ADA Tejas (LCA) News and Discussions

Which role suits LCA 'Tejas' more than others from following options?

  • Interceptor-Defend Skies from Intruders.

    Votes: 342 51.3%
  • Airsuperiority-Complete control of the skies.

    Votes: 17 2.5%
  • Strike-Attack deep into enemy zone.

    Votes: 24 3.6%
  • Multirole-Perform multiple roles.

    Votes: 284 42.6%

  • Total voters
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Apr 15, 2014
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.i kindly invite you to read the three-series of articles in favour of Rafale on Ottawa citizen blog. We'll talk after please?

And none of us know the real value of the market, what is included etc. 20 billions plus is just hot air.
It COULD be such a value if you include the ToT and industrialization costs (you don't train people or build factory for free), but sincerely i have no ideas.
france is hiking price continuously so the original deal was 10 billion and the cost of rafael is doubled after that .
this thread is about tejas, sir, so can we discuss rafael at thread of rafale

Sea Eagle

New Member
Feb 16, 2014
How much time will it to fully integrate and test the bvr along with captive trials ?
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House keeper
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Feb 16, 2009
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sir, can you please translate that article and post it here . Unable to read it
Google translation .

Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after PI Baranov - State Research Center of Russian Federation, conducting a full range of research and development in the field of aircraft engine. Vladimir Ivanovich confirmed that the Institute was engaged in fine-tuning and testing prototypes engine Kaveri, derived from India. Works were carried out fully in accordance with the contract. Indian side gave specific recommendations to improve the engine. Partly, they were embodied in one of the prototypes. Then install it on a flying laboratory LII MM Gromov based on the Il-76. Plane completed a series of flights from Moscow airfield "Ramenskoye" in order to verify the performance of the engine on the given flight conditions.

In August 2010, was distributed to the press release, in which the company-developer GTRE argued that using CIAM Baranov she tries to achieve full compliance with the specifications of the engine parameters. By the time the work has been successfully demonstrated prototype engine at a given altitude and speed up to the speed of sound. In early November 2010, a prototype index K9 performed the first flight of flying laboratory LII IL-76. Indian powerplant thrust created during the entire flight, from takeoff to landing, including the cruising site at 6000 meters. At cruising site for longer than an hour flying laboratory accelerated to a speed corresponding to M = 0,6. There was a consistent engine performance GTX-35VS and "excellent parameters of the cycle."

According Babkin CIAM completely and with high quality done his work, which has been confirmed by tests. But since then, several years have passed, and the Kaveri and did not go to series. Moreover, its developers are again looking for foreign partners on the final design of the engine. In particular, for help addressed to the French company SNECMA. However, negotiators failed to reach mutually acceptable financial terms. For its part, CIAM is ready to resume cooperation with the Indian customers. Moreover, the close relationship with the Russian spoken by many Indian politicians, military and industrials. However, the desire to make LCA Tejas is the least "Russian" prevents this.

At various times, some Western firms provided the Indian side advisory services for Kaveri. However, no one was willing and not willing to truly share the exhaust, ready for the introduction of critical technologies in a very sensitive area of "‹"‹military engines. It also allowed Russia to use only as a last resort when other options are not tested.

Independent of the full technical assistance to Russia, GTX-35VS creators put themselves in a very difficult situation. They were late with full readiness to launch products in the series. As of today, the national motor is no longer seen as a powerplant fighter Tejas. But Air India believe that Kaveri may, if required by the customer to achieve the parameters to be set on the twin-engine fighter promising next-generation unmanned AMCA and percussion device of the future. They are being developed under the aegis of DRDO.

Why powerplant local development can not yet fully meet the requirements of the Indian Air Force and a real competitor to American motors on LCA Tejas? This question Babkin did not respond deployed. He only reiterated that the Russian side has carefully studied the situation and issued by Kaveri Indian partners detailed, meaningful recommendations to improve it. However, CIAM noted the need to clearly observe the methodology adopted by the world's power plants to create frontline aircraft.

