -- and the army's rescue work after a devastating 2008 earthquake in Sichuan.

New weaponry and priorities will stand out. This week, Defense Minister Liang Guanglie outlined plans to transform naval and air forces to project power far from China's shores

Eye on Taiwan

Current warming ties between China and Taiwan make a military confrontation less likely, but both sides are still heavily armed against each other. The United States has committed to help the island defend itself in case of war [ID:nPEK217256].

The United States uses its carriers to maintain a presence near Taiwan and in much of the Pacific. It sent a carrier group through the Taiwan Strait to counter Chinese saber-rattling a few months before Taiwan's 1996 presidential election.

A weapon like an ASBM -- or even a credible threat -- that could keep US ships far out at sea for longer would buy China the time to overwhelm Taiwan's defenses in the event of conflict.

An ASBM deployed from Chinese territory would have a range of about 1,500 km (930 miles), enough to reach far beyond Taiwan and cover much of Japan and the Philippines.

An ASBM would be an "asymmetric" weapon, since a carrier group has inadequate direct defense against it, especially if confronted with multiple missiles, unlike the more traditional submarines or bombers which a carrier group can counter.

McVadon credits China for choosing to develop missiles, rather than take the more uncertain route of trying to directly match the US strength in ships and submarines.

"China's great success has been that it went to missiles," said McVadon, now director for Asia Pacific Studies at the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis in Washington.

"It was a prudent decision to get around our strengths. They really made the right call."

Other analysts caution that successfully modifying the Dongfeng series missile to hit ships would not be enough to successfully hold an aircraft carrier at bay.

"Seeing it in the parade is not hard evidence that the missile is operative," said Matthew Durnin, a Beijing-based researcher with the World Security Institute. He recently coauthored a paper on the challenges of developing the systems -- including satellites -- needed to properly guide an ASBM.

"But US. intelligence believes that if this is credibly developed and deployed, it would change carrier strike group deployments."

Durnin predicts China will test the missile within the next two years, to prove it can hit a ship at sea. He estimates it will be about five years before China has the satellites in place to fully track a moving target on the vast Pacific.

"It will be very expensive to develop all the supporting infrastructure for such a system, and whether the Chinese will make the necessary investments is fundamentally a political question," said David Yang, a political scientist at RAND Corp. who has also written on the ASBM system.

Minister Liang said the Second Artillery Corps, which holds the keys to the country's nuclear weapons, would soon also control some conventional weapons. American strategists believe the ASBM could fall under that service's remit.

Even without full satellite cover, the threat to carrier groups is credible if China is able to launch multiple missiles and cripple, but not necessarily sink, a carrier or its escorts.

"I'm not forecasting its usage. They are doing it hoping it will deter, and never be used in combat," McVadon said.

"We may never know how well it works."


New Member
Sep 14, 2009
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your asnwer

As to the cold war, Russia had got enough nuclear bomb,but lose the war.
The richer will alwars win the war,

sir i think the main reason was they were defensive and usa was offensive thats why

jai hind


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Jul 28, 2009
China gets ready to display arsenal on Oct 1

he Chinese military is getting to exhibit some of its most sophisticated equipment after claiming to possess weapons systems that are

comparable to the ones in the arsenals of developed western nations.

The decision to show off its military might comes along with an announcement that China has formulated a three-step development strategy, starting with for the upgrades in weapons systems. It will begin laying "a solid foundation by 2010" for implementing the plan, Minister of National Defense Liang Guanglie said.

Liang said that China's weapons capabilities are now a match to those of the western nations in terms of technological development.

"This is an extraordinary achievements that speaks to the level of our military's modernization and the huge change in our country's technological strength," the minister said.

The official media went further and said China was striving to create a weapon system that compares to those of the United States, Russia and European nations.

The Chinese military will display the J-10 fighter jet, latest-generation tanks, navy destroyers, and cruise and intercontinental ballistic missiles during the national day parade in Beijing on October 1.

