Al-Khalid MBT And Pakistani Armour


Jul 11, 2011
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As per minister of production report from 2009.a total of 300AK were delivered

so we can assume that now we must have 300 BASIC AK and 100 AK1 in service

or a total 400-430 AK in service along with 320 t-80UD

Some 750 Third Gen MBT are more than enough for frontline purpose
you do not need any tanks..

Hindustan se Tizarat karo. Sab theek ho zaiaga > Yindoo is Baniya as per PDF..


Jul 11, 2011
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I value your contribution as a tank man..
but in India Pakistan context where is the space for tank warfare.
We are the most populous countries in the world where if a man gets two sq yards of land in cholistan he would consider himself contended. We are not Poland, Ukraine and Russia or China.

In India elephants and horses have miserably failed all over history.
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Senior Member
Aug 20, 2011
can you give your observation on AK armour test pics that i have posted on pg 58?

Well in fact it's almoust impossible to say smth about those photos - they are bad quality, and in fact they shown nothing :)
This what is interesting - the mark on those armour 90-II and chineese letters. So it was common test -propably for chineese Type 90 II tank?
We can see also SC projectile unkown caliber and nice small hole made in front plate by jet. And it's all in fact.


Tihar Jail
Aug 30, 2012
and they still didnt buy it :rofl:
the deal was more political

anyway you should understand that tanks are not vegetables and cant be sold 2-3kg each day..
India tested many fighter in MRCA and chose only rafale..this doesnt make the rest of fighter useless.


Feb 17, 2009
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the deal was more political

anyway you should understand that tanks are not vegetables and cant be sold 2-3kg each day..
India tested many fighter in MRCA and chose only rafale..this doesnt make the rest of fighter useless.
if you read carefully at the news source

Yep! old news though...

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: Oct 21 (PNS) - A 23-member Royal Saudi Land Forces evaluation team headed by Maj Gen Ahmed Bin Saeed Al-Shehri visited Pakistan for evaluation of indigenously manufactured products of Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT).

The evaluation team was warmly welcomed by the Chairman HIT, who gave them an exhaustive briefing on the capability of HIT and its potential for marketing sophisticated weapon systems suiting the dictates of modern warfare.

The Saudi team showed keen interest in state-of-the-art and pride of Pakistan Armour, Al-Khalid tank and APC Saad, and carried out intensive in-house technical evaluation and trials.

During the arduous trials under most inhospitable environments, the roaring Al-Khalid, a marvel of tank technology performed astoundingly well. It is for the first time that a Main Battle tank (Al-Khalid) attained 100% hits at a distance of 4,000 meters and set an unprecedented record in tank technology.

Al-Khalid also fired while moving, on a moving target at various ranges upto a distance of 3,000 meters and achieved 100% results. The lethality and accuracy of the weapon stations of Al-Khalid, its high power to weight ratio and manoeuvrability demonstrated in the most hostile terrain speaks volumes of its agility and combat capability to challenge any tank of the world.

Saudi Master Gunner, Subedar Major Yahya Bin Ahmed Atif achieved the rare feat of hitting a bulls eye at extreme ranges with 100% accuracy and achieved record firing results with a few days training only, indicative of user friendliness of Tank Al-Khalid.

The delegation was highly impressed with the performance of tank Al-Khalid and APC Saad during arduous trials. The new generation, APC Saad of Pakistan Armed forces has also been totally manufactured in Pakistan with a vision to meet the demands of 21st century battlefield.

Pakistan is rightfully proud of its engineers and technicians who envisioned, designed and manufactured such combat multipliers, giving its Armed Forces the power punch and capability to face any challenge to its national security.

