What military equipment would YOU like to see in the Indian Armed Forces

Vinod DX9

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Apr 4, 2017
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If true, then that's path breaking news

Indo-Israeli Standoff EMP-Emitting Missile (DEW For SEAD) To Enter Serial Production This Year

⏩Isarel's Offer to India:

Israel offered to co-develop a variant of this DEW with India on July 7, 2008 during an official meeting in Pune with the DRDO. This was followed by two additional meetings held in Delhi with senior DRDO and IAF officials in August and September 2008. The joint R & D project officially began in mid-2010 and series-production of this DEW will commence later this year, with the Kalyani Group being the prime industrial contractor from the Indian side.

⏩ Nature of Indo-Israeli EMP Missile :

This air-launched, fire-and-forget, expendable DEW, whose main role is to render electronic targets useless, will make use of the airframe of RAFAEL’s Spice 250 rocket-powered PGM, and will have a range of 120km. It is a non-kinetic alternative to traditional explosive weapons that use the energy of motion to defeat their targets. During a mission, this missile will navigate a pre-programmed flight plan (using fibre-optic gyros) and at pre-set coordinates an internal active phased-arraymicrowave emitter will emit bursts of selective high-frequency radio wave strikes against up to six different targets during a single mission.The EMP-like field which will be generated will shut down all hostile electronics. Thus, the whole idea behind such a weapon is to be able to destroy an enemy’s command, control, communication and computing, surveillance and intelligence (C4SI) capabilities without doing any damage to the people or traditional infrastructure in and around it. In other words, it can eliminate an air-defence facility’s effectiveness by destroying the electronics within it alone, via a microwave pulse, without kinetically attacking the facility itself.

⏩ USE of this Weapon for Indian Air Force:

For the IAF, this air-launched DEW will be a ‘first day of war’ standoff weapon that can be launched outside an enemy’s area-denial/anti-access capabilities, and fly a route over known C4SI facilities, zapping them along its way, before destroying itself at the end of its mission. Because of its stealthy design, long-range and expendability, it will fly where no other manned airborne assets could and because it does not blow anything up, its use does not necessarily give away the fact that the enemy is under direct attack in the first place. In that sense, it is also a psychological weapon, capable of at least partially blinding an enemy before it even knows that a larger-scale air-attack is coming. The IAF plans to arm its upgraded Mirage 2000Hs and the yet-to-be-acquired Rafale MMRCAs with this DEW and also with RAFAEL’s Spice-1000 PGM.

⏩Ukraine's Offer :

Interestingly, Ukraine last February during the Aero India 2015 Expo was also showcasing an air-launched DEW, whose poster is uploaded below.


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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If true, then that's path breaking news

Indo-Israeli Standoff EMP-Emitting Missile (DEW For SEAD) To Enter Serial Production This Year

⏩Isarel's Offer to India:

Israel offered to co-develop a variant of this DEW with India on July 7, 2008 during an official meeting in Pune with the DRDO. This was followed by two additional meetings held in Delhi with senior DRDO and IAF officials in August and September 2008. The joint R & D project officially began in mid-2010 and series-production of this DEW will commence later this year, with the Kalyani Group being the prime industrial contractor from the Indian side.

⏩ Nature of Indo-Israeli EMP Missile :

This air-launched, fire-and-forget, expendable DEW, whose main role is to render electronic targets useless, will make use of the airframe of RAFAEL’s Spice 250 rocket-powered PGM, and will have a range of 120km. It is a non-kinetic alternative to traditional explosive weapons that use the energy of motion to defeat their targets. During a mission, this missile will navigate a pre-programmed flight plan (using fibre-optic gyros) and at pre-set coordinates an internal active phased-arraymicrowave emitter will emit bursts of selective high-frequency radio wave strikes against up to six different targets during a single mission.The EMP-like field which will be generated will shut down all hostile electronics. Thus, the whole idea behind such a weapon is to be able to destroy an enemy’s command, control, communication and computing, surveillance and intelligence (C4SI) capabilities without doing any damage to the people or traditional infrastructure in and around it. In other words, it can eliminate an air-defence facility’s effectiveness by destroying the electronics within it alone, via a microwave pulse, without kinetically attacking the facility itself.

⏩ USE of this Weapon for Indian Air Force:

For the IAF, this air-launched DEW will be a ‘first day of war’ standoff weapon that can be launched outside an enemy’s area-denial/anti-access capabilities, and fly a route over known C4SI facilities, zapping them along its way, before destroying itself at the end of its mission. Because of its stealthy design, long-range and expendability, it will fly where no other manned airborne assets could and because it does not blow anything up, its use does not necessarily give away the fact that the enemy is under direct attack in the first place. In that sense, it is also a psychological weapon, capable of at least partially blinding an enemy before it even knows that a larger-scale air-attack is coming. The IAF plans to arm its upgraded Mirage 2000Hs and the yet-to-be-acquired Rafale MMRCAs with this DEW and also with RAFAEL’s Spice-1000 PGM.

⏩Ukraine's Offer :

Interestingly, Ukraine last February during the Aero India 2015 Expo was also showcasing an air-launched DEW, whose poster is uploaded below.
India is also evaluating to use DEW warhead on BRAHMOS. May be it would give some impetus to that.

