ADA Tejas (LCA) News and Discussions

Which role suits LCA 'Tejas' more than others from following options?

  • Interceptor-Defend Skies from Intruders.

    Votes: 342 51.3%
  • Airsuperiority-Complete control of the skies.

    Votes: 17 2.5%
  • Strike-Attack deep into enemy zone.

    Votes: 24 3.6%
  • Multirole-Perform multiple roles.

    Votes: 284 42.6%

  • Total voters
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DFI Technocrat
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Mar 7, 2009
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First of all the JF would have already taken the market before the LCA.


New Member
May 25, 2009
First of all the JF would have already taken the market before the LCA.
No doubt about it. J-10 has a very good chance as well. Both will be cheaper than LCA anyway.

But I guess we can do the carrot and stick approach. Provide high level ToT and then say AMCA is available post 2030 or 2035 as a replacement fighter.

Even if we get one or two buyers with 1 squadrons each it will be a big deal for the program considering IAF and IN requirements are less than 200 together.


Mob Control Manager
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Feb 12, 2009

check the comment section

anandan said...

It seems this Tejas (PV1 as many have already pointed out) is getting some EW features
Broadsword said...




Broadsword said...


I never said that this is an "EW suite" being fitted on the LCA. I said that this was PV-1 being modified for an EW role!

I can't tell you too much about what is actually going into the fighter. The details will have to remain classified for now.


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Jun 23, 2010
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i think in export of LCA we need to be like chinese....start exporting even if its still in developing stage.....may be for resources!!


New Member
Apr 24, 2010
No doubt about it. J-10 has a very good chance as well. Both will be cheaper than LCA anyway.
Everybody who vouch by J10 and other Chineese products please read the below article

China tries to hide J-10 fighter crashes
On April 13, in the port city of Tianjin about 130- KM away from Beijing, China showed off its 4th Generation J-10 aircraft to military attaches of about 50 countries it could possibly export to. 9 days later as per Strategy page reports it was running to cover up the 2nd crash of the J-10 fighter that became public in the last two years.

The 22 April crash became public because a senior colonel had died in the crash and the funeral became too big to keep the story hushed. The news report also claims that the design of the 200-odd J-10s produced has not worked out as desired by its developers.

The crash and doubts over its design also comes as a set back to Pakistan, which was hoping to buy 36 J-10 in a deal worth US$1.4 billion has also been concluded reports China's English Peoples Daily. In the past it has exported fighter aircraft to Iran, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Pakistan. However, the pitfalls of reverse engineering without paying royalty and truly understanding the technology are high accident rates, a fact that China has hushed up with its lack of media freedom.

The first flight of the J-10 begun took place in 1998. It is the most advanced 4th Generation aircraft to be built by China. However, reports the development of J-10 has proven to be torturous. The prototype was rumoured to have first flown in 1996, but the project suffered a serious setback in late 1997 when the 02 prototype lost control and crashed, as the result of certain system failure, presumably with either the FBW system or the engine.

If the reports pertaining to the faulty design of the fourth generation fighter are serious enough, it will put the Chinese plans to replace the obsolete J-7 fighter and Q-5 attack aircraft in a limbo. With 2,000 combat aircraft China has the 3rd largest air force in the world.
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New Member
Aug 15, 2010
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Nice blow to both china and pakistan. I think mainly it is a bad blow for the PAF. They were bosting about their J-10's.........

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha..............


New Member
Aug 21, 2010
Thank God i never bought anything chinese....when the Chinese cells had just been introduced in India i remember in my college, my roomie bought a chinese cell which had everything init, cam, multimedia , so loud as if surround sound had been employed, memory equalling entire storage capacity of my college(kidding) just Rs 3000, and my nokia 2600 in those days had cost me 3500, and he was teasing me..Two days later his cell stopped working and the shop keeper wouldnt recognise him as there was no and then i teased him for the rest of the year..HEHEHE


New Member
May 25, 2009
One crash won't destory the program. Even Gripen crashed during prototype testing. It's a part of the development. Even if LCA crashes tomorrow, the project will go on.


Mob Control Manager
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Feb 12, 2009
DRDO official sees good export potential for Tejas

W. Selvamurthy, Chief Controller, Life Sciences, Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), said there could be a good export market for Tejas, the country's first indigenously built supersonic fighter aircraft, if the Centre okayed it.

