AWACS will change Asia's military dynamics


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Feb 16, 2009
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The IAF AWACS (9 more to be Ordered )


India Seeks 3 More AWACS
By vivek raghuvanshi
Published: 21 May 2009 13:43

NEW DELHI - India is negotiating the purchase of three more Airborne Early Warning and Control Systems (AWACS) from Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), a Defence Ministry official here said.

The news arrived just days before the expected delivery of the first of three AWACS ordered in 2004 for $1.1 billion, the official said. The Indian Air Force AWACS planes will be Russian-built Ilyushin Il-76s equipped with Phalcon radars made by Elta, an IAI subsidiary.
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New Delhi wants to buy three more Phalcon radars for mounting on aircraft, but IAI is asking for 30 percent more money than the first batch, the official said. IAI officials were not available for comment.

The Indian Air Force plans to beam data from the AWACS through a dedicated satellite under the nascent joint Aerospace Command.

The Phalcon radar can track 60 targets simultaneously out to 350 kilometers, an Air Force official said.

The AWACS' electronics must include a Multi-role Electronically Scanned Array radar system that can simultaneously handle fighter control, and air, sea and area search; 300-nautical-mile Identification-Friend-or-Foe system; electronic warfare defenses; and electronic support subsystems, a senior Air Force official said.

The aircraft should have a payload of 9,831 kilograms, an empty weight of 46,606 kilograms and a maximum takeoff weight of 77,564 kilograms. The aircraft should also have a cruise speed of 853 kilometers per hour, a range of 7,000 kilometers and a service ceiling of 41,000 feet.

While awaiting the AWACS planes, the Air Force has been relying on UAVs, including the Searcher-I, Searcher-II and Heron.


New Member
May 12, 2009
Better we can push Isreal for partership in making of this aircraft. May be if they agree... It will be more advantageous for us.


Respected Member
New Member
May 20, 2009
Rimser meant FT-2000. But it has a range of 100km right now which IMO is insufficient to kill an AWACS as AWACS have far more range than that. Also It will be foolhardy to send an AWACS inside an enemy territory until total air-dominance is achieved, and that means including surface based threats too. And there is Harpys in Indian arsenal along with all sorts of missiles and multi-role a/cs whose first priority would be suppression of enemy air-defence.

Also, AWACS certainly have there own defensive measures - chaffs, ECM suites etc. along with fighter escort. Another point is there haven't been a single AWACS been shot yet, so it is hard to say how effective FT-2000 will be.

But, one thing for sure if AWACS is within effective range of the missile it might be hard to survive if all Counter measures fails as AWACS are not agile or fast, a supersonic missile will hit it within a few minutes max. But also a bulky SAM system is hard to hide, since India already has satellites to monitor battle-field.
it is reported that FT2000 can shoot down low-orbit satellites.


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Feb 16, 2009
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it is reported that FT2000 can shoot down low-orbit satellites.
FT-2000 HAS 18KM-20km max altitude range -posting another lie. It is a reversed engineered S-300

MissileThreat :: FT-2000

Independent Working Group Report: Missile Defense, the Space Relationship, and the Twenty-First Century. »»

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Home :: Missile Defense Systems

In a report to Congress on May 28, 2004, the U.S. Department of Defense highlighted the major improvements that China has made to its air and missile defense systems over the past few years, including “[the] development of an antiradiation SAM [surface-to-air missile], most likely intended to target AWACS [Airborne Warning and Control System] aircraft and standoff jamming platforms.”(1)

The report was referring specifically to the FT-2000, a Chinese anti-radiation surface-to-air missile system designed to counter electronic jamming aircraft, AWACS aircraft, and other air radiation wave targets. Developed and manufactured by the China National Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CPMIEC) during the late 1990s, the FT-2000 is also believed to be capable of destroying tactical ballistic missiles, similar to the U.S. Patriot and the Russian S-300P systems on which it is based.(2) At present, two versions exist, the mobile FT-2000 and the fixed-based FT-2000A.(3)

The FT-2000 is the direct result of a concerted effort by China to eliminate an inherent vulnerability in medium- and long-range surface-to-air missiles: jamming. For decades, air and missile defense systems like the Patriot and the S-300P have been susceptible to advanced techniques designed to confuse or immobile their interceptor missiles and keep them from reaching their targets. One of the most common jamming devices is S- and C-band airborne noise. If used properly, this and other deception mechanisms lead to what is known as the “suppression of enemy air defenses” and allows attacking aircraft and missiles to proceed to their targets without challenge.(4)