On the other hand, representatives of CIAM pointed out mutually beneficial cooperation with India. In particular, they stressed that the means of the Indian customer, tempered in the framework of the project Kaveri, CIAM specialists able to bring to mind a software package of complex algorithms and calculations of gas dynamics of modern turbojet engine. This package is built on the achievements of Russian scientists received in recent years, has been very useful in practice to improve and fine-tuning the Kaveri. It will be used when working on the latest Russian engines.

The decision to develop a turbojet GTRE GTX-35VS Kaveri for frontline aviation adopted in 1986. For bench testing began in 1995. At the beginning of the first decade of the new century, India has eight fully assembled engines and four additional gasifiers. By mid-February 2008 prototypes GTX-35VS passed 1700 hours of test bench. As of May 2010, the total number of running hours of prototype Kaveri reached in 1880.

In general, the engine turned. He shows good cycle parameters and maximum thrust value reached 96% of the agreed specifications. However, local experts do not have enough experience for comprehensive testing and development of such complex thermal machines. Therefore, experienced motors twice went to Russia for various types of tests. Engaging our research institutes with a strong experimental basis seemed mutually beneficial. Thus, in Russia performed tests that simulate flying at high altitude, using equipment analogues which India does not.

Note that so far the main problem of all, without exception, independent Indian developments in frontline aviation was and remains the powerplant. Attempts to invent its own aircraft engine invariably failed, and each time had to buy the necessary products abroad. An example is the history of the light and heavy fighters of past generations. On the basis of the English Gnat in the late fifties - early sixties Indian specialists developed and commercially produced lightweight fighter Ajeet. In the absence of its own motor to put him English.

In the sixties it was the turn of severe HF-24 Marut. It was created on the original platform of the famous German aircraft designer Kurt Tank (creator FW-190 and other successful aircraft of World). The prototype flew in 1961. It experienced engine prototype version E-300, created by Austrian and German engineers under the direction of Ferdinand Brandner (in the late forties - early fifties working in the USSR Brandner and his colleagues have developed a turboprop engine NK-12, which after finishing the OKB Kuznetsov still stands bomber Tu-95).

According to the complex political and economic reasons, the Indian government refused to E-300. His place was taken by the British low-power engines Rolls-Royce Orpheus 703. As such, the Indians built a series of 147 "Maruts." But instead of embedded in the aerodynamics of the aircraft maximum speed in two Mach, HF-24 proved to subsonic. Without becoming an interceptor, the aircraft is being used successfully as a fighter-bomber in the war of 1971.

Following the precepts of the first prime minister of the independent Republic of Jawaharlal Nehru, India is committed to self-sufficiency in the military field. Sometimes Indian parliamentarians hold hearings about the inefficient use of budget allocations for defense, especially in terms of new developments. In December 2012 the Minister of Defense Akaparambil Kurian Antony had to speak in the parliament with a report on the program GTRE GTX-35VS. Defense Minister gave a summary of the status of the project. He said he built nine prototypes and four engine gas generator with its own name Kabani. Total working hours - 2200 hours. Fully completed the required altitude tests. To fully implement the required tests of the first stage of acceptance Kaveri flying laboratory LII IL-76. Total flying laboratory motor running for 57 hours. At this altitude reached 12 kilometers, and Mach number M = 0,7.

Defense Minister believes that the full increase in the share of own production can and should put an end to corruption in the purchase of arms and military equipment. "We need to take strict measures to put an end to corruption and unworthy methods in awarding contracts for the purchase of arms and military equipment. Localization of military production may curb corruption, "- he says.

Help program LCA Tejas

Survey work on promising light fighter aircraft began in 1980. Before the designers intended to create replacement Soviet MiG-21 and Indian Ajeet, representing the development of the English project Gnat. In the nineties, the project moved into the program to create a light combat aircraft - Light Combat Aircraft (LCA). The car has received its own name Tejas. Among the objectives of the program - the creation of a national technological base through full ownership of key technologies and design of series-built combat aircraft manned tactical and naval aviation.

