Aftermath of Trump Victory


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Dec 25, 2015
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Man severely beaten by mob shouting ‘You voted Trump’

Jen Mills for
Thursday 10 Nov 2016 12:13 pm

The man was kicked as he lay on the ground (Picture: Viral Flare)

Upsetting footage shows a man being badly beaten as he lays in the road, with onlookers shouting ‘He voted Trump!’

The victim, dressed in a blue hoodie and jeans, repeatedly tries to get up and walk back to his car, but the two young men attacking him keeping going, jeered on by a woman filming.

Throughout the video, she shouts out along with another man: ‘He voted Trump! Beat his ass! Don’t vote Trump! Don’t vote Trump!’

At least five people appear to be involved as the man takes a beating reportedly in Chicago yesterday.

The video has been widely shared on social media, seen by many as an example of race hate as the victim is a middle aged white man (the demographic most likely to go for Trump in the election).

Trump’s election has sparked riots and protests across America, with violence and hate speech reported on both sides.

Hillary Clinton supporters were filmed marching through Portland in Oregon shouting ‘f*ck Donald Trump’ and setting fire to the US flag.

In one incident in Santa Monica, Florida, a gay man said he was left covered in blood by a crowd of Trump supporters after tensions started running high between red and blue supporters in a bar on election night.

Chris Ball, a film producer, said people started saying things like ‘We got a new president you f*cking ******s’ – and when he left the bar that night, he was attacked in an alley.

Chris said he was attacked by Trump supporters (Picture: Facebook)

A man tries to remove ‘Kill Trump’ in Oakland, California (Picture: Reuters)
Graffiti reading ‘Seig Heil’ (the Nazi slogan meaning ‘hail victory’) was daubed on a window on South Philadelphia the same day Trump won the election.

City police who dealt with it said it was the third incident they responded to in 24 hours, with three cars and a house also spray painted to read ‘Trump Rules’ and ‘Trump Rules Black Bitch’.

In riots in Oakland, more than 100 anti-Trump protesters tried to block freeways, with at least one hit by a car and ‘Kill Trump’ graffiti appeared on a wall.

There were also reports that cars were set on fire and windows of others were broken with emergency services closing down one highway to deal with the incident.


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Dec 25, 2015
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People think Donald Trump is the Antichrist – and he’s bringing the apocalypse :pound::pound::pound::pound::pound::pound::pound:

Ashitha Nagesh for
Thursday 10 Nov 2016 1:22 pm

Who knows? (Picture: Getty Images/

Donald Trump’s destructive views are by now no secret, but did you ever consider that he may be the actual Antichrist?

Well, that’s according to someone on the internet who has put together some (surprisingly convincing) evidence. :crazy::crazy::crazy:

The, erm, theorist writes in quite some detail about how Trump is the ‘biblically-foretold harbinger of the Apocalypse’.:blah::blah::blah:

‘According to the Bible, the Antichrist will be a charismatic celebrity, a “big talker” and a “smooth talker”,’ they write. ‘He will convince people that he alone has the solution to every problem. He will claim to be a dealmaker and a master negotiator.o_Oo_Oo_O

‘He will claim to know how to defend Israel and to create lasting peace in the Middle East. He will be an intimidator and a militant lover of power.

He will exalt and magnify himself and claim to be the “only Savior”. He will deceive the masses, and even the very elect.:bounce::bounce::bounce:

‘Sound like anyone you know?’
The post then goes on to list all the connections Trump has to the number 666, the sign of the Devil. Here are a few of our favourites.

One of Trump’s buildings is at 666 Fifth Avenue
‘The Trump family bought the most expensive single building ever purchased in the United States, at 666 Fifth Avenue, a street symbolic of money (Mammon), hubris (arrogance) and excess (greed).’:daru::daru::daru:

This building cost him $1.8billion
‘And 18 = 3 x 6 = 666.’
Trump’s new building – and its height
‘The Trump family is also in the process of building a $666million tower at One Journal Square. According to multiple reports the height will be 666ft.’
Even Trump Tower is Satanic
‘Another Trump Fifth Avenue property, the famous Trump Tower, is 203 meters tall according to multiple reports. And 203m = 666ft. Donald Trump lives there in gold-plated opulence on the 66th floor!’

