Turkey shot down Russian Su 24


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Feb 24, 2012
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Erdogan gave an interview to a French TV stating that Turkey has shot down the Russian SU-24 thinking it was a Syrian warplane.

It maybe the truth (if the air base of Latakia is also used by the Syrian air force), but at this point no one dont understand why Turkey does not offer atleast a formal apology to Russia.

Or the latest demonstration that Erdogan is a pathological liar and a colossal idiot:

He has caused to NATO, Israel and Turkey itself a terrible blow, giving Russia the excuse to place a full S-400 battery at Latakia with a range that covers most of the eastern Mediterranean Sea up to Cyprus, half of the Turkish air bases and half of Israel and has transformed Latakia from a very small air/naval station to a base that can threaten the access to the Suez Chanel by Russian airplanes/warships... and also to Israel give big problems for the use the air force, AWAC/ISR airplanes and part of nuclear deterrent.
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Jun 14, 2012
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Sorry, big text.I not edited.

Turkey is preparing to go to the Karabakh front

Ankara looking for ways to respond to the Russian economic sanctions and political measures

The conflict between Russia and Turkey that erupted after the destruction of the Turkish Air Force of the Russian Su-24, yesterday continued to gain momentum. The two leaders exchanged a series of correspondence Claims. Stating that Turkey is not going to apologize to Moscow, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan criticized the Russian authorities for the intentions of Turkey to impose economic sanctions. In the Turkish leadership made it clear that will not leave unanswered or this step may sound appeals to Moscow to introduce liability for non-recognition of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire in 1915. Yesterday, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in fact opened a new front against Russia and its ally Armenia, he promised to "do everything possible to liberate the occupied territories of Azerbaijan." Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu is in Baku, where he will hold talks today with the leadership of this country.Yesterday, the conflict between Moscow and Ankara has taken an unexpected turn. Ankara reacted angrily to Russia's intentions to impose sanctions on the Turkish economy and cause a political blow to the image of Turkey - by folding a number of bilateral projects (such as the Turkish culture in Russia) or the administration responsible for the non-recognition of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire in 1915. The latter issue has become another stumbling block in Russian-Turkish relations, when the end of April 2015, Vladimir Putin traveled to Armenia on the occasion of the commemorative events for the centenary of one of the most tragic events in the history of the XX century. Expressing Moscow protest for the Genocide recognition at the highest political leadership of the Russian Federation, the Turkish authorities at the time of freeze cooperation through diplomatic channels, disrupting the planned shortly after the anniversary meeting of foreign ministers of the two countries Sergey Lavrov and Mevlut Cavusoglu.Last night, Mr. Cavusoglu arrived in Baku, where he will hold talks today with the leadership of Azerbaijan. The tone of the meeting, asked yesterday the head of the Turkish government Ahmet Davutoglu: It actually opened a new front against Russia. "Turkey will do everything possible to the occupied territories of Azerbaijan are released," - said Mr. Davutoglu, Ankara, announcing the intention to intervene in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Given the difficult relations between Ankara and Yerevan (the border between the two countries is closed, severed diplomatic relations), Moscow can hardly imagine impartiality of Turkey in this very delicate issue.Yesterday, Moscow and Ankara exchanged new harsh statements against each other. First, Vladimir Putin expressed outrage that Ankara has not brought Moscow has not offered an apology and compensation for the incident. "We believe absolutely inexplicable treacherous backstabbing by those in whom we have seen allies in the fight against terrorism", - said yesterday the president of Russia.Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was with the Russian leader until recently tied a warm personal relationship, yesterday finally made it clear that does not seek to preserve them. At one time, the first phase of the conflict in Syria, Mr. Erdogan went the same way to break their friendly contacts with its president Bashar al-Assad: Syria before the war leaders actually families were friends. A series of photos on which they are embodied in an informal atmosphere, surrounded by his spouse Emine and Asma, were particularly popular at the time when the leaders of the two countries have become almost in the most bitter enemies. Yesterday Mr Erdogan's statements demonstrate: similar developments may occur, and in its relations with the Russian leader. In the evening, however, in an interview on French television channel France 24, Mr. Erdogan said that after the incident with the aircraft tried to contact with Vladimir Putin, but the Kremlin refused him in a telephone conversation."I think if there is a party that should apologize, it is not we - the Turkish leader said yesterday in an interview with broadcaster CNN.- Those who violated our airspace and should apologize." The President is convinced that the Turkish armed forces "simply perform their duties, which consisted in the fact that the answer to the violation (according to the Turkish side, it is a violation of its Russian bomber aircraft prostranstva.-" b ")."More deployed his position, Mr. Erdogan presented at a meeting of the heads of village administrations. "We had previously announced that in case of violation of our airspace will automatically answer," - the president said, warning that in future the Turkish authorities are going in the same way to deal with any potential threat from the outside, no matter from which country it comes from. Recall, speaking a day before the deputies of the ruling Justice and Development Party, the Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu announced that he personally gave the order for the destruction of the aircraft.Mr. Erdogan tried to rebut and sounding allegations against Turkey in support of the banned radical groups in Russia "Islamic state." In Moscow, however, another way of looking at it. The representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova yesterday called Turks "supporters of terrorists". "If (the attack on the Russian samolet.-" b ") was dealt a blow to those who led the operation against the terrorists, how else can you describe the action of this part?" - Asked Mrs Zakharova.However, in Turkey expect to maintain the status of a strategic partner of Moscow. "We have a strategic partnership with Russia, and we have no reason to take aim at Russia", - assured President Erdogan. "Our differences on Syria - this one, and rules respond to threats - that is another. We are sorry to witness the coming Russian side statements and reactions unrelated to the subject," - said Mr. Erdogan when commenting on the announced Prime Minister's intention to introduce anti- Turkey's economic sanctions. These steps, according to the Turkish leader, "unworthy of politicians.