The minister said the parade would "display the image of a mighty force, a civilized force, a victorious force."

Military observers will closely watch the parade to see if China comes up with some unexpected range of weapons systems like anti-ship ballistic missile, which would force the United States to rethink its policy of defending Taiwan besides causing a lot of nervousness in Japan.

Defense industry reforms and arms imports "have enabled China to develop and produce advanced weapon systems such as missiles, fighter aircraft and warships," the 2009 report from Pentagon in Washington said while ranking Beijing military power below the United States.


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Jun 29, 2009
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Chinese white paper on national defense opens window of trust

defence.professionals |

14:47 GMT, September 24, 2009 Whether China’s development will bring forth “threat”? To address this question, the government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has published the authoritative report—the white paper on China’s National Defense biannually since 1998. Since then, Chen Zhou, researcher of the War Theory and Stratagem Research Department under the Academy of Military Sciences of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA), has been committed to the white paper.

To build up mutual trust and dispel suspicion is the important purpose for the publication of the white paper.

The white paper sends a signal of peace to the rest of the world and provides a sense of security to Chinese people.

From 5 chapters in 1998 to 6 chapters in 2000, 7 chapters in 2002, 10 chapters in 2004 and 2006 to 14 chapters in 2008, the white paper of China’s National Defense has been constantly expanding its volume over the past 10 years.

The white paper carries more and more specific information. In the white paper of 1998, the names of the 7 military area commands were not specified But in the white paper of 2002, the general headquarters/departments system, services and arms system and military area command system of the PLA were introduced. In the white paper of 2002, there is such detailed information as “the number of aircraft of an aviation regiment of the PLA Air Force usually ranges from 20 to 40 and the ratio between aircraft and pilot is normally 1:1.2.” No such kind of details was provided previously.

The white paper is from breaks new ground rather than gets stuck in a rut. The 4th white paper published on December 27, 2004 stressed for the first time that the PLA should “carry out military cooperation and exchange” from the height of sticking to the military strategic guideline in the new period, which injected new vitality and energy in pushing forward the military changes with Chinese characteristics.

The 2008 white paper included some new contents and highlights. The basic data of the national defense expenses in the past 30 years since the reform and opening up was published for the first time. The development of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force and the Second Artillery Force of the PLA was introduced in a dedicated chapter for the first time. And the system and organization of the public security frontier defense troops were made public for the first time. All these injected “fresh blood” into the white paper.

Chen Zhou deeply felt that China needs to understand the rest of the world and vice versa. Especially for those militaries getting out of cold war era, only through further enhancing mutual understanding, can they strengthen mutual trust.


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Jun 29, 2009
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China's new-type military camouflage uniform shows advantage on battlefield

15:35 GMT, September 23, 2009 The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has experienced 12 uniform changes since its founding 82 years ago. The excellent display of the 2007-style high-tech military uniform integrating military-civilian wisdom has proved its good function during the just concluded trans-military-area-command maneuver exercise.

In late August, a division under the Lanzhou Military Area Command (MAC) was ordered to march in organic from the Gobi desert in Northwest China to the mountainous areas in Northeast China to conduct trans-military-area-command maneuver exercise. 600 kinds of military supplies such as 2007-style new-type camouflage uniform, camouflage helmet and land warfare boots showed their advantages in the exercise.

During the maneuver exercise, the participating troops suddenly encountered “enemy” chemical weapon attack when they came to the grassland passage in Inner Mongolia. 10-plus new-type chemical defense reconnaissance and decontamination vehicles rushed to the contaminated area immediately. 60-odd chemical defense soldiers dressed in new-type toxin-proof uniform and wearing gas masks and new-type land warfare boots lost no time in carrying out toxin check and inspection, decontamination and miasma removal, and the contaminated area was under effective control in less than 10 minutes.

When the bridge in an area along the Yellow River was dynamited by the “enemy”, 100-plus officers and men of a pontoon element dressed in new-type life-saving uniform successfully erected a 250m-long composite pontoon bridge with a carrying capacity of 50 tons through 25-minute uninterrupted operation.

