Understanding white supremacy/nationalism


Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
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Few years ago I once visited that storm front forum. There were few Indians too showing solidarity with white supremacists and claiming they are also genetically superior whites/Caucasian race because they are high caste :cool1:. Then one Pathan too came claiming pasthuns are white Caucasians. But everyone badly abused the Pathan and his religion, still till the end he was like, no I am white too :crying:


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2017
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Few years ago I once visited that storm front forum. There were few Indians too showing solidarity with white supremacists and claiming they are also genetically superior whites/Caucasian race because they are high caste :cool1:. Then once Pathan too came claiming pasthuns are white Caucasians too. But everyone badly abused the Pathan and his religion, still till the end he was like, no I am white too :crying:
Whole sub continent's point of view has been distorted to see it through lens of west. Fuck all castes, races and religious differences. Our national interest is foremost and we have to stop defining ourselves in order to please western audience.
We had civil societies and cities when these pale ghosts were scavenging .

Rahul Prakash

Tihar Jail
Apr 30, 2017
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We claim to be better than them.

I don't see any of that

We are not ahead of them technologically,militarily,financially,etc and neither are other countries like china.japan probably comes close in the tech department but not in the absolute financial part and not in the military part.

I am an Indian and I want India to be in an invincible position like whites were in their old days but I am not a self deluding person and we must understand China and India are still middleweights.


Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
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Majority of non-whites that will become majority in US as per their claim will be latinos. They have more moral right to the american lands than these pure-breed white invaders IMO. If they can accept the near complete Genocide of whole American continent and Australia, they should accept this rather peaceful demographic change too. If that was natural selection, this is too. I am only concerned that more Asians should be allowed to migrate to Americas.

Rahul Prakash

Tihar Jail
Apr 30, 2017
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There is no such thing such as universal moral right or wrong.

There is only the law of the jungle that if you are strong enough and have the will and good planning you will win and can impose your sense of morality onto everyone in that environment.

White people fought and killed those native Americans and aborigines and took their lands and then built their own countries over them.

We can do that too if we become powerful and that is what we must strive for instead of stupid Gandhi ahimsa and moral preaching that is neither sexy or got us anything.it is the value of slaves and not masters we must be.


Tihar Jail
Jul 12, 2017
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The idea of white people is too recent and fluid for white nationalism to be anything of value...

What would make more sense would be German Nationalism, French Nationalism, etc.

Rahul Prakash

Tihar Jail
Apr 30, 2017
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I don't know by listening to you 'right wing indians' will you sell your country down the road to immigrants down the road the way you hate white nationalism.

Will you allow immigrants (real ones who genetically distant like Africans ,south Americans east Asians into our country) and call it some damn multicultural mess like America.

You are no better than congress.why develop the tech and the wealth of your country of it is going to belong to others.

You guys hate it when wns are proud of white achievements but don't understand that any subcategory of white people have contributed more to tech than most non whites including Chinese and Indians.Maybe Japan comes close in tech mastery and development.

Instead of criticizing them support our indigenous tech and when they reach maturity as that of white nations then we can be proud as they freaking have a right to.

Seriously I wish sometimes that India was among one of those countries that conquered and had a great martial history like them and developed tech like them.instead the so so called superpowers China and India are a good two decades behind them and even have only reached this state because white people got bogged down by liberalism,human right,women's rights and a general lack of patriotism.

If we internalize liberal values like we do in this thread by critizing wns then when our country is flooded by economic migrants when we are rich and God knows how many jihadiss and we will lose our cultures ethnicities and everything.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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I don't know by listening to you 'right wing indians' will you sell your country down the road to immigrants down the road the way you hate white nationalism.

Will you allow immigrants (real ones who genetically distant like Africans ,south Americans east Asians into our country) and call it some damn multicultural mess like America.

You are no better than congress.why develop the tech and the wealth of your country of it is going to belong to others.

You guys hate it when wns are proud of white achievements but don't understand that any subcategory of white people have contributed more to tech than most non whites including Chinese and Indians.Maybe Japan comes close in tech mastery and development.

