AMCA - Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (HAL)


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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I know one su57 crashed recently. Why russian couldn't find someone 36 years of experience to fly it. Or the bogdon got confused it with another of 55 aircraft and crashed it. Lol.

This is a moronic statement, yes SU-57 crashed just like YF-22 and many other prototypes crashed from the same problems. It had a malfunction in the flight control systems, which ironically killed Indian Mirage pilots in the past as well as caused an F-22 to crash and caused several Chinese SU-33 copies to crash as well which were fatal. Bogdan wisely aborted a flight when the engine flamed out right when the aircraft was about to take off.

You did not answer any question just ranted incoherently.

What did I not answer? I literally listed a bunch of aircraft Bogdan has flown, then I specifically answered your other question about the SU-47 and what aircraft it helped develop which was the SR-10, I even went further and explained how the SU-47 help develop future aircraft but for someone as clueless as you this knowledge is considered ranting, anytime I hit you with knowledge and discredit your ridiculous child like arguments its a rant in your imagination because you probably don’t even read what I write.

Now you are just spamming the thread. My point still stands india had more than enough experience pilots to fly su57. Disputing that is just idiotic after all your Uber experiencced russian pilots still crashed it . Lol.

No, only you are spamming the thread. You have yet to list an Indian pilot with the same experience as Bogdan....go ahead I’m still waiting. You also cannot comprehend that Bogdan has survived malfunctions that killed Indian pilots, you can mock him all you want it does not change the fact that he is a world class pilot that managed to land aircraft that most pilots would not have been able to land, he safely survived malfunction due to quick thinking and wise decision making that have claimed many pilots including Indian ones. Mock him all day long, at the end of the day he has accomplished 1000x more then you, and he is one of the best pilots in the world that helped India and risked his life so other pilots didn’t have to.

I’m not arguing that India has decent or good test pilots, I’m arguing that India has no one as experienced as Bogdan. Like I said continue to mock him, it is you that is foolish, if you actually met him in real life I doubt you would behave as inappropriately and disrespectful as you are now.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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This is a moronic statement, yes SU-57 crashed just like YF-22 and many other prototypes crashed from the same problems. It had a malfunction in the flight control systems, which ironically killed Indian Mirage pilots in the past as well as caused an F-22 to crash and caused several Chinese SU-33 copies to crash as well which were fatal. Bogdan wisely aborted a flight when the engine flamed out right when the aircraft was about to take off.

What did I not answer? I literally listed a bunch of aircraft Bogdan has flown, then I specifically answered your other question about the SU-47 and what aircraft it helped develop which was the SR-10, I even went further and explained how the SU-47 help develop future aircraft but for someone as clueless as you this knowledge is considered ranting, anytime I hit you with knowledge and discredit your ridiculous child like arguments its a rant in your imagination because you probably don’t even read what I write.

No, only you are spamming the thread. You have yet to list an Indian pilot with the same experience as Bogdan....go ahead I’m still waiting. You also cannot comprehend that Bogdan has survived malfunctions that killed Indian pilots, you can mock him all you want it does not change the fact that he is a world class pilot that managed to land aircraft that most pilots would not have been able to land, he safely survived malfunction due to quick thinking and wise decision making that have claimed many pilots including Indian ones. Mock him all day long, at the end of the day he has accomplished 1000x more then you, and he is one of the best pilots in the world that helped India and risked his life so other pilots didn’t have to.

I’m not arguing that India has decent or good test pilots, I’m arguing that India has no one as experienced as Bogdan. Like I said continue to mock him, it is you that is foolish, if you actually met him in real life I doubt you would behave as inappropriately and disrespectful as you are now.
You insulted Indian pilots by saying no one had experience to fly a fucking prototype. Now you are jumping around idiotic bogdon wagon which ironically crashed the plane you didn't wanted Indians to touch. I said keep the plane in Russia and let bogdon fly it. Do not sell it to anyone because no one can fly planes other than mighty bogdon . Just leave this tread . Take your su57 and bogdon and fuck of to Russia. Now shoo..


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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You insulted Indian pilots by saying no one had experience to fly a fucking prototype. Now you are jumping around idiotic bogdon wagon which ironically crashed the plane you didn't wanted Indians to touch. I said keep the plane in Russia and let bogdon fly it. Do not sell it to anyone because no one can fly planes other than mighty bogdon . Just leave this tread . Take your su57 and bogdon and fuck of to Russia. Now shoo..

