Wuhan Coronavirus Thread

Is coronavirus a biological warfare agent released by China?

  • yes

    Votes: 175 89.3%
  • no

    Votes: 21 10.7%

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Jul 11, 2011
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One aspect of Muslim social behaviour and politics in India has become clear to every Indian = Their tendency to act like a herd, a pack and act as a block - be it to react towards any event or to vote during elections.

There were (a significant numbers) many India who used to think that allegations of Muslims herding together based of religious identity and guided by dirty looking scary middle aged Mullahs who could not utter things beyond Allaha, were far fetched.

Many argued that Muslims were as divided as Hindus based on regional, cultural and linguistic identities, Corona behaviour of Muslims in Bengal, Assam, Bihar, UP, MP, TN and all over the country has firmy and without doubt has established that Islam has made them as one herd and they are indeed a social and political block.

The distinction of Ashraf and Ajlaf has also bee erased by the negativity and silence of the Ashrafs.

Another aspect that has been well established is the irrationality of Indian Muslims as self destructive tribe.

Many political parties specially Congress stalwarts must be happy with that.
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Senior Member
Sep 22, 2012
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China’s claim of zero coronavirus infections in military is bogus, expert says

China has recast itself as a global leader in defeating coronavirus — and nowhere is that more apparent than in their military.

In fact, China has claimed that not a single member of its 2 million strong People’s Liberation Army has contracted COVID-19, a virus that was started in China and has infected 2 million people worldwide.

The fantastical claim is being labeled an implausible narrative that scientists and scholars find bogus and warn is a classic and transparent tactic meant to intimidate regional rivals.

Chen Jingyuan, health division director of the Logistic Support Department under the Central Military Commission, claimed there were no cases of infection because the military’s prevention measures had been perfect. He said in a press conference that instead of falling to the virus, the pandemic had actually “improved the combat readiness of the Chinese military.”

One person not buying that logic is foreign affairs expert Gordon Chang.

“It is virtually impossible, as claimed, that none of the 2.0 million soldiers, sailors and pilots of the People’s Liberation Army has been infected with coronavirus, especially since some of them went into Wuhan, the epicenter, at the heart of the outbreak,” he told Fox News.

Zack Cooper, a former U.S. official working on China-related issues at the White House and the Department of Defense, told Voice of America that “militaries are being impacted just like the rest of societies so, I would expect that to be the case in China, as well.”
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People’s Liberation Army soldiers march to their barracks opposite the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.Getty Images
Chen Chi-wen, editor-in-chief of Asia-Pacific Defense, a leading defense magazine published in Taiwan, pointed out that there are PLA units based in and around Wuhan, including airborne troops, a reserve anti-aircraft artillery battery and the central depot of the Joint Logistic Support Force, and that in towns with such a heavy military presence, “tens of thousands of the soldiers and their family members were interacting with local residents all the time.”

Timothy Heath, a senior international researcher at the RAND Corporation, told VOA that China’s claims of being virus-free is one that “no one would expect” or believe.

Countries including the United States, France, Great Britain, Japan, South Korea have all seen a rise in infection in their armed forces. In some places like the Philippines and Poland, the virus has hit top generals.

Chang believes that China’s inflated claims are part of a bigger and more aggressive military strategy.

“China is now acting as if it is ready for battle,” he said.

Over the weekend, a Chinese aircraft carrier sailed past Taiwan in a show of strength as the U.S. Navy continued to struggle with outbreaks on its military ships in the Pacific. The USS Theodore Roosevelt, in particular, has been badly hit by an outbreak and is currently docked in Guam.

While the American carriers have been sidelined, China’s Liaoning is the only one that is operating in the Western Pacific.

“We have to be concerned that the Chinese military is looking for trouble,” Chang said. “In recent weeks, it has moved belligerently against Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam and Indonesia. Beijing is taking on everyone at the same time. Not good.”

Japan’s ministry of defense said Monday that the Liaoning and its strike group, including five warships, passed through the 155-mile wide Miyako Strait between the islands of Okinawa and Miyako on Saturday, before turning south and passing east of Taiwan on Sunday. The strait is an international waterway. Taiwan’s navy also sent ships to monitor the strike group as it passed on Sunday, according to Taiwan’s ministry of defense.

“We have conducted reconnaissance and monitoring over the sea and air space around Taiwan,” ministry spokesperson Shih Shun-wen said.

In response, the U.S. Air Force then posted a tweet showing multiple bombers lined up on the runway in Guam.

While China’s military is flexing its muscle at sea, the PLA has also been engaged in an online campaign and has posted stories on its large-scale exercises as well as the sinking of a Vietnamese fishing boat. It also boasted about ramping up military industries in Wuhan.


