Arjun Main Battle Tank (MBT)


New Member
Dec 22, 2012
in the photo below(the turret side shaded in red) you can clearly see there is only two spur length wide space is there as per my previous post.

3x180 mm=540 mm(two spur width ).

So 2x360= 1080 mm(on both sides),
3860-1080 mm=2780mm(turret width).

2780mm-2200 mm(crew compartment)= close to 580cm both sides combined.
as i can clearly see?

well i'm at least happy that you finally accepted the 18cm figure.
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New Member
Dec 22, 2012
Once ARJUn is inducted in large numbers , I don't think DRDO scientists will waste their time posting bullshit posts like you do,

And they will adopt the latest high penetration rounds for ARJUN,

it is no herculean job for a team that developed a complete weapon system, as per the posts already posted here it is a continuous ongoing process.
not a herculean process? if it's so damnably easy why did european armies take up to 5 years to develop new rounds?
the indian army is essentially 30 years behind in 120mm penetrator technology.
the blatant corruption going on in the indian defense industry doesn't really help either..


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Mar 6, 2011
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not a herculean process? if it's so damnably easy why did european armies take up to 5 years to develop new rounds?
the indian army is essentially 30 years behind in 120mm penetrator technology.
the blatant corruption going on in the indian defense industry doesn't really help either..
it will take more than 5 years for decent number ARJUN MK-2s to be inducted ,time enough I think.

No blatant corruption has stopped arjun ,lca ,arihant and so many other missile system to be inducted in IA,

because it is a judicial democracy corruption is exposed. In other systems everything goes under the carpet .

anyway topics like this are Ot in arjun MBt thread.


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Mar 6, 2011
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Neither you know anything about technical drawings and dimensions, as well as you do not know history of development and service of different tank types, nither history of development of technology that served to create them, as well.

To your information, there is no space over sides and rear of hull as well as sides and rear of turret to place there composite armor, not to mention that placing there such armor, would mean increase in weight to levels beyond any resonable levels.

Of course I understand that fanboys like you would preffer to manufacture and use hilarious and useless designs like P-1000 Ratte to please their ill ego... but hey, it seems that definetely you would be friend with Hitler, he was same megalomaniac.

History(especially world war -2 military stats and weapon systems) and geography is irrelevant when it comes to current military technology, may be your history professor failed to inform you,

So you can go back to read all the dust volumes on them,

Whether I am friends with hitler or not, what is proved is you have done a full monty when it comes to drawings and dimensions,

and only a retard will believe you when it comes to ARJUN specs,

So all turrets that have composite aromr on the sides are not reasonable design perhaps as per view point,

Sides of the hull is what is discussed here, not the rear which has no relevance as there is no crew compartment there,

How many L55 gun MBTs are there in the world operating today?
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New Member
Dec 22, 2012
Whether I am friends with hitler or not, what is proved is you are a full monty when it comes to drawings and dimensions,

So all turrets that have composite aromr on the sides are not reasonable design perhaps as per view point,

Sides of the hull is what is discussed here, not the rear which has no relevance as there is no crew compartment there,

How many L55 gun MBTs are there in the world operating today?
Arjuns 120mm gun is inferior to the german rheinmetall L44 gun.


New Member
Dec 22, 2012
That was not the question I asked,
vastly inferior in fact. best 120mm rounds, the DM-53 and M829A3 are capable of penetrating over 800mm RHAe.

spain has 219 leopardo 2E, germany has 225 leopard 2A6.

then there's the french F1 L52,
france has 406 leclercs, capable of firing standard NATO ammunition,
UAE has 388 leclercs, also with F1 gun.

do you have a point, or are you trying to divert attention away from the fact that you were wrong about the turret side on the arjun?


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Mar 6, 2011
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vastly inferior in fact. best 120mm rounds, the DM-53 and M829A3 are capable of penetrating over 800mm RHAe.

spain has 219 leopardo 2E, germany has 225 leopard 2A6.

then there's the french F1 L52,
france has 406 leclercs, capable of firing standard NATO ammunition,
UAE has 388 leclercs, also with F1 gun.

do you have a point, or are you trying to divert attention away from the fact that you were wrong about the turret side on the arjun?

That post of mine was addressed to DAmian , not you

Who is in need of diverting attention away from measurement snafus?

You or me?

read my post number 4477 and answer it.
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New Member
Mar 6, 2011
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vastly inferior in fact. best 120mm rounds, the DM-53 and M829A3 are capable of penetrating over 800mm RHAe.

spain has 219 leopardo 2E, germany has 225 leopard 2A6.

then there's the french F1 L52,
france has 406 leclercs, capable of firing standard NATO ammunition,
UAE has 388 leclercs, also with F1 gun.

do you have a point, or are you trying to divert attention away from the fact that you were wrong about the turret side on the arjun?
TOP 13 modern tanks in the world - YouTube

The video gives ARJUN the best firepower rating among rankings and you are bluffing here that it is inferior.

