ADA Tejas (LCA) News and Discussions

Which role suits LCA 'Tejas' more than others from following options?

  • Interceptor-Defend Skies from Intruders.

    Votes: 342 51.3%
  • Airsuperiority-Complete control of the skies.

    Votes: 17 2.5%
  • Strike-Attack deep into enemy zone.

    Votes: 24 3.6%
  • Multirole-Perform multiple roles.

    Votes: 284 42.6%

  • Total voters
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Mar 6, 2011
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Unsung heroes having their day in the sun ,

after writing the glorious first chapter in Indian aeronautic history ,

with a world class product ,put through world class testing and certification mode ,

arriving at the nick of the time to keep IAF at cutting edge of air warfare,

couple of weeks after Mig-21 FL, which bombed the Pakistani governer's house in Dhakha

leading to a convincing win tor for the indian forces in the 1972 Indo-pak war,

and leading to the liberation of Bangladesh ,


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Mar 6, 2011
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Featured Articles Step 2: FOC and Fast Tracking Tejas MK-2 Development

FOC will also require higher AOA (Angle of Attack) from current 22-24 degrees to 28 degrees but this also has high risk element of Flame out. usually aircrafts are designed to handle much higher AOA then 28 degrees but Tejas Air-intakes which are smaller and have some design flaws might make it High Risk Test for Tejas , But ADA and HAL are planning to integrate a Backup Power Pack to allow engine restart if flames out does occur has a safety mechanism.
people back in business, saying some himalayan truths like tejas is the only fighter in the world to have back up power to allow engine restart all due the only reason of having a smaller air intake which could not be altered even after 2500 testflights and a decade of redesign,

Someone has to teach them that back up power plants is common in all single engined fighters all over the world and has nothing to do with tejas having a "a so called smaller intake"
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Sep 22, 2012
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Why the Light Combat Aircraft Tejas will be a game changer

Major Indian defence exporters including Russia, the United States, Israel and France need to worry as India is on course to acquire a capability it has long been working for but operational success has remained elusive. A few days ago India stepped closer to scripting history in a major defence indigenization effort: building its own fighter aircraft with stealth capabilities. On 20 December, the Defence Research Development Organization (DRDO)-developed Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas got Initial Operation Clearance (IOC) for induction into the Indian Air Force.

The event marked fruition of a long and difficult journey of three decades of efforts to make a fighter aircraft of international standards. If all goes well, the four plus generation aircraft is likely to get the Final Operational Clearance by December 2014 and be formally inducted into the IAF. It will also be inducted into the Indian Navy in due course. The Tejas project has cost India just Rs 7,000 crore – peanuts when compared to costs of similar aircraft in the world. The aircraft delivery is expected to commence from 2014.

The DRDO is also working on making an advanced medium aircraft with twin engines. The induction of the Tejas has been delayed for years. PTI To put things in perspective, IAF Chief NAK Browne hailed the LCA Tejas project and said the progress of such a challenging experimental project without any accident or major incident was unprecedented in the history of aviation. Incidentally, Tejas got the IOC just days before his retirement at the end of this month. Another important factor to be borne in mind is that Tejas getting IOC has given a major boost to India's military aviation along with the approval of several new programmes, such as Mk2 variants of Navy and Air Force;

Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft; Unmanned Air Systems; Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft and Medium Transport Aircraft. Tejas is designed to ultimately replace the Mig-21 series of IAF fleet of IAF and the timing of its IOC coincided with the iconic Mig-21 FL fighter flying into IAF's history just a week ago. While granting the IOC to Tejas, Defence Minister AK Antony pointed out that the capabilities of the aircraft had been improved significantly in the past three years. "In recognition of the enhanced capabilities, IAF has decided to grant the aircraft a higher status, namely, the Initial Operational Clearance for induction into the Service," he said.