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Sep 22, 2012
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China’s Racism Is Wrecking Its Success in Africa

Over the past week, hundreds of African migrant workers, traders, and students in the southern city of Guangzhou, home to Asia’s largest African diaspora, were tossed out onto the street—some by their landlords, some by hotel managers, and some by local officials. Those evicted, mostly Igbo Nigerians, insisted that they had paid their rent, had valid visas and the right paperwork, and had no contact with anybody infected with COVID-19. Meanwhile, many others were forced into a 14-day quarantine and random testing without getting their test results. Tony Mathias, an Ugandan exchange student, told Agence France-Presse: “I’ve been sleeping under the bridge for four days with no food to eat. … I cannot buy food anywhere. No shops or restaurants will serve me.”

Over the past two decades, China and Africa have become inextricably entwined. China has built roads and railways across Africa and is the biggest trading partner for the entire continent. Eighty percent of Nigeria’s bilateral debt is owed to China. About 60 percent of foreign direct investments to Ethiopia came from China in 2019. China has repeatedly stressed the importance of China-Africa alliances based on “mutual prosperity.” Yet these partnerships face irrevocable disruption if the Chinese government continues to downplay deeply rooted racial prejudices and dismisses the international outrage concerning the treatment of African migrant workers and students in China.

The events of April 10 are part of the response to growing Chinese fear of a reemergence of coronavirus infection but also build on long-standing hostility toward Africans in southern China. Anti-African feelings in China go back decades, including riots aimed at Africans in 1988-1989 in Nanjing. In Chinese media, Africans are often characterized as backward or primitive and blackness as unattractive. Virulent racism common on social media is largely unchecked by censors, including claims that Africans are rapists, drug dealers, or AIDS carriers.

Those prejudices have led to a string of incidents amid coronavirus-induced paranoia. On April 4, reports of an infected Nigerian man attacking a Chinese nurse went viral, unleashing a slew of online trolls demanding the cleansing of a city they claimed was “littered with blacks.” Three days later, four Nigerians tested positive for the virus after having been seen eating together at a local restaurant. These reports sparked widespread fear that Africans were the primary cause of recent upticks in coronavirus cases.

African expats were left at the mercy of xenophobic attitudes and heavy-handed enforcement. “They are accusing us of having the virus,” Tobenna Victor, an evicted Nigerian student, told the BBC. A viral post shows McDonald’s staff in a restaurant in Guangzhou holding a sign that says: “We’ve been informed that from now on black people are not allowed to enter the restaurant.” Rumors quickly circulated that “300,000 black people in Guangzhou were setting off a second epidemic,” and even though public officials later debunked that myth, the damage to domestic perceptions in China had been done.

Video evidence of these mistreatments has sparked international outrage. A dozen African countries have summoned their Chinese ambassadors to explain the “inhumane treatment being meted out.” A coalition of African ambassadors in Beijing delivered a letter to China’s foreign minister demanding an immediate end to all discrimination. Moussa Faki Mahamat, the chairman of the African Union Commission, also expressed his “extreme concern.” Moses Kuria, a vocal member of the Kenyan Parliament, took a more aggressive stance, calling for the immediate removal of all Chinese nationals in Kenya.

Rhetoric in the African press was just as intense. The front page of the Daily Nation, Kenya’s biggest newspaper, led with the headline “Kenyans in China: Rescue Us From Hell.” Similar news stories were found in the Nigerian, Ghanaian, and Ugandan press. The hashtag #ChinaMustExplain quickly trended on Twitter, as users expressed their anger and frustration. However, many people on Chinese social media praised the forcible expulsions and mistreatments as responsible steps to “stemming the spread of virus by Africans.”



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Sep 22, 2012
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China Using Facebook Ads to Attack America, Spread Virus Disinformation
By Bowen Xiao
April 15, 2020 Updated: April 15, 2020
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is using its state-run social media accounts, which boast tens of millions of followers, to spread disinformation via Facebook and Instagram advertisements in an attempt to criticize President Donald Trump and alter the narratives on the CCP virus pandemic.

The ads, many of which ran with no political disclaimer, were spread to English-speaking audiences across the world through China’s major state-controlled media companies, including the Global Times, Xinhua News Agency, China Central Television (CCTV), and China Global Television Network (CGTN).

The political ads, which have drawn roughly 45 million views since Feb. 15, represent another escalation of Beijing’s already brazen disinformation campaign. As Renée DiResta—the technical research manager at Stanford’s Internet Observatory—noted, state-run media advertisements in 2019 mostly included “friendly images of pandas and kittens … and amplified feel-good political stories.”

That changed when February hit.

“The ads began boosting state media coverage of the coronavirus, with dozens of ads praising [Chinese leader Xi Jinping] for his leadership and emphasizing China’s ability to contain the disease,” DiResta, whose team studied hundreds of state-run media ads, wrote in The Atlantic. “By March 2020, angry ads appeared in the mix, promoting outraged coverage of President Donald Trump’s use of the term Chinese virus.”