You must have a reading impairment or are really slow in general. I said no one had the experience of Bogdan and that stands have yet to name a single Indian test pilot with his experience. You or some other Indians objected to an Indian pilot not being allowed to fly the SU-57, my response was that Sukhoi already had a test pilot and India withdrew from the program anyways.

You have no counter to any of my claims and have stooped to bizarre moronic statements saying children can fly test aircraft. As for mocking Bogdan claiming he crashed the aircraft, there are already about half a dozen other SU-57 pilots that he trained, more importantly the aircraft that crashed was not salvageable or controllable. Whoever was flying the aircraft was good enough to safely eject and help identify the cause, not all pilots survive such incidents so keep mocking and cursing like an uncultured, uneducated peasant.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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You must have a reading impairment or are really slow in general.
No, it's you who's jumping off and backing from what you said to spin it around.
and India withdrew from the program anyways.
No one should be a part of program if it is only supposed to be used as funding machine anyway. Russia is known for screwing, overpricing nearly all defense deals, at least with India.
You have no counter to any of my claims and have stooped to bizarre moronic statements saying children can fly test aircraft.
Test pilots can be instructed or trained to fly a new aircrafts. Saying one particular nationality couldn't is a direct racial attack.

All Russian arguments are bogus just to keep Indians away from technology while getting funds along. Obviously you won't be able to get away with it again & again.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2019
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No, it's you who's jumping off and backing from what you said to spin it around.

what is that specifically that I said? Give specific quotes of this spinning and backing out before making false accusations.

Indians here first mentioned the SU-57 gap in the weapons bay then started complaining about Indian test pilots not being able to fly the SU-57. I calmly explained away those so called gaps as being a byproducts of hydraulics at rest, I then presented why an Indian test pilot was not necessary because Sukhoi had Bogdan which has more experience then any test pilots in India. A few Indians here didn’t like what I said and started acting belligerent and making stupid claims that India does have test pilots that have flown 55 different aircraft with 36 years experience but then when I asked for proof they started name calling and changing the subject by saying children can be test pilots.

No one should be a part of program if it is only supposed to be used as funding machine anyway. Russia is known for screwing, overpricing nearly all defense deals, at least with India.

India wanted far more workshare in the SU-57 then they were capable of handling. If Sukhoi was foolish they would capitulate and the Indian inexperience and politics would cause another LCA or Arjun fiasco. There were obviously disagreements, get over it. Russia never lost sleep over it.

As for screwing, India gets pretty much anything it wants from Russia at a reasonable price the majority of the time and while Russia allows India to use or modify its equipment any way it chooses fit. If you want screwing go to France where they charge 40 million to upgrade a single Mirage.
Or go to Uncle Sam where they threaten India with sanctions for buying equipment from Russia then turn around and give free F-16s to Pakistan to “fight terror” while charging India 3 billion for 22 helicopters, that is real screwing.

Test pilots can be instructed or trained to fly a new aircrafts. Saying one particular nationality couldn't is a direct racial attack.

Racial attack? :lol: firstly my girlfriend is from India...secondly pulling the race card is pathetic especially when race has nothing to do with the topic. I never said India does not have test pilots, my argument was that Bogdan was the most qualified person to fly the SU-57. He is not only the most qualified test pilot in Russia but in the world. It would also be redundant to have another test pilot early in the programs developed. But yea, keep calling it racist especially when I have been a staunch supporter of India and their combat pilots.

All Russian arguments are bogus just to keep Indians away from technology while getting funds along. Obviously you won't be able to get away with it again & again.