Instead of criticizing them support our indigenous tech and when they reach maturity as that of white nations then we can be proud as they freaking have a right to.

Seriously I wish sometimes that India was among one of those countries that conquered and had a great martial history like them and developed tech like them.instead the so so called superpowers China and India are a good two decades behind them and even have only reached this state because white people got bogged down by liberalism,human right,women's rights and a general lack of patriotism.

If we internalize liberal values like we do in this thread by critizing wns then when our country is flooded by economic migrants when we are rich and God knows how many jihadiss and we will lose our cultures ethnicities and everything.

100% agree with you :scared1::scared1:


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016
Well I would make a few points.

  1. First many Indians themselves suffer from a supremacy complex and tend to place faith,caste,colour,class etc above a person`s qualification and caste. This applies even to lower class people. Infact this sort of behavior is a form of TRIBALISM. The less educated and wealthy you are the more tribalistic you become.
  2. Whites especially the so called hillibillies/church goers tend to view themselves as the only people with sane minds and cultured traditions. They are mostly from the Bible Belt of USA or in deep poverty so they tend to think their Catholic/Protestant upbringing is superior to that of people who follow other faiths. The same applies for Russian Nazis who believe in the Orthodox church. They subscribe to the Christian belief that their Christ is better than everyone.
  3. Also the poor educational and abysmal standard of blacks reinforces the racist ideas that had been ingrained in them during their childhood. Infact Tupac Shakur made a famous song T.H.U.G. L.I.F.E (the thug life videos) which stood for The Hate You Gave Little Infants Fks Everybody. The extreme hate that the parents of white supremacists had for black,brown people percolates down to the next generation. In India too some of own family members are casteist. Previously before the thread ceremony I too had no knowledge of castes but later came to know of it. Fortunately living in leftist Kolkata has made me disregard caste. Some of my family members still believe a mahapurus must be from a higher caste and be fair in colour.
  4. The biggest enablers of white nationalism in 2017 are the liberal leftists who have taken affirmative action,third wave feminism,diversity quotas to the next level. The Left in the US and India ignore the criminalistic activities of Muslims,Blacks etc and tend to believe the non scientific idea that there are more than 2(like about 48) genders. This has further fuelled the fires of white nationalism and Nazsi who now look inwards. The day both the Left and Right can mutually agree will be the day we see end to the extremes.

As a side note I would say most of the scientific Nobel prizes were won by Protestant White Germans,German Ashenkazi Jews or the German Americans. During this period they had CONSERVATIVE IDEALS(ie the 1950s). Infact Victorian morality was a big factor in implementing our own legal system. Wives were expected to be subservient to their husbands and people would believe in God.

The day Whites started disbelieving in traditional gender roles(not talking about discriminating women) their society became liberal. They also started disbelieving in the importance of educational achievements. Liberated women led to falling birth rates and this forced them to accept immigrants from non white countries.
Firstly, gender roles and hierarchy are important. They should not be based on birth but on merit. The whole point of hierarchy is to respect creation. God has created people with different abilities genetically and hence people who have better abilities in one thing should pursue that. Some ate visible like gender, skeletal structure, height etc while some are not like intelligence etc. How can everyone become equal when god hasn't created people that way?

The most important thing to understand is that we are not the ones who created the laws of nature like gravity, electromagnetism. Even things like why does the electron structure have octet or the shell system, why do celestial bodies rotate even after billions of years, why the gravity doesn't make the universe merge together etc are not ours to decide. The liberals are mentally unsound people who exist meaninglessly. One should ask the basic questions like what is life, what is the purpose of life and then live to satisfy that purpose.

We should look at facts, patterns to find out what is true or not and then decide something as right or wrong. Our whims is not something we should consider while making choices.

The whole point of Varna system was division of labour according to merits. For example, Bhishma's step brother was veda vyasa (brahman), Chandragupta maurya was fatherless child but made kshatriya by chanakya's education. People like vishwamitra, vashishta were not brahmans by birth.