The racism narrative pushed by Beijing is one of many gaining traction in U.S. media and asserts that calling the pathogen “the Wuhan virus” is racist, despite the fact that Chinese state-run media have used the term themselves, as seen in Xinhua, the Global Times, and elsewhere. Previous diseases such as Ebola, Zika, the West Nile virus, Lyme disease, and the Spanish flu are all named after the places where the viruses emerged.

Emerson Brooking, resident fellow at the Digital Forensic Research Lab of the Atlantic Council, told The Epoch Times that the barrage of political advertisements are a “natural next step” for Beijing’s digital influence operations. For example, Global Times has more than 52 million followers on its official Facebook account, while The New York Times, by comparison, has just over 17 million followers.

The CCP seeks to draw attention to the failures of other nations as they grapple with COVID-19 and deflect scrutiny from their own bungled response, Brooking said.

Walter Lohman, director of The Heritage Foundation’s Asian Studies Center, called the pivot to attack ads “another front for the CCP to use,” adding that from China’s perspective, “this is a matter of an existential threat.”

“While outlets like the Washington Post have been condemned for running advertisements from China Daily, those had been marked as ‘advertisement,'” Lohman told The Epoch Times. “This is different, in that the ads are not labeled as advertisements (nor is the source always made explicit).”

Social media platforms have been major tools utilized by the CCP to push its propaganda. State-run media such as Xinhua News last month began including the hashtags “#Trumpandemic” and “#TrumpVirus” on its news posts on Facebook and Twitter.

In a phone call at the end of March, meanwhile, Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping agreed to “tamp down their war of words over the novel coronavirus.”

But Brooking, like other China experts, says the truce is temporary, if at all.

“Just because the information war is less visible, this does not mean that it has stopped,” he said. “The rhetoric between Trump and Xi has indeed softened, but conspiracy theories about coronavirus continue to spread at an alarming rate.

“This perceptual battle is too important to both the United States and China for either side to abandon it entirely,” Brooking added.

Internal government documents obtained by The Epoch Times have highlighted how the Chinese regime purposefully underreported cases of the CCP virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus and which causes the disease COVID-19, and censored discussions of the outbreak, helping to fuel its spread.

Lohman said Beijing will do whatever it takes to preserve its own rule and that this “will always involve a sort of public-opinion warfare aimed at the U.S.”

Facebook officials didn’t immediately respond to a request by The Epoch Times for comment. A spokesperson told VICE News that some of the ads weren’t caught by their systems even though they should have been, while others ran “in countries in which Facebook does not require disclosure.

“We are progressing on our plans to label state-controlled media pages on Facebook, including from China, and will have more to share on this soon,” the spokesperson said. “We are continuing to work with publishers and third-party experts on this issue to ensure that we get this right.”

Facebook said the ads not labeled as “political” by state-run media would “simply have disappeared once they expired, making it virtually impossible to assess the full scale of China’s propaganda effort,” according to VICE.

Last month, almost 15,000 contractors who moderate Facebook’s content were placed on paid leave due to the pandemic; the company is increasingly relying on AI and algorithms in lieu of human moderators.

‘Soft Power’
The CCP is attempting to use its “soft power” to influence public opinion around the world, which is now turning decisively against Beijing, says Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute and a founding member of the Committee on the Present Danger: China.

“In 2007, Hu Jintao (former general secretary of the CCP) told the Seventeenth Party Congress that it was time to fight back against the West and launch its own soft-power initiative,” Mosher told The Epoch Times. “Since then, the CCP has spent billions to extend its media outreach around the world.”

China has deliberately masked the total number of COVID-19 cases in China in a bid to safeguard its image both nationally and internationally, as a growing list of countries express anger and frustration over Beijing’s handling of the CCP virus.

Beijing officials have previously accused the United States of being the origin of the CCP virus as part of a wider propaganda initiative that draws upon every weapon in its arsenal, including “online, print, and broadcast media that it has purchased or fostered over the past 12 years,” Mosher said.

The extent or effect of these ads on Americans is unclear.

The “less they know about China, the more they will be swayed” by disinformation, Mosher said. Due to the CCP virus, however, more people are paying attention to the dangers of the regime in Beijing, he added.

“A few Facebook ads are probably not sufficient to counter the fear and anxiety they are feeling for themselves and their families that the CCP’s evil and incompetence have stoked,” he said, referring to the American public.

The political ads may “muddy the waters,” but Lohman said the reaction is far more likely to center on people’s confirmation bias.

“Those who already feel favorable toward China will feel that they are not alone, that there are others who feel the same way,” he said. “And of course, it will be unwittingly picked up by some who are motivated principally by their political opposition to Trump.”

Attila Tomaschek, digital privacy expert at ProPrivacy.com, told The Epoch Times that the CCP propaganda machine “is working at full tilt” and that should come as no surprise because it’s exactly how the regime operates. Despite some political advertisements gaining a large number of views, he said most Americans know to take anything from China’s state-run media with a “giant grain of salt.”

