IAF Mirage 2000


New Member
Aug 21, 2009
Pulse-Doppler is a radar system capable of not only detecting target location (bearing, range, and altitude), but also measuring its radial velocity (range-rate). It uses the Doppler effect to determine the relative velocity of objects; pulses of RF energy returning from the target are processed to measure the frequency shift between carrier cycles in each pulse and the original transmitted frequency. To achieve this, the transmitter frequency source must have very good phase stability and the system is said to be coherent.

The nature of pulsed radar, and the relationship between the carrier frequency and the pulse repetition frequency (PRF) means that the frequency spectrum can be very complex, leading to the possibility of errors and tradeoffs. In general, it is necessary to utilise a very high PRF to avoid aliasing, which can cause side effects such as range ambiguity. To avoid this, multiple PRFs are often used.

The maximum velocity that can be unambiguously measured is inherently limited by the PRF, as discussed above. The PRF-value must therefore be chosen carefully, based on a tradeoff between maximum velocity resolution and the reduction of velocity aliasing and range ambiguity problems. This tradeoff is highly application dependent, as e.g. weather radars measure velocities at a totally different scale as compared to radars designed to detect supersonic missiles and aircraft.

Stationary targets such as earth ground clutter (land, buildings, etc) will be dominant in the low doppler frequencies, while moving targets will produce much higher doppler shifts. The radar processor can be designed to mask out clutter by the use of doppler filters (digital or analogue) around the main spectral line (called the clutter-notch), which will result in the display of moving targets only (in relation to the radar). If the radar itself is moving, such as on a fighter aircraft, or a surveillance aircraft, then much more processing will be required, as the clutter in the filters will be based on platform speed, terrain under the radar, antenna depression angle, and antenna rotation/steered angle.

For Doppler Effect read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doppler_effect

These are the details about the radar that's gonna be fit into the upgraded Mirages of the IAF:

Frequency:8 to 12 GHz
Range: 160km
Band: I/J
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RDY_(Radar_Doppler_Multitarget)"

Central to the upgraded multirole capability of the Dash 5 is the RDY radar developed by Thomson-CSF/Detexis. Development of the RDY radar began in 1984 and the programme proceeded smoothly. In July 1987 the first of nine prototypes took to the air in a Falcon 20, and seven years later in December 1994, Thomson-CSF were able to deliver the first production standard set. RDY is the result of Thomson-CSF's experience gained from producing four generations of fighter radar, in particular the RDI radar -the first Pulse Doppler radar developed by Thomson-CSF.

The RDY can select one of three PRF (Pulse Repetition Frequency) modes, namely low, medium and high when operating in the air intercept mode (Auto Waveform Management). Low PRF is employed in the Look - Up mode. High PRF is best suited to long range Look - Down, while Medium PRF is used at all altitudes due to its reliable target detection properties. Thomson - CSF have developed algorithms that continually optimise the wave form to guarantee the highest target discrimination, even when the enemy is using advanced ECM. RDY has proved its ability to accurately measure target range even in heavy ground clutter and consistently demonstrates a “False Alarm Rate” of zero. When operating in the air-to-ground mode, the RDY employs Doppler Beam Sharpening, terrain mapping and air-to-ground ranging. RDY can simultaneously detect 24 airborne targets, irrespective of their altitude, track the eight most threatening and auto-prioritise four of them. Thomson-CSF/Detexis quote the look-up, look-down, shoot-up, shoot-down performance as being 70 km. In actual practice engagements conducted by the French AdlA, RDY has demonstrated its ability to detect, reliably, fighter size targets at 140 km. Great effort has been made reduce the effectiveness of any ECM that the enemy might choose to employ. Of significance is the advanced signal processing and the Monopulse receiver with its three independent channels. The RDY is however being developed further. The latest version, RDY-2 has a 15% greater air-to-air range, a SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) mode that allows ground mapping with a resolution of less than one metre and refined moving ground target tracking.

