ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter


New Member
Feb 26, 2013
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Airforce is doomed for sure
In future if we face a war then iaf would rather better sit than wasting obsolete aircrafts in battlefield
Anyway wars are won by powerful airforce and I don't know how are they planning to win with such airforce
Forget 800 years of invasion name a 3.9 trillion economy having such state of affairs wrt military
Military cant procure
And production agencies and mod can perform a simple project management

The Chinese have already deployed nearly 10-12 squadrons of 5th gen fighters. On top of that they already have nearly 1800 4.5 gen fighters.There is no way we can outsmart this humongous volume with anything in our current inventory.

If i were to given an unpopular opinion,we should go for immediate procurement of F35's (which may take 5-7 years for delivery) and even worse, open our bases to US forces.I don't see any alternative solution.


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
The Chinese have already deployed nearly 10-12 squadrons of 5th gen fighters. On top of that they already have nearly 1800 4.5 gen fighters.There is no way we can outsmart this humongous volume with anything in our current inventory.

If i were to given an unpopular opinion,we should go for immediate procurement of F35's (which may take 5-7 years for delivery) and even worse, open our bases to US forces.I don't see any alternative solution.
Hell fuck no. And where do we even get the money? We are better off spending the money on procuring IP rights to Su-30s and developing the Kaveri engine program and upscale the LCA production and put AMCA on a fast track.


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Jun 3, 2022
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That's the point
How long are u gonna entertain salami slicing
How long
Do u want to trade peace with land parcels
If yes then understanding of our planners need retrospection
No one is entertaining anything except you being too much backpilled Bhai and stop looking at America when time comes mfs will eat you without thinking twice.


New Member
Feb 26, 2013
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Hell fuck no. And where do we even get the money? We are better off spending the money on procuring IP rights to Su-30s and developing the Kaveri engine program and upscale the LCA production and put AMCA on a fast track.
There is no concept of project management in the country. If you believe any of the things you mentioned will happen on time, you are deluding yourself.

The sad state of our defense R&D and PSUs can be judged from the fact that, while they were deliberating, developing, and testing drones for almost 35 years with little or no success,Our startup companies launched by new college graduates started handing over drones to our military.


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
I am very anti American guy heck even anti Russian
My interest lies with Indian growth
But reality is such
We need huge number of weapons
Infact I always said we have 2 enemies one is territorial that is china other is civilizational that is usa buy we have to use them for our temporary benefits or better said survival
Anyway I will stop for today
Why are you not anti China and simping for China? Why are you anti Russia when Russia has largely supported India through out her conflicts?


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
I was talking regarding 2 option we have
China doesn't come into the pic at all
They are our territorial enemy and have to be dealt accordingly
Their economic rise is just phenomena which is threat us but admirable even if we could get an iota of what they have done
Atleast my interest lies here and and l live a life here unlike few who like to give bhashans sitting far away and enjoying the benefits of foreign land and I don't simp for any personality atleast
Your last line does not have the impact as you would like to believe. After all your actions tell what you are and I gotta tell you your actions of simping for Chinese posts does not back what you say. So regardless of whether I sit far away or not, your actions are what counts. By the way, are you calling one of the mods the same thing as you are calling me? Did you know that two of the mods are living outside of India?


New Member
Jun 27, 2023
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Airforce is doomed for sure
In future if we face a war then iaf would rather better sit than wasting obsolete aircrafts in battlefield
Anyway wars are won by powerful airforce and I don't know how are they planning to win with such airforce
Forget 800 years of invasion name a 3.9 trillion economy having such state of affairs wrt military
Military cant procure
And production agencies and mod can perform a simple project management
Exactly, how do you think porkistan with 300 billion economy able to threat 4 trillion one? wrt their economy their air force is doing great.

A 4.5 gen fighter making first flight in 2027 (tentative) and induction by 2040 will be shameful.

Now IAF faces J-20, in Tibet then they have to face this,

China is $20 trillion economy with huge MIC and advanced tech. We need a smaller but high tech air force but our unpad leaders do mot u derstand this.


New Member
Jun 27, 2023
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The Chinese have already deployed nearly 10-12 squadrons of 5th gen fighters. On top of that they already have nearly 1800 4.5 gen fighters.There is no way we can outsmart this humongous volume with anything in our current inventory.

If i were to given an unpopular opinion,we should go for immediate procurement of F35's (which may take 5-7 years for delivery) and even worse, open our bases to US forces.I don't see any alternative solution.
We can stop PLAAF for sure but if Modi govt takes years to sanction project than no one can do anything. 4 trillion dollar kya p### dhone ke liye bana rahe hai!!!


New Member
Jun 27, 2023
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Indian military planning is doomed. Too much corruption and lethargy among the babus, PSUs and armed forces leadership.
We will never have a independent MIC and will be a perpetual beggar even in the next half of century!!

can't imagine a figjter first appeared in 2011 will make first flight after 16 years, all other countries will fly 5th or 6th gen by thn Korea, Turkey, Japan, Indilonesia and many others.