An April 8 survey from Harris Poll found that 77 percent of Americans nationally blame the CCP for the spread of the virus. That belief was echoed across the political spectrum, with 67 percent of Democrats, 75 percent of independents, and 90 percent of Republicans attributing the virus to the communist regime.

At the same time, the CCP wants to exploit the pandemic to “hold itself up as a ‘model’ on how to deal with the epidemic,” Mosher said, noting that China is worried that other nations will unite against it.

“The ultimate reason is that [China] is at war with the United States across all domains except the kinetic, and is desperately and belatedly trying to turn defeat into victory where the CCP virus is concerned,” he said.

Some China experts told The Epoch Times that U.S. tech companies shouldn’t ban Chinese officials and state-run media from their platforms, while others said they should.

“Chinese officials and state-run media are trying to reach a global audience. That is why they have access to social media,” Lohman noted. “The U.S. government, and Americans more generally, business and media, should miss no opportunity to point out this contradiction.”

“I have long thought that we should demand absolute parity with China in all things,” Mosher added.

Some experts suggest that the United States is increasingly closing its doors to engagement with China. Bipartisan opposition to the CCP may also be at an all-time high because of the pandemic.

In addition, U.S. lawmakers have called for the Chinese regime to be punished for its role in covering up and lying about the pandemic, which allowed the virus to spread to more than 200 countries.

In the United Kingdom, ministers and senior Downing Street officials said China now faces a “reckoning” over its handling of the outbreak and risks becoming a “pariah state,” according to a report in The Mail on March 28. That report detailed how scientific advisers warned Prime Minister Boris Johnson that China’s official statistics on the virus might be being “downplayed by a factor of 15 to 40 times” and that Beijing is attempting to exploit the pandemic for economic gain.



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May 25, 2018
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Local Urdu channels are reporting unusually high number of deaths of influential Maulanas in Maharashtra. This channel is from Adarsh town Nanded

This braindead animals won't understand until they start dying like flies. Here is one more example of brainwashed.

I guess didn't notice his name, he can't be progressive. they all are oppressive.

Such progressive people we have in our country.


Senior Member
Sep 22, 2012
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Newly Released Email Shows WHO Seemingly Ignored Coronavirus Warning in December

Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control elaborated upon the email in a statement on its website.

“Owing to its experience with the SARS epidemic in 2003, Taiwan vigilantly kept track of information about the new outbreak,” the statement said.

“On December 31, 2019, Taiwan sent an email to the International Health Regulations (IHR) focal point under the World Health Organization (WHO), informing WHO of its understanding of the disease and also requesting further information from WHO.”

SARS emerged from China, as did the coronavirus

“Given the lack of clarity at the time, as well as the many rumors that were circulating, Taiwan’s aim was to ensure that all relevant parties remained alert, especially since the outbreak occurred just before the Lunar New Year holiday, which typically sees tremendous amounts of travel,” the statement added.

“To be prudent, in the email we took pains to refer to atypical pneumonia, and specifically noted that patients had been isolated for treatment. Public health professionals could discern from this wording that there was a real possibility of human-to-human transmission of the disease. However, because at the time there were as yet no cases of the disease in Taiwan, we could not state directly and conclusively that there had been human-to-human transmission.”

As late as Jan. 14, just days before the U.S. decided to screen travelers from China who were entering the U.S., the WHO was repeating China’s claim that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission of the virus.

Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, said that if Taiwan had been a member of the WHO and been heeded, “we would have learned at least two weeks earlier of the threat we were facing.”

“In addition, we would have learned at least six weeks earlier that the outbreak could be successfully suppressed and how to do so,” he told NBC News. “The experience of the last three months shows that exclusion of Taiwan from the WHO decreases the effectiveness of the WHO and increases risks to the world.”

Taiwan, an island off the coast of mainland China, is where Chinese nationalists fled after losing the Chinese Civil War to Mao Zedong and the Community Party in 1949.

Relations between the communist Chinese government and Taiwan have ebbed and flowed over the years, with the current regime taking forceful exception to any recognition of Taiwan.

House Republicans recently demanded information from the WHO about its knowledge and activities in the early days of the coronavirus crisis.

“Despite the WHO’s purported mission to operate as an apolitical international institution within the United Nations, recent media reports suggest that the WHO helped Beijing disseminate propaganda, downplayed the extent of the disease, and possibly delayed ordering a public health emergency,” a letter from GOP members of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform read.

“Given the actions and statements of WHO officials during the past few months, we are concerned that the WHO is no longer serving the needs of the world and is instead taking its cues from China.”

“Throughout the crisis, the WHO has shied away from placing any blame on the Chinese government, which is in essence the Communist Party of China. You, as leader of the WHO, even went so far as to praise the Chinese government’s ‘transparency’ during the crisis, when, in fact, the regime has consistently lied to the world by underreporting their actual infection and death statistics. During the crisis, the WHO has repeatedly relied on false information from the Chinese government,” the letter added.