Antony candidly admitted that he had his share of anxieties regarding the future of LCA ever since he had taken over as defence minister in 2006 but was happy to put behind the moments of self-doubt, frustrations and setbacks of past 30 years. "The improvements to the aircraft have enhanced the flight envelope of the aircraft and also weapon delivery capability of the aircraft. The performance at Iron Fist, Jaisalmer and the recent missile firing at Goa are examples of such improvements. The reliability of the aircraft and serviceability has also been enhanced. The number of flights nearing 500 within this year provides an indication of this. Operating at IAF bases namely, Jamnagar, Jaisalmer, Uttarlai, Gwaliar, Goa, Leh, Pathankot demonstrate the aircraft capability to operate from Air Force bases.

There have also been occasions when the same aircraft has flown thrice on the same day, indicating the operational reliability of this home-bred fighter aircraft," Antony observed while giving the IOC to Tejas in Bengaluru on 20 December. Tejas is the smallest, light weight, single engine, single seat, and supersonic, multirole, combat aircraft. Defence ministry's chief spokesperson Sitanshu Kar has described it as "one of the best in its class in the world" and said its four variants, including combat, trainer and naval, are being developed for land and carrier borne operations. Kar gave out some key features of Tejas remarking thus: "The quadruplex digital fly-by-wire flight control system ensures acceptable handling qualities while ensuring adequate safety throughout the flight envelope.

The advanced Glass cockpit open architecture system complements piloting." When Tejas got its first IOC on 10 January 2011, it still suffered from some rough patches as the aircraft had a few limitations in terms of Combat performance, turn- around time and its weaponisation which had to be refined and improved. Till date, more than 2450 sorties have been completed to achieve the flight test goals towards IOC-2 and the design issues were resolved. Tejas has the Multi Mode Weapon multirole capability, can fire Laser Guided Bombs, has passed all the tests for "All Weather Clearance" and has been cleared for fly without any telemetry support. It will enable the IAF to carry out air superiority and offensive air support missions, forward air field operations, all weather multi role operations, electronic counter measures and night flying operations. Moreover,

Tejas is capable of flying non-stop to destinations over 1700 km away and its Radius of Action is up to 500 km depending upon the nature and duration of actual combat. Tejas marks an important chapter in the annals of Indian defence industry towards self-reliance. The development also opens up an opportunity for India's public and private sector to work in tandem to develop and produce world-class military systems of the highest quality.

The writer is a FirstPost columnist and a strategic analyst who tweets @Kishkindha.

Read more at: Why the Indigenous Light Combat Aircraft Tejas will be a game changer | Firstpost


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Mar 6, 2011
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I don't disagree with that at all. Rafale gets something like 34-35 deg/s with canards. Gripen should not do as much, but should be a little closer to the mark. LCA requirements asked for Mirage-2000 like specs with around 29-30 deg/sec instantaneous. The STR of LCA is also around Mirage-2000's figures, around 17 deg/sec versus 24 deg/sec on Rafale. So, to get these simpler specs, canards were unnecessary fixtures.

ADA said that the canards would improve maneuverability dramatically, like it is for the Eurocanards, but for the requirements IAF wanted canards are not needed, instead simpler wing root twist allows achieving requirements without the complexity of designing FBW for canards.
Well same R&D (Rhona&Dhona)from our namesake forums, seems guys never get tired of lying,


The Nobody
Nov 5, 2013
Although the wing area is more than double that of the standard F-16 (633square feet vs. 300 square feet), the drag is actually reduced.

The skin friction drag that is a function of the increased wetted (skin surface) area is increased, but the other components of drag (wave, interference, and trim) that are a function of the configuration shape and arrangement are lower so that the "clean airplane" drag is slightly lower during level flight, and forty percent lower when bombs and missiles are added.

And although the thrust-to-weight (T/W) ratio is lower due to the increased weight, the excess thrust is greater because the drag is lower – and excess thrust is what counts."

Engine produces a fixed amount of thrust,

A part of the thrust is required to overcome the drag,

Remaining part of the thrust ,"effective thrust or excess thrust" is used for flight of the plane,

Due to low overall drag (which is a sum of three component drags ---wave+skin+interferance) much higher thrust is availablle for the plane to turn or roll or fly at a higher speed or fly farther.

Even though surface skin drag is high due to excess wing area of the large low wing loading wing, other components of drag like interferance and wave drag is reduced.