Speaking to The Hindu recently, he said the DRDO had already received enquiries for Tejas from various countries.
Saying India was among very few countries in the world capable of producing fighter planes, Mr. Selvamurthy said that third world countries, developing countries and even some of the developed countries were markets for Tejas.
Mr. Selvamurthy said out of 40 Tejas aircraft ordered by the Indian Air Force (IAF), the Hindustan Aeronautical Limited (HAL) had already completed production of 10. It had already been figured in the inventory of IAF. Another 20 aircraft would be completed after the Final Operating Clearance is given.

It is expected that an order might be received for a large number of aircraft in 2012. HAL had also geared up its capacity building facilities, including assembly line and others.

It planned to increase the capacity to increase the number of aircrafts built in a year to meet the growing demand.

The distinguished scientist said the cost of aircraft, which stood around Rs.130 crore, was expected to come down once the HAL started large-scale production of Tejas.

black eagle

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Nov 22, 2009
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Hi-tech & Indian

Tejas, the indigenously built Light Combat Aircraft, is going places.

P.S. SUBRAMANYAM, Director, Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), Bangalore, stands next to a big model of India's own Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas, fondly runs his fingers over the edges of its wide wings, and says with a glimmer in his eyes: "This is the lightest combat aircraft in the world. Its pilots have told me that when they land, it is like landing on butter! The landing is so smooth. It is because the wings occupy the largest area of the aircraft's surface area. It has no tail! This is something special about this aircraft."

After a 20-year struggle, the indigenously built Tejas is going places. The attitude of the press to the LCA project has changed in the past two years after journalists realised that several hundreds of flights of Tejas were incident-free, that India has developed many of its systems and components on its own, and that the project was marching towards fruition, said K. Jayaprakash Rao, Regional Public Relations Officer, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Bangalore. The Initial Operations Clearance (IOC) it received on January 10 meant that its production could begin at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Bangalore. "So far we have spent Rs.6,000 crore on the project, which has resulted in 14 aircraft, out of which 11 are flying. The rest are ready to fly," said Subramanyam, who is also Programme Director (Combat Aircraft).

The Indian Air Force (IAF) has placed orders for 40 of them. Assembly lines have been built at HAL to roll out eight aircraft a year. The production capacity will be doubled to meet the requirement of 200 aircraft in the next decade. The IAF has suggested the development of a derivative, called Tejas Mark II, with a higher thrust engine and other improvements. The ADA is working on it and hopes to have a test flight in December 2014 and begin production in mid-2016.

The naval version of Tejas is ready and the first flight will take place in two months. A two-seater trainer version flew in November 2010 and one more will fly in the second half of 2011. The development of the Tejas trainer for both the Army and the Air Force will be completed in another 18 months, after which it will go into production. Tejas is powered by the GE-F404-IN20 engine from the United States.

The single-engine, single-seater, fourth generation aircraft is the smallest and lightest multi-role supersonic fighter in its class. The Delta wing aircraft (wingspan 8.2 metres, length 13.2 m, and height 4.4 m) will carry a variety of missiles and laser-guided bombs. Tejas is already integrated with the R-73 missile and is soon to be integrated with two Israeli missiles, Python-5, a close combat missile, and Derby, which can home in on targets more than 50 km away. The indigenous content of Tejas, which stands at 60 per cent now, will reach 70 per cent in its Mark II variant.

In the face of technology denial regimes and embargoes, the development of the aircraft epitomises the collaborative efforts of several institutions, among them the ADA, its principal partner HAL, and the Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE).

P.S. Krishnan, Director, ADE, said, "We have developed the most crucial technologies for Tejas. We have built a simulator for it, which is a world-class facility. We built the simulator for Arjun, the main battle tank. Simulators are a big area for us. We developed the digital fly-by-wire flight control systems for the LCA, which is a crucial technology."

"It is a state-of-the-art simulator. It can help the pilot fly his aircraft in any mode he wants," explained V.S. Chandra Shekar, Group Director, ADE. B.P. Sashidhara, Scientist, Flight Simulation Division, added, "Whatever manoeuvres we can do in real aircraft, we can do in the simulator. We can pitch, roll and yaw." V. Kala, Project Director for Tejas' flight control systems (FCS), S. Gurudev, Group Director, and Krishnan, who worked jointly on the FCS, were proud that the ADE was chosen to make it.

