Trump Uses the K-word, Includes Bajwa in Talks with Imran


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Jan 2, 2018
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Afghans&even US requested it many times.

Still i didn't understand Why/How GOI leave the golden opportunity of our Boots(IA) on Afghan soil. With IA in eastern,northern &western border of pak it is nightmarish situation for our real enemy (porki army) everyday.

No strategy, no pro-active approach nothing always 'chalta hai' attitude even in high levels.... Dumb Indians.:frusty:
Put Indian boots on the ground with what end goal?

Right now, we are slowly increasing our military presence in Afghanistan. Every time we build a new dam or power project, we sanction more troops for its defense. We can only send boots proportional to our stakes. The US wants us to send boots proportional to their stakes in the region.

India and US are not treaty allies. India has to think independently. If the US draws us in and ties us up in Afghanistan, we still have other issues that need our attention. POK, Baluchistan is pending, and you want to occupy Afghanistan? What are we losing out by not deploying? whatever attrition we want to cause we can do it on an ad hoc basis by buying freelance terrorists on Afghan soil and fanning them towards Pakistan's western border.

Why are ya'll so eager to shake hands with an enemy power that gives F16 to your mortal enemy? The US is stuck in Afghanistan, let them boil in their own juices. I'm sure India has war plans to deploy large scale troops to Afghanistan in a full scale war like Bangladesh. We don't need to be deployed 24x7 for that. In 2008, after 26/11, the Negro President went on international media and reiterated 'India's right to self-defense'. They wanted India to open a front on Pakistan's eastern side to get the ISI to relocate their jihadis from Afghanistan towards India so that the US troops and convoys get some breathing room in Afghanistan. Manmohan did right by not taking the bait and chose to take the blame from Indians, instead of playing to America's tunes.

In the next 10 years, the US suffered a lot of casualties at the hands of Pakistani proxies. That's the price for helping Pakistan. What drastic geopolitical development happened in Afghanistan from 2008 to 2018 that India missed out on? none. Turkey, Iran, Russia, China everyone tried to get involved and got their fingers burnt. The chessboard is frozen in time, it's a stalemate and those who are already involved are facing attrition while not being able to extract any raw materials from that soil. These 10 years India was able to build itself up, test new Agni series, develop its BMD, get our nuclear submarine operational, set up a nuclear triad, get an anti-sat capability and grew our bargaining power. This is much better than having taking the bait to become America's junior partner in 2008.

Let em red necks boil. We didn't invite them into Afghanistan. Let em learn that actions have consequences. We will deploy in Afghanistan on our own timeline when we are confident to go it alone. Let them give weapons to Pakistan and let them accept American body bags in return. India will not be blackmailed into participation unless there is significant change of American stance over Kashmir. America is frustrated in Afghanistan, there's no need to relieve them.
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United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
India is using Afghanistan as a cheap source of proxy warfare. Indian aid to Afghanistan ia measly and only worth few hundred million dollars a year. We can afford that much to trouble Pakistan. But if we have to spend much more Resources and lose lot of people, it will not be worth the price. Afghanistan is good as long as it is cheap. Increasing cost will make it unattractive

1. India running proxy war.

It means India's presence in AF is of strategic nature. Which further strengthen my understanding of military intervention. The proxy war is countered by Proxy war which Pakistan is reciprocating in Afghanistan. The military presence will be countered by the military presence depending on the military objective. The military presence will increase the cost on Pakistan and will stretch them further.

2. Measly cost.

Measly cost yields measly results. It doesn't increase our stake or help our interests which we think we are privileged to. LOL. It doesn't give a seat on the table.

3. Quantifying trouble to Pakistan.

There is an overall agreement within all of us that we all want to trouble Pakistan. In case of AF as per your assessment, low-cost investment is good enough to trouble Pakistan. You gotta quantify what kind of trouble you are talking about and tell us if it is working or not.

4. Loss of resources and loss of people.

This is quite a pessimist approach. We can not be then whining about when we lose diplomatically and don't get a seat on the table.


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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1. India running proxy war.

It means India's presence in AF is of strategic nature. Which further strengthen my understanding of military intervention. The proxy war is countered by Proxy war which Pakistan is reciprocating in Afghanistan. The military presence will be countered by the military presence depending on the military objective. The military presence will increase the cost on Pakistan and will stretch them further.

2. Measly cost.

Measly cost yields measly results. It doesn't increase our stake or help our interests which we think we are privileged to. LOL. It doesn't give a seat on the table.

3. Quantifying trouble to Pakistan.

There is an overall agreement within all of us that we all want to trouble Pakistan. In case of AF as per your assessment, low-cost investment is good enough to trouble Pakistan. You gotta quantify what kind of trouble you are talking about and tell us if it is working or not.

4. Loss of resources and loss of people.

This is quite a pessimist approach. We can not be then whining about when we lose diplomatically and don't get a seat on the table.
India wont get a seat at the table by simply nodding and agreeing to the terms put forth by a big power either. That position will have to be taken by resisting their designs for this region. Their designs are very antithetical to India. They want to prevent the rise of another pole in a multipolar world. They missed the boat with China, they won't do that mistake with India. The US is not your friend. They're here to entangle you to prevent your rise.

India + Russia + Iran + China can have a common-minimum program for Afghanistan without the US in it. India can team up with the US in the Indian ocean against Chinese navy. Working with the US on both, land and in sea will make us a junior partner to the US on both fronts in our own backyard.