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Feb 24, 2012
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Erdogan suspended all military turkish flights over Syria.

The moron is only now realizing what kind of stupidity committed by shot down a Russian plane.

And now all American/French/British air missions over Syria become a problem without a preventive Agreement with the Russian and with Russia in full compliance with international law.

What idiot.

The only positive outcome of this Turkish idiocy is that there are no more bombs for the Kurds.


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Jun 21, 2013
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What happened to the remains of the deceased pilot and the marine KIA? Did they receive their remains? I didn't see any news on the funeral of those two people?


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Jun 21, 2013
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CNN editorial!!! On Turkey and in particular Erdogans hot headedness and the seemingly lost opportunity for a grand coalition against ISIS and a quick political solution for Syrian crisis!!!

Washington (CNN)

The cool, calm, clear thinking that kept the NATO alliance intact as it weathered the Cold War with the Soviet Union has been shattered.

Decades of careful diplomacy and nail-biting inaction during the potentially world-annihilating nuclear arms race of the 1950s, 60s and 70s appears to have been sacrificed in a few brief seconds by Turkey.

During the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the deployment of nuclear weapons in western Europe in the 1980s and many other causes of strife, NATO did not take on the Soviet Union or Russia directly and Moscow did not attack any NATO country.

That all changed when Turkish air force jetsshot down a Russian bomber Tuesday -- the first time a NATO country has taken such action since 1952.
So the white house mouthpiece CNN has become highly critical of Turkey and its relevance to NATO!!!

That's really a new turn to the already meandering geopolitical situation!!!

Read more below!!!