Regular Member
Mar 9, 2019
This braindead animals won't understand until they start dying like flies. Here is one more example of brainwashed.

I guess didn't notice his name, he can't be progressive. they all are oppressive.
Pawar, Gandhi or Thackreys, mamta, and more they don't care about virus spreading to majority... They will put all blame on Modi...

Pappu did a press conference.. he is just a regular MP of Congress not holding any big post... Why media is giving him ao Much space..


Tihar Jail
Apr 27, 2017
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@YagamiLight How are we doing in terms of contact tracing? Are we able to know, catch and isolate cases effectively? From the ratio of testing and positive cases I feel like we are doing well. Also are we ready to scale it up as the quantity of active cases have increased very rapidly?
Yes, we are operating way below out capacity as is and our testing capacity is actually being increase.

You can see for that yourselves each day the number of people being tested is steadily going up while the number of people tested positive is steadily going down. It means that despite testing more people, we are getting less positive results. So the lockdown is working

The only problem is the lockdown cannot go on forever and we need to start thinking of containment strategy next. That's what government is panning for next- identify hotspots and focus on containing the virus within that area alone.

The one problem I foresee though is how sullahs will react during ramzan, knowing that those trash have no brain and will happily get infected for their religion and put us back again in disease containment by several weeks if not more, just like how tablighi jamaat did.

And India is actually over prepared for the disease unlike what many ppl think. We have added 1 lakh hospital beds in standby for treating even though our case load is nearly not that high. So all in all we are in good position now. If we follow govt guidelines properly, there is no reason to panic or worry as of yet


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Sep 22, 2012
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Xi fears Japan-led manufacturing exodus from China

TOKYO -- Amid the coronavirus pandemic, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has proposed building an economy that is less dependent on one country, China, so that the nation can better avoid supply chain disruptions.

The call touched off a heated debate in the Chinese political world.

In Zhongnanhai, the area in central Beijing where leaders of the Chinese Communist Party and the state government have their offices, "there are now serious concerns over foreign companies withdrawing from China," a Chinese economic source said. "What has particularly been talked about is the clause in Japan's emergency economic package that encourages (and funds) the re-establishment of supply chains."

Had the pandemic not struck, Chinese President Xi Jinping's maiden state visit to Japan would have been wrapped up by now with Xi proudly declaring a "new era" of Sino-Japanese relations. He would have cheered on Abe as Japan prepared for the next big event, the 2020 Olympics.

Instead, both Xi's trip and the Tokyo Olympics have been postponed, and Sino-Japanese relations find themselves at a crossroads.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was clear about the direction he wants Japanese manufacturers to take -- away from an over-reliance on China. (Photo by Uichiro Kasai)
Signals of Abe's new policy were visible as early as March 5.

Japan had finally been able to put the Diamond Princess cruise ship disaster behind it but was still snowed under by the challenge of preventing the virus's further spread.

On that date, coincidentally the same day the postponement of Xi's Japan visit was announced, the Japanese government held a meeting of the Council on Investments for the Future. Abe, who chairs the council, said he wanted high value-added product manufacturing bases to come home to Japan.

At the table were influential business leaders such as Hiroaki Nakanishi, chairman of the Japan Business Federation, the country's biggest business lobby better known as Keidanren.

"Due to the coronavirus, fewer products are coming from China to Japan," Abe said. "People are worried about our supply chains."

Of the products that rely heavily on a single country for manufacturing, "we should try to relocate high added value items to Japan," the leader said. "And for everything else, we should diversify to countries like those in ASEAN."

Abe's remarks were clear. They came as disruptions hit the procurement of auto parts and other products for which Japan relies on China, seriously impacting corporate Japan's activities.

And they asked for something more than the traditional "China plus one" concept, in which companies add a non-China location to diversify production.

Abe was forming a "shift away from China" policy.

With the nation transfixed by coronavirus coverage, the proposal failed to generate big headlines in Japan.

But China was watching carefully, perhaps wondering whether it was about to undergo an industrial hollowing-out like Japan once experienced.

Such a trend would shake the foundation of China's long-standing growth model.

In its emergency economic package adopted on April 7, the Japanese government called for the re-establishment of supply chains that have been hit by the virus's proliferation. It earmarked more than 240 billion yen (about $2.2 billion) in its supplementary budget plan for fiscal 2020 to assist domestic companies to move production back home or to diversify their production bases into Southeast Asia. It is a tidy sum of money.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Politburo Standing Committee members Wang Huning, Li Zhanshu and Li Keqiang attend a wreath laying ceremony in Beijing's Tiananmen Square on Sept. 30, 2019.
The next day, April 8, China's Politburo Standing Committee, the party's top decision-making body, held a meeting in Beijing.

Speaking at the meeting, President Xi said that "as the pandemic continues its global spread, the world economy faces a mounting downside risk." He added, "Unstable and uncertain factors are notably increasing."