The fighter aircraft's performance has been flawless – in more than 1,550 flights, as on February 17, there have been no incidents at all, not to talk of accidents. Tejas has been flown successfully in extreme conditions – in Nagpur during peak summer at a searing 48° Celsius and in the rarefied heights of Leh at −28° C. The LCA is marching towards Final Operations Clearance in 2012.

Air Commodore Rohit Verma, Project Director, National Flight Test Centre, Bangalore, who has flown Tejas 55 times, said, "The aircraft handles very well. Young pilots have flown it. They find it safe. It has good sensors, radars, a helmet-mounted sight and an inertial navigation unit."

On the basis of a project definition document that was formulated in 1990, the ADA, in a report to the Ministry of Defence, said it would take seven years and Rs.4,000 crore to develop the LCA. It was conceived as an ambitious attempt to bridge huge technological gaps in multiple disciplines, including fighter aircraft design. The programme began in 1993 when the Government of India decided to support the technology development for the aircraft, which was completed in March 2004. The first Technology Demonstrator for flight took place earlier, in January 2001.

"The biggest challenge when we took up the programme in 1993 was to catch up with the rest of the world in fourth generation fighter aircraft technologies. The greatest achievement of this phase is that India mastered them," said Subramanyam. The fourth generation technologies are fly-by-wire flight control systems; unstable aerodynamics; glass cockpit incorporating the latest all-digital avionics systems; advanced composite materials for the airframe; and computer-based control of all electromechanical systems.

When India began the Tejas programme, the rest of the world argued that India would not be able to do it because it faced a gap of 30 years in developing these fourth generation technologies. Subramanyam said, "I should put on record here that it was the decision of persons such as [former President] A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and Kota Harinarayana that we should attempt these technologies. They said we should be confident that our youngsters would be able to achieve these technologies. "

Kota Harinarayana, former ADA Director, is the chief architect of the Tejas project. In honour of his contribution to the project, the letters "KH" were inscribed on the aircraft that made the first flight in January 2001.

The programme faced a setback in the form of U.S. sanctions in the wake of India testing five nuclear devices at Pokhran, Rajasthan, in May 1998. Again, the motivation provided by Kalam and Harinarayana helped the LCA team develop he fourth generation technologies without U.S. support.

"The five years of sanctions from 1998 to 2003 made us self-reliant and gave us the confidence that we could do things on our own," said Subramanyam. On the basis of the success of the first flight, the Government of India gave the go-ahead for a prototype vehicle and for the limited series production of Tejas. In 2006, the IAF, which funded the project, placed orders for a squadron of 20 aircraft, and in 2011, a few days before Tejas received its IOC, the IAF placed orders for another 20 aircraft.

In 2003, the Navy stepped in with funds for the development of a naval variant. The first prototype of the naval variant is in the final stage of development and will fly in the first half of 2011. The Navy has said it will require the Mark II variant as well and will fund the programme.

A team of test pilots from the IAF and the Navy gave suggestions on how to improve the aircraft's flying qualities. "The pilots were able to tell the designers how the aircraft should behave. So whatever deficiencies they had seen in other aircraft, we were able to overcome in Tejas," said Subramanyam.
"When the naval prototype completes its [aircraft] carrier compatibility trails by 2014, it will be a great achievement," he said. For India will be only the second country, after Russia, to have a fighter aircraft that can ski-jump from an aircraft carrier and land on the carrier." The ski jump involves a short runway on the aircraft carrier for take-off and landing with the help of an arrester. The U.S.' fighter aircraft use the catapult method to take off and land on carriers.

A spin-off from the programme is that it has nurtured many private industries to take the various fourth generation fighter aircraft technologies to new levels of design, development, testing and fabrication.
Meanwhile, the Kaveri engine for fighter aircraft being developed by the Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE), a DRDO laboratory in Bangalore, crossed a milestone on November 3, 2010, when an IL-76 aircraft flew with it for an hour at an altitude of 6,000 m at a speed of 0.6 Mach (0.6 times the speed of sound). This trial took place at the Gromov Flight Research Institute (GFRI), Moscow, Russia. DRDO officials said the engine control, performance and health were excellent during the flight. The IL-76 was modified for this flight-trial, with the Kaveri engine replacing one of the four engines of the IL-76. A team of 20 GTRE scientists worked with the GFRI for these trials.

