Arjun vs T90 MBT


New Member
Aug 20, 2011
Hmmm, to be certain I would need to see the actuall armor internal design. Which obviously won't happen any time soon.

But I think it is too early to say that "Kanchan" is similiar to British "Burlington", from the article as far as I understand, British refused to share knowledge about "Burlington", which means that "Kanchan" do not have any commonalities with it.

Though India manufactured T-72M1 tanks for a longer time, so it means also they had an armor technology for it, so perhaps "Kanchan" in the end is a descendant of Soviet armor technology?
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Mar 6, 2011
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No, I am not running from the debate... I am just debating with a complete imbecile who is not even capable to read with understanding what I write...

As I said, the turret sides of Arjun, not protected by composite armor ar something between ~70mm and ~100mm thick, at 30 degrees they will have increased thickness to approx ~140mm to ~200mm, which is insufficent even against older RPG's that have penetration capabilities over ~300mm of RHA. And there would be no problem if only crew compartment would be completely covered by composite armor, but it is not, protrusions are very short and do not provide enough protection at 30 degrees, which is typical for conventional tank vs tank combat.

Seriously, it is as simple as that... how many times I will need to repeat myself until you will finally understand? Perhaps you will never be capable to do so.

And a note to moderators, I am incredibly tired repeating myself over and over again, do not censor my post... please.

My question to moderators is when will this expert who estimates the side turret thickness with a couple of photographs will post a correct proportional drawing of ARJUN .Why I am repeating it is that there was an article that was bordering on the lines of defamatory with racial overtones written on TEJAS LCA on a 2009 issue (of flight global or some other magazine, I cant recall correctly) , saying it is a piece of junk well below the level of MIG-21 upgraded.And one member was quoting every thing from that article like it was a gospel of truth through out the ADA tejas-III thread and I still had arguments that ran into 100s of pages in that thread.

In the same way here another spurious drawing is emerging which is doing the rounds in other international forums with every proportion of arjun being represented wrongly to suit a particular line of argument.

When I probed the veracity of the document in this thread one member admitted it was he who drew it. Now this member is liberally using this.

So before proceeding further and calling one another imbecile we should once for all establish whether that drawing is really representative of arjun or not?

Are you kidding me kid? The turret side armor is relatively easy to estimate, I had a internal and external photos of a tank, and it piece a cake to make estimation of how thick is side turret armor. I really need to post this again...
Only kids estimate a particular dimension of an angular plane with a grainy photograph.And the red lines below that(I dont know who wrote that)
photograph proceeds to estimate the dimension of side turret wall with that grainy photgraph. Suddenly damian circles a round knob above the turret roof and says that this is this.And he goes on to fix the entire side turret armor or wall thickness based on that single knob like feature .How does he know the side turret wall behind the knob will have same level of thickness as his estimate?
is this what professionals do?
A professional always makes a solid point with irrefutable evidence with dimensionally correct and proper proportional sketches. A professional never pulls out a spurious drawing drawn by someone somewhere from the web and post a turret top photo alongside it and concludes that the entire side turret wall has the some 70 mm RHA thickness that can be blasted through by old RPGs. SO as we all know any weapon system is made for certain qualitative requirements according to the user.So my question is

1.Is this 70 mm RHA side turret wall thickness,is the GSQR specs of side turret protection given by the Indian army to CVRDE?.
2. If so whether the IA deemed it sufficient or did they gave a a weaker spec to CVRDE?
If not
1. Has the Indian army given CVRDE a higher turret protection level and the CVRDE failed to meet it?
2.Are the guys in design dept of CVRDE so dump to make such a basic error that has been found out across the seven seas by one so called self proclaimed expert with a grainy photograph?
3.And why did the Indian army kept quiet about it during the trials?
4.Why no one another than this cabal of overseas experts populating this thread has ever written about it?
5. Even the Israelis were deeply involved and they were the supposed to be nuetral third party audit team and certified it as world class tank. Why didn't they raise it?

if the side turret wall protection is so thin the above questions naturally arise. that is why I am insisting on settling this matter once for all.