And it rates ARJUn 4th best tank in the world well above T-90 even without mk-2 modifications.

it's combination of 55 cal ,120 mm rifled, is given the best firepower rating (in fact no-1 position) well above any other tank gun in the world even without the mk-2 upgrades,

And it's armor score is quite comparable to LEo A6 even without mk-2 upgrades,

it takes a lot of gall for you to pour shit on a tank like that,it betrays your level of knowledge,

if weight reduction as told by DRDO is carried out and higher 1800 hp engine is introduced it's score on mobility, and power to weight ratio will massively improve. placing it among top three tanks in the world.
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New Member
Dec 22, 2012
no diverting.
let's count:

1...2...3! ah ah ah.

as for the video, don't try and divert.
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New Member
Aug 20, 2011
History(especially world war -2 military stats and weapon systems) and geography is irrelevant when it comes to current military technology, may be your history professor failed to inform you,

So you can go back to read all the dust volumes on them,

Whether I am friends with hitler or not, what is proved is you have done a full monty when it comes to drawings and dimensions,

and only a retard will believe you when it comes to ARJUN specs,

So all turrets that have composite aromr on the sides are not reasonable design perhaps as per view point,

Sides of the hull is what is discussed here, not the rear which has no relevance as there is no crew compartment there,

How many L55 gun MBTs are there in the world operating today?
1) World War II is very relevant, this was the time when humanity learned everything about how properly design and use tanks and other armored fighting vehicles. It might only irelevant for someone like you, a complete buckethead that do not want to learn, you only believe in something, this is not knowledge, not wisdom even, pure stupidity indeed.

2) You cited a stupid advertisement and started to claim that Arjun have all around protection provided by Kanchan. For your information peasant, all around means 360 degrees. However anyone who claim that is just absolutely stupid. There is no magic here, providing all around protection with Kanchan, or any other type of composite armor would make vehicle big and heavy beyond any reasonable levels.

But of course when it is clear your was wrong, you like a typical coward fanboy, instead of admitting you are wrong, you do not know anything, and just shut up, you scream more and more.

3) Photos of the real Arjun tank from different period and production batches prooves my drawings, additional support for my drawings are Dejawolf 3d models.

Sorry Geronimo, you loose, just accept this like adult you claim to be... oh wait, I forgot we are discussing with a mentally 5 years old person.

4) Arjun do not use L55 gun either, not to mention that gun itself is not the most important, very important is also ammuntion and then combined characteristics of gun and ammunition.

The known characteristics of Arjun 120mm rifled and in general 120mm rifled guns, prooves that these types of weapon are inferior in all characteristics to modern 120mm smoothbore guns like Rhinemetall Rh-120/L44 and L55 guns and their licence versions manufactured around the world, as well as for example French CN-120/26 L52 used on Leclerc.

As for this YouTube video, you see, you still do not understand a simple fact, anyone can create such video, even the most stupid person on our planet, and you think that such videos can be treated as a source? Ok I can accept that for you it might be okay, you have no hope at all to be above a level of a grasshoper, but you think that other people, especially your great countrymen are so stupid? On their place I would just kick you in your ass, because you try to lie to them.

It is good that you are not in Army as higher rank officer or someone in goverment, such people like you are dangerous to own nation, because instead of being realist, you live in some fairy tale world.

To be honest I am shocked and terrified, I never encountered such dellusioned fanboy, ever.


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Mar 6, 2011
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1) World War II is very relevant, this was the time when humanity learned everything about how properly design and use tanks and other armored fighting vehicles. It might only irelevant for someone like you, a complete buckethead that do not want to learn, you only believe in something, this is not knowledge, not wisdom even, pure stupidity indeed.
composite armor or
L-55 120 mm rifled,
or hydro gas suspension
or devastatingly accurate FCS guns
existed in world war -two times, But what is the point of talking about these truly modern tech with rip van winkles?
2) You cited a stupid advertisement and started to claim that Arjun have all around protection provided by Kanchan. For your information peasant, all around means 360 degrees. However anyone who claim that is just absolutely stupid. There is no magic here, providing all around protection with Kanchan, or any other type of composite armor would make vehicle big and heavy beyond any reasonable levels.

What your posting is even more stupid statements like,
STGN jog is right,
DEJAWOLF job is right,
when I ask you to produce your own material to proved your budheaded claims on turret side protection in 60 deg frontal arc,
While slyly using the old photos from military recognition website

you have the gall to say it's statement about kanchan armor was wrong,

A peasant is a lot straight forward charecter than a crook,
But of course when it is clear your was wrong, you like a typical coward fanboy, instead of admitting you are wrong, you do not know anything, and just shut up, you scream more and more.

