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  1. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Indian media wrong as always doklam standoff, 2014 . crazy Ajay shukla marked it as about 1km away from bend we crossed even that point and thrashed them. reason y we crossed ahead of river bend was to prevent chinese from building road . we crossed on May and setup tents (pic below) ...
  2. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    we thrashed them at chinese buffer zone end , 1.4km from PP14 we killed them there. do u have vid of veterans saying PP14 was not at bend. i know people claim that , i am not expert or anything , just want to know truth even if its bad.
  3. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    we got what we wanted - chinese posts out of river bend PP14 + 1.4 km away from it we have always welcomed a buffer zone - with both sides patrolling. so really no issues there. only seen ajay shukla explicitly put out a map stating this. if this is true then most of the buffer is on our...
  4. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    i dont think so. They strongly claim the whole of Tawang . no need to makeup anything for a small part of it. the area is inside our ridge line , chinese have no business claiming any of it . its at this valley...
  5. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    fuck man , i was reading this weibo post on possible location of that stand off. we took control of a whole lot of shit from the chinese in 1999 , in tawang. entire pastures , valleys , including holy water fall. post says there was the yugoslav chinese-embassy bombing thing in 1999 during...
  6. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    no old one from last month no idea , 🤷‍♀️ . if u find it do post it here.
  7. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    :hmm: huh no idea ,not narrow but like this area in galwan ?
  8. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    i think this is one of the very earliest pic from galwan , before all the heavy stuff started. the chinese officer is qui shabo or something , the one who got head injury
  9. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    i think this is a pasture near that water falls i posted earlier. both sides have stand offs here. i think we call it yangste area / pasture @mist_consecutive can u dig anything up ? :cool1: looks like chinese people got really thrashed. we have 1/2 km long walls along the ridge nearby too...
  10. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    :yawn: man y r u mods talking with that chinese dude. just remove him from this thread for 2-3 days dude is really enjoying this. chinese forums wont even allow their own people to voice *any* argument against them moment they do , they will be called taiwan frog and banned.
  11. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    If such leak from the Chinese side continues we will see pictures leaking from our side. they have been leaking for more than a year. pretty soon they will compile all the vid and pics into a 2hr movie and release it to theatres. i have 0 doubt that the tawang thing happened , and we have...
  12. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Posting my prediction again My prediction: 👉 THERE WILL BE A MAJOR BREAK THROUGH IN TOMMOROW'S TALKS 👉 chinese will MOVE BACK FROM SOME CURRENTLY HELD POSITION. 👉 the pictures they released today are to reduce the blowback domestically 👉 GOI is also aware of this . hence no word from our...
  13. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    man really what an image , PLA propaganda arm is top notch. all the indian rifles on ground , ready to be given out to IA/ITBP standing in line like they are at the ration store. :dude: still hoping that this is "part" of the talks. if the talks dont go anywhere and 1 year from now nothing...
  14. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    My prediction: 👉 THERE WILL BE A MAJOR BREAK THROUGH IN TOMMOROW'S TALKS 👉 chinese will MOVE BACK FROM SOME CURRENTLY HELD POSITION. 👉 the pictures they released today are to reduce the blowback domestically 👉 GOI is also aware of this . hence no word from our side. trust me i have sources 👉
  15. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    IMHO , what ever pictures we have will be released. gov is still waiting , hoping to resolve the rest of friction points peacefully. that wont happen if GOI upsets the chinese babies. chinese are taking full advantage of that , fucking with us , when its possible. if that strategy is done or...
  16. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    assured Chinese that these type of incidents will not occur again. the stand off was only resolved years later. we didnt give them anything. Rajiv Gandhi had more balls than current administration or the vajpayee one. i see nothing wrong with the agreement itself , some sort of arrangment...
  17. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Rajiv Gandhi didnt go to china with his hands folded. PLA got kicked off the pasture they were holding in 1987. whats true is that indian army quickly grabbed nearby ridges , something i read that China study group was against.
  18. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    we did cross LAC , "decapitated" sounds like fake story. :dude: i want to see Kadi Ninda feeding bottle milk , jelabi and golgapas to that PLA captured in tawang lying on a bed - all while he slowly whispers "kadi ninda ... kadi ninda" to camera.
  19. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    new ones from early pangong tso clash , lol its raining pics today.
  20. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    :yawn: fuck who cares about some pics , lets see what happens on ground