Xi, who doubles as the party's general secretary, stressed the need to stick to "bottom-line thinking" -- which means assuming the worst -- and called for "preparedness in mind and work to cope with prolonged external environment changes."

The seven-member Politburo Standing Committee usually meets once a week, and it is rare for the holding and content of these meetings to be reported.

Xi sounded the call to prepare for "a protracted battle" while assuming the worst.

There are talks in the U.S. regarding China dependency.

Larry Kudlow, chairman of the White House's National Economic Council, has expressed his intention to consider shouldering the relocation costs of American companies returning home from China.

It fits with President Donald Trump's "America first" agenda.

If the U.S. and Japan, the world's biggest and third-biggest economies respectively, move away from China, it will have a huge impact on the world's second-biggest economy.

U.S. President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe appear to be on the same page when it comes supply chains in China, much to Chinese President Xi Jinping's chagrin. © Kyodo
One topic has now set tongues wagging in the world of Chinese intellectuals. According to the Chinese astrology chart, 2020 is the year of Geng-Zi, or the metal rat, which comes once every 60 years.

It is said that every time the year of the metal rat rolls around a big history-shaking incident takes place.

In 1840, during the Qing dynasty, the Opium War broke out, leading to China's stagnation for more than a century.

Sixty years later, in 1900, toward the end of the Qing dynasty, forces from an alliance of eight nations -- the U.K., U.S., Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Japan and Austria-Hungary -- moved from Tianjin to Beijing, an incident triggered by the Boxer Rebellion, which had started in 1899.

"55 Days at Peking" is an American film starring Charlton Heston and depicting the siege of the foreign legations' compounds in Peking, now known as Beijing, during the Boxer Rebellion.

The metal rat's next return, in 1960, coincided with a famine caused by the Great Leap Forward led by Mao Zedong, the founding father of "a new China," or the People's Republic of China.

Yang Jisheng, a former journalist for Xinhua News Agency who lost his foster father to the famine, later authored "Tombstone," a detailed reportage about the epic disaster.

Based on field work and interviews, Yang revealed that as many as 36 million people died of hunger during the Great Leap Forward, far more than China once announced.

Silkworm cocoon harvesting during the Great Leap Forward. The last time the year of the metal rat came around, the Great Leap Forward was pushing China into a devastating famine. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images) © Getty Images
What will this year's metal rat jinx be like for China?

The peak of China's coronavirus outbreak has passed. But Zhang Wenhong, the head of a coronavirus clinical expert team whose profile has been on the rise, has said a second round of infections will hit in November or later.

During the 1918-1920 Spanish flu pandemic, the second wave of infections was more serious than the first. No pandemic has been more deadly since then. Estimates are that 500 million people, a third of the planet's population, were infected and that 50 million died.

Zhong Nanshan, an 83-year-old medical doctor, has shined since 2003, when he played a major role in the fight against severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS.

The new coronavirus has already mutated, and its death rate has reached levels up to 20 times higher than that for influenza, Zhong has warned.

The new virus emerged in China late last year and then spread globally. China's crackdown on information and social media posts regarding the outbreak through mid-January and its delayed initial response to the public health crisis ended up contributing to a catastrophe and sparking an international uproar.

Trump had been calling the coronavirus "the Chinese virus," although he has since stopped doing so.

Global public opinion will greatly affect the re-establishment of a post-virus world order. As things stand now, those moving to take the initiative are the U.S. and China.

In ancient China, bamboo strips were the main canvas for documents before the introduction of paper. They were called "green logs" because bamboo strips are green before they are cured and sewn into books.

Bamboo strips are official documents that are kept for posterity, and it was important for an emperor to inscribe his name on them.

If the scourge of the coronavirus were to drastically change the world order in the 21st century, will it be the U.S. or China that inscribes the bamboo strips? China cannot afford to lose.

Much will depend on how the U.S. and China rebuild their respective virus-hit economies. If major foreign companies withdraw from China, it will become a big drag on the Middle Kingdom's economic revival.



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Sep 22, 2012
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U.K. Paid $20 Million for New Coronavirus Tests. They Didn’t Work.
LONDON — The two Chinese companies were offering a risky proposition: two million home test kits said to detect antibodies for the coronavirus for at least $20 million, take it or leave it.

The asking price was high, the technology was unproven and the money had to be paid upfront. And the buyer would be required to pick up the crate loads of test kits from a facility in China.

Yet British officials took the deal, according to a senior civil servant involved, then confidently promised tests would be available at pharmacies in as little as two weeks. “As simple as a pregnancy test,” gushed Prime Minister Boris Johnson. “It has the potential to be a total game changer.”

There was one problem, however. The tests did not work.

Found to be insufficiently accurate by a laboratory at Oxford University, half a million of the tests are now gathering dust in storage. Another 1.5 million bought at a similar price from other sources have also gone unused. The fiasco has left embarrassed British officials scrambling to get back at least some of the money.