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Turkey Downs Russian Plane, Joins With Islamic State: U.S. Should Drop New Ottoman Empire As Ally
Doug Bandow | CONTRIBUTOR | Forbes
Turkey’s rash decision to shoot down a Russian plane for allegedly violating its airspace isn’t likely to trigger World War III. But Ankara has demonstrated where it stands. With the Islamic State and against the West. The justification for Turkey’s membership in NATO and America’s defense guarantee for Ankara long ago passed. Turkey’s irresponsible action proves that it is no U.S. ally.
While Russia’s September entry into the war outraged Washington, Moscow showed clarity and realism. Russia simply sought to bolster Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad against insurgents dominated by radical Islamists. Ironically, this approach was far more likely than the administration’s confused policy to advance America’s core interest of defeating ISIL and al-Qaeda affiliates such as al-Nusra.
Downing the plane was gratuitously provocative and not necessary for Turkey’s defense. The objectives likely were to interfere with Moscow’s operations against Islamic radicals and/or discourage future Russian strikes against Ankara-backed Islamists. The action obviously was contrary to Washington’s interest, which would be caught in any escalation between Russia and Turkey. Yet NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that “we stand in solidarity with Turkey and support the territorial integrity of our NATO ally, Turkey.”
It’s not enough to “discourage any escalation,” as President Barack Obama insisted. Washington should absorb the bitter lessons of Turkey’s perfidy and drop the alliance relationship.
Turkey is a growing threat to Western interests and values. Ankara never has been a true friend of the West. Turkey was a useful ally during the Cold War, though it always seemed readier to go to war with Greece than the Soviet Union. (In 1974 Ankara seized 37 percent of the island of Cyprus and war with Athens was narrowly averted.) In those years Turkey was only vaguely democratic.
Moreover, there is evidence of more direct assistance—providing equipment, passports, training, medical care, and perhaps more to Islamist radicals. While refusing to take military action against the self-proclaimed caliphate on its border, Ankara has attempted to manipulate the U.S. into ousting Syrian president Assad, whose military is the most important ground force containing ISIL. Despite recently agreeing to assist Washington against the Islamic State, the Erdogan government appears to have played the U.S., directing most of Turkey’s fire against America’s Kurdish allies.
Shooting down the Russian aircraft was even more irresponsible. Whatever the circumstances of the alleged incursion, Ankara knew that no attack on Turkish forces was planned. President Putin stated the obvious when he declared: “our pilots, planes did not threaten Turkish territory in any way. It is quite clear.”
Striking nuclear-armed Russia for an alleged overflight lasting just a few seconds appears to be seeking war. The U.S. should shun Ankara for playing chicken with Moscow.
At the same time, the shared interests between Turkey and the West dissipated. The Erdogan government has moved Turkey in a much more independent and even hostile direction. Doing so is Ankara’s prerogative, but eliminates any lingering justification for the West to guarantee Turkey’s security. The alliance should not be responsible for defending Ankara as the latter attempts to overthrow the Assad government and, even worse, commits a gratuitous act of war designed only to provoke Moscow.
But President Erdogan differs little from President Putin. The former profits from his position, jails journalists, seizes media companies, abuses presidential power, and triggers conflict for political gain. It should surprise no one that Ankara’s chances of entering the European Union are nil. Indeed, after having squeezed all of the political benefit from formally seeking membership, President Erdogan probably doesn’t want to join.
In contrast, in the Middle East U.S. and Russian interests broadly coincide. Exactly why the U.S. feels duty-bound to oust Assad—whom Secretary of State Hillary Clinton once described as a “reformer”—isn’t clear. Both Iraq and Libya dramatically demonstrated that it’s not enough to get rid of the bad guy. You need a good guy as successor. Washington has none in Syria.
Cooperating with Russia against the Islamic State and other dangerous radicals doesn’t require befriending President Putin or creating a formal alliance. Rather, such a policy would be simply transactional, with the two governments working together where and when doing so serves both nations’ interests. That’s more than occurs with Turkey today. It is difficult for the U.S. to articulate a single genuine shared interest with Ankara.


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Jun 21, 2013
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So much so for Turkey playing the Azerbaijan Card against Russia...