Oh wiat, you don't even understand a simple drawing on photographs, you even claimed that gunner in Arjun is sitting in the left side of the turret, while his sights are placed at the right side, and he is sitting there below commander in reality, so how you are even capable to understand something such simple?
I never claimed gunner is on the left.I repeated what kunal posted as the stuff you circled in the red being a gunners periscope.Dont put words into my mouth to make you look like an expert.
As for Arjun ground pressure, yeah it is not known, because there is no credible source about it, no book, no avaiable official army documentation, but I completely understand that a poorly educated peasant like you, that all the sudden get access to internet, is not even capable to comprehend a difference between a credible source, and something posted somewhere in the internet.

So yeah, you are a goddamn fanboy.

Damn, now he made me angry. :tsk:
you don't need to be angry at are insulting everyone at the drop of hat.Go check that out.
Important question!
@Kunal Biswas, do you have any photos of Arjun turret during welding process? Or at least photos of plate stocks used to weld turret?

First in a serious debate stop calling other guy as an imbecile. if I am an imbecile why are you asking kunal for photos since you were so sure of your rule of thumb estimate of side turret wall thickness until now?
You guys are making thousands of posts all over the net with spurious drawings .SO dont pretend that you are out of time, and start calling the other guy names.

So I wont bother you from now on until I get any concrete info i can back with some source. SO you can have your peace of mind in this thread from now on without worrying about imbeciles and fanboys.
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New Member
Aug 20, 2011
Now if you are so why are you asking kunal for photographs?
Because more photos, means more knowledge, more knowledge means better understanding of the design.

First in a serious debate stop calling other guy as an imbecile. if I am an imbecile why are you asking kunal for photos since you were so sure of your rule of thumb estimate of side turret wall thickness until now?
As above, contrary to imbeciles, educated people like to gain more and more knowledge. I would want to have the photos or even a video of welding process of Arjun turret, because this gives the best knowledge. Such simplistic minds like you, do not understand this.

You guys are making thousands of posts all over the net with spurious drawings .SO dont pretend that you are out of time, and start calling the other guy names.
Yes we are making, because this is how knowledge is gained, how discussion is made. You do not understand this, and this is not my problem.

1.Is this 70 mm RHA side turret wall thickness,is the GSQR specs of side turret protection given by the Indian army to CVRDE?.
2. If so whether the IA deemed it sufficient or did they gave awrong spec to CVRDE.
If not
1. Has the Indian army given CVRDE a higher turret protection leve and the CVRDE failed to meet it?
2.Are the guys in design dept of CVRDE so dump to make such a basic error that has been found out across the seven seas by one so called self proclaimed expert with a grainy photograph?
3.And why did the Indian army kept quiet about it during the trials?
4.Why no one another than this cabal of overseas experts populating this thread has ever written about it?
5. Even the Israelis were deeply involved and they were the supposed to be nuetral third party audit team and certified it as world class tank. Why didn't they raise it?
1) Might be GSQR, or might be just nececity to reduce weight.
2) As above.
3) Perhaps, or it was seen as trade off, weight issues are serious in India.
4) I did not call them dumb, as I said there are many reasons, do not understand this.
5) Oh maybe because there is Pakistan just to the other side of the border, and such things are kept quiet by military?
6) Because in Europe and USA, among big tank manufacturers these are known facts, the designs in our countries were perfected that way, not the other, and we have much greater experience with them.
7) Why Israelis should even bother? Their tank design was not considered as alternative, they had no reason to help in reality.
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DFI Buddha
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Aug 21, 2010
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@Godless-Kafir, it is nothing more than a tool box, if you will have opprotunity just hit it with a fist or hammer, I bet that it is empty inside.

Gun mantle is allways a weak zone, you can't place there enough and dense enough armor, because then you will kill servomechanisms, this is a weak zone in all tanks.

As for main gun sight... oh this is good one a blow off panels for a place where is no ammunition, seriously do you know the purpose of blow off panels?

Thank you, however I will not take seriously "arguments" of people like the one with difficult nick. Seriously just look at him, he do not understand the discussion,if he can understand anything, and try to fight with me with complete BS. I can discuss with @pmaitra, not with a fanboy who thinks I want to "kill" Arjun MBT program.

As for that fanboy ersakthivel, I don't know if any discussion is possible with a person who claims to know about tanks more, but he do not know anything about them... it is just pointless to discuss with children.
Show me where is the hinges of a tool box on the first block. Dont become an over confident blind guy, then this discussion will go no where.

