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  1. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    we asked chinese to move back from PP15 from the video someone else posted , problem is if u go north from there , u reach chinese galwan strong hold and then from there eventually the galwan valley but from behind. which is militarily good for us , bad for them. so chinese said "LOL NO"...
  2. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Doklam bro , from 2014 , hard to believe. person on twitter geolocated it.
  3. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    nah man , i seen journalists , veterans post sat images from google without realising its old people get confused easily. just yesterday saw this post from a toxic chini mofo , still thinks chinese camps are on F5
  4. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    dude those images on ZoomEarth are from 4-5 years back . LMAO just post it here. if the GOV files FIR against u or arrest u , we will make thread on u . dont worry.
  5. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    lake isnt frozen now , those are from january yes ur chodu now post here anyways
  6. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    :O , where sentinel ? , other source ?
  7. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    what exacty will China fight for ? they are saying to us "be happy with progress so far" loser here is us ,we are the one begging for talks , either we start some shit or no war. what will happen is more 100+ patrols , pushing , punching , stone throwing etc
  8. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    yep, we are now building everywhere. people pointed out to me several new large posts with helipad around ladakh near LAC past year. plus several posts + proper road to gogra , which @mist_consecutive pointed out. also the DBO road being black topped now - but havent been announced. same in...
  9. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    Chinese vacating depsang because we held some peaks in pangong tso is insane idea just look at the crazy build up there . IMHO depsang is the key area , everything else is secondary. primary chinese goal is to safe guard aksai chin , always has been primary GOI+MEA goal was to make sure...
  10. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    disgusting to see some one like me who been following this closley since last year do it like this. you literally have articles on front-page here. :dude: u need to tie a long rope around neck and tie other end to the bridge. thats the way to do it.
  11. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    he is very very wrong about the chinese building metal road to PP14 across buffer zone in galwan checked it just now , sat images from 4 days ago. they are building a road outside buffer zone. which they have been doing for a year now. rest god knows , maybe 10% truth. there is no chai...
  12. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    probably just to put pressure on india , to accept current LAC as status quo. they will slowly turn LAC into LOC , more 100+ incursions every month or week.
  13. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    @knowitall2 :dude: guess i was wrong . real reason they published those pics is the tawang incident. CCP released statement calling indian news of chinese detained as false news . and they manually made the news trend on weibo all day yesterday. Yesterdays talks was on PP15 , u can see...
  14. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    sorry to disappoint but thats just behind scenes from bollywood movie . pics sadly are real.
  15. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

  16. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    fuck man , that vid is from 2019 . i thought it was recent. why are these things being released now ? who gives a shit about some lame banner drill
  17. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    indians watching india-china lac conflict during 2020-2021 indians watching india-china lac conflict during 2021-2022 its ok brothers we will retake Aksai chin in 2022,it was put off due to covid , we will also take POK ...
  18. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    I think it is widely understood (but not written) that there was a mutual agreement of not releasing any pictures of captured/dead by either side. says who exactly ? , u seen the pics of that AP kids , chine called them spy , took pic wearing full body suit this was back in 2020 sept.
  19. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    or maybe "Shyamd on BRF" is a poser who doesnt know anything ?? IMHO dude is like a knowledgeable baba apr , taking things already in news and spicing it up
  20. mokoman

    India-China 2020 Border conflict

    pretty sure chinese IT sector is much larger than indias . sucks but that 45 figure is doubtful ,i think indians started throwing around that figure . nobody except CCP knows how many died , probably never will.