It is said that during the 13-day-long maneuver exercise covering 5 provinces and autonomous regions, 7 private enterprises and 3 universities engaged in military supply research and production technology dispatched personnel to offer accompanied support and help tackle the troops’ emergent difficulties on one hand, and collect the performance parameters of the new-type military uniform on the battlefield in order to improve them in the futureon the other hand.


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Jun 29, 2009
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Mao grandson becomes China's youngest general - China - World - NEWS - The Times of India

BEIJING: Mao Zedong’s only grandson has become the youngest general in the People’s Liberation Army at the age of 39, a Chinese newspaper said on
Thursday. Military historian Mao Xinyu is the son of Mao’s second son Mao Anqing.

The younger Mao is a member of the main advisory body to the country’s rubber stamp parliament and a fierce defender of his grandfather’s legacy. The state-run Changjiang Daily said the move made Mao Xinyu the first PLA general born in the 1970s.

Known around the world as Chairman Mao, Mao Zedong led the bloody revolution that established the People’s Republic of China in 1949. Mao had a notoriously chaotic personal life, marrying four times and siring nine children, including a daughter by his last wife, Jiang Qing. His second wife, Mao Xinyu’s grandmother, was executed by the Nationalists in 1930.

While Mao Zedong remains venerated in China, his offspring have played little role in affairs of state. First son Mao Anying was killed in the Korean War and Mao Anqing is believed to have suffered from mental illness.

In recent years, Mao Xinyu has become best known for his considerable girth, and a photo taken on this year’s commemoration of Mao Zedong’s death shows him bearing a strong resemblance to his pudgy grandfather.


Mob Control Manager
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Feb 12, 2009
hmmm this should throw in some light on Chinese mentality

Many Chinese still see India as their main enemy: Report - India - NEWS - The Times of India

LONDON: Nearly 47 years after the two countries fought a war, many Chinese still perceive India as their main enemy, a British newspaper has claimed.
They describe a system of bribes ranging from 10,000 yuan (909 pounds) to get a good post for a private soldier to 30,000 yuan for a place at military college, the report said.

"If corruption in the army continues, ideology will decay and open the way for religion, while the promotion system risks causing a mutiny," the newspaper quoted General Zhang Shutian, a political commissar, as having said recently.


New Member
Jul 1, 2009
Damning speech from PLA insiders. It appears all the propoganda has not changed the reality of a decayed and unpatriotic force.


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Jun 29, 2009
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China ahead in warship sprint IDRW.ORG

China will soon deploy its first aircraft carrier and it will be more advanced than anything India has or plans to get. Varyag – an Admiral Kuznetsov-class aircraft carrier — is more advanced than the INS Viraat —vanguard of the Indian navy — and the still to be procured Admiral Gorshkov (INS Vikramaditya).

Sources from the Indian navy say that the Chinese plan to operationalise the Varyag – purchased as junk from Ukraine for 20 million US dollars in 1998.
In 2005, the dead ship was docked at the Chinese naval base in Dalian. Since then it has been undergoing sophisticated upgrades, reveal sources in the Indian navy.

Hindustan Times has access to photographs of the warship undergoing repairs at a dock in north- eastern China.

A senior officer from the Indian navy, who has been monitoring China’s growing presence in the Indian Ocean, said that it will not be surprising to see the Chinese navy induct Varyag much before India procures and commissions Admiral Gorshkov.

He added that the induction of Varyag was certain as the Chinese had built a ski-jump (part of the aircraft carrier used for take off and landing of aircrafts) facility similar to that on the Varyag at it’s Yuanling airfield –— China’s main aviation test facility. The ski-jump is being used as a testing facility for modified Sukhoi-27 aircrafts, which the Varyag may carry.

“If Varyag was not to be inducted, the question of flight testing at a similar facility does not arise,” the officer observed.