Plane designed Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) which is part of the research structure of the Ministry of Defense Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO). DRDO offices located in more than thirty cities. ADA was founded in 1984 as an umbrella organization for the new fighter program. It works in close cooperation with the State Corporation HAL, other public and private entities, including scientific, research and production.

Plane is created in three basic versions. Basic - a single multi-role fighter LCA Fighter for the Air Force. The first version of Tejas Mk1 as production will give way to a more perfect embodiment Mk2. Air Force also developed double combat trainer version of LCA Trainer. Naval forces receive "omoryachenny» LCA-Navy carrier-based aircraft carrier project to equip 71.

First flight demonstrator was held on 4 January 2001. By March 2004, a series of operations in three cars - two demonstrators and one prototype. As of today, LCA Tejas - the most compact and lightweight multi-role fighter in the world, capable of flying at a speed corresponding to M = 1.6. Indian car has aerodynamic design "tailless" (without the elevator pitch balasirovka performed elevons). Wingspan of 8.2 meters, the maximum overall length of 13.2 meters. Empty weight 6560kg, rated takeoff weight without external suspension 9800kg, combat load - up to 3500 kg, maximum takeoff weight 13200kg. On prototypes used American Motors General Electric F404-F2J3. In a series of engines were installed local development and production of Kaveri. However, due to the shifting terms of their readiness today as a propulsion engine production cars used General Electric F404-GE-IN20.

The declared cost of serial fighter - $ 35 million. According to plans of the military and industry, next year fighter reach full compliance with the Air Force, set out in the initial specification. This will make it possible to supply copies of the commodity customer. The first squadron will be formed in 2017. Then form the second squadron. After the release of forty aircraft production will switch to a more advanced version of the Tejas Mk2. Air Force announced the desire to form four squadrons LCA Mk.2. To do this, they are ready to purchase 80 machines delivered until 2030. The first squadron of Tejas Mk2 may enter the combat duty in 2025.


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Mar 6, 2011
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The retired naval pilot is once again offering his bogus pearls of wisdom to unsuspecting guys in the name sake forum like,

1. ADA failed to correctly copy the cranked arrow wing of F-16 XL!!!(may be they are partially blind perhaps!!!)
2.the first design of tejas was a copy of grippen design with canards!!!
3.NASA studies suggesting 34 percent increase in lift for canards,
and some more usual BS to paint a caricature of a portrait on tejas,

The reality is,

1.cranked or compound delta means wing with two different angles of sweep , it does not mean every one has to copy the F-16 XL hook, line and sinker. The reason for the selection of wing angles was the vortex creation of the lesser swept wing root . Nothing else. I have posted the vortex creation of the tejas wing form with PDF proofs, But few butt hurt bud heads have a comprehension level less than common house flies,So no use trying to educate these self styled morons,

2.ADA tried tejas with canards and chose cranked delta instead of canards was it's official position based on research papers, because ADA found out the weight penalty imposed by canards was not worth the performance improvement for the weight and design needs of tejas .

Contrary to that fool's claim the above was not initial design, but one of the configuration studied and rejected by ADA in favor of the present compound delta wing form , which was applied in F-22 and PAKFA as well,

Also that fool does not know that all the fighter designers of typhoon, tejas , grippen and rafale initially considered one british BAE -P-110 TWIN engine fighter design before arriving at their own version based on their own needs,

Below is the image of p-110, So contrary to that mudheads claim ADA did not try to copy grippen, Every one including rafale, grippen , typhoon took a variation of this design and modified it according to their needs.

ADA too tried this for tejas and rejected it because for a light weight fighter (tejas was supposed to be 5.5 tons initially)this twin engined fighter design did not give enough performance boost for the weight penalty it imposed and instead chose to model tejas on F-16 Xl's compound or cranked delta,

So it is stupid to accuse that ADA once tried to copy grippen design , failed and then tried to copy F16 XL design and missed!!! , like that butt hurt fool is lamenting there in that namesake forum,

Every one considered P-110 design and then moved on to their own design of convenience is the bitter truth that fool has to swallow.

