6th Generation Aircraft Discussion

Bhartiya Sainik

Regular Member
Dec 14, 2021
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No matter how the 6th gen fighters will look, according to preliminary requirements outlined & the upgrades happening on F-22 & F-35, all parameters like size, volume, empty weight, gross weight, MTOW, fuel, longer range weapons, more EW capability, dry/wet thrust, more A/c range, cost, etc could be 50-60% more than present heavy jets like F-22, F-15, Su-57, Su-35, etc. All external work-around upgrades, attachments, extensions on F-22 & F-35 need to be permanent part of fuselage of 6th gen jet.

The Tempest & FCAS designs look different. Below is a notional speculation that 6th gen jet in USAF will be a tail-less delta & its size comparison with F-22, f-35, B-2 & B-21.

Just like F-16 was compared to F-35, same way F-22 can be compared to NGAD.
If F-22 is taken as base reference, with empty weight 19.7 tons (43,340 lbs) & MTOW 38 tons (83,500 lbs), then a 50% increase means empty weight 29.5 tons (65,000 lbs) & MTOW 57 tons (125,250 lbs). The figures are more than heaviest jets like Su-34, MiG-31, F-111 -
Su-34 empty weight 22.5 tons (49,500 lbs), MTOW 45.1 tons (99,220 lbs).
MiG-31 empty weight 21.8 tons (48,000 lbs), MTOW 46.2 tons (101,640 lbs).
F-111C empty weight 21.4 tons (47,080 lbs), MTOW 49.9 tons (110,000 lbs).

F-22's F119-PW-100 engine thrust is 116-120 KN, 11.8-12.3 tons, 26,000-27,000 lbf DRY and
156-165 KN, 15.9-16.8 tons, 35,000-37,000 lbf WET/REHEAT/AFTERBURNER.
F-22s will go under upgrade to make them 5.5gen, 11 Bn US$ already sanctioned. They have been spotted with stealthy pylon-pods speculated to be EOTS+EW, perhaps DEW also. So the F-22 engines may also go under upgrade for that capability & to maintain T/W ratio.

50% increase means 175-180 KN, 17.8-18.4 tons, 39,000-40,500 lbf DRY and
234-247.5 KN, 23.9-25.2 tons, 52,500-55,500 lbs WET/REHEAT/AFTERBURNER.

F-35's F-135-PW-100 engine thrust is 128.1 KN, 13 tons, 28,757 lbf DRY and
191.3 KN, 19.5 tons, 43,000 lbf WET/REHEAT/AFTERBURNER.
These engines have different dimensions & weight, not designed keeping in mind future upgrade for F-22. Now the engines will undergo core upgrade for more cooling & electricity indicating DEW. The rest of the outer engine will remain same as stated by makers meaning not a completely new engine. Similar changes may apply to F-22 engines.

But the 6th gen may require more thrust & might be bigger than F-35's F-135 engine.
The GE XA-102 & P&W XA-103 adaptive engines are being developed for 6th gen jets but their dimensions & thrust range are being kept secret obviously, just mentioned as 45,000 lbf class which unlikely because upgraded F-135 engine will be in this class. The engines for FOC jets will most likely be superior to those used for Prototypes.
For a single-engine 6th gen stealth jet, its engine needs to be more powerful than upgraded F-135 engine.

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