In a year or so, the GTRE and Snecma (French manufacturer of civil and military aircraft engines) will start working jointly on Kaveri, and the engine will reach final development in about five years. There are plans to integrate the engine with Tejas to evaluate and validate Kaveri's design. "This will give us the confidence to work with Snecma," said Subramanyam.


New Member
Feb 21, 2011
General characteristics

* Crew: 1
* Length: 13.20 m (43 ft 4 in)
* Wingspan: 8.20 m (26 ft 11 in)
* Height: 4.40 m (14 ft 9 in)
* Wing area: 38.4 m² (413 ft²)
* Empty weight: 6,560 kg (14,460 lb)
* Loaded weight: 10,500 kg (23,100 lb)
* Max takeoff weight: 13,300 kg (29,540 lb)
* Powerplant: 1× General Electric F404-GE-IN20 turbofan
o Dry thrust: 53.9 kN (11,250 lbf)
o Thrust with afterburner: 85 kN (19,000 lbf)
* Internal fuel capacity: 2458 kg
* External fuel capacity: 2x1200 litre drop tank at inboard, 1x725 litre drop tank under fuselage.


* Maximum speed: Mach 1.8 (2,376+ km/h at high altitude) at 15,000 m
* Range: 3,000 km (1,840 mi) without refueling
* Service ceiling: 15,000 m (49,200 ft (engine re-igniter safely capable))
* Wing loading: 221.4 kg/m² (45.35 lb/ft²)
* Thrust/weight: 0.91


New Member
Oct 2, 2009
Canards will add to the RCS of the plane and would take time to develop aswell .
Canards also slow down the aircraft at high speeds. Not something that is viable for plane designed primarily as an interceptor.


Mob Control Manager
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Feb 12, 2009


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Apr 11, 2010
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Tejas induction may overshoot deadline

Indian Air Force was slated to fly the fighter aircraft by March 2011

The Indian Air Force would have to wait for another 10 months or a year for the induction of indigenously developed light combat aircraft Tejas, it has been learnt. While earlier the aircraft was slated to be inducted into the IAF by March 2011, now even the clearance to operationally fly the fighter may not be available by this period.

There has been a delay in the completion of the Tejas project and the aircraft was not likely to meet the March 2011 deadline, as had been announced by Defence Minister AK Antony, sources said.

A meeting of the Parliamentary Consultative Committee on Defence was held yesterday and the members were informed that the LCA (Tejas) was approaching the initial operational clearance scheduled for December, but the final operational clearance — after which it would be inducted into the IAF — may only be possible by next year-end, the sources said.

After the operational clearance, the first lot of fighters would be handed over to the Air Force. Subsequently, a series of tests would be conducted. A review is being conducted by the IAF Chief every quarter to check the progress on Tejas, the sources said.

Notably, a contract for the procurement of 20 Tejas was allotted to Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) on March 31, 2006. The total contract cost was Rs 2,701 crore. The delay in LCA production was primarily due to refinements carried out in the development phase. A total of Rs 1,712 crore has already been paid to HAL till 2009-end.

The delay in the project was due to certain technical complexities and denial of critical technology, including the fly-by-wire system, that keeps the fighter stable as its takes twists and turns, it has been learnt. The programme was originally envisaged some 25 years ago.

Meanwhile, Antony yesterday told the Parliamentary Consultative Committee that the Ministry would be making all efforts to create an environment for speedy indigenisation of defence systems and platforms. Certain policy decisions were on the anvil to give a big boost to the defence industry and for the production of futuristic weapon systems within the country. The meeting reviewed the performance of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

The DRDO is working on various projects like LCA, aero-engine, electronic warfare system, long-range and medium-range missiles, early warning systems, low intensity conflict technologies, radars, armament systems, etc.

Meanwhile, members of Parliament have expressed concern over the cost and time overruns for different projects. The DRDO was asked to come back with the detail of cost and time over-runs for each project and the reasons for the delay, the sources said.