Show me where in the FIRST block on the side we can see hinges?

Ya i do know the purpose of a blow of panel, it is to vent the force of the blast, do you know that? Why do they have V shaped chases in personal carriers these days? That also works on the same principle which is to deflect the force of the blast from a CONFINED area, it does not need to be only an ammo storage box, its is only to direct the force of the blast away from critical area, does your brain get stuck once in a while or is your thinking jammed with childish know it all confidence?

The front gun mantel has a huge thickness almost measureing the depth of the front armor. That is thick enough.
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Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
From description of Armour it does not sound so..

Its not necessarily Kanchan is same as Burlington, But similar structurally , Project on Kanchan started long before T-72M1 arrived..

Hmmm, to be certain I would need to see the actuall armor internal design. Which obviously won't happen any time soon.

But I think it is too early to say that "Kanchan" is similiar to British "Burlington", from the article as far as I understand, British refused to share knowledge about "Burlington", which means that "Kanchan" do not have any commonalities with it.

Though India manufactured T-72M1 tanks for a longer time, so it means also they had an armor technology for it, so perhaps "Kanchan" in the end is a descendant of Soviet armor technology?


DFI Buddha
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Aug 21, 2010
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Hmmm, to be certain I would need to see the actuall armor internal design. Which obviously won't happen any time soon.

But I think it is too early to say that "Kanchan" is similiar to British "Burlington", from the article as far as I understand, British refused to share knowledge about "Burlington", which means that "Kanchan" do not have any commonalities with it.

Though India manufactured T-72M1 tanks for a longer time, so it means also they had an armor technology for it, so perhaps "Kanchan" in the end is a descendant of Soviet armor technology?
If british refused to share what makes you think we cant make it ourself?
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Aug 20, 2011
Show me where is the hinges of a tool box on the first block. Dont become an over confident blind guy, then this discussion will go no where.
Why do you think that hinges are nececary there? Access might be from the second block of turret storage box.

Ya i do know the purpose of a blow of panel, it is to vent the force of the blast, do you know that?
And only for ammunition storage. Nowhere, in any tank design, there are blow off panels in anywhere else than ammunition storage.

The front gun mantel has a huge thickness almost measureing the depth of the front armor. That is thick enough.
Gun mantle mask is max ~400mm, it is a half of the left side front turret armor (more or less), just like in Leopard 2. And belive me, 400mm is not efficent enough to provide protection against anything bigger than some RPG's, older tank guns ammunition, and such things.

If british refused to share what makes you think we cant make it ourself?
And where did I say you can't make it yourself? :shocked:

The question is genesis of "Kanchan", you think that everything is designed, just like that, from air, nothing?


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Mar 6, 2011
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@Damian, the blue is periscope..


Regarding side thickness, Its no more than 5cm thick at most, Which is simple RHA steel and its thin compare to what AT can throw at it..
the blue markings on the turret top photo and inside crew compartment photo are at very different position in relation to open crew hatch,kunal.
if we follow the same logic then the knob like thing circled by damian and written as ventilation hole in the red ink by damian should be further back of the blue marked he periscope as per you
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DFI Buddha
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Aug 21, 2010
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Why do you think that hinges are nececary there? Access might be from the second block of turret storage box.
Now your starting to sound retarded. When all three are disconnected individual boxes why would anyone design such a stupid box as to have entry in the second.

Either have the humility to accept a fault or better still correct your mistake and maintain your respect.

And only for ammunition storage. Nowhere, in any tank design, there are blow off panels in anywhere else than ammunition storage.
Did you even read what i wrote? What is the science behind it? Could you elaborate if you know.

Gun mantle mask is max ~400mm, it is a half of the left side front turret armor (more or less), just like in Leopard 2. And belive me, 400mm is not efficent enough to provide protection against anything bigger than some RPG's, older tank guns ammunition, and such things.

And where did I say you can't make it yourself? :shocked:

The question is genesis of "Kanchan", you think that everything is designed, just like that, from air, nothing?
This pic shows that the none of the ammos have even gone through that much past the Kanchan armor. How can an RPG do more damage than all these HESH,HE, FSAPDS rounds?