Even F-35 was studied with canards and rejected in favor of canard less version, Su-30 has canards and Su-35 has none, F-22 did not have any canards neither does pakfa.So can we call the designers of all these fighters fools?

PAKFA and F-22 chose compound delta wings with two different wingsweep angles exactly like tejas , So what is the fuss? Infact PKFA is having the same LEVCON that is being added to naval tejas.

Contrary to that bud head's claim , Naval tejas was supposed to have LEVCONS from 2002 (read MSD Woolen's article in ADA website)itself to help in career landing, it was not as if ADA was adding LEVCONS to all versions of tejas to make up for the performance shortfalls. They are adding it only to naval version.

For the fool who uploads a few NASA link and claims tejas without canard is a disaster, my simple question is after such exhaustive studies ,why didn't the US make a single canard delta fighter?Also why the russians are not employing canards in PAKFA and dropped them on SU-35?

And that mudheads is making a stupid argument that VHF and UHF radars make no difference in identifying canard and non canard fighters!!!, Did he forget that all fighters of the world today or equipped with X band fire control radars and not VHF, UHF radars!!!. For the X band fire control radars the addition of the canards increase the RCS is an accepted fact.

And he is not the first bud head in the world to know what CFD studies are!!! There are many Phd holders in NAL who did the Phd Studies for tejas wingshape and arrived at the wing design. The wing design of tejas is not some individual's fancied choice as that budhead makes it out to be!!!

Both pakfa and F-22 have the same type of compound deltas (trapezoidal) wing conforms to the efficiency of tejas wing design , And I have already posted vortex creation diagram for the tejas wing desing, about which that particular liar has no ideas about.

What is even more ironical is that this habitual liar along with one sunny guy(who wants jockey to jack up by brains!!!!) are trying to teach me some aeronautical truths and update my knowledge!!!
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Mar 6, 2011
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And this jockey fool has arrived at a startling conclusion that tejas,

" is having big problems in maintaining its RSS margins within limits of its elevons authority and payload stations. So that settles the RSS debate. Even F-22 & F-35 had these problems so they made the ac unstable for all configurations.

AND now they are somehow trying to keep them airborne for the stupid design that they are. LCA is another such fart."

Does he even know what is the RSS margin of tejas?

What the fk he knows about elevon authority and payload sanctions on tejas?

Will this liar ever admit after reaching supersonic speeds all fighters like typhoon, rafale , grippen and tejas revert back to stable flight profile?

The mud head who does not even knows these basic facts is settling the debate on all RSS fighters with total lies!!!!

I once became a member of that ghost house forum, but after seeing the league of fools holding court I did not even make a single post there.

For the kindered souls out there, crank or compound does not matter, What it means they done understand, It simply means with lesser swept root angle near the wing root of leading edge lift inducing stall resistant vortex is created which beneficially improves the lift to drag ratio in cranked or compound deltas,

I hope the cranks there get the point.
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Mar 6, 2011
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@ersakthivel we all know you're making a point. No need to call others fools. Lets be civil. :)
I have no problems with fools, and i dont judge who is a fool and who is not?

My problem is with quakes forking out blatant lies as aerodynamic gospel and trying to fool other peoples,

Did you know this jockey guy ran away with tails between his legs in RSS related debate with me?

Now why he is forking out the same farts in another forum? What are his motives?
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Mar 6, 2011
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@ersakthivel we all know you're making a point. No need to call others fools. Lets be civil. :)
I have no problems with fools, and i dont judge who is a fool and who is not?

My problem is with quakes forking out blatant lies as aerodynamic gospel and trying to fool other peoples,

Did you know this jockey guy( in the name of @Decklander )ran away with tails between his legs in RSS related debate with me in the links below?