Caste system is a degraded form of varna as a result of destruction of civilization due to lack of social control. Education was not necessary and only those 'interested' studied while most others lived like sheeps - farming, artisanry etc. The civilization was destroyed easily as only few people were actually interested in putting hard work and study for years. Most others were happy ignorants. When there was a need for fighting against forces of evil where despite the evil side having lower population had better organisations and social control and hence every mam on the evil side was a soldier, the number of kshatriyas were too little and the 'sheeps' didn't care much to fight as they were ignorant bunch. Swami nishta was all they knew instead of the needed dharma nishta. When the swami (king) died, they ran away from battle.

When the system of education like takshashila and other temples were destroyed, there was no way of determining varnas and hence it became hereditary caste system. Caste is wrong but varna is right.

Rahul Prakash

Tihar Jail
Apr 30, 2017
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You can imagine how Chinese and us Indians will be like if we achieve the same tech levels taht white people have right now for example contemporary jet engine and rocket engine tech.we will be through the roof and you know how much we celebrated for GSLV mk2 which even if satisfies our needs is not much when compared to their rockets.china is a little further but not much ahead and we are the so called nations and races that come second and are said to be a threat to them.

Hell think of what would happen if some of the hardcore Arab Muslim nation or wannabe Arabs like Pakistan get this level of techthey will be acting a 1000 times as arrogant as so called wns and will do their usual jihad shit but with advanced weapons.

We are internalize get the values of the left wing dhindhu liberal types when we criticize hear wns.if you want to criticize disingenuously like the Chinese and when we are on top don't give a fuck .

As far as I see the only use we have got from the whole peaceful Indian narrative and practise has been that atleast we are not the go people to criticize in the world like white people are.hell even still our liberals attack I'd like we did the holocaust even though we were subject to many attempts of invasion by Muslims and that is with the non white peaceful narrative Hindus have .think of the reasons they will give if we were a little adventurous.

When we are going to be a superpower in the future we must think of the narrative too.the narrative should our own and serve our own interests like china.we may take a human rights narrative now but when we are up in the world there is no point in keeping that fake narrative anymore.

Remember being a superpower like America is in last 50 years with every ethnicity of foreign origin browbeating the whites who build and maintain the country while promoting their own through quotas and what not,welfare for immigrants,etc is like being rich but allowing every person not related to you living in your house,eating your food and doing your wife and saying you are accomplished because your rich.

If that is our fate better be a middle wieght country that is in control of its narrative and belongs to its original people .

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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I don't know by listening to you 'right wing indians' will you sell your country down the road to immigrants down the road the way you hate white nationalism.

Will you allow immigrants (real ones who genetically distant like Africans ,south Americans east Asians into our country) and call it some damn multicultural mess like America.

You are no better than congress.why develop the tech and the wealth of your country of it is going to belong to others.

You guys hate it when wns are proud of white achievements but don't understand that any subcategory of white people have contributed more to tech than most non whites including Chinese and Indians.Maybe Japan comes close in tech mastery and development.

Instead of criticizing them support our indigenous tech and when they reach maturity as that of white nations then we can be proud as they freaking have a right to.

Seriously I wish sometimes that India was among one of those countries that conquered and had a great martial history like them and developed tech like them.instead the so so called superpowers China and India are a good two decades behind them and even have only reached this state because white people got bogged down by liberalism,human right,women's rights and a general lack of patriotism.

If we internalize liberal values like we do in this thread by critizing wns then when our country is flooded by economic migrants when we are rich and God knows how many jihadiss and we will lose our cultures ethnicities and everything.
Whoa buddy wrong thread.

White nationalist != White race.

Nobody is denying the progress Western countries have made. This thread is about the alt-right that has recently come up in American politics and their terminology, belief etc.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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If we internalize liberal values like we do in this thread by critizing wns then when our country is flooded by economic migrants when we are rich and God knows how many jihadiss and we will lose our cultures ethnicities and everything.
Well if we were to build a nation on the back of immigrants by using them to build our roads, our railways, our tech industry, farm our land and use them to fight our wars. Then suddenly one day, we get up and say "fuck you" then you can compare to a white nationalist. Economic migrants my ass, every single one of us is a migrant.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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White people must be white nationalists by default or they end up having their countries flooded just as every Indian must be nationalist by default otherwise be ready to accept every other lowlife race coming into your country and Muslims also imposing their culture on us.