RDY is the standard fit on the Mirage 2000-5,-5Mk2 (enhanced RDY) and -9 (enhanced RDY) aircraft and has been retrofitted aboard 37 French Air Force Mirage 2000Cs (aircraft to Mirage 2000-5F standard; 11 aircraft redelivered during 1998, 22 during 1999), 25 Greek Mirage 2000EG and 62 United Arab Emirates' Mirage 2000EAD/DADs. Other identified offshore customers for the Mirage 2000-5 comprise Qatar (Mirage 2000-5EDA and -5DDA aircraft) and Taiwan (Mirage 2000-5Ei and -5Di aircraft).


New Member
Aug 28, 2009
no MKI pilot would give it up for flying Hornets, Vipers or Rafales. :vehicle_plane:

copy that mate


New Member
Aug 28, 2009
In fact MKI pilots may find it difficult to fly a mirage 2000 or mig 29 now - the flying environment is so superior and so different - even though many fo them are in fact mig 29 /27/mirage 2000 pilots


New Member
May 25, 2009
In fact MKI pilots may find it difficult to fly a mirage 2000 or mig 29 now - the flying environment is so superior and so different - even though many fo them are in fact mig 29 /27/mirage 2000 pilots
No dude. Only 2 squadrons had old pilots, I guess its one. All the new MKI squadrons have newer pilots...rookies.

The Oldies are still flying Bisons, 2000s and 29s. All the rookies will get the new birds...LCA, MKI, PAKFA, MRCA, MCA etc, save for 1 or 2 squadrons.


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Mar 7, 2009
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The best pilots are the ones in TACDE, these are the guys who develop tactics for the aircrafts. The SU 30 MKI has the newest pilots onboard...


New Member
Aug 28, 2009
the newer ones are always being trained by the older ones and then they train the newer groups - so all squadrons have a sizable number of wing commader pilots or so called oldies


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Jul 6, 2009
The capability of a pilot should be considered & not his age....


New Member
Aug 28, 2009
The capability of a pilot should be considered & not his age..

the capability of a pilot increases with age/experience and exposure to a particular type of aircraft as he understands the capability and limits of the machine . Only 40 onwards the reflexes come into play and so we see senior pilots preferring desk jobs some times but again many senior pilots stay current with their preferred aircraft even when they are the chief odf air staff

In short you cannot beat experience in real combat - combat is not just flying it is also understanding your enemy mindset


Member of The Month JANUARY 2010
New Member
Aug 14, 2009

Thales to bring down price by involving Indian industry.

Ajai Shukla / New Delhi December 05, 2009, 0:47 IST

French President, Nikolas Sarkozy, has thrown his weight behind the Rs 10,000 crore bid by French company, Thales, to upgrade the Indian Air Force Mirage-2000 fighter fleet. Sarkozy’s defence minister, Hervé Morin, in New Delhi for a day, made his pitch this morning to Defence Minister AK Antony, telling him that President Sarkozy is keen on signing the deal when he visits India early next year.

Addressing a press conference after his meetings in South Block, Morin revealed that he discussed outstanding procurement cases, including the Mirage-2000 upgrade, with his indian counterpart. Morin said: “We are hoping that some of the procurement cases that are under way between India and France are finalised by the time Sarcozy visits.”

Through two years of negotiations, French aerospace major, Thales, and the IAF have been unable to agree on a price for outfitting India’s 51 Mirage-2000s with new radars, avionics, electronic warfare systems and onboard computers, which will make the aircraft battle worthy for another 15 years. From an initial offer of Rs 13,500 crores ($2.9 billion), Thales came down to Rs 10,000 crores ($2.1 billion). But even that is exorbitant; the IAF has let it be known that, instead of spending Rs 196 crores ($41 million) on each Mirage-2000, it would prefer to buy brand new fighters.

That hard bargaining, it seems, is working. Thales is looking to reduce its price by using Indian suppliers for a significant share of work and components for the upgrade. The IAF now believes that a deal could be close. A top IAF official, who is close to the negotiations, told Business Standard on condition of anonymity, “Thales is climbing down from its high horse and we will meet them halfway. The French President has given his officials a diktat that the Mirage-2000 upgrade deal must be buttoned up this year.”

That urgency is fully endorsed by French officials. One highly placed French industrial source asks rhetorically, “If the upgrade deal is not finalised, what else is there for Sarkozy to sign in Delhi?”