Article: Al-Khalid marvel of Tank-tech sets new world record. | AccessMyLibrary - Promoting library advocacy


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2011
Learning from historic perspective, battles in Chawinda and Asal uttar (1965), took place at 1000-1500 meters on average. Mostly in desert region where two obstacles are dust, sand dunes that form quickly due to swift wind. In winter, haze prevails heavily in upper punjab, sindh region from Bhawalpur to Thar strip. Otherwise, visibility remains quite good. In this part of sub-continent, extreme heat is the real culprit.
So if this range is true (1000-1500m) then whole Arjun idea as "long-range desert killer" is worth sh!t. The same idea killing Arjun by AK using Kobra/Swir/Refleks/Invar etc GLATGM (gun lunched anti-tank guided missaile). Just distanse is to short to use so sophisticated weapons like LHAAT or Kobra. They can give some advantage on flat desert whit 4000-5000m fire range. But on 1000-1500m? LOL no. GLATGM give nothing at that range in fact. So it will be combat on middle range whit using sabot, speed, tank mobility and fast aiming and shooting. Just like in Europe.
Thanks for that info - I was thinking that typical fire range is much longer. But if its 1000-1500m then it change a lot.

It is for the first time that a Main Battle tank (Al-Khalid) attained 100% hits at a distance of 4,000 meters and set an unprecedented record in tank technology.
It's standard for modern MBT when target and tank is not moving :) Dutch Leo-2A5DK in A-stan was able to hit point targets (talibans) at 5000m range and now this range is given for german DM-11 round as max distance.

Al-Khalid also fired while moving, on a moving target at various ranges upto a distance of 3,000 meters and achieved 100% results
This 100% looks like pure propaganda :)
If you want I can give You greek tank trial result (partial of course) it was the last complex tank trial in Europe (1990s.)

During FCS tests the target was moving 40km/h gun-shield size 2,3x4,6m on 1500m distance. All tanks was moving 30km/h and shooting 10 APFSDS rounds. The pass mark for the test was achive 9/10. That level achive only: Leclerc, Leropard-2, and M1 Abrams. Challenger-2 did not participate in that test, and T-80U and T-84 had faild - both had 6/10 rounds.

Result for other tests:

Fire to fixed target during tank moving:
"Аbrams М1А2" - 17 / 20;
"Leclerck" - 20 / 20;
"Leopard 2А5" - 19 / 20;
"CR 2Е - broke down :) (LOL);
Т-84 - 3 / 8 after eight shoot T-84 broke down

Fire to target during night from static and moving tank:
"Аbrams М1А2" - 20/20;
"Leclerck" - 19/20;
"Leopard 2А5" - 20/20;
"CR 2Е" - 10/10 , CR 2E didn't fire when tank was moving! (so only static position)

Fire in hunter-killer mode to appearing suddenly gun-shield (after some time gun-shield was hidden):
"AbramsМ1А2" - not fired due to lack of ammunition (not delivered on time ...);
"Leclerck" - 13/20 effectiveness ~0,65
"Leopard 2А5" - 17/20 effectiveness ~0,85
"CR2 2Е" - 8/20 effectiveness ~0,40
Т-84 - 9/19 effectiveness ~ 0,47


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2012
Well in fact it's almoust impossible to say smth about those photos - they are bad quality, and in fact they shown nothing :)
This what is interesting - the mark on those armour 90-II and chineese letters. So it was common test -propably for chineese Type 90 II tank?
We can see also SC projectile unkown caliber and nice small hole made in front plate by jet. And it's all in fact.
pics are of horrible quality but thats all i could manage out of that old video :(

However, chinese captions are present due to the fact that this video is from 2001, when AK/ MBT 2000 prototypes were being tested and Ukrainian cooperation were not in the scene. Since then, armour has changed. That neat hole was by APFSDS which is not shown in video, of what origin and calibre? can be anyone's guess.

It is layered armour as can be seen so seems like the shell was stopped by first layer, other layers remained intact. Thats why i asked your opinion.

Chinese FY ERA is replaced by Aorak and composite is also made by AARDIC. If only i could find more about this....


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2012
MBT 2000 and type-96 G side by side.... notice the turret size, pretty spacious compared to t-80, t-90 series.


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