Aftermath of Trump Victory

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
"You voted Trump" This happened in Chicago today.

This happens in Chicago everyday, just the pretext is different. It's just ******s being ******s. Oops, I mean, it's just esteemed members of the respected African American community being esteemed members of the respected African American community.

There is this jhopadpatti culture in Chicago, shitting spitting fighting, gangwars, you name it. If a person from Dharavi migrates to Chicago, even he might start feeling homesick.

Fights like these are their way of passing time.

You stole ma dawg? you stole maa dawg? I'mm show you..*punches, scratches*,

Stranger nigga 1 : dayyyum! nigga, this nigga stole hees dawwg,

Stranger nigga 2 : dayymm, whop his ass, show him what happens when nigga steal yo dawg,

Stranger nigga [1,2,3...(2n -1) = n^2] : *cheering*

30 minutes later, everyone realizes Nigga 1 never even owned a dog in the first place.


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2014
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Hey...people ...stay in the middle...because if you go extreme end up being fascist (Hitlers Germany)
And if you go extreme end up becoming communist (Soviet Union, China, Cuba)
Bhagwan Budha said the right path is in the middle.
Save yourself from becoming an extremist...
BTW. Indian Americans mostly are social liberals and fiscal conservatives...And 80% of Indian Americans vote democrats..Its true !
How was Hitler any different compared to Winston Churchill the British hero? From Indian perspective Hitler was the lesser evil. Hitler did not kill any Indian, Winston Churchill starved millions of Indians to their deaths. Whole of Indian Empire was a concentration camp, the largest concentration camp ever built to destroy the culture, pride and economy of one of the most ancient and advanced civilizations.

Most of the westerners and Indian liberals will take some time before they realize that Hitler is not a negative character in the Indian folklore. Hitler did to the Europeans which the Europeans had been doing for past few centuries to the people in Africa, Asia and elsewhere.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2013
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May be these protests are a way to tell Trump what happens if he goes after killary.


Ancient Indian

p = np :)
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2014
May be these protests are a way to tell Trump what happens if he goes after killary.

I think Trump can handle this shit much better than others.

After all, both are from same school. More over, Trump has some real support from corporates there.

Their stock markets shooting greens.

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
May be these protests are a way to tell Trump what happens if he goes after killary.

He will not go against Killary, that was just rhetoric. No rich person attacks another rich person, that is the cardinal rule of rich people everywhere, that is how they get rich. Avoid conflict, concentrate on a net positive outcome, prey on a smaller victim than wasting resources fighting an animal of the same size. That's why a Tiger and Bear never attack each other for food. The costs are too high and the gains too little, and a single would could lead to a catastrophic death in the wild. There are enough poor poople for the rich to prey on. The never attack each other. It's just rhetoric. You (mis)lead 50% of the population, I'll (mis)lead the remaining, and let us live a cozy life built on the chaos that ensues. Act weird, like a magician, and draw the attention of the public and keep them fixated on the weirdness of your ways, to keep them distracted away from pondering over where the real magic is happening : corporate bailouts.

These are just puppets of the deep state mil-industry complex which has sophisticated tools for sentiment analysis. If they see that the public mood demands a president of color, then the deep state goes and looks for a showman who happens to be black whose job is to play the part of a president while the deep state controls everything. If the sentiment shows that people are anti-establishment, prop up a puppet who quacks anti-establishment rhetoric, create a sham election, make him win, then continue as before.

Sending Killary to jail?


Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
Country flag
He will not go against Killary, that was just rhetoric. No rich person attacks another rich person, that is the cardinal rule of rich people everywhere, that is how they get rich. Avoid conflict, concentrate on a net positive outcome, prey on a smaller victim than wasting resources fighting an animal of the same size. That's why a Tiger and Bear never attack each other for food. The costs are too high and the gains too little, and a single would could lead to a catastrophic death in the wild. There are enough poor poople for the rich to prey on. The never attack each other. It's just rhetoric. You (mis)lead 50% of the population, I'll (mis)lead the remaining, and let us live a cozy life built on the chaos that ensues. Act weird, like a magician, and draw the attention of the public and keep them fixated on the weirdness of your ways, to keep them distracted away from pondering over where the real magic is happening : corporate bailouts.

These are just puppets of the deep state mil-industry complex which has sophisticated tools for sentiment analysis. If they see that the public mood demands a president of color, then the deep state goes and looks for a showman who happens to be black whose job is to play the part of a president while the deep state controls everything. If the sentiment shows that people are anti-establishment, prop up a puppet who quacks anti-establishment rhetoric, create a sham election, make him win, then continue as before.

Sending Killary to jail?

He would look really bad and make his detractors come out even more strongly if he threw his opponent in jail. His victory speech was very reconciliatory and even praised her. The FBI said they found she was incompetent but not enough evidence to prosecute for criminal intent. All these points lead to the conclusion that its not going to happen.