And 2016 is officially the year from Hell
‘The 2016 election is “all Trump all the time” and 2016 = 666 + 666 + 666 + 6 + 6 + 6.’ (They’re actually right, we checked.)

The author of this marvellous theory goes on to list Trump’s flaws and scandals, under the subheading: ‘What would Jesus do?’

‘Jesus Christ would not have been deceived by a man like Trump,’ he concludes. ‘I cannot imagine Jesus voting for Trump.’:megusta::megusta::megusta::megusta:

Can’t really argue with that.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Women are already reporting strangers ‘grabbing them by the p***y’ after Trump election win

Ashitha Nagesh for
Thursday 10 Nov 2016 9:31 am

Trump had talked about ‘grabbing women by the pussy’ (Picture: Getty Images/Facebook)

Women are already reporting strangers grabbing their crotches in public in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory.

One woman’s status, in which she describes being sexually assaulted by a man in a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat, has gone viral with around 2,600 shares at the time of writing.

In audio leaked during the election campaign, Trump infamously remarked that he would ‘grab ’em [women] by the pussy’.

Donald Trump is 'just like Berlusconi', according to Berlusconi
‘Today, I went to stock up on cigarettes, energy drinks and alcohol,’ Amanda Shore wrote.

‘I got out of my car and made it halfway to the store before a man in a MAGA hat grabbed me by the crotch and whispered, “Are you scared now, you liberal cunt?”

‘I froze. I ran back to my car once he walked away and drove straight home.’

She added that she had had a Bernie Sanders sticker on her car, left over from the Democratic primaries at the beginning of the year.

‘I need to remove the Bernie sticker on my car, to be safe,’ she continued. ‘I don’t think I’ll feel safe in this country ever again.’

Amanda’s shocking story isn’t the only one to emerge since Trump was elected president of the US.

An African-American woman, Ashley Boyer, wrote that she was racially abused while filling her car up with petrol.

The attackers, she said, called her the n-word and said they would shoot her if there weren’t people around. Her status has so far been shared more than 86,000 times.

‘Just experienced one of the worst things in my entire life,’ Ashley wrote. ‘While pumping gas, I had a vehicle pull up beside me. Out jumps four males, all of whom are Caucasian.

‘They then proceed to talk about the election and how they’re glad they won’t have to deal with n*****s much longer.

Man shot multiple times at anti-Trump rally
‘Now me being by myself, I just kept quiet – until one walked over to me and said, “how scared are you, you black bitch??? I should just kill you right now, you’re a waste of air!”

‘Still, I said nun, I kept my head down. He then proceeds to say, “What, are you deaf or something you n*****??”

‘Then another guy steps out and shows me his firearm. He says, “you’re lucky there’s witnesses or else I’d shoot you right here”.

‘By now there’s tears, full-blown tears. They leave. I have called the police, but I am shaken, upset, and confused.

‘Is this what America is going to be like from here on out??!!’

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
Donald Trump gave a voice to the marginalized, be it the former industrial workers of the historically Democrat Rust Belt, be it the farming communities of the Mid-West, or be it the miners of West Virginia. My position over the years have been pretty consistent. On top of that, I don't want a military confrontation between the US and Russia, which was a distinct possibility under Hillary Clinton. Regarding the other topics you mentioned, they have nothing to do with the US Elections. Coming to Dadri (again, completely off topic, but I'll respond), Donald Trump wouldn't mind having a beef burger, and neither would I. You might want to check where the inconsistency lies.

Well tried though. :)
You completely side tracked the issue I raised.

You don't trust western media, but you trust NDTV brand of journalism. And you don't have to prove your commie credentials by mentioning beef burger. You are already a certified one!

I am otm shank

Regular Member
Oct 26, 2016
This statistic is not surprising at all, considering the fact that Indians kept Congress in power for 65 years. There is no race on this planet more self-loathing and suicidal than Hindus.
Voting leftwing maks sense for any minority that doesn't have a large business in North America. the right wing and specifically republicans turn us all into scapegoats that we simultaneously are too lazy to work, have poor education yet they contradict themselves and claim we steal their jobs.