Deputy Prime Minister: We don’t want confrontation between Azerbaijan's allies
27.11.2015 [13:46]

Baku, November 27, AZERTAC
“Azerbaijani society, each of us, every citizen is disappointed and uncomfortable with the recent tension between Turkey and Russia over the known incident,” Deputy Prime Minister, Deputy Chairman and Executive Secretary of New Azerbaijan Party Ali Ahmadov told journalists.

He said Turkey is a fraternal country and strategic ally of Azerbaijan. “Russia is also Azerbaijan's close neighbor. The two countries enjoy comprehensive and close friendly ties. I think it is necessary to mention that there is a great history of Azerbaijan's relations with Turkey and Russia. We don't want confrontation or escalation of tension between the friendly countries of Azerbaijan.”

Ali Ahmadov said: “We want the soonest possible elimination of tension between the two countries. I believe that this is the best interests of all the sides, and will prevent any unwanted processes in the region. I want to express Azerbaijan`s firm readiness to offer its services and take necessary measures for eliminating this unwanted tension between Turkey and Russia.”


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Syrian military take revenge on Turkoman militias for Russian comrades (Graphic)
Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ
25th November, 2015

According to the field reports, there is a “hell” in the area where Turkomans shot down the Russian SU-24. The militants’ media outlets report that the ground is shaking because of the Russian air raids.

Sakal Gharelu Ustad

Detests Jholawalas
Apr 28, 2012
Russia is really flattening down everything. Good job Putin.

So the current developments show that Turkey did not have US backing in shooting down the plane.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
“As a result of multiple air strikes by the Russian Aerospace Forces on the terrorists, the Syrian government forces took complete control of the mountainous areas in the north of the Latakia province, thereby completely blocking the trans-border supply of weapons, ammunition and other materials to the terrorists in the province”, he said.
“Moreover, in other areas of northern Syria, our Aerospace Forces control all the main roads of weapons, ammunition and materiel delivery to ISIS militants groups”, he added.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Zhirinovsky proposes to drop a nuclear bomb on the Strait of Bosphorus (Video)
"Istanbul is very easy to destroy: just one nuclear bomb in the Strait of Bosphorus, and it will wash away. It will be such a terrible flood, the water column will rise 10-15 meters, and the city will not be there any more, and there are 9 million lives in that city", — said the leader of the liberal Democrats.

According to the party's leader, Turkey's allies in NATO will not interfere, "they don't want to die in a nuclear fire". Zhirinovsky noted that currently Turkey is the number one enemy for Russia.
John McCain's Russian counterpart.


Jul 31, 2015
Russia is really flattening down everything. Good job Putin.

So the current developments show that Turkey did not have US backing in shooting down the plane.
Erdogan can't be that stupid. Positive development for us is that 150 year Anglo-Turk alliance shows cracks however, remember that real angle is German Turk to contain Russia and that's not going anywhere.

I don't think for second he did this on his own.

Rhetoric not withstanding, it's classic AZ playbook even if they backstab Turkey in end.

Full analysis should come only with time:

Possibility is to now distance oneself from isis by putting it on turkey.

You now gain leverage to control turkey, while isis now has free hand to rip up e India w China s Russia with full backing.

Turkey will not leave Nato over this, fkn feigned outrage by western media lol

If it was this easy to break Nato I would be throwing rocks at us forces in Berlin dressed up in german/nazi colors.


Jul 31, 2015
Few big isis attacks in Russia China India. Or in west if security too tight, delay Turkish fifth gen plane & equipment purchases from Germany or elsewhere.

There's more to this, if nothing else this commits Russian black Sea fleet to Syria overstretched & Crimea vulnerable.

Yes nukes are there but it adds pressure, strategy of tension & ooda loop.

Better to assume Russian weakness & failure in this mission. May see escalation in Baghdad lot going on,

Fkn Jews (Arabs too)


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Syrian Forces making progress in Latakia:

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Feb 16, 2009
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Turkey is a NATO member interesting that no other NATO member country is showing any support to Turkey not even USA.

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