The Maverick

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Jul 26, 2020
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I would love to see

up to 10 Barracuda class stealth submarines ...... similar to the version France sold to Aussies
Huge cost but it would gurantee PLAN and PAN would be decimated in a naval war

F18 super hornets for vikrant carrier a wing of 42 planes ( 28 carrier based & 14 land based as rotation)

3 more awacs

Derby I ER BVR as standard BVR to replace russian bvrs. rusian bvrs did not work in Feb 19

7 more kolkatta class detroyers but better SAM armed version 36 sams are far too few need double that including 18 long range sams ie upto 300km


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Oct 12, 2020
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I really just want to see more comfortable designs for body armour. I mean, like those things the police wear for riot control, but lighter, thinner, and fitter.


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Oct 12, 2020
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Well, basically the equipment of any other advanced military troops. Like the latest weapon systems. I also think that it is time to ditch all of those old equipment and upgrade or a better one. This will also encourage youngsters to join the army. Although the army is not for everyone, there are no harms with trying to appeal to the crown. It is also like a college club trying to catch your attention. Moreover, I also personally think that they should be provided with sturdy vehicles that can almost withstand everything and finally get rid of all of those old cars.


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Apr 24, 2016
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Ejection Seats, consequently, a company specializing in ejection seats for planes can also make seats for astronauts like how NPP Zvezda does.

Martin-Baker Mk.16

NPP Zvezda K-36 ejection seats and shock absorbing seats for space travel.



New Member
Aug 19, 2009
I want

  1. 1. 34 A330 AWACS
  2. 120-150 A330 refuellers
  3. 64 ISTARS embraer jets
  4. 90 GlobalHawks type
  5. 500 Predator MQ-1 types with 8 missiles and satellite communication capabilities
  6. a 500 satellite global monitoring & communication system
  7. 5000 towed & truck mounted artillery guns of the 155 mm type
  8. 20K tactical battefield drones of DJI types with munition carrying& dropping capability - Army gets it
  9. 2000 intermediate drones of the Bakyratar type that can carry 2-4 missiles - Army get it
  10. Anti-Drone vehicles and weapons.
  11. 800 tracked SP 155 guns.
  12. 20K Mahindra/TATA light armored vehicles 4x4
  13. 8k TATA Kestrels type
  14. 2.5k Arjun Mk 3 (after correcting the deficiencies that Blood+ mentione)
  15. 1200 M-17s (or IMRHs) - Army gets it
  16. 550 LCHs Prachaunds - Army gets it
  17. 240 Chinooks - Army gets it
  18. 850 Tejas II
  19. 450 upgraded Su-30s
  20. 350 ORCAs,
  21. 240 AMCAs.,
  22. 120 bombers
  23. 240 C130 type cargo plane
  24. 88 C-17 type cargo plane


New Member
Aug 30, 2021
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Infantry Ppe
1)Standard 3a Nij to replace the fibeglass for all fields,and up armored high cut helmet with comms for Rr/cqb units

2)Godamn cqb rifle for Rashtriya Rifle

3)Shrapnel resistant shirts(similar to Us army's)

4)Standarized Bi Nods with envg tech

5)Theater Specific Camo

6)One alsv for One fire team in each high risk to medium Risk zone(assuming one squad has 15 or 8 troops and 1 fire team=4 heads), and a kalyani m4 for one squad

7)Better training for weapons ie cqb tactics, flagging, recoil managment and all that shit or at least for RR

8)Standard plate carrier

9)7.62x51 ar 10 with a suitable optic for dmr

10)7.62x51 ar 10 long range sniper rifle for sniper teams

So for killing talibs and commies

1)Gps guided munitions and mortars(pin point accuracy mortars simiar to arma)

Ghataks and Tier 2 units

1)Ngsw for dmr, for extreme case para sf ngsw with all that expensive optics shit

2)Some lightweight specialized ar 15 to replace the m4a1 in us

Eagle Eye

New Member
Oct 1, 2022
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Agni 5 has two composite stages,make 3rd also composite to increase payload and include MIRV warhead. Speedup ugraded agni 5 induction.


New Member
May 31, 2022
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Infantry Ppe
1)Standard 3a Nij to replace the fibeglass for all fields,and up armored high cut helmet with comms for Rr/cqb units

2)Godamn cqb rifle for Rashtriya Rifle

3)Shrapnel resistant shirts(similar to Us army's)

4)Standarized Bi Nods with envg tech

5)Theater Specific Camo

6)One alsv for One fire team in each high risk to medium Risk zone(assuming one squad has 15 or 8 troops and 1 fire team=4 heads), and a kalyani m4 for one squad

7)Better training for weapons ie cqb tactics, flagging, recoil managment and all that shit or at least for RR

8)Standard plate carrier

9)7.62x51 ar 10 with a suitable optic for dmr

10)7.62x51 ar 10 long range sniper rifle for sniper teams

So for killing talibs and commies

1)Gps guided munitions and mortars(pin point accuracy mortars simiar to arma)

Ghataks and Tier 2 units

1)Ngsw for dmr, for extreme case para sf ngsw with all that expensive optics shit

2)Some lightweight specialized ar 15 to replace the m4a1 in us
Is there any photo of shrapnel resistant shirt?