HAL and Indian leadership is difficult to work with. Look at the MRCA mess, the Rafale fiasco, the LCA program and the Arjun program. Have you ever considered it’s Indias fault for once in your life? It’s simply two different parties that disagree to terms and conditions. Not sure why you seem so effected by it.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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Why don’t you bother reading the thread to get your answer instead of asking what has been answered? Once the aircraft is started and it’s hydraulic systems start working those weapons bays become plush, Levons and everything else that is controlled by hydraulic pressure go into neutral positions. The SU-57 was stalled because India was making unreasonable demands that would have cost long delays and cost over runs not to mention put the aircraft and the program in danger. They even wanted their own chief test pilot which is irrational and a step backwards. The Russian chief test pilot Sergei Bogdan has studied the Pak-Fa before it even flew, he has flow 55 different types of variants of aircraft including the forward swept wing experiment SU-47, he has done carrier landing and even survived crashes. India does not have anyone as qualified as Bogdan but insisted they have their own less qualified test pilot. The Russians would not want to risk handing over such a valuable aircraft to an inexperienced pilot.
what is that specifically that I said? Give specific quotes of this spinning and backing out before making false accusations.
Start reading from post #3764.
I then presented why an Indian test pilot was not necessary because Sukhoi had Bogdan which has more experience then any test pilots in India.
Which is absolutely pathetic, irrational and illogical.
but India does not have anyone close to Bogdan’s pedigree. Next you will probably argue India has cosmonauts with the same experience as Russia but obviously that would be impossible because India has limited experience in the space field just like India has limited experience in aircraft design as a result India does not have personnel as qualified as Russia, be it test pilots or cosmonauts.
Test pilots can be instructed or trained to fly a new aircrafts. Saying one particular nationality couldn't is a direct racial attack..... All Russian arguments are bogus just to keep Indians away from technology while getting funds along.
India wanted far more workshare in the SU-57 then they were capable of handling. If Sukhoi was foolish they would capitulate and the Indian inexperience and politics would cause another LCA or Arjun fiasco.
India wanted intellectual property in exchange of money.

I don't see Su57 flourishing very much even when India was out of it. India's maiden projects were a problem because of initial inexperience. Cycle time kept on reducing in all follow on defense projects. In case of Russian delays, it is mismanagement.
As for screwing, India gets pretty much anything it wants from Russia at a reasonable price the majority of the time and while Russia allows India to use or modify its equipment any way it chooses fit.
India buys from Russia for geopolitical reasons, not anything else. Prices end up lower than western counterparts, not reasonable at all.

Deals are inflated and threats of cancellation are given at last stages when India is running out of inventories.

As for "refit", India pays to Russian projects more than any other country. Custom modifications are nothing when cost for ToT was paid off.
If you want screwing go to France where they charge 40 million to upgrade a single Mirage.
We actually do often. France charges high but has done some substance. Systems and subsystems of our number of helicopters, planes and even our rocket engines are copies of French systems.
Or go to Uncle Sam where they threaten India with sanctions for buying equipment from Russia then turn around and give free F-16s to Pakistan to “fight terror” while charging India 3 billion for 22 helicopters, that is real screwing.
  1. Performance and service justifies the cost pay to them.
  2. India isn't very inclined to Uncle Sam either. Russia isn't reliable for quality of equipment, Uncle Sam isn't because of political orientations and sanctions.

Racial attack? :lol: firstly my girlfriend is from India...secondly pulling the race card is pathetic especially when race has nothing to do with the topic. I never said India does not have test pilots, my argument was that Bogdan was the most qualified person to fly the SU-57. He is not only the most qualified test pilot in Russia but in the world. It would also be redundant to have another test pilot early in the programs developed. But yea, keep calling it racist especially when I have been a staunch supporter of India and their combat pilots.
Responded above.
HAL and Indian leadership is difficult to work with. Look at the MRCA mess, the Rafale fiasco, the LCA program and the Arjun program.
MRCA was a price negotiation deal, LCA and Arjun were delayed only, success rate and capabilities of systems exceeded the supposed during time of development (again for maiden projects).

Moreover, Indian leadership had paid Russia to work with it. F*ck who is better in it, experienced Russia provides least fuel efficient systems with highest crash rates, if India can't demand customization and development on its terms, there is no meaning to financially support any project. Fortunately, India realized that this project was going to be like others and pulled after little spending.
Have you ever considered it’s Indias fault for once in your life?
Indeed we do. That fault doesn't lie here however. Russia wants cash in exchange of nothing.
It's absolute truth, no matter how much they spin it.
It’s simply two different parties that disagree to terms and conditions. Not sure why you seem so effected by it.
Belonging to one of the parties may be? Why are you whining here like a salesman?

Now, stop spamming AMCA thread with Su57.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
Senior Member
Jun 5, 2017
View attachment 42052 ............................
I have said it once and I will say it again.

As soon as the fuselage design is solidified we should roll out the first prototype. All of the remaining sub systems can be integrated later.
Just like Tejas improved with each consecutive Prototype same will be the case of AMCA.

Best shouldn't be the enemy of good enough

BTW where is this from?

