Aftermath of Trump Victory

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Oh if that is true then I'm wrong. @hit&run take note
But most of the PIO citizens i know vote republican, trump or no trump.
Depends on the demographic. Most tech workers support democrats for liberal immigration policies and also because they live in liberal cities like San Francisco Bay Area. I have family that are rich and doctors by profession. They live in a red state and vote Republican as does their extended friend and family circle.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Beena Hussain

I think President Donald J. Trump and Pakistan must deal with this India problem once and for alll times!
Wow the delusion is strong with this pig head Paki, copy pasted from comments on a news article


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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LOL what a bunch of LOSERS these Protestors/Liberals/Zoombies/Pseudo-Intellectuals/Intolerant are!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Many Moooozlims/Mexicans must have gone in coma and packing their bags aleady. :scared2: :pound:

Now... no wonder that while most channels were showing election stuff(TRUMP winning and speech etc) the Anti-National NDTV was busy showing these bunch of LOSERS live in action just like hell broke lose on them! :lol:

Poor Hillary just managed not to cry in her small speech... she used VOTE Bank politics like any dirty Indian Politician could do.She tried to instigate women against TRUMP but it worked against her and she is no angel either.Her own hubby was busy in sex at Oval. :rofl:

I knew that TRUMP had more chances to win so let's see what does he brings on table.

Great jaab @airtel to show these LOOOOSERS in anguish.

Here is TRUMP telling how happy is he looking at these looosers including FEMINAZI Hillary!!!


The Last Stand

Senior Member
Apr 14, 2013
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70% Indians vote democrat, check any survey.
This statistic is not surprising at all, considering the fact that Indians kept Congress in power for 65 years. There is no race on this planet more self-loathing and suicidal than Hindus.
Of course. We are the greatest virtue-signallers on the planet.

There are, however, Indian democrats who are actually worth voting for (real liberal instead of being a socialist/neocon)


Senior Member
Sep 2, 2013
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Hey...people ...stay in the middle...because if you go extreme end up being fascist (Hitlers Germany)
And if you go extreme end up becoming communist (Soviet Union, China, Cuba)
Bhagwan Budha said the right path is in the middle.
Save yourself from becoming an extremist...
BTW. Indian Americans mostly are social liberals and fiscal conservatives...And 80% of Indian Americans vote democrats..Its true !


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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these people wanted to BAN Guns they are calling for violence :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

The Last Stand

Senior Member
Apr 14, 2013
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Hey...people ...stay in the middle...because if you go extreme end up being fascist (Hitlers Germany)
And if you go extreme end up becoming communist (Soviet Union, China, Cuba)
Bhagwan Budha said the right path is in the middle.
Save yourself from becoming an extremist...
BTW. Indian Americans mostly are social liberals and fiscal conservatives...And 80% of Indian Americans vote democrats..Its true !
Trump is no extreme right-winger.

He actually doesn't want war with Russia (hillary did). He isn't in opposition to gay marriage (hillary was, but "revised" her opinion due to focus groups). He doesn't want America to be the world Police/Big Brother (hillary did). He's protectionist and only wants America to produce more and stop losing their own jobs to other countries.

He's probably not even right of Centre.

Ancient Indian

p = np :)
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2014
United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are funding Hillary Clinton as Potential President in 2016

The Clinton Foundation is receiving contributions from foreign governments, as Hillary Clinton gets ready for the 2016 presidential campaign.

According to The Wall Street Journal, donors include the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Oman, Australia, Germany, and a Canadian government.

Hillary Clinton re-joined the foundation after leaving the State Department in 2013 and has fronted a $250 million endowment campaign, Fox News Reported.

The Journal has reported that foreign donors doubled in 2014:

-UAE donated between $1 million and $5 million last year.
-Germany gave between $100,000 and $250,000.
-Saudi Arabia, which has contributed at least $10 million since the foundation’s founding in 1999.

Does this sound strange to you?

Why is Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE interested in funding Clinton’s possible presidential campaign?
No wonder, liberal muslims are crying at the loss.
@rockey 71

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
Hey...people ...stay in the middle...because if you go extreme end up being fascist (Hitlers Germany)
And if you go extreme end up becoming communist (Soviet Union, China, Cuba)
Bhagwan Budha said the right path is in the middle.
Save yourself from becoming an extremist...
BTW. Indian Americans mostly are social liberals and fiscal conservatives...And 80% of Indian Americans vote democrats..Its true !
On this forum, sir, let me tell you literally, no one gives a shit about moral relativism, least of of, if that fountain of morality is spurting out of someone from US soil. Everyone on this forum has spelled out their positions, be it the Marxists or Right Wingers. The battle lines are already drawn, no one walks on egg shells here. It used to cause friction earlier, but now everyone is comfortable with taking contentious positions without letting it get under their skin.

RE : 80% of Indian Americans

This is overshadowed by the fact that Indian Americans constitute less than 1% of the American population by demography. Once you take this into context, it doesn't matter what 80% or 99% of them do. A large % of a small number is still a small number.

There is an ideological split within the Indian American community, a nuance which you are not accounting when you club all of them together. They don't magically become Indian-Americans or South Asians just by landing on the shores of Murica. They carry all the biases which they held when they were in India, based on which community they belong to. Earlier, no efforts were made to connect these NRIs to their roots, now the MEA holds cultural events in the embassy premises. The Hindus attend in hordes, the commies, mullas, and self-loathing ones stay in their burrows and watch Netflix. Btw, what are your favorite shows on Netflix?

