Arjun Main Battle Tank (MBT)


Tihar Jail
Aug 30, 2012

Arjun is not a that bad tank at all because it still use foriegn made transmission,engine,ammo,tracks,electronics

though the main problem i guess is the manufacturing capacity of the manufacturer and the unwillingness of the armed forces to accept it as t-90(which at the moment is the best tank in indian inventory)

armed forces ordered 124 tanks in 2004 while delivered in 2011..which means in 8 years or 15tanks per year..the production is way too slow
more 124 are on order and might be delivered in 2018-19.

before taken over by FMBT
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New Member
May 25, 2009
Hmm, not much news about the Mk2.

Must be the trials delaying news.


New Member
Aug 20, 2011
Story of arjun development of how it took 40 years to develop(First prototype 1985?)

This silly videos are made by Mark "Sparky" Sparks, under one of his alterego's. He is mentally ill person, I strongly recommend to avoid publishing this nonsense he creates about AFV's... in the end he will allways name M113 as the gratest and best AFV ever developed... which is complete BS.
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New Member
Aug 20, 2011
Arjun is not a that bad tank at all because it still use foriegn made transmission,engine,ammo,tracks,electronics

though the main problem i guess is the manufacturing capacity of the manufacturer and the unwillingness of the armed forces to accept it as t-90(which at the moment is the best tank in indian inventory)
Arjun is not a that bad tank at all because it still use foriegn made transmission,engine,ammo,tracks,electronics

though the main problem i guess is the manufacturing capacity of the manufacturer and the unwillingness of the armed forces to accept it as t-90(which at the moment is the best tank in indian inventory)
Fact that some tank is using foreign components doesn't make this tank on the same level as pure western ones.
I give you one, very simple and unfortunatly sad for polish tank industry example. Poland is manufacturer slighty moderniseted T-72M1 called PT-91. On the middle 1990s polish Bumar-Łabędy factory decide to create "strong" version PT-91 able to deal on word market whit russian erly T-90. So PT-91MZ was created. In those tank most components (FCS, transmission, gun, stabilisation, turret eletric drives, etc) are from west:
Army Guide - PT-91 M Pendekar, Main battle tank
Final version of PT-91 M is slightly different from tanks which are being used by the Polish Army. The tank is powered by new, developed in PZL Wola together with German Renk power pack consists of engine S1000R with 1000 HP and SESM Renk ESM350M] driving system. Tank is equipped with Slovakian Company Konstrukta Defence 2A46MS cannon, with electronic stabilisation system from EADS, and with new mechanisms of rising cannon and turret rotation. Also front and turret armour-plate configuration has been changed.

PT-91M is equipped also with Sagem Savan 12 fire control systems with panoramic commander surveillance device VIGY-15. Also armour has been changed, by strengthening it. Tank from BUMAR has been equipped also in universal self-defence system SSP-1 Obra 3 from Industrial Optical Center, which cooperates with 2 suite of 81mm smoke grenades launcher 902A from ZM DEZAMET. Tank's cannon are compound with 7,62mm machine gun from Belgian FN Herstal. This company delivers also 12,7 mm large-bore machine gun M2HB-QCB operated by commander and installed on the turret.

In the Tank also many construction changes were implemented. Aalso driver section wassignificantly changed. For the first time in the T-72 family tanks steering-wheel instead drag-link was installed. Tank is also equipped with air-condition system, modern WMD protection and pollution detection system were instaled. Also battlefield control system and LNS navigation and GPS systems were installed. In accordance to the contract from October 2003, Malaysian company MMC Defence has produced rubber elements of caterpillar tracks, on German company Diehl Remscheid license.

Those tank was better during trade for Malysia army then erly T-90S (Ob.188) whit cast turret. Mobility, fire power, ergonomics PT-91MZ was mucht better then russian tank. Only whole tank protection was whorse (exept anti-HEAT ones due to ERAWA-2 armour).
So polish industry think that polish army shoud buy next PT-91Ex (polish version of the MZ) and not take next ex-germans Leopard-2A4.
So polish Bumar-Labędy and part of polish army gennerals and politicans unleash a witch hunt against Leopard-2A4 in polish army. During the series of tests and trials they tried to poof that PT-91Ex/Mz (based on western components) from 2001 is better then Leoopard-2A4 from 1985. It shoud be -isn't it? But it was not. The only one advantage PT-91MZ over Leopard-2A4 was fact that tank comander in PT-91 have night thermal camera in panoramic sight, and during night eopard-2A4 commander must use PERI in preview mode when main sight EMES-15 is visible.
Anyway - in all aspects Leopard-2A4 was better - mobility, protection, ergonomics, FCS (yes),probability to hit target by first round during move (target and tank), during tank still and target move, time to hit the target since it was detected by crew, etc.
In almoust all aspects 18 yers old Leopard-2A4 where better then "new" PT-91MZ whit mostly foreign components. So belive me - using western components in Al-Kchalid and Arjun proof nothing. That some part FCS is using western ones components dosen't mean that accuracy in motion, or time to hit target, or probability to hit target by first round during move will by like in Leclerc or Leopard-2A5, or M1A2. Or Merkava Mk.IV.
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New Member
Jan 20, 2013
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Fact that some tank is using foreign components doesn't make this tank on the same level as pure western ones.
I give you one, very simple and unfortunatly sad for polish tank industry example. Poland is manufacturer slighty moderniseted T-72M1 called PT-91. On the middle 1990s polish Bumar-Łabędy factory decide to create "strong" version PT-91 able to deal on word market whit russian erly T-90. So PT-91MZ was created. In those tank most components (FCS, transmission, gun, stabilisation, turret eletric drives, etc) are from west:
Army Guide - PT-91 M Pendekar, Main battle tank

