Akash Surface-to-air Missile


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Jun 27, 2011
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So, congratulations to our Indian friends: you successfully copy the last 70s Soviet missile, well done!
ROTFL - look who's talking. The masters of plagiarism.

The Akash uses an Indian schema and Indian propellants & was made to work by Indians. Unlike you PRC blokes who'd even paint your curlies white to pretend to be Aussie or Yank.


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Jun 27, 2011
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Seeker is for final phase whereby the missile is about to hit the target. In such phases, the radar guidance will be a few milliseconds slower than seeker guidance. The Akash missiles have both guidance but prefers seekers at the homing in part
Dude, you are just making assumptions. A missile the size of Akash can easily have a seeker with the range of the missile itself & hence can even operate in LOBL mode. It all depends on the schema adopted by DRDO and the onboard power source.

Akash BTW only has a RPF in its Mk1 version. The seeker is in the new one. And DRDO has played its cards close to the chest about what it includes.

If you want to know what DRDO can do, look at the Astra modes.


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Jun 27, 2011
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I said something similar. my exact words“stalling at high attack angle”
Your scientific establishment could not figure this out and went away looking for simpler solutions. Perhaps its why most of your systems are rip-offs of Russian or French systems.

Meanwhile Brahmos happily undertakes high angle of attack climbs and steep dives. Ramjet too.


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Jun 27, 2011
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AKASH SAM has dual mode guidance.

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We'll know more about Akash revised guidance once DRDO releases details on it.

Having said that, Astra has validated the modes and the capability should be similar across QRSAM and Akash seeker versions.

Its raining programs and thats a good thing.


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Jul 9, 2014
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Is Akash really worth the hype?
1)It's range is 30 odd km.
2)There are glide bombs and air to surface missiles with ranges from 30-120km depending on release height.
3)Once our surveillance radar picks the plane from 100-150 km,then the plane releases the ordinance and turns back then we need to wait for the ordinance to come near to our range and shoot the ordinanc.But we can't shoot the plane because it's not in our range.
4)If we keep akash near border it will be pounded by the MLRS.


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May 19, 2017
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Is Akash really worth the hype?
1)It's range is 30 odd km.
2)There are glide bombs and air to surface missiles with ranges from 30-120km depending on release height.
3)Once our surveillance radar picks the plane from 100-150 km,then the plane releases the ordinance and turns back then we need to wait for the ordinance to come near to our range and shoot the ordinanc.But we can't shoot the plane because it's not in our range.
4)If we keep akash near border it will be pounded by the MLRS.
In case of a war Akash will be used to defend important installations and airbases. It will play a defensive role by shooting down anything flying towards a target whether it is a fighter jet or some standoff weapon dropped off 100km away. For shooting down enemy aircrafts we have aircrafts like Su30 and MiG29.

Secondly why will anyone place Akash SAM close to the border when the aim is to defend vital installations. It will be positioned in such a way that it has that particular installation under its protection umbrella. In case the installation is close to the border eg. Pathankot Airbase and there is a threat of artillery being used by enemy then there are many other ways to defend against that eg: airstrikes
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New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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When there was a discussion of Akash Mk2, there was a discussion of around 40 km range. If it is so, that will greatly enhance the capability of Akash. There was also discussion that putting a seeker shall further enhance the range of missile. The new akash has come with seeker so we may hope that range in range of 45 to 50 KM.

Rahul Singh

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Mar 30, 2009
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I think it is LRSAM and not Akash NG.....................
It's Akash.

In BARAK-8/LRSAM canards are placed almost at the nose tip. In Akash however, it is placed almost at mid-body. LRSAM has all aspect movable control surface at tail while Akash features fixed wings with movable ailerons. Size difference is also obvious. Plus, attachments for RAMJET intake is also visible in the pic, I posted.

Compare the tail control surface.

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Steven Rogers

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Aug 17, 2017
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When there was a discussion of Akash Mk2, there was a discussion of around 40 km range. If it is so, that will greatly enhance the capability of Akash. There was also discussion that putting a seeker shall further enhance the range of missile. The new akash has come with seeker so we may hope that range in range of 45 to 50 KM.
Acc to 2016 report, Akash MK2 is a 50km range missile powered by a dual pulse rocket motor and is a canisterised in a quad packed vertical launch system.


New Member
Aug 31, 2009
Is Akash really worth the hype?
1)It's range is 30 odd km.
2)There are glide bombs and air to surface missiles with ranges from 30-120km depending on release height.
3)Once our surveillance radar picks the plane from 100-150 km,then the plane releases the ordinance and turns back then we need to wait for the ordinance to come near to our range and shoot the ordinanc.But we can't shoot the plane because it's not in our range.
4)If we keep akash near border it will be pounded by the MLRS.
lol, thats not Akash's real range. Its range is most likely 70+ km. Its a airbreathing engine, which rule of thumb should give you 3 times the range as a conventional missile. its range is understated just like the Buk missiles.
Buk missiles, have similair diminzions and weight, so the Akash could have twice the range.
Barak achieves its range by coasting which means it has a small no escape zone. Means its no good for chasing down planes, rather just intercepting. ie good for missile interception replacing barak missiles.
SHORAD in army definition may mean a missile with 50+ range. This is likily why the navy is showing interest in Akash, now that it can be cannister launched.