According to sources, the Chinese have plans to get more aircraft carriers by 2020. Commander-in-chief of the Chinese navy, Wu Shengli’s aim to aggressively pursue indigenously built aircraft carriers has been a cause of worry for India.

Of the two other aircraft carriers being built by China, one is expected be inducted by 2015, added sources


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May 6, 2009
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China Tries To Allay Fears Over New Weapon System

(RTTNews) - Monday, China said its neighbors, including India, should not have "any concerns" over the new range of weapon systems that the country will unveil at its National Day parade October 1 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the country's foundation, as the arms are meant for defense of the vast country.

China's Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Hu Zhengyue said the country with a population of 1.3 billion and 9.6 million square km of land needs to maintain a certain amount of weapons for its defense.

Stating that Beijing has a very open and transparent national defense policy, he told a group of visiting foreign journalists that China and India have increased "political mutual trust" and the issues "left over by history" should be resolved through friendly and cooperative discussions between the two sides.

China is set to unveil 52 types of weapon systems including new generation nuclear, conventional and cruise missiles, an indigenous airborne early warning and control aircraft, as well as fighter jets at its National Day parade to be held at the Tiananmen Square amidst tightest security ever, with Chinese security forces sanitizing the entire venue of the event.

For the first time Beijing would also put on display sophisticated radar, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and satellite communication devices of the People's Liberation Army(PLA).

The parade held once-in-ten years will see 5,000 military personnel, tanks, missile-carrying vehicles march down Changan avenue, with fly-past by more than 150 military planes forming the climax.

The military parade comes as China's military spending jumped by 15.3 per cent in 2009 to rise to USD 69 billion, a double digit increase for the past five years. News - China Tries To Allay Fears Over New Weapon Systems (rtt)


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Jun 29, 2009
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China Needs Russian Helicopters | Air Force News at DefenceTalk

BEIJING: Russian Helicopters, JCS, represents the entire Russian helicopter industry and offers a wide range of light, midsize and heavy helicopters to its clients in China and worldwide. Stable demand for the most popular Mi-8/17 and heavy Mi-26TC helicopters makes the Chinese market a top priority in the sales strategy of Russian Helicopters.

The entire Russian helicopter industry is represented by a unified Russian Helicopters exposition at Aviation Expo/China 2009 that opened earlier today. “Mi” and “Ka” helicopter models are of high demand in different segments of the Chinese economy and Russian Helicopters expects demand to increase in heavy and midsize classes.

The lineup of Russian-made helicopters is composed in accordance with the wide range of modern helicopter duties: from civil passenger transportation and commercial operations to combat flights to special missions in natural disasters. Easy to operate, reliable and easy to maintain, featuring unique cargo capacity and a high operational ceiling, Russian-made helicopters are the attractive solution for operation in countries with harsh weather conditions and in mountainous terrains.

The industry consolidation, as a result of which a unified industry group under Russian Helicopter management was established, is now carried forward by setting up a global technical support network with the transition from only product sales to a lifecycle sales pattern. This is most important for Asian markets and particularly for China because a sales increase on this market is possible only upon establishing of modern after sales support system.

“Russian Helicopters products are in operation in 100 countries all over the world and the company is heavily participating in the globalization process through wide international cooperation with foreign partners and, most importantly, Chinese partners,” says Andrei Shibitov, CEO, Russian Helicopters. “Current development of the world helicopter market requires close cooperation with foreign helicopter structures and components manufacturers and efficient sales expansion is rather difficult without this. It’s just illogical in a period of total globalization. I mean avionics, control, and safety systems first of all. Among joint programs of new helicopter development Russian Helicopters considers cooperation with Chinese partners on AHL (Advanced Heavy-Lifter) development as one of its top priorities.”

Russian Helicopters is preparing for delivery or is already delivering new helicopter models of all classes for civil operators. They are the Ka-226/Ka-226T and the Ansat in the light segment, the Ka-32A11BC in the midsize segment, and the Mi-171, Mi-38, and Mi-26TC in the heavy class. These helicopters can be operated as passenger, cargo, search and rescue, patrol, and fire-fighting aircraft.