Founding Member
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Feb 24, 2009
According to the Indian military website reports Kara, Vietnam and India will reach 5 billion U.S. dollars in military contracts, the introduction of 20 from India, developed by three generations of the Indian LCA fighter aircraft used India's most advanced stealth technology to escape the on-board and the general radar tracking, offset by the Chinese J-10 air superiority. The article said that Vietnam and the large number of purchase of the aircraft, its purpose is to respond to the growing China-Vietnam border and the upcoming air forces equipped aircraft carrier, Vietnam in order to keep its occupation of the island and resources, determined to break with China at all costs.

This article analyzes that from 2005, China began manufacturing aircraft carrier announced, and with J-10 carrier aircraft, which is fatal in Vietnam is simply the message, the right-wing forces in Vietnam, took the opportunity to render the threat of China and within the military won the leadership, in this case, look back in Vietnam in recent years, the move is not surprising.

Indian military experts warned Vietnam not too much, or China is likely to suddenly start to Vietnam!

The official name for the LCA Tejas, the aircraft is to meet the original design concept of the Indian Air Force and Navy combat a range of different needs. Indian Air Force used basic single-seat fighter would be a multi-functional, both perform tasks compete for air superiority, but also shoulder-to-ground attack missions and to ship. Key performance indicators:

Models: Universal; Navy; two-seater trainer.

  Length: 13.20 m

  Height: 4.40 m

  Wingspan: 8.20 m

  Aspect Ratio: 1.8

  Wing area: 37.5 square meters

  Main Track: 2.20 m

  Front and rear track: 4.34 m

  Empty weight: 5.5 tons

  Maximum external capacity: 4 tons

  Takeoff Weight (without plug) 8.5 tons

  Wing loading (no plug-in) 221.4 kg / m

  Thrust load (no plug) 106kg/kN

  Maximum level flight speed (high altitude) M1.6

  Service ceiling: 15,240 m

  Overload limit: +9 /-3.5g

Weapons and equipment: 23 MM dual cannon; seven plug-in launch point, capable of firing air to air, ground, air-ship missiles, unguided rockets, anti-tank bombs, conventional bombs, but also plug-in electronic warfare pods and reconnaissance pods, fuel tank.
Indian LCA fighter

Vietnam Air Force has recently been in the South China Sea in the direction of movement, and procurement of advanced aircraft from Russia broke the rumor, which attracted many people's attention. Currently, the total strength of the Vietnamese Air Force, 3 million people, air force of about 480 aircraft of various types, including 240 combat aircraft. But Vietnam is basically in the hands of antique aircraft class, which is the Vietnamese Air Force, the current dilemma.
Su -27 jerry
  Vietnam hands of more advanced aircraft is Su Su -27 and -30, according to data from Wikipedia, the Vietnamese now equipped with 12 Su-30MK2V, Order 24; 36 SU -27SK/UBK.
  In 1994, Vietnam from Russia ordered the first batch of Su-27SK fighter 5 and a Su-27UBK fighter trainer aircraft in 1997 and the introduction of the second batch of two Su-27K and 5 Su-27UBK. In April 2003, and this year, Vietnam and have ordered 4 and 8 more advanced Su -30 fighter.
  Vietnam 370 Vietnam Air Force fighter division called "Ace in the trump card", which is the largest reorganization of the military in 1999 after Vietnam the only fighter with heavy Soviet troops -27/30.
  However, it was reported in Vietnam in the procurement blindly "cheap." Su-27SK, for example, Vietnam cheap basic configuration options, they do not accept the aerial refueling capability, and can carry drop tanks also reduced the number to two, and light fighter aircraft flight down to the equivalent of about 1390 km. According to the Russian "Air Force Times" reported, Vietnam or even abolish the Soviet-27SK-to-ground attack capability of the sea, leaving only air to air missile launch capabilities. Meanwhile, Su-27SK fighter cockpit instrumentation is also stuck in the 80s level.