The FT-2000 was designed to neutralize and counter these airborne jamming devices. It contains a passive radar target seeker programmed to detect the specific electromagnetic signals emanating from its target. Essentially, the FT-2000 uses its target’s own jamming frequencies against it. In addition, the FT-2000 has a passive homing system that does not transmit electromagnetic waves, thus minimizing the chances that its enemies will detect it in time.(5) The system is equipped with modified HQ-9 interceptor missiles, each of which is 6.8 meters long, 0.47 meters in diameter, and has a launch weight of 1,300 kilograms. The HQ-9 missiles give the FT-2000 a range of 12 to 100 kilometers and an operating altitude of 3 to 20 kilometers. The mobile system is transported and launched on an 8 X 8 cross-country launcher with four canisters that resemble those used by the S-300P.(6)

In addition to the mobile FT-2000, China has developed a fixed-based variant, the FT-2000A. According to a recent Chinese sales brochure, the FT-2000A uses a highly-modified HQ-2 missile that has been equipped with passive radio frequency homing seekers. Each HQ-2 is armed with a 60-kilogram fragmentation warhead and has a range of 60 kilometers and a maximum altitude of 18 kilometers. Reports indicate that each FT-2000A battery consists of 12 missile launchers, each containing one missile, and a central control station. The central control station has one master passive sensor and three auxiliary passive sensors. The four sensors are capable of triangulating on electromagnetic signals in the 2- and 6-GHz frequency range, which covers most AWACS aircraft and other air radiation wave targets, thus earning it the nickname “AWACS killer.”(7)

In addition to its role as an anti-radiation missile system, the FT-2000 also has advanced capability against tactical ballistic missiles, although this point is seldom mentioned. As Richard D. Fisher, Jr. has pointed out, Chinese officials at the 1998 Zhuhai Air Show—shortly after plans for the FT-2000 had been unveiled—stated that the FT-2000 was being developed into an active-guided missile that eventually would have the ability to shoot down short- and medium-range ballistic missiles.(8) Since the FT-2000 is based on comprehensive systems such as the U.S. Patriot and the S-300P, it is no surprise that it too has anti-missile capabilities.

In October 2003, it was reported that China had closed a deal with its neighbor, Pakistan, to supply the latter with an unspecified number of FT-2000 missiles to counter India’s early warning capabilities. The China-Pakistan deal followed India’s own arrangement with Israel and Russia to install three Israeli Phalcon AWACS on Ilyushin Il-76 freighter aircraft, thus giving it an airborne early warning system.(9) According to various news sources, shortly after India announced its acquisition of the Phalcon radars, Air Chief Marshal Kaleem Saadat, the head of Pakistan’s air force, visited China and conveyed Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf’s wish to purchase an unspecified number of FT-2000s.(10)

The recent China-Pakistan arrangement may just be an attempt to maintain the delicate balance of power between India and Pakistan, both of which possess nuclear weapons. Yet according to an article published in Malaysia in January 2003, the People’s Liberation Army is eager to export the FT-2000 around the globe.(11) It is entirely possible that “AWACS killer” air and missile defense systems like the FT-2000 will soon proliferate throughout Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, a development that would introduce a multitude of strategic problems for the U.S. and its allies.


New Member
Feb 22, 2009
Man, have the Chinese made even a screw driver without reverse engineering from someone or the other!


Respected Member
New Member
May 20, 2009
FT-2000 HAS 18KM altitude range -posting another lie. It is a reversed engineered S-300

MissileThreat :: FT-2000

Independent Working Group Report: Missile Defense, the Space Relationship, and the Twenty-First Century. »»

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Home :: Missile Defense Systems

In a report to Congress on May 28, 2004, the U.S. Department of Defense highlighted the major improvements that China has made to its air and missile defense systems over the past few years, including “[the] development of an antiradiation SAM [surface-to-air missile], most likely intended to target AWACS [Airborne Warning and Control System] aircraft and standoff jamming platforms.”(1)