New Member
Jul 9, 2014
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lol, thats not Akash's real range. Its range is most likely 70+ km. Its a airbreathing engine, which rule of thumb should give you 3 times the range as a conventional missile. its range is understated just like the Buk missiles.
Buk missiles, have similair diminzions and weight, so the Akash could have twice the range.
Barak achieves its range by coasting which means it has a small no escape zone. Means its no good for chasing down planes, rather just intercepting. ie good for missile interception replacing barak missiles.
SHORAD in army definition may mean a missile with 50+ range. This is likily why the navy is showing interest in Akash, now that it can be cannister launched.
"Lol" Abey ch...... Did DRDO guys messaged you about most likely range and that thumb rule

Sent from my AO5510 using Tapatalk


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Jan 7, 2016
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Acc to 2016 report, Akash MK2 is a 50km range missile powered by a dual pulse rocket motor and is a canisterised in a quad packed vertical launch system.
This is really great. I believe it will weigh less because of dual pulse motor like LRSAM. 50 KM range is very nice. 30 km to 50 km is really great. Now we can put it at a safe distance inside our territory to Target porki planes . In no case plane like JF Bunder can escape from it. Akash had a kill probability of 88% so we were required to fire it in a salvo mode against a target. hope that MK2 will require a single fire.


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Aug 12, 2015
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Akash Has IR seeker or RF seeker????

Sent from my Aqua Ace II using Tapatalk
Where are these reports coming out from. We have not yet inducted Akash-1S, and its with RF seeker. Where is this news came out of refurbishing it with IR seeker?


New Member
Aug 31, 2009
"Lol" Abey ch...... Did DRDO guys messaged you about most likely range and that thumb rule

Sent from my AO5510 using Tapatalk
no its common sense. You can stipulate on the quality of fuel, premium or otherwise to get smaller missiles with longer ranges, then theres dual pulse, coasting etc... which reduces speeds and no escape zones. But Akash is pretty heavy missile. A heavy missile with radar with a pretty long tracking range. odd isnt it. Ontop of that, this short ranged missile, uses ramjet? Do you expect DRDO or DOD to publish actual ranges of Agni? Do you think they would publish real ranges of Akash and radar systems? If you note, similar systems, are around, older missiles with similar weight profile, have longer ranges from the 60's! So the Akash, is an older missile outdated? I doubt it. Its a simple missle, to reduce cost, perhaps the fuel is not rich. But it definitively has an undisclosed range.


New Member
Aug 31, 2009
There's a theory I thought of which could be very much a possibility ALTHOUGH I DON'T WANT TO RANT ABOUT IT AT PUBLIC SM.
1. Akash-NG is approx 1m shorter than Akash Mk.1/ Mk.1S (4.8m vs. 5.8m)
2. Akash-NG is powered by solid fuel Dual Pulse Rocket Motor.
3. Barak 8 too have solid fuel Dual Pulse Rocket Motor.
4. Akash-NG is approx 30cm longer than Barak 8 (4.8m vs. 4.5m)
5. Barak 8 have 90km range.
[Considering all of the points above, do Akash-NG still have just 50km range? Not buying it.]
6. Now again, diameter of Barak 8 is 0.225m while the internal height of Akash-NG cannister is 0.38m (NOT SAYING Akash-NG diameter would be 0.38m, but Akash-NG diameter could be a larger than Barak 8's 0.225 diameter).
[Point 6 suggests that Akash-NG range could well exceed Barak 8's 90km range]
{Everything would be clear once the official schematics of Akash-NG comes out as its diameter is still a MYSTERY}
7. Barak 8ER is officially Israel's IAI only project, and no Indian Company (DRDO) is involved.
[Point 7 could mean the Akash-NG could actually be our desi Barak 8ER with a longer and larger body than Barak 8 (non-ER), but without the ~0.5m x 1.5m (diameter x height) attached booster of the original Barak 8ER]
ONCE AGAIN! Its all a theory made by me as the 50km official range of Akash-NG seems difficult to digest.
never believe the news as it is. Take it with a pinch of salt. Akash, is a hybrid solid fuel first stage and liquid fuel ramjet second stage right? Just like Brahmos. Assume that Brahmos and Akash have similar engines, though I believe the engines are one in the same. Both do 2.5 mach etc...
so we do the math.
Brahmos with range of 250KM though we know its like 400 or 700 KM. And a weight of 3 tons
250km/3000 tons is = 0.083 x 720kg Akash weight = 60 KM for Akash range give or take. Thats a pretty good number no where near 25 km on brochure?
do the same math with Akash figs
25 km / 720 kg = 0.035 x 3000 tons of Brahmos and you get 100 km. Not at all the range of Brahmos is it?
Akash is understated range. Real range is 60km+. Meaning its a very long range SAM. Its got room for growth in tracking etc... but limited BMD capabilities as its an air breathing engine. I'd expect newer versions of Akash to have seekers, longer range AESA radars and network centric capabilities to make use of such long ranges. Which would be why Navy is interested in the missile although Navy would also BMD missiles as well.