“They might perhaps have slightly jumped the gun,” said Prof. Peter Openshaw of Imperial College London, a member of the government’s New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group. “There is a huge pressure on politicians to come out and say things that are positive.”

A spokesperson from the Department of Health and Social Care said that the government had ordered the smallest number of tests allowed by the sellers and that it would try to recover the money, without specifying how.

The still-emerging tests for antibodies formed in response to the virus are the next stage in the battle. By enabling public health officials to assess where the disease has spread and who might have some immunity, widespread use of the tests is seen as a critical step in determining how and when to lift the lockdowns currently paralyzing societies and economies in much of the world.

“You can’t lift the lockdown as long as you are not testing massively,” said Nicolas Locker, a professor of virology at the University of Surrey. “As long as the government is not testing in the community, we are going to be on lockdown.”

The gamble on the Chinese antibody tests, though, is also a barometer of the desperation British officials felt as public pressure has mounted over their slow response to the virus. One prominent expert, Jeremy Farrar, the head of the Wellcome Trust, a British nonprofit that is a major funder of medical research, recently warned that “the U.K. is likely to be certainly one of the worst, if not the worst affected, country in Europe.”

Long before the development of an antibody test, Germany, for example, the continent’s leader in containing the virus, began conducting as many as 50,000 diagnostic tests a day to help trace and isolate cases. That rate is now nearly 120,000 a day.

As of Wednesday, Britain was still conducting less than 20,000 diagnostic tests a day. Having missed a previous target of 25,000 diagnostic tests a day by the middle of April, officials are now promising to reach 100,000 a day by the end of the month and as many as 250,000 a day soon after that.

British officials have said that they started out behind because they lack major private testing companies of the sort found in Germany and the United States, which are capable of manufacturing and performing tens of thousands of diagnostic tests.

But by the time Britain began pushing in earnest to expand its capacity, it was also trailing behind most of Europe in the competition to buy up the limited supply of compounds, tubes and even swabs needed for diagnostic tests to determine a current infection with the virus.

So when the Chinese offers of antibody tests arrived, the officials knew that almost every government in the world was hunting for them, too. Nationalists like President Trump were pressuring domestic suppliers not to sell outside their borders. Oil-rich Persian Gulf princes were bidding up prices.

Medical companies in China, where the virus first emerged, seemed to hold all the cards, typically demanding yes-or-no decisions from buyers with full payment upfront in as little as 24 hours.

The two Chinese companies offering the antibody tests, AllTest Biotech and Wondfo Biotech, both said their products met the health, safety and environmental standards set by the European Union. Public health officials reviewed the specifications on paper while the British Foreign Ministry hurriedly dispatched diplomats in China to ensure the companies existed and to examine their products.

Representatives of both AllTest and Wondfo declined to discuss prices.

Within days of the deal, enthusiastic health officials back in London were promising that the new tests would vault Britain into the vanguard of international efforts to combat the virus.

After quietly admitting last week that the testing had in fact proven unsuccessful, health officials are now defending the purchase as prudent planning and valuable experience.



Tihar Jail
Apr 27, 2017
Country flag
Yes, stone pelting is covered under Section 324 and 326 of IPC but it still needs to be declared a cognizable and non-bailable crime under a separate Section or law. And stone pelting against the armed forces of India should be deemed as treason.

Stone pelting is an Islamic way to beat/hit Kafirs, that's why entire Muslim community throw stones at any Kafir be it Indian police or Army, this misadventure needs to be severely punished since this type of incidents have multiplied in the last 10 years. And if we don't do anything you'll see stone pelting incidents in each and every city of India.
You don't need that much complication. Both section 144 and epidemic prevention acts are in play already. So that alone is enough to put these vermin behind bars for a lifetime. The only question is, how willing it the political establishment willing to go for that

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
Senior Member
Oct 10, 2009
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You don't need that much complication. Both section 144 and epidemic prevention acts are in play already. So that alone is enough to put these vermin behind bars for a lifetime. The only question is, how willing it the political establishment willing to go for that
Bro, govt won't do anything until people make demands or they get reports. A common unhappiness should be seen in the people against stone pelting incidents and govt will take note of it.


Tihar Jail
Jan 7, 2020
Country flag
WHO chief Tedros Ghebreyesus of Ethiopia is a slave of China's Xi, please go through and share the below thread, this lady completely exposes the corruption, nepotism, gross bias and criminal negligence of this fraud mass murderer.

L (@SomeBitchIKnow) Tweeted:
Part One: The World Health Organization
The Corruption of Tedros Ghebreyesus https://t.co/JmX5uzz86r
Newly Released Email Shows WHO Seemingly Ignored Coronavirus Warning in December

Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control elaborated upon the email in a statement on its website.

“Owing to its experience with the SARS epidemic in 2003, Taiwan vigilantly kept track of information about the new outbreak,” the statement said.

“On December 31, 2019, Taiwan sent an email to the International Health Regulations (IHR) focal point under the World Health Organization (WHO), informing WHO of its understanding of the disease and also requesting further information from WHO.”

