What rebuttal? You arguments involve "lego toys," "Satan," and lots of other things I could prove.
Even I disagreed with Kunal the other day (HAL LCA Tejas as CAS), and agreed with you, and you seized the opportunity to bash Kunal and another member. Why? Insulting people who don't agree with you is your malignant habit. Are you not grateful you receive far less infractions than you deserve? Thank the MODs for that.
You get infracted repeatedly because you ask for it repeatedly.
Yes, I know that.
MODs are not allowed to abuse, or engage in namecalling, like you do. You are not the only one.
@SajeevJino chose to pontificate, instead of sending a PM to any other MOD. The fact remains, even when you are not under infraction, you choose to engage in public muck tossing instead of taking things over PM. Quit playing the victim. You are not the victim.
You are not allowed to abuse others. That is Kunal's fault.
You are not allowed to mock others. That is Kunal's fault.
You are not allowed to engage in name-calling. That is Kunal's fault.
Try to civilize yourself.