Hindus taking pride in being Hindus is literally worst case scenario for the US. They had very carefully cultivated a narrative of a 'poor, diseased India' by showing negative news from India and making the NRIs feel ashamed to associate with anything Indian. This was a trick to keep them from becoming assertive by preventing them from asserting their group identity. Now, with the advent of alternate media and rise of Hindu pride in India, the NRIs are finding a way to be unabashedly Hindu on American soil.

No one gives a shit about being morally judged by the Rednecks who built a very recent civilization based on the genocide of natives and slavery, in later years. I smelled you right when you started throwing words like Hitler. I'm sure you are not aware of the fact that the US did exactly what Hitler did, they send Japs in US to concentration camps, they injected ******s with Syphilis to test bio weapons, they firebombed Germany and killed many civilians. This was qualitatively and quantitatively commensurate to what Hitler is demonized for. It was not a fight over good vs evil like the US narrates it. It was a clash of powers, one one the other lost, there is not other difference. So don't tell me about Hitler. At least Germany has apologized for the war crimes, made holocaust museums and it is illegal to do a Nazi salute till today in Germany. Just the opposite, in the US, rednecks take pride in being the only country to drop a nuclear bomb on civilian population in Japan and such a narrative is also encouraged by the establishment. You think you have the market cornered over morality? All those evil nations you mention have collectively invaded less nations than your country has singularly done in the guise of morality.

If you are ashamed of your roots, keep that low self esteem to yourself, don't walk over to others and tell them they are tipping over the scales towards extremism. Tell your country to apologize for Hiroshima and then come talk about moderation and restraint.

Now tell me what your favorite Netflix show is?


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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California मांगे आज़ादी ??

Interest in #Calexit growing after Donald Trump victory

By Eugene Scott, CNN

Updated 1704 GMT (0104 HKT) November 10, 2016

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    People across the US protest Trump's victory
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People across the US protest Trump's victory 00:54
Story highlights
  • California is the sixth largest economy
  • Hundreds of protesters -- many of the Latino -- marched on Los Angeles City Hall
Washington (CNN)They call it #Calexit.

Interest in pushing for California's secession from the United States has increased after Donald Trump won the presidency.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
The "Yes California" campaign is backing an independence referendum in support of a constitutional exit of the state from the US. In the wake of 60% of the state's voters supporting the presidential loser, Hillary Clinton, the movement is getting renewed interest.:pound::pound::pound::pound:
"As the sixth largest economy in the world, California is more economically powerful than France and has a population larger than Poland. Point-by-point, California compares and competes with countries, not just the 49 other states," the campaign's website said. :doh::doh::doh::doh:
The #calexit name stems from the successful "brexit" campaign in Britain to leave the European Union.
Read More
While the Yes Campaign has been considered a fringe movement in the past, it began trending on social media Wednesday night attracting more mainstream notice. Supporters are proposing a referendum on the issue in 2019.
The referendum would ask whether voters think California should become an independent country. It is mainly a way to gauge interest on whether Californians prefer statehood or want to move toward nationhood.
Of course, a secession is highly unlikely. Other politicians have talked of their states leaving the Union in the past with to no avail. Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry suggested his state might leave the United States in 2009 during the rise of the tea party. That effort never gained traction.
Thousands take to the streets to protest Trump win
Still, Hundreds of protesters -- many of them Latino -- hit Los Angeles City Hall Wednesday night chanting "¡Si se puede!" (Spanish for "yes, it's possible" or "yes, one can" -- a longtime rallying cry of the United Farm Workers).:daru::daru::daru::daru:
Activists chanting #NotMyPresident in cities from coast-to-coast occupied the streets protesting the election results that made the former reality show star the next president.
Police estimated that thousands of people stood outside New York City's Trump Tower protesting the president-elect's positions on immigration and law enforcement.
"I came out here to let go of a lot of fear that was sparked as soon as I saw the results," protester Nick Powers told CNN. :daru::daru::daru::daru:

Ancient Indian

p = np :)
Senior Member
Aug 23, 2014
"You voted Trump" This happened in Chicago today.

It looks like Trump already started the party.

I had seen some propaganda videos from Hillary camp yesterday where some white guys pushing and abusing a Black girl. And they are comparing it to the old times. How the america is back to where it had been and what not.

I think some serious change of equations are going there.

I hope @pmaitra , our trump supporter in US, having safe time there.

Navnit Kundu

Pika Hu Akbarrr!!
Senior Member
Mar 22, 2016
California मांगे आज़ादी ??
Sahi pakda bhaijaan! America has more faultlines than previously thought. Even Killary said it in her losing speech. ******s, Latinos, Rednicks, Feminazis, Christians, Gays, labor class/elite divide, intel agencies (India, China, Russia) just add some salt and masala to every incident that happens there, and paint it as a class war and widen the rift between various groups. Find black ghettos, slip 1000$ dollars under their doors, just enough for them to walk over to Walmart and buy a gun. They will do the rest. Keep the deep state on an edge, keep them away from our shores, both physically and ideologically.

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