SARS emerged from China, as did the coronavirus

“Given the lack of clarity at the time, as well as the many rumors that were circulating, Taiwan’s aim was to ensure that all relevant parties remained alert, especially since the outbreak occurred just before the Lunar New Year holiday, which typically sees tremendous amounts of travel,” the statement added.

“To be prudent, in the email we took pains to refer to atypical pneumonia, and specifically noted that patients had been isolated for treatment. Public health professionals could discern from this wording that there was a real possibility of human-to-human transmission of the disease. However, because at the time there were as yet no cases of the disease in Taiwan, we could not state directly and conclusively that there had been human-to-human transmission.”

As late as Jan. 14, just days before the U.S. decided to screen travelers from China who were entering the U.S., the WHO was repeating China’s claim that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission of the virus.

Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, said that if Taiwan had been a member of the WHO and been heeded, “we would have learned at least two weeks earlier of the threat we were facing.”

“In addition, we would have learned at least six weeks earlier that the outbreak could be successfully suppressed and how to do so,” he told NBC News. “The experience of the last three months shows that exclusion of Taiwan from the WHO decreases the effectiveness of the WHO and increases risks to the world.”

Taiwan, an island off the coast of mainland China, is where Chinese nationalists fled after losing the Chinese Civil War to Mao Zedong and the Community Party in 1949.

Relations between the communist Chinese government and Taiwan have ebbed and flowed over the years, with the current regime taking forceful exception to any recognition of Taiwan.

House Republicans recently demanded information from the WHO about its knowledge and activities in the early days of the coronavirus crisis.

“Despite the WHO’s purported mission to operate as an apolitical international institution within the United Nations, recent media reports suggest that the WHO helped Beijing disseminate propaganda, downplayed the extent of the disease, and possibly delayed ordering a public health emergency,” a letter from GOP members of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform read.

“Given the actions and statements of WHO officials during the past few months, we are concerned that the WHO is no longer serving the needs of the world and is instead taking its cues from China.”

“Throughout the crisis, the WHO has shied away from placing any blame on the Chinese government, which is in essence the Communist Party of China. You, as leader of the WHO, even went so far as to praise the Chinese government’s ‘transparency’ during the crisis, when, in fact, the regime has consistently lied to the world by underreporting their actual infection and death statistics. During the crisis, the WHO has repeatedly relied on false information from the Chinese government,” the letter added.

Time India calls this Tedros a**hole for who he is,

Chinese WHOre..


Tihar Jail
Apr 27, 2017
Country flag
I found the theory doing round with virologists interesting;
"unless we develop a vaccine for Covid and run a mass vaccination program like we did for Small Pox & Polio, this virus will eventually catch up most of the human population like any influenza-type virus do" (Discounting mutations in protein receptors of the Covid)
I think this is going to happen; we can contain it till a point when it is manageable by our health care system (Flattening the Curve !!) but we can't eradicate it completely till sufficient population in this world has contracted the virus.
This is true. The only way to deal with this virus is lockdown/containment/social distancing/flatten the curve. This will need to happen till vaccine has been developed. Prepare for a long drawn out battle.

What chicoms have done to the world is unforgivable


Lestat De Lioncourt
Senior Member
Dec 18, 2010
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They will always criticize whatever steps India takes to manage this pandemic.

All the Western news outlets and the brown sepoys who now are raising the issue of not enough testing are the same ones who would start questioning the credibility of these tests if the govt somehow manages to test everyone.

It's a big industry - being India phobic and Hinduphobic, bash Modi, bash Hindus and India to get fame and fortune.

This particular bigoted gora idiot Steve Hanke is more concerned about how India is handling the pandemic.

At this stage in Murica,he should probably be worrying more about himself being old and frail with Corona virus wrecking havoc and causing deaths of many senior citizens over there.

I agree with @Barclays They predict that #Modi's #Lockdown2 is going to wreak havoc on #India's #Economy. Almost $234.4B may be lost. That's 8.1% of the #GDP. It seems that #ModiMadness is brewing the witch's brew: unemployment, poverty, & starvation."

#Modi's #Lockdown is ineffective.
@Nomura says it has crippled 75% of #India's economy. Even worse, there is no robust #TestAndTrace program like in #SouthKorea. While #Testing remains virtually nonexistent, #COVID19 cases are exploding. #ModiMadeDisaster.

He also apparently is an expert in demographic and administration related issues related to India.

Itna interest kyu hain India mein?

#Modi's #BJP goons can't stop scapegoating #Muslims. They peddle rhetoric of a #CoronaJihad which is now inspiring a wave of attacks against innocent Muslims. It seems that #Kashmir & #CAA were just warmups for more #ModiMadness. #IndiaDeservesBetter.
I request people of DFI to not share Steve Hanke's twitter post. Don't share it,don't click on it and don't argue with him. His account will die out.

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