India-China 2020 Border conflict

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The Shrike

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Jun 12, 2021
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The issue is not really the leaked photos but the GOI (including military) but that their handling of the entire situation has been mostly ineffectual.
- First we got "surprised" again, and our initial reaction was flatfooted.
- Then Galwan happens, but instead of taking punitive action against them we try to cover it up (using the bravery of our Javans who should have never been put in that un enviable position).
- Then all the gains made in Op Snow leopard were wasted by agreeing to a dis-engagement in that sector but not getting the Chinese to pull back troops from the theater. Now the PLA has brought in even more numbers and is digging in - Why?
- Also we have not junked the stupid border agreements, that just gives the Chinese incentive to do salami slicing, worst case for them is that a few of their conscripts get beaten up, best case they permanently occupy some area.
- On the international front we we are acting mealy mouthed, taking part in summits with the Chinese in International fora while they drag their feet in dis engagement talks.
- And what happened to economic action, after the app ban and 5g trials no significant steps have been taken, out trade deficit is actually higher now compared to last year.
- We agreed to a cease fire with the Paxi, so they could concentrate on destabilising Afghanistan, then moved RR troops to the LAC. Now the Paxis are done with Af, they conduct a UAV strike on a IAF assets, do CFV as and when they want to, and now this new target killing campaign - What has been our response been to this?

More and more looks like the powers that be are in over their head, like another poster said they are acting like a deer caught in the headlights, not even able to react let alone take proactive or preemptive steps. It's been slowing simmering and has now reached a boiling point.

The Shrike

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Jun 12, 2021
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fuck man , i was reading this weibo post on possible location of that stand off.

we took control of a whole lot of shit from the chinese in 1999 , in tawang.

entire pastures , valleys , including holy water fall.

post says there was the yugoslav chinese-embassy bombing thing in 1999

during the time , we took over areas.

we did the same shit they do to us , took over large grazing land , erected stone walls . kicked out their herdsmen from large section of grazing land.

funny , i never read any of this anywhere!!
Did you forget to add the Pepe copium meme 😅.


New Member
May 31, 2020
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Did you forget to add the Pepe copium meme 😅.
Propoganda to make claims on our lands to show they are right and we are wrong don't fall for it
i dont think so.

They strongly claim the whole of Tawang . no need to makeup anything for a small part of it.

the area is inside our ridge line , chinese have no business claiming any of it .

its at this valley

we also build long stone walls , about 300m long on top of ridge to keep them out.


The Shrike

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Jun 12, 2021
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For me, the new information is the sheer number of Indian troops captured by PLA after the galwan clash, as can be seen from the below pic..
So, Indian Army retaliation was pretty forgettable. Wonder how professional and well led these guys in IA are..

View attachment 114026
They were not trained to fight a medieval hand weapon meele battle in the night, that too with only improvised weapons (or no weapons) and no protection (riot gear), unlike the Chinese who were fully prepared for that situation. Still they did not shy away from battle and achieved what they could, with out regard for their lives - they were though professionals. The "Commander in Chief" however, jury is out on that.

The Shrike

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Jun 12, 2021
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This episode ...

Trouble occurred over payment of price for coal smuggling between Meghalaya & Bangladesh.
BSF & BDR had disagreements & firefight took place. Within 24 hours Assam Rifles had built up & artillery support for AR had been requisitioned from Umroi Cantt.

Orders were given by DGAR for military operations. Then the "facts" became known....
To paraphrase, "They may have been bastards, but they were our bastards", this incident set set a very bad precedent, another point on our soft state credentials.


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Oct 27, 2019
During Kargil war India won the narrative war as well. Reporters were embedded with the troops. Every evening there used to be joint press conference were in airforce showcased video of aerial bombing done by mirage. We used laser bombs and we showed this highly classified capability to everyone.
Compare this to today's scenario. If any organization is saying that we don't need to show anyone anything, they are doing a grave mistake. They are the ones who are giving space to rumor mongers by letting the doubts exist. People have every right to ask questions during peace time. During a full on war it's another thing and the govt and any organization involved should be supported with out any questions.
In any future conflict it better that Indian Armed Forces themselves release pictures and videos directly to public through there Public Relations than through idiotic Indian Media who will try to create fake sensationalism and also as long as reporters like Burkha Dudd exist the Indian media can’t trusted with any sensitive information.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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How the fuck were they captured , I don't just understand .
I don't understand.
Not so hard to not understand. it was known, people forgot about it.
i definitely remember another post where input was PLA were chased for 1.5 km inside.
these new photos match this report.
This post is from original LAC thread, we are on LAC thread 3 now, posted on Jun 20th 2020.
'Snapped Necks, Smashed Faces Beyond Recognition': How Indian Soldiers Killed Chinese PLA Troops After CO Fell
bySwarajya Staff-Jun 20, 2020 07:04 PM
'Snapped Necks, Smashed Faces Beyond Recognition': How Indian Soldiers Killed Chinese PLA Troops After CO Fell

