BBC Lies and Denials - A Repository of Propaganda and fairytales


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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No one watches BBC in India ( in significant numbers ).. especially the Muslims.. Also, not many of the urban middle class watches BBC.. Much of the chatterati and twitterati that watches hardly vote in Indian elections..
That BBC documentary and other incoming documentaries will be made a tool by the Opposition to attack Modi and BJP in the election year.

A fixed narrative is always being peddled in the election year for some time now and that is the "Musalman khatre mein hain, "Islam khatre mein hain" jumla citing the Godhra riots jumla.

This time around Pasmanda Muslims will be the sole target of this propaganda, whom BJP is trying to lure them to vote.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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That BBC documentary and other incoming documentaries will be made a tool by the Opposition to attack Modi and BJP in the election year.

A fixed narrative is always being peddled in the election year for some time now and that is the "Musalman khatre mein hain, "Islam khatre mein hain" jumla citing the Godhra riots jumla.

This time around Pasmanda Muslims will be the sole target of this propaganda, whom BJP is trying to lure them to vote.
sai deepak brought out an interesting point, narrative is different in different langauges.

arabic, urdu, hindi and english, narrative sounds more palatable as it progresses from arabic to english.

Love Charger

Senior Member
Oct 9, 2021
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BBC was deemed to be too pro labor, hence Conservatives made lots of noise, BBC became a bit more centrist, then Labour started crying. Its like Congressis saying Shekhar Gupta and Print are Godi media. Their international coverage it more left wing. Also, Brits in general (of all parties) still have tendency of looking at India as old colony and have interferred in our affairs a lot. Nehru was practically a Brit, so them having full on support for his party can be expected.
He was a honorary citizen of lundun

Master Chief

Senior Member
May 5, 2022
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That BBC documentary and other incoming documentaries will be made a tool by the Opposition to attack Modi and BJP in the election year.

A fixed narrative is always being peddled in the election year for some time now and that is the "Musalman khatre mein hain, "Islam khatre mein hain" jumla citing the Godhra riots jumla.

This time around Pasmanda Muslims will be the sole target of this propaganda, whom BJP is trying to lure them to vote.
They tried "Muslim khatrein mein hain" trick in 2014 general elections.. Our Muslim maid back then, was sure that if Modi gets elected PM, all Muslims in India will get slaughtered🙄. 2014 was the first time I voted, and I voted for Modi..

Too much of Islam khatrein mein hain by Opposition, only boomerangs and consolidates hindu vote, thereby more than compensating any probable loss of Pasmanda Muslim votes..


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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These shameless Brits were direct responsible for the Bengal Famine,and yet have the audacity to preach india on human rights...
forget reality check, brits got scared of fictional movie RRR
RRR misses a BAFTA nomination as Brits choose child porn accused Corsage from Austria



Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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Variation on a theme from me :). Are there similar 'controversies' going on in different countries, similar to the one currently raging with the BBC and India. Where the target country, is fuming that the former coloniser is making a derogatory, negative documentary about a political or any other issue in the erstwhile colony? One would think that the Indonesians would be fuming at something the Dutch are filming in their country; that the Congolese are livid at the Belgians with some documentary; that Benin or Cameroon or Ivory Coast are seething at some French film over a sensitive issue in their respective lands... and so on. For that matter, it could be the BBC in any of these places as well.

We seem to hear mostly, if not exclusively, about India. Why is that, do Indians themselves invite these things by their big mouths and politicking? Or do the foreign news agencies exploit the relative openness of India to attack the country?

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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We seem to hear mostly, if not exclusively, about India. Why is that, do Indians themselves invite these things by their big mouths and politicking? Or do the foreign news agencies exploit the relative openness of India to attack the country?
Relative openness & liberal regime of India along sheer size of India.
India couldn't be compared to any other colony due to its size and later its economic progress and military build up, it acquired enough global enough attention. Colonization of India is a big chapter in history of Europe too and not just India.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Variation on a theme from me :). Are there similar 'controversies' going on in different countries, similar to the one currently raging with the BBC and India. Where the target country, is fuming that the former coloniser is making a derogatory, negative documentary about a political or any other issue in the erstwhile colony? One would think that the Indonesians would be fuming at something the Dutch are filming in their country; that the Congolese are livid at the Belgians with some documentary; that Benin or Cameroon or Ivory Coast are seething at some French film over a sensitive issue in their respective lands... and so on. For that matter, it could be the BBC in any of these places as well.

We seem to hear mostly, if not exclusively, about India. Why is that, do Indians themselves invite these things by their big mouths and politicking? Or do the foreign news agencies exploit the relative openness of India to attack the country?
J Sai deepak in his first book says, the scale and the type of anti-colonial sentiment that exists in India does not seem to exist in other colonies in other parts of the world. barbados removed queen as head of state in 2021, it was relatively a meek affair. if such a thing happened in India in 2021, there would be fireworks and people dancing on the streets, that's who we are, we wear our emotions on our sleeves, it's visible on DFI too at times.

Now the question comes why does BBC as an organisation keep poking India, i think it has to do with the type of people they employed to report on India. Brits during colonial rule created a class of Indians to maintain distance between the gora saheb and the dirty unwashed masses. the children of this class(not literally) which we refer to as coconuts are loyal to the crown than the king himself. it's unlikely that BBC hires people who does not agree with it's ethos, and BBC's ethos are intrinsically linked to their colonial past. in effect this has created an echo chamber, which neither BBC's management nor the BBC workers in India will be willing to break out of.