Remember we were peaceful to others and we are recieving this treatment think what would happen if we were more ambitious as we ought to be.
They can have Europe, America is not theirs to take to begin with. Sure, they can be nationalist but that doesn't mean immigrants will go back now after helping build their country and providing millions of soldiers to fight their bloody wars. The ship to keep America white left the harbor the day the first black slave was brought. Actually, that ship never docked because this country belong to the natives. And what about Jews? Jews are basically white and they have financed America.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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We claim to be better than them.
Yes, that is a pretty low standard to meet. 99% of the people in this world are better than a white nationalist. If you compare them to ISIS or Taliban maybe, we can have that debate.

We are not ahead of them technologically,militarily,financially,etc
:facepalm: Again, wrong thread buddy. This is not the "me vedic civilization, built Vimana" thread. We are talking about neo Nazis, alt righters who think they are God's choosen race and want to make America white again.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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They are capable of building all that without any of those minorities even the model minorities .these guys ruled the world and still rule in many fields of tech and your telling me their country does not belong to them because they used certain minorities for manual work.

They could employ low class whites to do all their manual labour and not import most of their minorities including the blacks.

Frankly the blacks who got bought through slavery got a good deal overall,they get to live in a country planned and administered by first world whites and experience a quality of life that is greater than most African states would recieve even after the next100 years.

Hell I think whites should have picked their own cotton.
Manual work? Where would America be without Silicon Valley? Their kids are into getting liberal arts degrees with 200K in debt. What about doctors, most of which are immigrants?

How would they have financed their nation without Jews?

What about their wars? Where would they be if India hadn't provided foot soldiers to die in WW2?

This ship has sailed hundreds of years ago.

Regarding slavery, you sound like one of those self hating people who're on the "British saved us and civilized us filthy savages".

Again, wrong thread buddy, please open a parallel one, I'd be happy to engage with you there. I'm keeping my answers short because I don't want to derail this one.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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If these neo nazis expel every people of color what they can they do ?? Nothing..... Except for crying on facebook or some useless protests.

These white people are the most powerful community in the planet.
Even if they leave USA and go to country like Australia with all their technological advances they will again become wealthy within a decade.

And all these communists, BLM, antifa will make America a failed country.

All the things like patriarchy, religion, capitalism etc are important for development of a nation.....and these liberals are destroying their countries.
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Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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I'm not supporting them but don't say that a groups action is good or bad based on ones own morality.

Now what will be a morality system for india.is the current one we have imposed on us and to what degree.remember it should serve us and is only.

For example instead of blaming wns we must arm our people and train them to fight in America and use it protect ourself from any other race including other non white races in the coming race war.
What other metric do I have to judge other people's actions than my own morality? What you wrote is a very Western view of thinking that the ends justify the means. As an Indian, the ends matter as much as the road we took to get there.

Your last paragraph, I can get on board with broadly and is the point of this thread! The morality, why, when, what is off topic and I've been guilty of it as much as anybody.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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If these neo nazis expel every people of color what they can they do ?? Nothing..... Except for crying on facebook or some useless protests.

These white people are the most powerful community in the planet.
Even if they leave USA and go to country like Australia with all their technological advances they will again become wealthy within a decade.

And all these communists, BLM, antifa will make America a failed country.

All the things like patriarchy, religion, capitalism etc are important for development of a nation.....and these liberals are destroying their countries.
Most white people are not Neo Nazis as of today. So no, they can't really expel anybody. If they tried, they would just be shot down by law enforcement. However, the danger of a fascist America is very real going by the history of Germany.

With regards to becoming wealthy again, I have my doubts that they would succeed without the support of Jews. However, they do have a lot of advantages. Technology is just the product of good civic sense, cultural ruthlessness and colonialism.

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