So far, during negotiations, Thales has argued that if India insisted on a cheaper upgrade for the Mirage-2000 fleet, it should be prepared to upgrade fewer systems. If, for example, the IAF was willing to upgrade only the weapons systems, the cost would be considerably cheaper. But the IAF insisted on a full upgrade.

Now, with Thales looking to source from India, there could be rich pickings for Indian avionics manufacturers like Samtel Thales Avionics, the joint venture that NCR-based Samtel Display Systems has set up with Thales. Components developed in France by Thales, will be manufactured cheaply in Samtel Thales Avionics’ high-tech facility near Ghaziabad, allowing Thales to lower its bid significantly.

Puneet Kaura, Executive Director, Samtel Display Systems, confirmed to Business Standard that, “Samtel Thales Avionics is going to be a major partner in the Mirage-2000 upgrade. We have negotiated with Thales for doing a number of work packages in the upgrade. This will also benefit Thales in meeting the offset liabilities that will arise out of this deal.”

For IAF planners the participation of Indian companies, including Samtel Thales Avionics, is a welcome prospect since they would be able to maintain and repair the upgraded avionics in India. The Indian companies would also handle “obsolescence management”, which involves redesigning avionics cards that need upgrading.

Thales was already on track to build avionics systems in Samtel Thales Avionics for a variety of Indian aircraft. These include the technologically advanced TopSight-I, the Helmet Mounted Sight Display (HMD) that Indian Navy MiG-29K pilots will use while operating from aircraft carriers.


DFI Technocrat
New Member
Jul 6, 2009
$35 million for upgrading a Mirage-2000 ...............?


It doesnt matter whether we get the mica upgrade or not as its range is just 60 kms.....v already have R-77 with 90kms range & Astra under development which has a range of 80 kms.

most of iaf A To G weapons are of Russian origin, so purchasing stock of French ones for just 51 Mirage 2000 is very costly......My instincts say tat Rafale is the winner of MMRCA


New Member
Aug 28, 2009
In fact MKI pilots may find it difficult to fly a mirage 2000 or mig 29 now - the flying environment is so superior and so different - even though many fo them are in fact mig 29 /27/mirage 2000 pilots
if you must know , no new pilot immediatley graduates to MKI after passing out from Air force academy , they first go to Mig 29 , Mirage 2000 ,Mig 21 squadron gaining flying experience with high performance aircraft ,then they graduate to MKI .


New Member
Aug 28, 2009
No dude. Only 2 squadrons had old pilots, I guess its one. All the new MKI squadrons have newer pilots...rookies.

The Oldies are still flying Bisons, 2000s and 29s. All the rookies will get the new birds...LCA, MKI, PAKFA, MRCA, MCA etc, save for 1 or 2 squadrons.
not true , every suadrom is mic of new and old pilots , piloys which have experience of 5000 hours of flying on Mig 21 are ofter converted to MKI ,because no new pilot with no experience in high performance aircraft is give MKI , MKI being the best aircraft in IAF is give to best pilots and the experienced


New Member
May 25, 2009
not true , every suadrom is mic of new and old pilots , piloys which have experience of 5000 hours of flying on Mig 21 are ofter converted to MKI ,because no new pilot with no experience in high performance aircraft is give MKI , MKI being the best aircraft in IAF is give to best pilots and the experienced
Check again. You are completely wrong. Most of the MKI pilots are rookies, it started in 2006-07. They are given basic training on the hawk and then are thrown into the MKI. The best and the most experienced pilots are still flying the Mig-21Bison, Mirage-2000 and Mig-29. If I have spent 5-10 years flying a Mirage-2000, I will never accept flying the MKI even if the MKI is better. It only means I have to relearn a lot of things all over again. Also, the senior pilots end up being junior pilots when transferred to the MKI, nobody wants that.

Quickgun Murugan

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
French President throws weight behind Mirage-2000 upgrade deal

8ak - Indian Defence News: French President throws weight behind Mirage-2000 upgrade deal

French President Nikolas Sarkozy has thrown his weight behind the Rs10,000 crore Mirage-2000 upgrade deal which is being negotiated with Thales. Defence minister, Hervé Morin, in New Delhi for a day, told his Indian counterpart A.K. Antony that the President was keen to sign on the dotted line during his visit to India next year.