3) Photos of the real Arjun tank from different period and production batches prooves my drawings, additional support for my drawings are Dejawolf 3d models.
dejawolf is a bigger clown than you is already proved here, he does not even know what is the opposite side and hypotenuse of a right angle triangle, taking measurement like a fool in hypotenuse alignment when in reality it should have been done at opposite side alignment,

Which could have been understood by 15 year old kid back here in india
Sorry Geronimo, you loose, just accept this like adult you claim to be... oh wait, I forgot we are discussing with a mentally 5 years old person.

4) Arjun do not use L55 gun either, not to mention that gun itself is not the most important, very important is also ammuntion and then combined characteristics of gun and ammunition.
Only fools like you will baulk at ammo dvelopment, The guys who developed ARJUn will develop rounds as well,once significant number of tanks are inducted, As posted here the R and D is already on.
The known characteristics of Arjun 120mm rifled and in general 120mm rifled guns, prooves that these types of weapon are inferior in all characteristics to modern 120mm smoothbore guns like Rhinemetall Rh-120/L44 and L55 guns and their licence versions manufactured around the world, as well as for example French CN-120/26 L52 used on Leclerc.

known characteristics of Arjun 120mm rifled is greater than 90 percent first hit probability ,accuracy of hitting suitcase size target 2 kms away, best FCS sitting on a superb hydro gas suspension guarenteeing accuracy. which clowns like you can not digest.
As for this YouTube video, you see, you still do not understand a simple fact, anyone can create such video, even the most stupid person on our planet, and you think that such videos can be treated as a source? Ok I can accept that for you it might be okay, you have no hope at all to be above a level of a grasshoper, but you think that other people, especially your great countrymen are so stupid? On their place I would just kick you in your ass, because you try to lie to them.

You tube video rated tanks comprehensively on
1.armor, power,
3.power to weight ratio,
5.rounds carried,,
7.frontal armorm protection,
8.avarage armor protection,

in a scientific manner. ofcourse for retards like you it is too much to comprehend.
It is good that you are not in Army as higher rank officer or someone in goverment, such people like you are dangerous to own nation, because instead of being realist, you live in some fairy tale world.

it is good that stuffed selfs like you are safely cocooned away in some mental asylum in poland than anywhere near the centers of power in india.
To be honest I am shocked and terrified, I never encountered such dellusioned fanboy, ever.
To be brutally honest I don't believe in wastage of words ,

debating with retards like you,

SO let's shut down our conversation for the present.
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New Member
Mar 6, 2011
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no diverting.
let's count:

1...2...3! ah ah ah.

as for the video, don't try and divert.
where is your answer for my post number 4477?

Well those four red lines are only another attempt at cheap fraud,

Just eliminate the 16 cm segment from your photo and

you will get the correct dimension measuring along the opposite side of right angle triangle, two segments of 18 cms ending at the turret side in an axis perpendicular to the turret side on the holding spur of the side skirt.

instead of hypotenuse as you wrongly did with three segments of 18 cm, 18 cm and 16 cm.

Any way thanks for posting your graduation photo.

Considering the triangular shape of the collar is it a course on vampires?
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New Member
Jan 9, 2013
Even if we accept your argument that the width is just a little bit less at the front,it has no implication for calculating the size of the crew compartment or turret side armor thickness at Tc's seat.

But I seriously doubt whether there is any significant reduction in turret width at the front.

Because the frontal armor block extends close to 1 meter on the turrret side. SO there is a massive amount of side protection in the frontal turret sides, since crew compartments start close to one meter away from the turret front,
Open your eyes, its oblivious, you can't begin to understand Arjun turret structure before you let go of the square box notion. Its the reason why both of these turn out the way they does,:

And yes it does have implication for calculating side armor there are several cm's in difference depending on where you measure.
How do you conclude a massive amount of side armor from this?


New Member
Jul 29, 2010
Will it take a lot of time to redesign the Arjun turret its kinda of weird with this boxy thing looks like Leopard 2A4.


New Member
Dec 22, 2012
where is your answer for my post number 4477?

Well those four red lines are only another attempt at cheap fraud,
Just eliminate the 16 cm segment from your photo and
well, as you can clearly see there's 3 spur widths, not 2, proving you false, and proving me correct, and don't try and divert attention with calculations of right angle triangles,
it has nothing to do with this, because the point of measure has minimal perspective distortion.
i figured the count might help you count, but you're below even that level of cognition.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
I guess you both are on Ignore list, No worth replying..

well, as you can clearly see there's 3 spur widths, not 2, proving you false, and proving me correct, and don't try and divert attention with calculations of right angle triangles,it has nothing to do with this, because the point of measure has minimal perspective distortion.i figured the count might help you count, but you're below even that level of cognition.

Global Defence

