Arjun Main Battle Tank (MBT)


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Aug 31, 2009
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Pakistan is already in the process of acquiring 300 VT-4 tanks, its a 52 ton tank equipped with the GL5 APS.
It will be interesting to see whether the Army still keeps languishing over the piecemeal orders of Arjun Mk1A or inducts 300-500 of them to counter Porkis
Arjun is a heavy tank has only one purpose to serve in the deserts of Rajasthan. The weight of the Arjun prevents it from being deployed in all the areas required by the Army. Paradoxically, while the tank itself has demonstrated high speed and mobility, its weight precludes it from being able to operate anywhere the army wants it to and this fatally limits the tank’s operational effectiveness for the Indian Army. The tank is too heavy to be deployed across the border with Pakistan. It is unable to effectively traverse terrain filled with natural and/or artificial obstacles. Or areas crisscrossed with rivers and canals. That rules out most places in Rajasthan, Punjab and the mountainous terrain of the J&K sector. It will certainly not be part of the Indian Army’s strike corps formations, as it could get bogged down in unfamiliar terrain.

You will never see Arjun of today in big numbers. the current orders will just cover the R$D cost, its the Arjun MK2 and the FMBT that will be ordered in numbers.


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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Arjun is a heavy tank has only one purpose to serve in the deserts of Rajasthan. The weight of the Arjun prevents it from being deployed in all the areas required by the Army. Paradoxically, while the tank itself has demonstrated high speed and mobility, its weight precludes it from being able to operate anywhere the army wants it to and this fatally limits the tank’s operational effectiveness for the Indian Army. The tank is too heavy to be deployed across the border with Pakistan. It is unable to effectively traverse terrain filled with natural and/or artificial obstacles. Or areas crisscrossed with rivers and canals. That rules out most places in Rajasthan, Punjab and the mountainous terrain of the J&K sector. It will certainly not be part of the Indian Army’s strike corps formations, as it could get bogged down in unfamiliar terrain.

You will never see Arjun of today in big numbers. the current orders will just cover the R$D cost, its the Arjun MK2 and the FMBT that will be ordered in numbers.
What a steaming load of horse manure.


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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Pakistan is already in the process of acquiring 300 VT-4 tanks, its a 52 ton tank equipped with the GL5 APS.
I know that already.
It will be interesting to see whether the Army still keeps languishing over the piecemeal orders of Arjun Mk1A or inducts 300-500 of them to counter Porkis
Unfortunately, even the MkIA is fraught with too many design drawbacks, so it ain't worth it. A better option would be to go for ~500 or so T-90MS in short term and then upgrade the current S version to the M variant over the coming years.

not so dravidian

New Member
Feb 3, 2021
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I know that already.

Unfortunately, even the MkIA is fraught with too many design drawbacks, so it ain't worth it. A better option would be to go for ~500 or so T-90MS in short term and then upgrade the current S version to the M variant over the coming years.
ur right, seems like there's talks going on for t90ms (export varient of proevv) is going on


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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No. Mark1A are priced marginally above the vintage T-90S being ordered...
The MkIA supposedly costs ~56 crore INR, which would translate to almost 8 million USD a piece or so I've heard. And as for the 464 new T-90S are concerned, that deal is worth 2.8 Billion USD, which puts the price of each vehicle at just over 6 million USD. So it's definitely not a marginal difference unless of course, you happen to have that deep of a pocket that you would consider 2 million USD as marginal. Oh and by the way, that 2.8 billion includes the cost of license renewal and some tech transfer as well, so the actual price is even lower (still too much in my opinion).
And no matter what the Russians claim, they haven't dared to field T-14 anywhere, not even a token force like Su-57.
It's got more to do with their ever-shrinking economy than anything else. They are now in a situation where they can design and develop sophisticated weapons and weapon platforms but lack the resources to build them in any meaningful numbers.
IA thankfully has an aversion to untested hardware.
Yeah, that mostly seems to be the case for locally manufactured products.
Eben ordering T-90MS would have been simpler. They ain't doing that either, but upgrading the T-72s to T-90S standard.
Lack of technical understandings and farsight and deep-rooted institutional inertia is to be blamed for that, as I've pointed out before on countless occasions.
Some chatter claim this is because those are meant to take place of T-55 & Shermans before that in armoured regiments, while Mark1A/2 will fill the role of Centurion & Vijayanta in RAPIDs.
If that's indeed the case, then it just goes to show how far our gernails are lagging behind the rest of the world.

not so dravidian

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Feb 3, 2021
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CREDIT: @Gautam Sarkar
It is based off of the ATAGS design with few modifications. The screw type breech mechanism is generally not preferred in MBTs because of slow reload speeds. But this has apparently being worked out with the ATAGS allowing the gun to have a very high rate of fire. The ATAGS design has been further modified to be used on MBTs. It will feature a Acrylo-Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) elastomeric obturating pad allowing longer service life and low maintenance. It will also have additional features like :

Thermal Warning System : Thermal sensors would be attached to barrel/breech to monitor the temperature of its surface and give warning to the crew when nearing cook-off temperature

Breech Wash Mechanism : This mechanism helps to remove the dust/dirt particles from the Breech mechanism to avoid ingress of these in the chamber and thus helps for proper functioning of the same. Also it helps to reduce the barrel temperature and thus delay cook off temperature and increases the number of rounds to fire to reach cook off temperature.

Primer Loading Mechanism : There is a need to load the primer after loading of shot and charge mass. The primer loading mechanism holds sufficient number of primer to load after closing of breech block. This mechanism is very important to decide the rate of fire of the gun, as it contains primary explosive which is highly sensitive. Thus this type of mechanism needs automation for safety to crew and higher rate of fire.

Cruise missile

Tihar Jail
Nov 30, 2020
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drdo has also tested a bsfr radar mount on t72 for study

also has been experimenting advanced ACTIVE PROTECTION SYSTEM for a very long time

seems like r going to see a quantum jump in armored regiment in the following years
Are u active on SF forum.


Laughing member
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Nov 23, 2017
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@ bleh ji can u post an analysis from the images i hve posted?:)
Nope. Metallurgy & gun ballistics are not my "area of expertise".

The MkIA supposedly costs ~56 crore INR, which would translate to almost 8 million USD a piece or so I've heard. And as for the 464 new T-90S are concerned, that deal is worth 2.8 Billion USD, which puts the price of each vehicle at just over 6 million USD.
Yeah ok, the T-90S cost ¾th of Arjun Mark1A. But for fairness you'd have to consider the level of tech they are both equipped with.
T-90S is essentially same status as old Mark1.
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