"Chicken" will continue to service the aircraft
  Compared with the three generations of aircraft, the Air Force is currently the main force in Vietnam is still the MiG-50s of last century -21 series about aviation regiment equipped with a 7. MiG -21 Mikoyan Design Bureau developed the Soviet Union light supersonic fighter. Design 1953, 1958, the armed forces.
  Mig -21 has been hailed as the air "AK-47" rifle, solid, reliable, excellent performance and low cost. It was exported to many countries, more than 50 countries around the world became the Air Force's main models. Up to now, the MiG -21 produced a total of over 10,000 aircraft. After World War II, no one can be like Mig -21 aircraft as the development of military aviation on the world have such a huge impact.
  On several occasions during the Vietnam War MiG -21 to participate in air combat, an encouraging result. Sino-Vietnam border war of 1987, I had shot down a missile unit in Vietnam MiG -21 plane and captured the pilot.
  Into the 70's, the Soviet Union Mikoyan Design Bureau introduced the ultimate version of the MiG -21: MiG -21 Bies, this transformation is the key to the MiG -21 pulse Doppler radar system installed, head-up display, multi- function displays. Vietnamese Air Force, the existing 160 "MiG -21 Biscay."
  However, in order to extend the life of MiG aircraft, MiG -21 until recently designers of the aircraft still on the grandfather to modernize, extend its life. They developed and implemented the "MiG -21 Bies" reform plans for the MiG--21-93.
  It is reported that Russia's Mikoyan Design Bureau has successfully developed a "MiG -21-93" the installation of a new IFF, "Spear" radar, infrared display device, such as HUD, its air to air missiles including R-77, R-73 and so on. As the "MiG -21 Bies," the successor, "MiG -21-93" and "MiG-29M" will be used to perform combat tasks.
  For some time, Vietnam's economic growth is considerable, of course, have to get enough money repairing something new, so the MiG -21 to face the fate to the stage of history, but part of the Vietnamese generals are worried that if too quickly out of the MiG -21, the Air Force will seriously shrink the size. View, be regarded as "tasteless" MiG -21 service in Vietnam but also quite a long time.
  Su -22, picking bargains in other countries
  Vietnam Navy's surface fleet is too weak to make up for the Vietnamese Air Force had to shoulder a large number of sea tasks. Therefore, the current Air Force in Vietnam in 5 groups with 4 attack aircraft loaded Russian-made Su -22 series aircraft.
  The Soviet Union during the Cold War Soviet -22 major ground attack fighters of the sea, since 1973 exports to all WTO countries. With the origin of the Eastern European Warsaw Pact countries to join NATO, these practices do not meet NATO's aircraft and large-scale flow to Vietnam. Currently, the Vietnamese Air Force has 80 Su -22, divided into single-seat Su-22M4 and Su-22UM3K two-seater.
  March 23, 2005, the United Kingdom, "Jane's Defense Weekly" once broke the news that Vietnam, the Czech Republic in Ukraine obtained from a number of modified SU -22 to-ground attack aircraft, but the specific number of modified uncertainty.
  Because of structural fatigue problems, the Czech Republic in October 2001 the Air Force grounded 13 of these aircraft, the Air Force in early 2002, the Czech Republic the last 10 -22 tactical bomber Su-retired. Thus, strong enough financial resources to buy the Vietnamese put it down, as the porter hospital nursing baby.
  1996 and 1998, Vietnam with the 32 single-seat two-seat Su-22M4 and Su-22UM3 been upgraded by the Russian company, both by upgrading the aircraft with the use of AA-12 (R-77) BVR air to air missile , AS-14 ground missile, AS-17 AS-18 anti-ship missiles and ground missile.
  Weakness of the Vietnamese Air Force long way to go
  January 2009, Vietnam had scheduled for 12 Russian Su-30MK2 fighters, but as the world financial crisis has reduced 4, a direct response to the distress of the Vietnamese Air Force. Vietnam's air force totally dependent on the Soviet Union (later Russia), due to the aircraft and spare parts supply interruption or reduction, the aging of the Vietnamese air force has become increasingly prominent. The number of air force equipment from the mid 20th century, 80 of about 700, down to the present 480. To change this situation, the Vietnamese new fighters for the Russian desire to obtain a pressing need.
  Modernization of the Vietnamese Air Force is expected to take about 7.5 billion. This expenditure does not include on-board weapons and spare parts. This calculation, Vietnam in the next 15 years or so to spend $ 500,000,000 per annum to buy new equipment or improve equipment on active service. However, according to Western estimates, the annual defense expenditures in Vietnam less than 10 billion dollars. Moreover, the reform of Vietnam is currently experiencing some difficulties, foreign trade deficit showed a rising trend. This modernization of the Vietnamese Air Force has brought some adverse effects.

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New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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India has not completed indigenous procurement, this is a BS article. The engines for the LCA will come with a no export clause.
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