Addressing a press conference after his meetings in South Block, Morin said: “We are hoping that some of the procurement cases that are under way between India and France are finalised by the time Sarkozy visits.” Two years into negotiations, French aerospace company and the IAF have not been able to reach any settlement on the issue of price for upgrading the Mirage-2000 fleet consisting of 51 combat aircrafts. The upgrade will include new radars, avionics, electronic warfare systems and onboard computers, making the aircraft battle worthy for another 15 years.

From an initial offer of Rs 13,500 crores ($2.9 billion), Thales came down to Rs 10,000 crores ($2.1 billion). But even that is exorbitant; the IAF has let it be known that instead of spending Rs 196 crores ($41 million) on each Mirage-2000, it would prefer to buy brand new fighters. In the meantime, due to hard bargaining, Thales has also agreed reduce the cost of upgrading the fleet by using greater number of Indian components.

Mirage 2000 is a French multirole, single-engine fourth-generation jet manufactured by Dassault Aviation. It was designed as a lightweight fighter based on the Mirage-III in the late 1970s. The Mirage 2000 is equipped with built-in twin DEFA 554 (now GIAT 30-550 F4) 30 mm revolver-type cannons with 125 rounds each. The cannons have selectable fire rates of 1,200 or 1,800 rounds per minute. Each round weighs 275 grams (9.7 oz) and has a muzzle velocity of around 800 metres per second (2,600 ft/s).

The Mirage 2000 can carry up to 6.3 tonnes (14,000 lb) (or 7 tonnes for -9 version) of stores on nine pylons, with two pylons on each wing and five under the fuselage. External stores can include Matra Super 350 medium-range, semi-active, radar-guided, air-to-air missiles on the inboard wing pylons and underbelly and Matra Magic short-range infrared-seeking AAM on the outboard wing pylons. Other short- range missiles such as the AIM-9J/L/P are compatible and are often used on Mirages which have been exported. In 2004 the Indian government approved purchase of ten more Mirage 2000Hs, with these machines featuring improved avionics, particularly upgraded RDM-7 radar.


Sanathan Pepe
New Member
Sep 18, 2009
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ROFLchairmanMAO $41M for an 'upgrade package' that doesn't even include new engines. 15 more years of service isn't worth that much. $2.1 B can instead be added to the MMRCA budget (expand it) or add it the LCA program.

Quickgun Murugan

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
ROFLchairmanMAO $41M for an 'upgrade package' that doesn't even include new engines. 15 more years of service isn't worth that much. $2.1 B can instead be added to the MMRCA budget (expand it) or add it the LCA program.
We can buy new mig 35 with AESA for the lesser cost. The French want to milk us more than the Russians.


New Member
Aug 28, 2009
Check again. You are completely wrong. Most of the MKI pilots are rookies, it started in 2006-07. They are given basic training on the hawk and then are thrown into the MKI. The best and the most experienced pilots are still flying the Mig-21Bison, Mirage-2000 and Mig-29. If I have spent 5-10 years flying a Mirage-2000, I will never accept flying the MKI even if the MKI is better. It only means I have to relearn a lot of things all over again. Also, the senior pilots end up being junior pilots when transferred to the MKI, nobody wants that.
dude ,just by logic ,why would IAF thorw its best pilots and the most experienced in Mig 21 and Mirage 2000 ,wouldnt IAF like its best pilots to fly the best aircraft in its fleet
and if that is not enough , i recently spoke to Air vice Marchal Aluwalia (retired) ,he lives in wellington ,he says that after passing out through NDA ,IAF fighter cadets go to AFA academy in hyderabad,the best pilot get to train on HAWKs ,and others train on Kiran MAK 2 ,then are given Mirage 2000 Mig 27 ,Mig 21 for 2 years and then they gradtuate to MKI

MKI is very high performance aircraft which needs considerable flying experince before you can even sit in MKI cockpit , there are new pilots but they also have experience