The India-China border. (Biju Boro/AFP/GettyImages)
In the counter-attack following the killing of their commanding officer Colonel B Santosh Babu by Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) troops in Ladakh's Galwan valley, the jawans of 16 Bihar regiment, using the most "primitive fighting methods", snapped the necks of at least 18 PLA troops and smashed their faces beyond recognition, reports Deccan Chronicle.
The jawans of 16 Bihar were reportedly joined by the 'Ghatak' troops. Together, they "unleashed a reign of terror, unheard in modern military history", the report said.
The PLA had a tough time handling the bodies of its soldiers, many of whose limbs were broken or severed, the report said citing inputs gathered from multiple sources.
Bodies of the slain PLA soldiers were scattered all over the ridge and nearby gorge.
According to the report, the "primitive fighting methods" by the Indian soldiers using stones, bayonets and sticks suggest they were merciless in their attack the moment their commanding officer fell.
Launching a counterattack, 60 Indian troops charged towards the PLA personnel.
As the word spread about Colonel's death, the 16 Bihar men were said to have joined by the Ghatak troops.
The Ghatak commandoes are experts in close-quarter battle and spearhead assaults ahead of the battallion, the report said.
Both, 16 Bihar men and Ghatak troops together chased down at least 18 PLA troops.
"Some had their necks dangling from their bodies, while those whose faces were smashed with stones were beyond recognition," sources were quoted in the report as saying.
The sources further said that Indian troops too were attacked brutally but the counter-attack by Indian soldiers was as brutal as it could get.
As they Avenged the death of their CO, the soldiers were chanting war-cries, they added.
The attack and counter-attack went on for over four hours. Few Indian troops snatched swords and rods from Chinese soldiers and used them against the enemy.
According to the sources quoted in the report, many PLA troops tried to escape and were chased by Indian soldiers. However, the chasing Indian troops ended up in PLA custody as their numbers multiplied.
These soldiers were among those who were released on Friday (19 June), the report said.

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New Member
Jun 20, 2021
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We have not been in a long "total war" type scenario since Independence, so it's not known how the citizenry will react.

Indian social media post Abhinandan's capture could provide some clues.
Glad to know I am not the only one who was baffled and disgusted by that.

Seriously, just a few weeks ago people were crying about the dead martyrs of pulwama and then became absolute dhimmis when one our plane was downed.


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
Wow. What mayhem!

What exactly happened here? Any new information that people came to know in past couple of days which was not available from June 2020 onwards?

Hey, I even got distinctions like this for my efforts ;)

(Just an example).

View attachment 114023
Here comes the insider who watched NDTV first to tell us about the incident after few days.

Trying teaching meaning of casualties to a Intensive Care doctors who is still working in a Causality ward.

Somehow I thought I had fixed his diarrhea last time as he became patriot after being a consistent leader of meltdown pack. But looks like it is chronic IBS which get worse after each time Chinese release a propaganda material.


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
20 Soilders got killed and these losers are teaching us the science behind hand to hand combat with one sided story to earn brownie points for their digital ego.

You know why? They are too desperate and dumb to interpret things, so easily fall for enemy propaganda.

That same loser was saying there were casualties. Yes Einstine 20 were killed and many injured. We can count and visualize what happened. The context at that time was again one sided story and meltdown of losers.

Here the so-called patriots dependent on Chinese propaganda reminds me of alcoholic suffering from withdrawal symptom with a very common symptom of suspecting his own wife’s character. Therefore these all wife beaters do similar kind of analysis follow popular propaganda, come out quickly soon the news break and mislead gullible followers that they know everything and have insider’s information ignoring statements made by Indian military officers and top political leadership.


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
Optics matter.
Maintaining silence might be the honorable thing to do but in this day and age of SM, the general public will suffer due to your silence mistaking it for a loss.
Losses happen on both sides. Look at Pakistan who daily bury their soldiers in the dark of night and rarely disclose their KIA. By that logic Indian general public should fall for their narrative that they are losing no soldier?
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New Member
Feb 8, 2021
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Losses happen on both sides. Look at Pakistan who daily bury their soldiers in the dark of night and rarely disclose their KIA. By that logic Indian general public should fall for their narrative that they are losing no soldier?
Indian public is still very insecure about our capabilities. This'll change over the next 2-3 decades. But, for now most of our public isn't strong enough to deal with the propaganda from the enemy camp.

In the meantime, it doesn't cost much to put out our view to counter the Chinese propaganda. It's better than remaining silent IMO.
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United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
Indian public is still very insecure about our capabilities. This'll change over the next 2-3 decades. But, for now most of our public isn't strong enough to deal with the propaganda from the enemy camp.

In the meantime, it doesn't cost much to put out our view to counter the Chinese propaganda. It's better than remaining silent IMO.
This will never change. It is in our bones. 1000 years of salvery will always seek approval from others.

India has never used injured enemy soldiers for propaganda. The pictures of 1971 war surrender of PA was also not released by us but covered by international media. I don't mind if they change it now. But I have my doubts.


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Feb 8, 2021
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This will never change.
Disagree. Grandparents >>> Parents >>> Current generation

I can already see a significant difference in the mentality of our people.

It is in our bones.
Not really. We are one of the handful nations that succesfully drove out Islamic invaders. Yes, we suffered but we prevailed.

Like Yogi says "Hindu kabhi nirashavadi nahi ho sakta"

1000 years of salvery will always seek approval from others.
500 max. Also, when the Brits landed on our shores, we were already ravaged by Islamic invaders/rulers so much so that we fell behind and couldn't keep up. It was a bad chain of events. Civilizations have ups and downs. Europeans were considered "savages" by the Romans at a time when India arguably had a superior civilization to the Romans themselves.

We fell, we'll rise again.

I don't mind if they change it now. But I have my doubts.
Oh they won't. It was just an observation from my side.
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