Defcon 1

Senior Member
Nov 10, 2011
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TRISHUL baba . what is incorrect?
Lots of things.
1. AMCAs thrust is given to be 180 KN, while it is well known that we want to develop 110 KN engine for it, which will put total thrust at 220 KN. Even with F414, its thrust will be 196 KN.
2. External load is just limited to 5000 kg. This is a joke considering that even Rafale with just 70% of AMCA's thrust carries 9500 kg
3. TWR ratio is incorrect for AMCA
4. For FGFA (I am assuming they are talking about PAK FA here, total thrust is given to be just 147 KN. PAK FA is a twin engined aircraft where the thrust of a single AL41F engine will be 147 KN and total thrust of PAK FA will be 294 KN.
5. PAK FAs TWR ratio is also incorrect

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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Lots of things.
1. AMCAs thrust is given to be 180 KN, while it is well known that we want to develop 110 KN engine for it, which will put total thrust at 220 KN. Even with F414, its thrust will be 196 KN.
2. External load is just limited to 5000 kg. This is a joke considering that even Rafale with just 70% of AMCA's thrust carries 9500 kg
3. TWR ratio is incorrect for AMCA
4. For FGFA (I am assuming they are talking about PAK FA here, total thrust is given to be just 147 KN. PAK FA is a twin engined aircraft where the thrust of a single AL41F engine will be 147 KN and total thrust of PAK FA will be 294 KN.
5. PAK FAs TWR ratio is also incorrect
but amca carries 2 tn more fuel than rafale even external load of f35 is also upto 6.8 tn

Defcon 1

Senior Member
Nov 10, 2011
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but amca carries 2 tn more fuel than rafale even external load of f35 is also upto 6.8 tn
but amca carries 2 tn more fuel than rafale even external load of f35 is also upto 6.8 tn
F35As total load carrying capacity is around 10 tonnes excluding the humongous amount of fuel it carries. And F35 achieves it with less thrust than AMCA.

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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F35As total load carrying capacity is around 10 tonnes excluding the humongous amount of fuel it carries. And F35 achieves it with less thrust than AMCA.
but mtow of f35 is higher than amca and it's speed is also less.

Defcon 1

Senior Member
Nov 10, 2011
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but mtow of f35 is higher than amca and it's speed is also less.
The difference between MTOW is just of one tonne. So if we assume that the AMCA is indeed limited to 6.5 tonnes of fuel and 5 tonnes of external load+1.5 tonne of internal load, it would put the empty weight of AMCA at 17 tonne, which is around 4 tonne more than that of F35. There is no reason for empty AMCA to be so heavy. Hence I am saying that the slide makes some basic mathmatical errors.

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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The difference between MTOW is just of one tonne. So if we assume that the AMCA is indeed limited to 6.5 tonnes of fuel and 5 tonnes of external load+1.5 tonne of internal load, it would put the empty weight of AMCA at 17 tonne, which is around 4 tonne more than that of F35. There is no reason for empty AMCA to be so heavy. Hence I am saying that the slide makes some basic mathmatical errors.
that's why I am confused each and every source mentioned different specifications we should wait for PSQR.

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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The difference between MTOW is just of one tonne. So if we assume that the AMCA is indeed limited to 6.5 tonnes of fuel and 5 tonnes of external load+1.5 tonne of internal load, it would put the empty weight of AMCA at 17 tonne, which is around 4 tonne more than that of F35. There is no reason for empty AMCA to be so heavy. Hence I am saying that the slide makes some basic mathmatical errors.
amca empty weight will be slightly higher than rafale and it's payload will be lower since it will carry more fuel.


Laughing member
Senior Member
Nov 23, 2017
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2. External load is just limited to 5000 kg. This is a joke considering that even Rafale with just 70% of AMCA's thrust carries 9500 kg
This part is ostensibly correct... AMCA's total payload is officially 6.5ton (same as single F414 MWF) on ADA brochures, of that 5t can be external.
It has quite small wings, unlike Rafale or ORCA concept.

I suspected it's to be a more dogfight oriented design, made for quick acceleration after a high-alpha thrust vectored turn bleeding speed.

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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This part is ostensibly correct... AMCA's total payload is officially 6.5ton (same as single F414 MWF) on ADA brochures, of that 5t can be external.
It has quite small wings, unlike Rafale or ORCA concept.

I suspected it's to be a more dogfight oriented design, made for quick acceleration after a high-alpha thrust vectored turn bleeding speed.
look at its rate of climb and speed at see level it is still low.

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