I don't feel either western left wingers or western right wingers care aBout indians or aNY south asians or any Asians..left wing just feel like we'd have betterchance of avoiding physical harm and draconian economic laws

The Last Stand

Senior Member
Apr 14, 2013
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George Soros, the same guy who is behind the Kiev Massacre nee Ukrain Revolution of 2014. He is the guy CIA used for uprising in Ukrain and apparently in many of the Color Revolutions. Now, in USA itself? CIA must be complicit. Trump may not survive for long, as in assassination of Trump may be on the cards.
Guy is wanted dead/alive in Russia. Trump supporters want to ship him to Moscow and let Putin have his way. :playball:


Anon Supreme
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2016
People think Donald Trump is the Antichrist – and he’s bringing the apocalypse :pound::pound::pound::pound::pound::pound::pound:

Ashitha Nagesh for
Thursday 10 Nov 2016 1:22 pm

Who knows? (Picture: Getty Images/

Donald Trump’s destructive views are by now no secret, but did you ever consider that he may be the actual Antichrist?

Well, that’s according to someone on the internet who has put together some (surprisingly convincing) evidence. :crazy::crazy::crazy:

The, erm, theorist writes in quite some detail about how Trump is the ‘biblically-foretold harbinger of the Apocalypse’.:blah::blah::blah:

‘According to the Bible, the Antichrist will be a charismatic celebrity, a “big talker” and a “smooth talker”,’ they write. ‘He will convince people that he alone has the solution to every problem. He will claim to be a dealmaker and a master negotiator.o_Oo_Oo_O

‘He will claim to know how to defend Israel and to create lasting peace in the Middle East. He will be an intimidator and a militant lover of power.

He will exalt and magnify himself and claim to be the “only Savior”. He will deceive the masses, and even the very elect.:bounce::bounce::bounce:

‘Sound like anyone you know?’
The post then goes on to list all the connections Trump has to the number 666, the sign of the Devil. Here are a few of our favourites.

One of Trump’s buildings is at 666 Fifth Avenue
‘The Trump family bought the most expensive single building ever purchased in the United States, at 666 Fifth Avenue, a street symbolic of money (Mammon), hubris (arrogance) and excess (greed).’:daru::daru::daru:

This building cost him $1.8billion
‘And 18 = 3 x 6 = 666.’
Trump’s new building – and its height
‘The Trump family is also in the process of building a $666million tower at One Journal Square. According to multiple reports the height will be 666ft.’
Even Trump Tower is Satanic
‘Another Trump Fifth Avenue property, the famous Trump Tower, is 203 meters tall according to multiple reports. And 203m = 666ft. Donald Trump lives there in gold-plated opulence on the 66th floor!’

And 2016 is officially the year from Hell
‘The 2016 election is “all Trump all the time” and 2016 = 666 + 666 + 666 + 6 + 6 + 6.’ (They’re actually right, we checked.)

The author of this marvellous theory goes on to list Trump’s flaws and scandals, under the subheading: ‘What would Jesus do?’

‘Jesus Christ would not have been deceived by a man like Trump,’ he concludes. ‘I cannot imagine Jesus voting for Trump.’:megusta::megusta::megusta::megusta:

Can’t really argue with that.
I remember hearing Glenn Beck say something like this............


Anon Supreme
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2016



Anon Supreme
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2016
Apparently unless you get the candidate you want the whole election must be rigged.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
You completely side tracked the issue I raised.
Yes, I sidetracked the issue because it was off-topic.
You don't trust western media, but you trust NDTV brand of journalism. And you don't have to prove your commie credentials by mentioning beef burger. You are already a certified one!
Whatever. I don't want to waste time defending whatever you wrote. You wrote it, you own it. All you need to know is this:
  1. Printing money out of thin air doesn't work.
  2. Mathematics is a science and economics is an art.
  3. At 20 trillion dollars debt, the school of economics that you subscribe to, is a spectacular success.


Anon Supreme
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2016
Paper money isn't worth anything. If the green was worth anything why is it that even though every central bank can print as much money as it wants that poverty is as widespread as it is?


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Pardon the expletives in the video, but please see the content.

President Trump: How & Why...

Now, it is well known that throwing insults does not win people over. It didn't help the Democrats and it will not help the Republicans. I hope the Republicans would be gracious and kind to those that were Hillary supporters, and embrace them. It is time to put the acrimony of the election back, and unite as one people.

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