In particular, multi-role Ka-226/Ka-226T helicopters are tailored for passenger and cargo transportation, they can also be used in the law-enforcement segment, for medical evacuation, and as patrol aircraft for major oil pipelines. These helicopters are well-suited for patrolling over forests and electrical transmission lines. Kamov’s traditional coaxial design ensures Ka-226/Ka-226T flight level and cargo performance advantages. The target application of the Ka-226/Ka-226T defines which interchangeable cabin module featuring what equipment is to be used.

The Ansat light helicopter features a spacious passenger/cargo cabin where any equipment preferred by the customers can easily be installed. The Ansat can be equipped with an emergency water landing system, a searchlight, a capstan, firefighting and dusting equipment. Additional fuel tanks are also an option ensuring an extended range. This is a very important feature keeping in mind the large territory of China.

Ka-32A11BC multi-purpose helicopter is a really versatile aircraft. It carries passengers and cargo, implements building and assembly works; it’s also engaged in firefighting, search and rescue, patrolling operations. Required optional equipment can be installed on the helicopter in accordance with its target application. Its design meets special requirements for shipborne aircraft.

The new Mi-38 transport helicopter is ideal for passenger and cargo transportation, as well as for forest work, building and assembly works, on-and-off loading, disaster response and search and rescue missions, medical service, geological exploration and corporate transportation of 20—30 passengers.

Mi-26 – the world’s most capable serial cargo helicopter – won the competition thanks to its outstanding performance and efficiency. Mi-26TC proved its unique capabilities during disaster response missions after the earthquake in the Sichuan region in the spring of 2008. This helicopter was leased by Chinese Fei Long company from Rostvertol, a Russian Helicopter Holding subsidiary. It was the only aircraft capable for fast transportation of numerous military and rescue troops, heavy construction and oversized equipment and structures to destroyed settlements, and for evacuation of large groups of victims.

The Mi-26 is designed to carry up to 20 tons of cargo as internal or external load. Its large cabin accommodates up to 82 troops with standard weapon and munitions.

Russian Helicopters, JSC is an affiliated company of UIC Oboronprom. It is the managing body of the following helicopter industry enterprises: Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant, Kamov, Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant, Kazan Helicopters, Rostvertol, Progress Arsenyev Aviation Company, Kumertau Aviation Production Enterprise, Vpered Moscow Machine-Building Plant, Stupino Machine Production Plant, Reductor-PM and Helicopter Service Company (VSK).

UIC Oboronprom, JSC is a multi-profile industrial and investment group established in 2002. Its main tasks include helicopter engineering (Russian Helicopters managing company), engine-building (United Engine Industry Corporation managing company), air defense systems and complex electronic systems (Defense Systems holding company), and other machine-building activities. The companies of the group reported revenues of over 100 billion roubles in 2008.


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Jun 29, 2009
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defence.professionals |

China's Army Aviation Force Becomes Novel and Sharp Arm

12:14 GMT, September 28, 2009 During the “Peace Mission 2009” Sino-Russian joint anti-terrorism military exercise, a leader from the general headquarters/departments of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) commented, “The PLA Army Aviation Force is a developing novel, sharp and frontier arm with fastest maneuver speed, widest control scope and strongest capability in near-ground precision fire attack among the existing force systems of the PLA Army.”

In 1986, the Central Military Commission (CMC) made a major decision to establish army aviation force. During the early days of the establishment, the PLA Army Aviation Force was small in size, the arm elements were not complete and the equipment was small in size and poor in quality.

In the new century and the new period, aiming to build a crack force in the air for the Army which can meet the requirements of integrated joint operation, the PLA Army Aviation Force accelerates its transformation in force structure from a single-model into a combined model, transformation in equipment structure from a transportation-type into attack-and-transportation-type, transformation in combat function from a supportive force into a main operation force. The combat capability and the overall construction of the army aviation troops have been obtaining new breakthroughs constantly.

