Ok, this might sound OT but is not:
Yeah it is OT. On topic would be mentioning that Australia is modernising and doubling its submarine fleet. Why would Australia be acquiring more submarines, particularly when our current ones are quite new... Think about it a bit (and no the answer is not India before one of this forum resident trolls gets excited).
Kunal, while in a broader sense, it is correct to assume that Aussies are not sissies; but given their recent responses to multilateral exercises & war-games targeted at China, they indeed behaved as sissies.
This trend had started out in 80'sAfter spending a decade in Vietnam, Confronting Indonesia, and continuing to maintain a presence in Malaysia, it would be fair to say Australia was quite pacifist in the 80's. Although, conversely we had no threats nor situations which required military intervention then., became more visibly pronounced in 90'sYour wrong there. Somalia, Gulf War 1, East Timor, Solomon Islands, Gulf War 2, Afghanistan & is climbing unprecedented levels in 21st century We are still fighting wars in Afghanistan, and (to a much lesser extent) Iraq, as well as, maintain a military presence in The Gulf, Malaysia, East Timor and the Solomon Islands. As well, we are acquiring new amphibious capabilities, giving the US Marines a base, and getting F35. All of which, whether we say it or not, is intended for China .
One really needs to follow their foreign policy pronouncements to understand the all-too-visible tilt the Aussies have, when it comes to PRC. Their heavy dependence on China for consumption of Aussie raw material emasculates them to the extent that they cannot be considered to be reliable partner in any multilateral agreement or military alliance against China.
We wont be a partner to Indian style "diplomacy". We are confident in our abilities and don't need to threaten and cajole. In particular as China isn't our enemy (at least not since Korea, Malaysia and Vietnam which were all a long time ago)
In fact, Aussies can be safely counted out from any such alliance, for their special attention not to offend any Chinese sensibilities. You wouldn't find such overt obsequiousness & vocal deference for the PRC even in Indonesia or Malaysia. Their past military exploits cannot cover for their sissiness against PRC they have been displaying since last few decades.
Indian diplomacy, and to an increasing extent your national character, increasingly reminds me of the Arab world. We don't need to beat our chests and roar in public.
Kangaroo's characteristic bravado & irreverent swagger notwithstanding, they are not the ones to be counted on, when it comes to taming/containing the dragon.