Now why he is forking out the same farts in another forum? What are his motives?

@ersakhivel, I am still waiting for the reply to the pointed questions I asked. Regarding F-22, I had clearly stated that I have not found anything which states that it is RSS ac. I had asked you to post such data if you have it. Posting the reference data for making an aircraft does not mean the ac is RSS. The wiki which you seem to rely on very clearly states the RSS for every ac which has it but even that is silent on this aspect for F-22 & F-35.
have a look at trapezoidal wing form, it overcomes the problem of backward movement of CP with mach number. RSS allows the CP to move both sides of CG and its movement depends only on airspeed(AOA). Infact even the CG moves with fuel burn and load release. So no RSS ac is always RSS in flight.
See, on 4.10.13 this guy says ,". Regarding F-22, I had clearly stated that I have not found anything which states that it is RSS ac.", Now he says" Even F-22 & F-35 had these problems so they made the ac unstable for all configurations. "

So from 4/10/13 to today, who has changed the flight profile of F-22 to RSS?

We should expose these felons for what they truly are, habitual irredeemable liars,

This lander guy and jockey guy are not different persons. You can see the same rants on tejas in all their posts in this forum and any other forum.

Thats why I chose to react. because I am missing my original friend , philosopher and guide in this thread for a while. he is keeping quiet after receiving a few infractions though.

So I decide to expose a couple of irredeemable trolls of the wolrds on tejas like sanchos , jockeys and decklanders for a while.
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Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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I'm 100% Sure that @Decklander is same VSTOL Jockey in that Pakki Operated IDF

Lets Leave his :bs: Reports and Continue your Job
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Mar 6, 2011
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In post no-61 i have answered almost all the questions he is raising in another forum.

Till the day he posted here, I never abused him personally, and gave a point by rebuttal to all his false claims even ignoring his harsh tone.

With test pilot claims like,

Former Lockheed chief test pilot Paul Metz stated that the Raptor has a fixed inlet, as opposed to variable intake ramps, and that the F-22 has a greater climb rate than the F-15, despite the F-15's higher thrust-to-weight ratio of 1.2:1 (the F-22 has a ratio closer to 1:1

The reason for the higher climb rate of F-22 is low wing loading and RSS flight profile, both the features are absent in F-15. Tejas too has both the features-low wing loading and RSS flight profile, so by no stretch of imagination any one can say it is an obsolete design of the 1980s. It has all the specs of any modern fighter out there.
proving the efficiency of low wing loading, RSS , high TWR fighters,for which he had no answers.

he finally blurted out that f-22 was not RSS in all flight profiles, but he now claims the opposite there!!!

Most of the rss fighters revert back to stable flight profiles once they cross mach 1,
But he still pretends that no one has ever countered his fake genius with proper facts and abusing me over there.
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New Member
Dec 23, 2012
Below is the image of p-110, So contrary to that mudheads claim ADA did not try to copy grippen, Every one including rafale, grippen , typhoon took a variation of this design and modified it according to their needs.
Ahem ever heard of SAAB Viggen, Mirage III S, Mirage 4000?


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Mar 6, 2011
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Ahem ever heard of SAAB Viggen, Mirage III S, Mirage 4000?
All of these are old designs not relevant at the design time of typhoon, grippen, tejas, and rafale air frames, .

If you google you can find the p-110 aerodynamic layout was current at that time, not the above ones you listed.

And it was the fore runner to both the grippen and typhoon with RSS aerodynamic lay out.
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Apr 15, 2014
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let of give you some of very funny example of tejas critiques
one says 200mm dia seeker in 178mm astra missile
one don't know difference between pakfa and fgfa( just read the thread of this forum you will know there are many)
one says to have canards though it failed when drdo tested it on tejas
one wants range and payload but don't know that a light aircraft is not designed to eight for 4000km but for lower rcs
he want range and payload instead of low rcs
just ignore it , you are doing great job
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