ADA Tejas Mark-II/Medium Weight Fighter


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Jun 1, 2017
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This article says 2500cr were released earlier,but when ?
So all the claims made here that government has not allocated funds for MK2 prototypes and its HAL who is funding it through internal accruals go up in flames?


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Mar 22, 2022
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Frontline fighter aircraft are not required/expected to travel huge distance hence the word frontline.
Su-75 project is sham. Su-75 primarily designed for export markets and not RuAF. SU-75 came into existence due to failure to Su-57 project. Russians have accepted that no countries are willing to buy their Su57s.
Su-75 is designed to be low cost aircraft for export and is expected to cost US $25–30 million.

On a side-note Su-75 is biggest threat to AMCA.
I think with the pace at which their own projects work - and the cutting sanctions on their high-technology industries - the Su-75 is safely out of the picture for the next 10-20 years for export. And if it is exported, then the only thing it will be able to do is fly parades. Personally I think the Su-75 has 0 future at all.


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Feb 11, 2021
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Best news I've heard in a very long time, now the air force should give up the MRFA farce order additional 36 Rafale straight up and be done with it and then order extra Tejas mk2s.

5 years back I couldn't even dream of majority of the IAF being Indian home grown fighters and now in 5 years more this dream may come to be a reality.......

A little optimistic I know


New Member
Dec 3, 2013
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IAF has reliability issue with Russian engines.
IN has reliability issue with Russian engines.
CAG has highlighted reliability issue with Russian engines.
Their are countless article on internet highlighted reliability issue with Russian engines. You can Google them.
Crash rate of these mentioned aircraft is very high along with abmissal availability. During that time all engines were bad but as time western engine quality improved astronomically compared to Russian.
Remember MiG-27 crashed in Kargil Conflict due to engine flame-out during attack run. Ground attack aircraft suffering engine flame-out while firing 80 mm rockets or guns is unacceptable.
Buddy stop living in denial.

Frontline fighter aircraft are not required/expected to travel huge distance hence the word frontline.
Su-75 project is sham. Su-75 primarily designed for export markets and not RuAF. SU-75 came into existence due to failure to Su-57 project. Russians have accepted that no countries are willing to buy their Su57s.
Su-75 is designed to be low cost aircraft for export and is expected to cost US $25–30 million.

On a side-note Su-75 is biggest threat to AMCA.
Typical rhetoric and bias. Imagination is being served as a truth. A typical hallmark of Liberandu-Sickulars.


New Member
Dec 3, 2013
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This article says 2500cr were released earlier,but when ?
Remember, I said, fund shortness for MWF is a propaganda, a scam by usual suspect. I also said that fund for 2 MWF prototype has already been allocated decade ago which has shown here as a figure of 2500crs.

Truth is always visible even through the dark but most people often choose to look other way.


New Member
Mar 18, 2022
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Your makes no sense.
Purpose of frontline fighter aircraft is not to travel long distance cross country (i.e. inside your country.
Frontline fighter aircraft are deployed on forward airbase to engage enemy fighters, escort ground attack aircraft and sometimes bomb enemy. Basically achieve air-superiority or air-denial.
Modern frontline jets tend to have a combat range (500-1500 km) depending on type.
Almost all threats to Russian airspace will origantite at range of 500-1500 kms from NATO.
If you see Russian map all its enemies are the Russian border and they have forward airfield against all these enemies.
One doesn't fly from east of Russia to engage enemies at the west of Russia and vice versa.

These are frontline fighter aircraft and not a strategic bomber that it needs huge range.

Dude, everyone is telling you Russians have twin engine design is due to unreliability of their engine, yet you are stuck on the same point.
Absolutely right! plus the Russian engine's official life is about 1/2 of GE 404 or GE 414. Over a life of SU 30 MKI which is approx = 6000 hours, it will go through 3 engine overhauls (ones every 2000 hours). These are IAF statistics.


Golgappe Expert
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Oct 2, 2018
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2024 -2027 - Just 3 years
Which aeronautical product have we taken from first flight to service in such a short time ?I think there's none.Even a hepter like rudra derived from dhruv took 5. So i am not confident.
2027 is too ambitious a deadline, and likely to overshoot it. 2030 is very pragmatic, if it was a modification/improvement of Mk1 then it could have been believable.


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Mar 19, 2020
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Why do we need tech transfer for 72 Rafales? Just buy them off the shelf & maintain it here the same way we do Mirage 2K. What is wrong with that scenario?
The tech transfer is generally helpful for HAL and other DRDO labs to get their hands on manufacturing know-how that they otherwise lack. Jaguar ToT took HAL's manufacturing to a much higher degree than the production of MiGs did. Then Su-30MKI took them to a notch higher, but it was still below Western standards for 4th gen fighters. HAL still does overhauls for all Mirage-2000s, and it is the only OEM outside of Dassault that is certified for the same. HAL engineers learn from all these things.

But the biggest learning has no doubt been the Tejas program. The Tejas assembly line is completely indigenous and with it, HAL has jumped several notches to a point where they are not that far behind the Western OEMs. Most of the production techniques used for manufacturing 4th gen fighters with their tight tolerances and ICP (Interchangeability) standards are already in place. The best learning experience is, as it always is, doing it yourself.

Rafale production may help bring in more automation and reduce the man-hours that HAL expends on each fighter. It will definitely be very useful in cutting down labour hours, but I'm not sure it'll do much more.

I personally also feel that 54 more Rafales should be just ordered off the shelf and MRFA laid to rest.


New Member
Mar 5, 2019
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This article says 2500cr were released earlier,but when ?


I already mentioned this in another thread (link above) that 2500 crore for 2 prototypes of Tejas Mk2 was allocated way back.
No use. Some people here only trust Jaurav Sha. I've noticed his tweeting pattern over the last few months where he randomly comes up with an exaggerated claim for some increased visibility and some people here without any double check takes the forum to a meltdown


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Jun 27, 2020
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View attachment 169954

I already mentioned this in another thread (link above) that 2500 crore for 2 prototypes of Tejas Mk2 was allocated way back.
No use. Some people here only trust Jaurav Sha. I've noticed his tweeting pattern over the last few months where he randomly comes up with an exaggerated claim for some increased visibility and some people here without any double check takes the forum to a meltdown
Forget about Saurav Jha, but HVT sir also hinted about lack of funds