Those tank was better during trade for Malysia army then erly T-90S (Ob.188) whit cast turret. Mobility, fire power, ergonomics PT-91MZ was mucht better then russian tank. Only whole tank protection was whorse (exept anti-HEAT ones due to ERAWA-2 armour).
So polish industry think that polish army shoud buy next PT-91Ex (polish version of the MZ) and not take next ex-germans Leopard-2A4.
So polish Bumar-Labędy and part of polish army gennerals and politicans unleash a witch hunt against Leopard-2A4 in polish army. During the series of tests and trials they tried to poof that PT-91Ex/Mz (based on western components) from 2001 is better then Leoopard-2A4 from 1985. It shoud be -isn't it? But it was not. The only one advantage PT-91MZ over Leopard-2A4 was fact that tank comander in PT-91 have night thermal camera in panoramic sight, and during night eopard-2A4 commander must use PERI in preview mode when main sight EMES-15 is visible.
Anyway - in all aspects Leopard-2A4 was better - mobility, protecti, ergonomic, FCS (yes),probability to hit target by first round during move (target and tank), during tank still and target move, time to hit the target since it was detected by crew, etc.
In almoust all aspects 18 yers old Leopard-2A4 where better then "new" PT-91MZ whit mostly foreign components. So belive me - using western components in Al-Kchalid and Arjun proof nothing. That some part FCS is ucing western ones components dosen't mean that accuracy in motion, or time to hit target, or probability to hit target by first round during move will by like in Leclerc or Leopard-2A5, or M1A2. Or Merkava Mk.IV.
As long as we have its manufacturing in india its good...Arjun proved itself against T90 in trails...
That's it for me might not be better than leopard or abram or Merkava...but we will have a platform on which we can improve a lot....
MK1 or MK2 should not be the end make more improvements, same as israel is doing on Merkava...

We can use DU in armor or DU projectiles...depending on needs.
for e.g. if i never cook i will never learn even if i take help of cook book but with multiple tries and retries i can cook better..
we don't need M1A2 beasts as we are not going to be attacking someone with tanks in other corner of world, our problems are at our door steps..all we need to do is it which suits us....and only its end users can know and improve it as Merkava is improved by israel army IDF.
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New Member
Mar 6, 2011
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Arjun is not a that bad tank at all because it still use foriegn made transmission,engine,ammo,tracks,electronics

though the main problem i guess is the manufacturing capacity of the manufacturer and the unwillingness of the armed forces to accept it as t-90(which at the moment is the best tank in indian inventory)

armed forces ordered 124 tanks in 2004 while delivered in 2011..which means in 8 years or 15tanks per year..the production is way too slow
more 124 are on order and might be delivered in 2018-19.

before taken over by FMBT
All the t-90s and T-72s are manufactured in india,

Foreign components can be replaced by indian components only when large scale production orders are given,No one will develop new tech based components for just 100 tanks ,while off the shelf components are available,

For all practical purpose FMBT is an evolution of ARJUN mk-2.
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New Member
Mar 6, 2011
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What was cancelled was a non realizable fantasy of the army called FMBT,
having 4 men crew and weighing 55 ton ,
which was supposed to have more protection than the current 60 plus ton MBTs of the western world.
So now the course open is further evolution of ARJUn mk-2 models into FMBT.
So the CVRDE won't have to go for a wild goose chase again for another 30 years.
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New Member
Apr 4, 2010
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arjun is a tried and tested platform which has been put to gruelling test by indian army,drdo,israeli tank experts(who have worked on merkava)-mobility test,hull test,turret test,armour test,obstacles test etc (both arjun mk1 and mk2) and then certified by them to be one of the most modern 3rd generation tanks comparable to merkava,leopard challenger,abrams etc.what arjun don't need is some charecter certificate from some random guys in a defence forum who claim to be military expert.regarding foreign content of arjun-it will come down once army decides to mass produce it instead of trash cans like t-72 and t-90.


New Member
Aug 20, 2011
one of the most modern 3rd generation tanks comparable to merkava,leopard challenger,abrams etc..

There is a thin red line between beeing a patriot an beeing a ignorant.
And those "expert" where the same sort as polish ones claming that PT-91 is superior over Leopard-2, or russian ones claiming that Kontakt-5 ERA and Relikt are very hard to defeted by modern APFSDS. More or less -bullshit.
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New Member
Dec 23, 2012
All the t-90s and T-72s are manufactured in india,

Foreign components can be replaced by indian components only when large scale production orders are given,No one will develop new tech based components for just 100 tanks ,while off the shelf components are available,

For all practical purpose FMBT is an evolution of ARJUN mk-2.
not all the parts infact the ruskies hasn't supplid us with many technologies of T90 like the Shtora 1.