Bharat Ek Khoj

Senior Member
Apr 21, 2016
@Navnit Kundu
Such way Trump can also control/ask hillary to stop all these rampant things going on.
Same reason Modi is unable to send S Gandhi to jail.

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
@Navnit Kundu
Such way Trump can also control/ask hillary to stop all these rampant things going on.
Same reason Modi is unable to send S Gandhi to jail.
They're not rampant things. They are small incidents, now the establishment sensed a big riot so they did a small false flag riot and planted their own assets in those riots and made them say stupid things on camera to smear the rioters so turn public mood against them.

Agree about Modi not being able to send the bargirl to jail.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
Country flag
They're not rampant things. They are small incidents, now the establishment sensed a big riot so they did a small false flag riot and planted their own assets in those riots and made them say stupid things on camera to smear the rioters so turn public mood against them.
Ha! You sir are a true cynic.......................................................

Ancient Indian

p = np :)
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2014
They're not rampant things. They are small incidents, now the establishment sensed a big riot so they did a small false flag riot and planted their own assets in those riots and made them say stupid things on camera to smear the rioters so turn public mood against them.

Agree about Modi not being able to send the bargirl to jail.
I want to believe you. But people in US are really scared of this Pence guy.

May be some thing real going on there. . .

The Last Stand

Senior Member
Apr 14, 2013
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Sahi pakda bhaijaan! America has more faultlines than previously thought. Even Killary said it in her losing speech. ******s, Latinos, Rednicks, Feminazis, Christians, Gays, labor class/elite divide, intel agencies (India, China, Russia) just add some salt and masala to every incident that happens there, and paint it as a class war and widen the rift between various groups. Find black ghettos, slip 1000$ dollars under their doors, just enough for them to walk over to Walmart and buy a gun. They will do the rest. Keep the deep state on an edge, keep them away from our shores, both physically and ideologically.
Apparently 15$ an hour for paid protesters.

What a loophole.

You can make more money doing that for two hours than an honest job there, probably.

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
Apparently 15$ an hour for paid protesters.

What a loophole.

You can make more money doing that for two hours than an honest job there, probably.
Yup, there's a version of America which Indians never really take into consideration. Indians only look at their own relatives who work in the US, loaded with cash, that is because our relatives are working in plump posts. Unemployment there is terrible, veteran homelessness, bankruptcy, as a % of the total population are higher than that in India. India has just 7% people living under the poverty line, this is much more in the west. There are labor protests in Britain, US, France, Germany every month. People are still asking to have their minimum wages increased. Poverty in the west is a caricature which Indians refuse to accept but it is a norm rather than exception. Their society is collapsing and it is foreign skilled workers who are literally keeping it afloat, still these rednecks bark about immigrants stealing jobs. If these rednecks were capable of doing math, they wouldn't have to invite immigrants in the first place. A large % of them don not have bachelors degrees. 30% of students who have a bachelors will eventually move back into their parent's basements and never marry. These are huge numbers. (This is why Murica feels the pangs to invade new nations to gain access to more raw material and newer markets)

Check this :

Marriage problems: more than a third of people are single or have never married
Why 25% of Millennials Will Never Get Married

To the rednecks complaining about Indians 'stealing' jobs :

Poverty in the United States - Wikipedia

In 2011, the Census Bureau introduced a new supplementary poverty measure aimed at providing a more accurate picture of the true extent of poverty in the United States. According to this new measure, 16% of Americans lived in poverty in 2011, compared with the official figure of 15.2%.

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
Yup, there's a version of America which Indians never really take into consideration. Indians only look at their own relatives who work in the US, loaded with cash, that is because our relatives are working in plump posts. Unemployment there is terrible, veteran homelessness, bankruptcy, as a % of the total population are higher than that in India. India has just 7% people living under the poverty line, this is much more in the west. There are labor protests in Britain, US, France, Germany every month. People are still asking to have their minimum wages increased. Poverty in the west is a caricature which Indians refuse to accept but it is a norm rather than exception. Their society is collapsing and it is foreign skilled workers who are literally keeping it afloat, still these rednecks bark about immigrants stealing jobs. If these rednecks were capable of doing math, they wouldn't have to invite immigrants in the first place. A large % of them don not have bachelors degrees. 30% of students who have a bachelors will eventually move back into their parent's basements and never marry. These are huge numbers. (This is why Murica feels the pangs to invade new nations to gain access to more raw material and newer markets)

Check this :

Marriage problems: more than a third of people are single or have never married
Why 25% of Millennials Will Never Get Married

To the rednecks complaining about Indians 'stealing' jobs :

Poverty in the United States - Wikipedia

In 2011, the Census Bureau introduced a new supplementary poverty measure aimed at providing a more accurate picture of the true extent of poverty in the United States. According to this new measure, 16% of Americans lived in poverty in 2011, compared with the official figure of 15.2%.
Marriage problem thanks to entitled empowered women, who throw divorce papers in your face at slightest inconvenience!

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