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Jun 11, 2023
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I was talking to this Iranian a few months ago and he was claiming that both iran and India are in the process/bidding for license production of Su-75 , I laughed it off then and there but it seems like there is a chance that might be true


New Member
Jun 27, 2023
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I was talking to this Iranian a few months ago and he was claiming that both iran and India are in the process/bidding for license production of Su-75 , I laughed it off then and there but it seems like there is a chance that might be true
If that is true, India will be laughing stock around the world. Russia has nothing except engine/motor tech to offer to India. Even these are low tech. Only complete tot of AL-41F1 is ok


New Member
Feb 26, 2013
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We can stop PLAAF for sure but if Modi govt takes years to sanction project than no one can do anything. 4 trillion dollar kya p### dhone ke liye bana rahe hai!!!
Tell me how will you stop the chinese attack ?

The Vast chunk of our fighting squadrons are inching close to their retirement age with no coherent replacement plan.

Meanwhile, by the time the first aircraft of the 4th-gen Tejas MK-2 is inducted, China would have built at least 1000-1500 J20s. The way the AMCA project is panning out, I don't foresee the first flight happening this decade and induction by the end of the next decade.

jai jaganath

New Member
Jul 3, 2022
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Tell me how will you stop the chinese attack ?

The Vast chunk of our fighting squadrons are inching close to their retirement age with no coherent replacement plan.

Meanwhile, by the time the first aircraft of the 4th-gen Tejas MK-2 is inducted, China would have built at least 1000-1500 J20s. The way the AMCA project is panning out, I don't foresee the first flight happening this decade and induction by the end of the next decade.
If this is the situation now then imagine what will happen when relations with usa start deteriorating which is likely to happen in future
We have royally f***ked ourselves
We will retiring aircrafts in more no than inducting ideally should be opposite


New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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I think you've made a misdiagnosis here. MKI upgrades assuming GoI wanted it to be indigenous as opposed to what IAF may have desired was always a function of maturity of the various sub systems indigenously. That took time & here we are when these sub systems are ready.

Mk-2 funding has gotten caught up in extraneous issues like the ability to mfg the TF in India along with the requisite ToTs for it which seems to have been caught up in politics namely our silence on Russia in the Ukraine war & off late the Panun / Khalistani incidents. Will they be mutually resolved & things go back to normal ? Time will answer it . Unfortunately the IAF is running out of time.

MRFA is an even bigger mandatory requirement given the looming war with China where even otherwise the Mk-2 & the AMCA weren't expected to figure in the line up of the IAF given that these FAs are expected to make an appearance in a productionised form only in the 2030s whereas our conflict with China will be prosecuted before the decade is out .

If the conflicts between the State Dpt & MEA aren't sorted out amicably , all future co operation with the US in the field of collaborative defence ventures will be jeopardized. With China being the elephant in the room , I doubt both nations can afford such a stalemate. Let's hope we reach a mutual accomodation with the Americans ASAP.

Where the GoI should be faulted is in not reaching an accomodation with the IAF as far as MRFA goes earlier with the latest date being June 2020 when after Galwan any remaining doubts in the minds of our foreign policy mandarins regarding China should've been cleared . That doesn't seem to have manifested itself in ordering the second tranche of 36 nos Rafales if not 54 nos & swiftly expediting the RFP for the 114 nos MRFA tender.

The GoI also bears its share of blame for not expediting the JV for the clean sheet 120 KN TF for the AMCA Mk-2 . I recall Raksha Mantri asking MoD to seal up the deal within a year back in the first half of 2021. It's been 2.5 years since.
Everyone needs to get it in their head that MRFA is not a quick fix even IF it was to happen- almost 2024 and no RFP, RFP—> delivery is 7-10 years, and the delivery period is 8 years you do the maths on that.


New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Airforce is doomed for sure
In future if we face a war then iaf would rather better sit than wasting obsolete aircrafts in battlefield
Anyway wars are won by powerful airforce and I don't know how are they planning to win with such airforce
Forget 800 years of invasion name a 3.9 trillion economy having such state of affairs wrt military
Military cant procure
And production agencies and mod can perform a simple project management
IAF and IA are both utterly screwed for the next 15-20 years at least and mostly by their own doings. IN is only slightly ahead but on a global scale they are nothing special


New Member
Nov 1, 2022
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Everyone needs to get it in their head that MRFA is not a quick fix even IF it was to happen- almost 2024 and no RFP, RFP—> delivery is 7-10 years, and the delivery period is 8 years you do the maths on that.
With which planes in the IAF inventory are you going to face up against the J-20, the J-16, the J-10 & J-11s?


New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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With which planes in the IAF inventory are you going to face up against the J-20, the J-16, the J-10 & J-11s?
A paper plane is a paper plane

if MRFA RFP is issued 01/01/2024, delivery will not be before 2031-33, spread out well into the 2040s

inaction/sabotage of the last 3-5 years has ensured the 2030s are another lost decade for the Indian armed forces where the gap between them and their foes continues to grow