New Member
Aug 20, 2011
Now your starting to sound retarded. When all three are disconnected individual boxes why would anyone design such a stupid box as to have entry in the second.

Either have the humility to accept a fault or better still correct your mistake and maintain your respect.
Or just knock the damn thing with hand or hammer and see if it is empty. I would want a good photo to see it better, but my bet goes for storage box.

Did you even read what i wrote? What is the science behind it? Could you elaborate if you know.
Blow off panels are used only for ammunition storage. Show me, where do you see a blow off panel near the main sight of Arjun MBT?

This pic shows that the none of the ammos have even gone through that much past the Kanchan armor. How can an RPG do more damage than all these HESH,HE, FSAPDS rounds?
This photo shows nothing than a hit marks, do you have a photo of the other side of the plate? And how do you know it is a "Kanchan" armor?

And BTW, there is no such thing as FSAPDS, the world wide nomenclature says only about APFSDS, FSAPDS is some sort of creation completely separated from world wide nomenclature.


DFI Buddha
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Aug 21, 2010
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Or just knock the damn thing with hand or hammer and see if it is empty. I would want a good photo to see it better, but my bet goes for storage box.
Right, knock with an hammer! what happened to photo proof? If you saw a Ghost in a photo that would be enough for you to say Ghosts are real?

Look at the first block and tell me honestly.

Blow off panels are used only for ammunition storage. Show me, where do you see a blow off panel near the main sight of Arjun MBT?
I said it could be ducted inside to vent the energy away from the crew and more over the part right below the sight is not a armor, it is only a cast iron plate which suggests there is loads of armor behind the sights. This system protects the sights from machine gun fire and shrapnel and gives better advantage to the tank crew to maintain its visibility as opposed to a Top mounted sight that is more vulnerable to shrapnel after a direct attack on the turret. This design is a WIN.

This photo shows nothing than a hit marks, do you have a photo of the other side of the plate? And how do you know it is a "Kanchan" armor?

And BTW, there is no such thing as FSAPDS, the world wide nomenclature says only about APFSDS, FSAPDS is some sort of creation completely separated from world wide nomenclature.
That photo is from the state TV run by the government and from a documentary on the Arjun.



New Member
Aug 20, 2011
Right, knock with an hammer! what happened to photo proof? If you saw a Ghost in a photo that would be enough for you to say Ghosts are real?

Look at the first block and tell me honestly.
Honestly it is a storage box for me.

I said it could be ducted inside to vent the energy away from the crew and more over the part right below the sight is not a armor, it is only a cast iron plate which suggests there is loads of armor behind the sights. This system protects the sights from machine gun fire and shrapnel and gives better advantage to the tank crew to maintain its visibility as opposed to a Top mounted sight that is more vulnerable to shrapnel after a direct attack on the turret. This design is a WIN.
Well the funny thing is that Israelis which had similiar philosophy for a sight mounting in Merkava Mk1 to Mk3 changed it in Mk4 to the similiar sight mounting like in M1 Abrams. Same goes for Germans who changed that in Leopard 2A5, actually more tanks have sight through the turret roof and behind front armor than like in Arjun. Just look at different tank designs.

So no, such design is not a "WIN" as you call it.

Oh and by the way, the sights mounted on turret roof have a protection in form of so called "doghouse" which is armored enough to protect against AP ammunition up to 14,5mm and shrapnels. Besides this roof mounted sights provides better visibility.

That photo is from the state TV run by the government and from a documentary on the Arjun.
Ok, and now show me the other side of the plate, I would also want to known it's thickness.

It is hilarious when countries using as official language english, starts to create new nomenclature, when there is one avaiable, and perfectly suited for it's role.
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DFI Buddha
New Member
Aug 21, 2010
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Honestly it is a storage box for me.
Based on what? Now you back track from your own philosophy of looking at hinges. Why? Any hidden bias? Poland or Pakistan!!!

Well the funny thing is that Israelis which had similiar philosophy for a sight mounting in Merkava Mk1 to Mk3 changed it in Mk4 to the similiar sight mounting like in M1 Abrams. Same goes for Germans who changed that in Leopard 2A5, actually more tanks have sight through the turret roof and behind front armor than like in Arjun. Just look at different tank designs.

So no, such design is not a "WIN" as you call it.