The report was referring specifically to the FT-2000, a Chinese anti-radiation surface-to-air missile system designed to counter electronic jamming aircraft, AWACS aircraft, and other air radiation wave targets. Developed and manufactured by the China National Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CPMIEC) during the late 1990s, the FT-2000 is also believed to be capable of destroying tactical ballistic missiles, similar to the U.S. Patriot and the Russian S-300P systems on which it is based.(2) At present, two versions exist, the mobile FT-2000 and the fixed-based FT-2000A.(3)

The FT-2000 is the direct result of a concerted effort by China to eliminate an inherent vulnerability in medium- and long-range surface-to-air missiles: jamming. For decades, air and missile defense systems like the Patriot and the S-300P have been susceptible to advanced techniques designed to confuse or immobile their interceptor missiles and keep them from reaching their targets. One of the most common jamming devices is S- and C-band airborne noise. If used properly, this and other deception mechanisms lead to what is known as the “suppression of enemy air defenses” and allows attacking aircraft and missiles to proceed to their targets without challenge.(4)

The FT-2000 was designed to neutralize and counter these airborne jamming devices. It contains a passive radar target seeker programmed to detect the specific electromagnetic signals emanating from its target. Essentially, the FT-2000 uses its target’s own jamming frequencies against it. In addition, the FT-2000 has a passive homing system that does not transmit electromagnetic waves, thus minimizing the chances that its enemies will detect it in time.(5) The system is equipped with modified HQ-9 interceptor missiles, each of which is 6.8 meters long, 0.47 meters in diameter, and has a launch weight of 1,300 kilograms. The HQ-9 missiles give the FT-2000 a range of 12 to 100 kilometers and an operating altitude of 3 to 20 kilometers. The mobile system is transported and launched on an 8 X 8 cross-country launcher with four canisters that resemble those used by the S-300P.(6)

In addition to the mobile FT-2000, China has developed a fixed-based variant, the FT-2000A. According to a recent Chinese sales brochure, the FT-2000A uses a highly-modified HQ-2 missile that has been equipped with passive radio frequency homing seekers. Each HQ-2 is armed with a 60-kilogram fragmentation warhead and has a range of 60 kilometers and a maximum altitude of 18 kilometers. Reports indicate that each FT-2000A battery consists of 12 missile launchers, each containing one missile, and a central control station. The central control station has one master passive sensor and three auxiliary passive sensors. The four sensors are capable of triangulating on electromagnetic signals in the 2- and 6-GHz frequency range, which covers most AWACS aircraft and other air radiation wave targets, thus earning it the nickname “AWACS killer.”(7)

In addition to its role as an anti-radiation missile system, the FT-2000 also has advanced capability against tactical ballistic missiles, although this point is seldom mentioned. As Richard D. Fisher, Jr. has pointed out, Chinese officials at the 1998 Zhuhai Air Show—shortly after plans for the FT-2000 had been unveiled—stated that the FT-2000 was being developed into an active-guided missile that eventually would have the ability to shoot down short- and medium-range ballistic missiles.(8) Since the FT-2000 is based on comprehensive systems such as the U.S. Patriot and the S-300P, it is no surprise that it too has anti-missile capabilities.

In October 2003, it was reported that China had closed a deal with its neighbor, Pakistan, to supply the latter with an unspecified number of FT-2000 missiles to counter India’s early warning capabilities. The China-Pakistan deal followed India’s own arrangement with Israel and Russia to install three Israeli Phalcon AWACS on Ilyushin Il-76 freighter aircraft, thus giving it an airborne early warning system.(9) According to various news sources, shortly after India announced its acquisition of the Phalcon radars, Air Chief Marshal Kaleem Saadat, the head of Pakistan’s air force, visited China and conveyed Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf’s wish to purchase an unspecified number of FT-2000s.(10)

The recent China-Pakistan arrangement may just be an attempt to maintain the delicate balance of power between India and Pakistan, both of which possess nuclear weapons. Yet according to an article published in Malaysia in January 2003, the People’s Liberation Army is eager to export the FT-2000 around the globe.(11) It is entirely possible that “AWACS killer” air and missile defense systems like the FT-2000 will soon proliferate throughout Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, a development that would introduce a multitude of strategic problems for the U.S. and its allies.
well, FT2000 is the export version of PLA's HQ9,instead of copy S300 you called.

as a whole, HQ9 is Chinese indigenious AAM system,but it indeed adopt some tech and design from both Russia S300 and USA's patriot.