Now comes the re-energised nationalist sentiment in India since 1990, who keep loudly challenging the narrative of eminent intellectuals on India which is continuation of british raj cultivated narrative on India. this neo nationalist sentiment is different from the time in 1975 when 41 congress members of parliament pushed for ban on BBC on India, this had more to do with Indira gandhi than India. anyone who has done change management projects in corporates know how difficult they are, even when management is in favour of doing it. In BBC's case they are in so deep in their echo chambers, that when there is dissonance between what they receive as inputs from inside and the feedback from outside, they do what any management would do that is back your own people and double down.

and lastly BBC's reporting on India matches the behaviour of British foreign office's stand on India. BBC's overseas operations are done in co-ordination with their foreign office, it says so on their website. so in effect we are seeing manifestation of british foreign policy intent thru their state broadcaster BBC i.e themes of poor India, caste conflict, hindu-muslim divide, India-pak conflict, hindu nationalism etc etc.
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Senior Member
Mar 22, 2021
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^ Makes total sense as far as India goes! The Bahamas, Bermuda and Barbados are one thing, but it's incomprehensible why Indonesia or the Congo wouldn't have deep seated resentments and complexes about their long, unpleasant colonial history, and given that they must, we almost never hear about them. There must be a Dutch broadcaster or newspaper that goes to Indonesia, and rakes up a fierce controversy, over some slight, insult or denigration of Indonesia. It could be some patronising, condescending remark, or something a little more offensive like( remember Tucker Carlson) "The Indonesians haven't built anything as good as ....{ unnamed Dutch built structure during the colonial era), or 'Indonesians were better off under Dutch rule' or even quoting some Indonesian who praises the Dutch, then gets pilloried by his countryman for his efforts. These instances seem to be absent in Indonesia and the Congo, and neither of them are puny countries.

Or is it that these events do occur, but Indians don't read/hear about them, because Indians are more attached and influenced by the Anglophonic world. Hmmm, even that's problematic, after decades of reading and watching the media, it would be hard to miss something like that! There is some deeper issue here( or not?) and one wonders what that is.

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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BBC and the Chinese Money

Reports have appeared in Media that BBC, short on cash, have approached Chinese business conglomerate of Huawei to fund them. I believe this needs to be investigated by non BBC and non British investigators. This if true, compromises BBC’s independence as they claim. Moreover, it points an accusing finger on honesty of BBC productions.

Any investigation by British interests will be pointless. It should be done by outsiders. The investigator use the same technique as BBC uses ….. that is to pose falsified questions. It may throw up BBC funding not only by the Chinese but as well as by Arab and Muslim interests and more specifically Qatar interests. The latter has abundance of cash and headquarter of news dispensing to the Muslim world by its multiple Muslim news organisation.

Needless to say that two reporters who were prime in anti Modi documentary were employees of Qatar based Muslim news organisations. The BBC hired them with specific task to malign Modi. Good question is that why did both these two Indians join the BBC crusade against Modi and India knowing fully well that India’s highest court has called anti Modi crusade as flimsy and politically motivated. I have one answer to this …… throw some money and it will attract the best or the worst. I believe that is what BBC did with a specific task to malign Modi/India.

This brings us back to the key question, I asked upfront that is, financial dealings of BBC need to be investigated. Funny…., the investigator need to be investigated.


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2021
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BBC and the Chinese Money

Reports have appeared in Media that BBC, short on cash, have approached Chinese business conglomerate of Huawei to fund them. I believe this needs to be investigated by non BBC and non British investigators. This if true, compromises BBC’s independence as they claim. Moreover, it points an accusing finger on honesty of BBC productions.

Any investigation by British interests will be pointless. It should be done by outsiders. The investigator use the same technique as BBC uses ….. that is to pose falsified questions. It may throw up BBC funding not only by the Chinese but as well as by Arab and Muslim interests and more specifically Qatar interests. The latter has abundance of cash and headquarter of news dispensing to the Muslim world by its multiple Muslim news organisation.

Needless to say that two reporters who were prime in anti Modi documentary were employees of Qatar based Muslim news organisations. The BBC hired them with specific task to malign Modi. Good question is that why did both these two Indians join the BBC crusade against Modi and India knowing fully well that India’s highest court has called anti Modi crusade as flimsy and politically motivated. I have one answer to this …… throw some money and it will attract the best or the worst. I believe that is what BBC did with a specific task to malign Modi/India.

This brings us back to the key question, I asked upfront that is, financial dealings of BBC need to be investigated. Funny…., the investigator need to be investigated.
BBC is definitely extremely pro-CCP.

Their propaganda regarding China is being called out by some native Chinese accounts



Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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^ Makes total sense as far as India goes! The Bahamas, Bermuda and Barbados are one thing, but it's incomprehensible why Indonesia or the Congo wouldn't have deep seated resentments and complexes about their long, unpleasant colonial history, and given that they must, we almost never hear about them. There must be a Dutch broadcaster or newspaper that goes to Indonesia, and rakes up a fierce controversy, over some slight, insult or denigration of Indonesia. It could be some patronising, condescending remark, or something a little more offensive like( remember Tucker Carlson) "The Indonesians haven't built anything as good as ....{ unnamed Dutch built structure during the colonial era), or 'Indonesians were better off under Dutch rule' or even quoting some Indonesian who praises the Dutch, then gets pilloried by his countryman for his efforts. These instances seem to be absent in Indonesia and the Congo, and neither of them are puny countries.

Or is it that these events do occur, but Indians don't read/hear about them, because Indians are more attached and influenced by the Anglophonic world. Hmmm, even that's problematic, after decades of reading and watching the media, it would be hard to miss something like that! There is some deeper issue here( or not?) and one wonders what that is.
Indonesia will be a interesting case to look into.

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