During the “Peace Mission 2007” joint anti-terrorism military exercise participated by the armed forces of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), 32 helicopters from the PLA Army Aviation Force flew out of the country to participate in the exercise and accomplished such missions as air reconnaissance, fire assault, rapid air-landing and “hostages” rescue.

During the Wenchuan earthquake relief operation, 99 helicopters from the PLA Army Aviation Force made more than 1,000 sorties of ultra-low-altitude, cross-day-and-night and big-intensity flight to airdrop relief materials, transfer the critically-ill and wounded and project rescue strength, making great contributions to the earthquake relief operation.

According to the leader of the Army Aviation Department under the General Staff Headquarters of the PLA, after more than 20 years of construction, the PLA Army Aviation Force is no longer a supportive arm to accomplish such tasks as air rescue and transportation. It is becoming a main combat arm which can participate in the whole combat process and has such combat capabilities as remote military strength projection, air-to-ground fire assault and special combat service. Its operation areas are also further expanded from plain, forest, mountainous areas into plateau and sea, leading the transformation of army construction to develop in an accelerated way.


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Jun 29, 2009
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China and Brunei to boost military exchanges

12:17 GMT, September 28, 2009 BEIJING | As the Chinese state-run press agency Xinhua reports, China and Brunei on Friday vowed to further military exchanges as a Brunei military officer visits China.

"China is willing to make concerted efforts with Brunei to promote friendly cooperation between the two countries and the two armed forces," said Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie in a meeting with Mohammad Yasmin Umar, Deputy Minister of Defense of Brunei.

"China is grateful for Brunei's adherence to one-China policy," said Liang.

China-Brunei relations have entered a new period of comprehensive development with cooperative potentials, said Liang, who is also a state councilor.

Yasmin, who arrived in Beijing on Thursday, said China has played an important and constructive role in regional and global affairs.

Brunei hoped the two countries would advance bilateral ties on the basis of mutual benefit and mutual trust, Yasmin said.


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May 6, 2009
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China to cut army by 700,000 troops

Wed Sep 30, 2009

BEIJING (Reuters) - China plans to cut its army by 700,000 troops over two to three years as part of its drive to modernize the world's biggest military into a leaner high-tech force, two sources with People's Liberation Army (PLA) ties said.

The PLA also plans to boost navy and air force personnel over that time, one of those sources said. Both sources requested anonymity to avoid repercussions for speaking to foreign reporters without authorization.

The PLA was born out of the Red Army, a five-million-strong peasant army. The PLA became the national armed force in 1949 when Communist leader Mao Zedong swept to power, 60 years ago on Thursday.

"(The PLA) needs to develop the navy and air force," one of the sources told Reuters. "University graduates will be recruited."

The cuts to land forces and additions to the other arms of the military would mean that PLA troop numbers shrink from 2.3 million, but the final tally is unclear, given other possible staffing changes.

China has cut troop numbers in recent years to make more money available for better training and conditions and advanced weapons. The navy is considering building an aircraft carrier, for instance.

Neither source was sure when the planned reduction would be announced. It needs the approval of the Communist Party's Central Military Commission, which is headed by Party chief Hu Jintao.

China's armed forces are far bigger than the world's second-largest military, that of the United States, whose forces number around 1.5 million.

China watchers are monitoring international deployments for signs of China's rising global status translating into a more assertive foreign policy and presence. Chinese warships steamed to waters off Somalia December to assist in anti-piracy patrols.

In recent months, Chinese vessels have become involved in brief scuffles with U.S. surveillance vessels in seas off the Chinese coast that Beijing claims are in its exclusive economic zone.

And China has never renounced the use of force to bring self-ruled and democratic Taiwan, which it considers sovereign territory, under its rule. But ties have improved since the election of Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou last year.

EXCLUSIVE: China to cut army by 700,000 troops: sources | Reuters