FT2000 ,Patriot 3 and Russia's S300 are comepting for the Turkey new AA system project worth billions of dollars.

It is reported that Russia's S300 is now in a bad postion in the bid and plan to use S400 to compete against FT2000 and Patriot3.

if it is true, the news itself prove that FT2000 should be more advanced than S300 at least!.


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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but it cannot knock out a satellite a low earth satellite as you claimed not even close.


Respected Member
New Member
May 20, 2009
but it cannot knock out a satellite a low earth satellite as you claimed not even close.
well, I think that if provided with the support from space control seaching and postion system, FT2000 should be able to shoot down low-orbit satllite.

But obvioulsy ,Pakistan is short of such a support .

So, if integerated into China's defence system, FT2000 indeed can be satellite-killer. but it should be no availible in Pakistan.


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Feb 16, 2009
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well, I think that if provided with the support from space control seaching and postion system, FT2000 should be able to shoot down low-orbit satllite.

But obvioulsy ,Pakistan is short of such a support .

So, if integerated into China's defence system, FT2000 indeed can be satellite-killer. but it should be no availible in Pakistan.
i doubt that claim badguy you are delusional and posting exaggerations and lies.


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Feb 16, 2009
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Low Earth orbit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Low Earth Orbit (LEO) is generally defined as an orbit within the locus extending from the Earth’s surface up to an altitude of 2,000 km. Given the rapid orbital decay of objects below approximately 200 km, the commonly accepted definition for LEO is between 160 - 2,000 km (100 - 1,240 miles) above the Earth's surface.[1][2]

the range for FT-2000 is 20km MAX


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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What HQ9 as satellite killer, what a joke, it is mearly a air defence system........ even the missile for the HQ9 cannot even reach the low orbit satellite, had it been so China must have tested it few time against satellite, but the fact of matter is China has not even tested it against any missile system.


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Feb 16, 2009
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China's anti satellite test was also nothing special any country with a IRBM and a hit to kill vehicle can do it , even pakistan, but China like to showoff to feel better about itself.


New Member
May 18, 2009
Well we are getting it tomorrow.

*shoves more drinks into the freezer for celebration*


Respected Member
New Member
May 20, 2009
i doubt that claim badguy you are delusional and posting exaggerations and lies.

1,FT2000's permorfance in bid to Turkey AAM project proves that it should be better than S300 which is nearly out of the bid.

2. FT2000 was praise as "satellite killer" by Kanwa when FT2000 was showed in Zhuhai airshow firstly in 2002 or so.
At that time, PLA had not shown its Anti satillet capacity and still introduce FT2000 as "purely anti-AWAC weapon"


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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1,FT2000's permorfance in bid to Turkey AAM project proves that it should be better than S300 which is nearly out of the bid.

2. FT2000 was praise as "satellite killer" by Kanwa when FT2000 was showed in Zhuhai airshow firstly in 2002 or so.
At that time, PLA had not shown its Anti satillet capacity and still introduce FT2000 as "purely anti-AWAC weapon"
Turkey is reported to be buying S-400 so the FT-2000 failed to impress them.


Respected Member
New Member
May 20, 2009
had it been so China must have tested it few time against satellite, but the fact of matter is China has not even tested it against any missile system.

China indeed does not report its anti missle system ,but it doesn't mean China has no such a system.

always ,China keeps a low profile about its weapon development and never volunteer in reporting its weapon experiments.

According to Chinese military forum, PLA carrys out dozens of experiments of missle project, font ICBM to sub-launched missiles. but non of them would be reported.


Mob Control Manager
New Member
Feb 12, 2009
China indeed does not report its anti missle system ,but it doesn't mean China has no such a system.

always ,China keeps a low profile about its weapon development and never volunteer in reporting its weapon experiments.

According to Chinese military forum, PLA carrys out dozens of experiments of missle project, font ICBM to sub-launched missiles. but non of them would be reported.
The how people come to know about them? Care to elaborate


Respected Member
New Member
May 20, 2009
The how people come to know about them? Care to elaborate

the member of those militray forum are the engineers from Chinese military-industry complexes or universites

don't forget unless USA had exposed the Anti-satllite experiments,PLA might coverd it forever and most people here would never know about it.