I dont care, they may come back to this design in the future when the yanks put it in their next model. I dont see any defects in this if it has enough armor at the back.

Oh and by the way, the sights mounted on turret roof have a protection in form of so called "doghouse" which is armored enough to protect against AP ammunition up to 14,5mm and shrapnels. Besides this roof mounted sights provides better visibility.
This one has no limits like 14.5mm and no its not a week zone and your not a tank expert to know how the designers have worked around it.

Ok, and now show me the other side of the plate, I would also want to known it's thickness.
What for? Has it penetrated?

It is hilarious when countries using as official language english, starts to create new nomenclature, when there is one avaiable, and perfectly suited for it's role.
Nothing hilarious, it happens all the time. Football is not Football in US go tell the yanks that. I know your an yank fan boy so you wont ever see that.


New Member
Aug 20, 2011
Based on what? Now you back track from your own philosophy of looking at hinges. Why? Any hidden bias? Poland or Pakistan!!!
Because I see it, for me it is storage box. Hinges might be there, on the other side, or not, maybe the cover is hold by bolts, or other means. As for hidden bias... what have to do with this nationality. I see that in fact in India everything is around nationality... which is silly.

I dont care, they may come back to this design in the future when the yanks put it in their next model. I dont see any defects in this if it has enough armor at the back.
You do not care, because you do not have to fight in this thing. The Israelis that have much greater experience resigned from such design, Americans did not even used it, never, seriously. Germans resigned from it because it weakened armor. As for future, Americans do not even think to change it, and the next generation will have unmanned turret which will completely eliminate this problem.

This one has no limits like 14.5mm and no its not a week zone and your not a tank expert to know how the designers have worked around it.
You sounds silly, when you are butthurted. I may not be a tank expert, but I preffer to listen the people who designed tanks in countries much more experienced in tank designing than India.

Actually this whole situation with Arjun fanboys and these criticising me, remindem me a known story from Soviet Union.

At one of meetings, new minister of defence criticize Aleksander Morozov the chief designer of KB-60M design bureau, Morozov listens and calmly answers "comrade, you are 4th or 5th minister of defence that teach me how to design tanks... and I design them and design them for a very long time".

The point is that how many of you, that criticize me, sit in the whole deal as long as I do? I started to seriously interest in this subject when I have 10 or 12, I started to collect literature, discuss with people that have a much greater knowledge about this subject than all of us here combined.

And I think that the truth is, that a false national pride, do not let you to calmly accept the criticism. But as I said many times, the real power can be build only on critical approach and discussion, this was the way how the greatest tank designs were created, as well as other weapons.

Not a butthurt national pride.

What for? Has it penetrated?
I wan to know if it was or not, to know this I need to take a look at the other side... what is so difficult to understand here?

Nothing hilarious, it happens all the time. Football is not Football in US go tell the yanks that. I know your an yank fan boy so you wont ever see that.
Oh I actually agree that american football is not the most good idea for a name to actually a new sport, especially that there is a commonality in language between US and UK.

As for my support to USA, I might support it, does not mean that I am a fanboy, fanboy is someone who do not understand the discussion... neither a simple drawing.:taunt1:


DFI Buddha
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Aug 21, 2010
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Either way its late here and i am tired and going to bed.

You have lost all credibility over the Arjun argument if you make a come back based on denial.

Your arguments are no longer based on science but on personal ego trip.

Over and OUT.


New Member
Aug 20, 2011
You have lost all credibility over the Arjun argument if you make a come back based on denial.

Your arguments are no longer based on science but on personal ego trip.
Said a man, who never done any credible analisis of any tank design, and who is only capable to criticize others who do not agree with his beliefs.

Oh and BTW, there is no denial in my argument. I said enough times enough arguments. You or others do not want to accept it? Fine, but now let's just wait for some conflict, and see who will pay in blood, and who will later screem at engineers what they "----ed up".

Not to mention, who will later be screeming why Arjun is not exported, and it's price go up, and noone will wish to purchase it... and there are many reasons why Arjun will not be purchased by anyone, very similiar ones why Challenger 2 did not have any export success.
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New Member
May 25, 2009
Wow, the thread moved up by pages...