SO total air plane drag which is a sum of these three components of drag(skin, wave, interferance) is lower,

So Engine thrust-thrust required to overcome the air plane drag which is the effective thrust available for flight is higher for large wing loading cranked deltas like F-16XL and tejas,
Thanks for the education. I learnt something today from your posts.


New Member
Sep 19, 2011
One thing we should start doing in the right earnest is to let Tejas participate in Major Airshows in the world , Paris , UK , Dubai , Maks.

Send 2 Tejas one on ground display and one flying , let the business and aviation folks see it perform would certainly raise many eyebrows via its performance.

With the cost and technology involved Tejas would be competitive against its peers of similar class and has good export potential.


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Nov 13, 2011
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Why the Radar Range is just 40-50 km ?
This is much less than preiously stated figures. Is this because of nose cone limitation?

Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2


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Mar 6, 2011
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Why the Radar Range is just 40-50 km ?
This is much less than preiously stated figures. Is this because of nose cone limitation?

Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
indian radar range calibration is for 2 sq meters as fighter sized target ,

world wide the the norm for older radar range calibration is for 5 sq meters as fighter sized target,

So a 40 Km range as per indian norms will come close to 60 to 70 km range as per old global norms, to properly compare with the ranges of Mig-29 or grippen.

With quartz dome the radar range for older global fighter sized target will come close to 100 plus Km (as 80 Km for 2 sq meter targets as per indian norms automatically equals 100 plus Km radar range for global fighter sized target range of 5 sq meters, )

Any way the point to note is it's 650 mm space for antenna dia is 50 mm more than the grippens and almost equivalent to Mig-29 and Rafale. So if we leave out Su-30 MKI. it's radar range is quite significant in the present IAf fleet, higher than mirage-2000 now in service and good enough to aim a 100 plus Km BVR on a fighter sized(4 to 4.5th gen ) targets.

this I came across in BR in a post by karan.M So we need some source to authenticate this bit of info.

nowadays with ASEA radars norms have moved into 1 sq meter calibration range
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Abhijeet Dey

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May 6, 2013
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One thing we should start doing in the right earnest is to let Tejas participate in Major Airshows in the world , Paris , UK , Dubai , Maks.

Send 2 Tejas one on ground display and one flying , let the business and aviation folks see it perform would certainly raise many eyebrows via its performance.

With the cost and technology involved Tejas would be competitive against its peers of similar class and has good export potential.
HAL should first replace MIG-21's immediately which are getting old. Only after that we will think about exporting Tejas to other countries.


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Mar 6, 2011
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Blogger: Broadsword - Post a Comment

Many aerodynamic(dynamite!!!) experts are already blasting away at tejas here,

like, tejas is unbalanced, weight is more at the back ,harking back to their Bajaj chetak scooter ridding days!!!!,

Will be a very interesting read after a week.

All educated at Rajat Pandit headed "Times of india space warrior school" perhaps,

Well the continuous high value education they received at the hands of their professor is leaking out through out many forums and blogs all over the net like an unstoppable toxic waste.

Time to award the educational institution a citation of excellence perhaps for their lifetime service to the Tejas and Arjun programs.

Like Sachin Tendulkar they too are retiring after three decades of continuous services for the Arjun and tejas programs(should be as FOC draws near true facts are about to come out blasting their fabled stories on these two programs)
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Defcon 1

New Member
Nov 10, 2011
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Why the Radar Range is just 40-50 km ?
This is much less than preiously stated figures. Is this because of nose cone limitation?

Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
Explained in post #1927 of this thread


New Member
May 25, 2009
Why the Radar Range is just 40-50 km ?
This is much less than preiously stated figures. Is this because of nose cone limitation?

Sent from my GT-S5830 using Tapatalk 2
The aircraft is still in development, so give it time. Final MMR specs are supposed to be around 100 Km detection for a 5m2 target and a tracking range of 85 Km for a 5m2 target. These are a little better than Kopyo-M specs meant for Mig-21 Bison. I think even RDY-3 and Zhuk-ME specs are the same today. The move to AESA should considerably improve radar performance on Mk2. For Mk1 this is plenty.
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