Arjun has a lot of distance to cover. Lets wait and see how the Mk1 does over many years. The units just received the tanks a few years ago and are currently complaining about quality issues.

There were high ranking officers on the interview who claimed it has reliability issues. Even if we consider the design of the Arjun on paper is better than the T-90, we do not know of the micro issues that may be plaguing the tank even today.

For eg: The T-90 turret may spin 10000 times before there is a failure, comparatively Arjun may be designed for 10000, but may be doing 1000 because of some issue or the other. The Israelis jumped in very late into the project. If they are currently fixing these micro issues to make the tank more reliable, we will see the biggest changes happening on the Mk2.

As stated already, the Arjun has nothing to do with the T-90. T-90 was the only obvious choice during the time. According to Army officers who oversaw the deal, this tank was the only operationally produced tank in Russia. Other tank projects called Black Eagle and T-95 were just prototypes with no future while T-80 and T-64 were not Russian anymore.

Nobody paid anybody to get the T-90, the fact is DRDO is the one who gave permission for the Army to induct the tank. This is by law. Which means DRDO has no issues with the army going for the T-90. So, your claim of corruption is plain wrong.
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Mar 6, 2011
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Great info Kunal, great thanks. If their ground pressure is higher than Russian ones, it might suggest that "Kanchan" is less weight efficent, which means that to provide enough protection, it needs to be densier and thus heavier, perhaps it does not have even a design of NERA but is more passive? So the weight issues might stand behind such turret design in Arjun.
@methos, any suggestions?
Not another witch doctors potion here again.............
The objective way to approach the weight issue is, since the there was no tot for T-90 armor plates in the begining kanchan was used in place of the russian armor.
If we want to determine the effectiveness of the kanchan armor for per kg weight we must also include the protection level per kg weight of kancan armor compared to russian composite armor before jumping the gun and conclude like

If their ground pressure is higher than Russian ones, it might suggest that "Kanchan" is less weight efficient, which means that to provide enough protection, it needs to be denser and thus heavier,
Surely this is no professional analysis.
If the relative heavier weight of kanchan armor made the indian made T-90 tank heavy ,we must inquire whether it provides
1. lesser protection compared to russian armor?
2.equal protection compared to russian armor?
3. or more protection compared to russian armor?
before saying that kanchan armor is weight inefficient.
Also only a bare bone version of T-90 was bought from russia without many important stuff like APU and active protection system among other things. What is their contribution to the 0higher ground pressure must also be analysed.
So in a nutshell before jumping to conclusion we must know whether the kanchan armor plated indian made heavier T-90 is more protective or les protective of the crew compared to russian light weight T-90 tank made with russian armor totally in russia.
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Mar 6, 2011
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@Kunal Biswas, yeah I know, but there, in deep, behind is a something that appears to be ventilation port, which armored cover can be seen on the turret roof from outside.

And it seems that I am more kind for Arjun, estimating it's side turret armor as something between ~70-100mm, while Kunal says ~50mm, but without meassuring it on a real tank, the exact thickness still will be a sort of mystery, though we are very close to the truth.
Did you ask @kunal whether this 50 mm thickness is for the outside wall of the storage box or for the inside wall of the storage box before being too kind to arjun?
Is kunal referring to the outer most turret side plate which is effectively the outer plate of the storage box or the inner plate of the storage box ?
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Mar 6, 2011
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Arjun have ammo storage bins at chassis and a ten round bin in turret ready to fire..


I will also add few more points, Arjun & Leopard series have many similarities not just external but also very internal..

Presently Arjun MK-1 dont have blast doors, Which is on all Leo A4/A5/A6/A7 and on, Blast door will come with MK2 version of Arjun..


Two tank layouts tanks, Arjun MK1 & leo2 A4..

Arjun ammo containers are at back in chassis, Also their is ammo bin in turret but not Ammo in forward area as in leo 2..
@kunal biswasYou said the side turret wall of arjun is just 50 mm thickess RHA.

kunal are you referring to the outer most turret side plate which is effectively the outer plate of the storage box or the inner plate of the storage box ?
The image below has storage boxes added.

This image below on the factory floor the turret of arjun has no storage boxes added.

So which outer wall of the arjun has 50 mm RHA thickness?
One in the picture above or one in the picture below?

Your clarification will provide some more insights on this discussion.
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