Pally up with China in Afghanistan to keep the US out. Even Russia wants this because the CIA is using it as a staging area to train Central Asian mercenaries and fan them towards Russia's underbelly and Pakistan is using the common infrastructure to train Kashmiri mercenaries. Take the American destabilizing influence out of Afghanistan and use American Navy to balance China in IOR. This will keep both the powers away from our perimeter. Expand the scope of Malbar Naval exercises with the US Navy against China but turn down any American offer to collaborate on any joint missions on the land. Raise an Indian mountain strike corps to counter China on the Indian border WITHOUT getting the US Army involved; Just use the US Navy in IOR against PLAN, until we develop our own blue water capabilities, nothing more. In short, don't spread your cards too thin, too early, by deploying in far flung places without clear goals. Keep the powder dry.

It is not necessary to accept every invitation that is sent our way like a desperado. Let the US keep begging India to get involved, we will go when our time comes. When we go, we will execute our own agenda, and not deploy there in support of the US agenda.
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Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016
1. India running proxy war.

It means India's presence in AF is of strategic nature. Which further strengthen my understanding of military intervention. The proxy war is countered by Proxy war which Pakistan is reciprocating in Afghanistan. The military presence will be countered by the military presence depending on the military objective. The military presence will increase the cost on Pakistan and will stretch them further.

2. Measly cost.

Measly cost yields measly results. It doesn't increase our stake or help our interests which we think we are privileged to. LOL. It doesn't give a seat on the table.

3. Quantifying trouble to Pakistan.

There is an overall agreement within all of us that we all want to trouble Pakistan. In case of AF as per your assessment, low-cost investment is good enough to trouble Pakistan. You gotta quantify what kind of trouble you are talking about and tell us if it is working or not.

4. Loss of resources and loss of people.

This is quite a pessimist approach. We can not be then whining about when we lose diplomatically and don't get a seat on the table.
Firstly, we can't have major equipment and weapons in afghan afgh as even the soldiers of Afghanistan army are jihadis. There is no guarantee for Indiana assets in any base if local administration itself is hostile. Afghanistan is hostile to India in terms of values. It will tolerate India as long as India supplies aid and keeps is soldiers out. If Indian soldiers start coming in, there is bound to be a reaction.

Proxy war in Pakistan is low cost option and the damage is also low. It is just to keep the pot boiling and the people of Pakistan unhappy about its government. We can't spend too much Resources on that as the goal is not really big enough to necessitate it.

The trouble we can cause to Pakistan can never be big unless we go direct. Proxy wars are only good enough to cause mental and social irritation but can never cause big damage.

The seat on the table is not needed as it serves very little purpose. It is good to have but not strategic. We know that the only solution to Afghanistan problem is also the solution to the major problem that is Islamic problem. So these negotiation for Afghanistan problem is only temporary and will not last more than 15 years at best. No need to go Gaga for such negotiating seat

So, Afghanistan is not really something that is worth investing heavily. If it is possible to get low cost option, take it. Else, leave it. There is no need to go big on Afghanistan.

India can team up with the US in the Indian ocean against Chinese navy.
Even in IOR, USA is destabilizing. USA is trying to twist the oil trade in its favour and force down petrodollar on everyone. Chinese presence is minimal in IOR with no significant bases. However, USA is a major threat with its bases all over Arab region and even in Diego Garcia. It is actually more reasonable to pally with China and take out NATO presence in IOR. That will get rid of USA stranglehold and free up the world trade from the dollar domination.
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United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
India wont get a seat at the table by simply nodding and agreeing to the terms put forth by a big power either. That position will have to be taken by resisting their advances.

India + Russia + Iran + China can have a common-minimum program for Afghanistan without the US in it. India can team up with the US in the Indian ocean against Chinese navy. Working with the US on both, land and in sea will make us a junior partner to the US in our own backyard. Ya'll punks ain't seeing that. Pally up with China in Afghanistan to keep the US out. Even Russia wants this because the CIA is using it as a staging area to train Central Asian mercenaries and fan them towards Russia's underbelly and Pakistan is using the common infrastructure to train Kashmiri mercenaries. Take American destabilizing influence out of Afghanistan and use American Navy to balance China in IOR. This will keep both the powers away from our perimeter. Expand the scope of Malbar Naval exercises and shut down any offer to collaborate with the US on the land.
Your assumptions are utopian.

There are no common grounds. Russia is cosying up with Pakistan. Russia will seek Pakistan's help if Afghanistan falls again to stop spillover in CA. Indian presence will make sure Afghanistan do not fall.

OTOH Indian presence in Afghanistan is of strategic nature, a mission to sniff Pakistan's movements and deny them strategic depth. I want it to be more effective and upgraded to a capacity that can cause attrition to Pakistan backed Taliban and possibly Pakistan army with the help of the Government of Afghanistan.

China and Iran will never let the implementation of any common programme that undermines Pakistan army.

China will sell you (India) within hours to USA if we gave her any lose assurance to work against USA interest. This is what they do. They pretend to be enemy of the USA but wash their underwears behind the doors.

China is a friend of Pakistan collaborating with their ever-growing nuclear weapon program.

Furthermore, the world is interdependent multipolar. Reducing it to two poles just because Diplomacy has become counter-intuitive to you(India) and you are upset for some breach of the skewed red line which we can not even define you want us to go in harm's way. Actuating 2 polar worlds is like self-imposing sanctions when with current arrangements we can shunt these sanctions or at least reduce its effects.

Military intervention in Afghanistan is plausible because it is Pakistan specific, there is general consensus to help Afghanistan and it does not reflect as India is joining one particular camp. The ground is already prepared and offers are already in place.

There is a maxim popular on American forums That America never treat any of its partners as equal. They laugh at people to found any premise on equal-equal while decoding any relationship with them. Indian policymakers know it. None of the jingoistic bravdo will change this fact. The problem with Indians is that they are not realists and they take every statement made by their leaders literally. One of the Admins of this forum still waiting for Modi transferring 15 lakh to his account. This is the level of realism we deal with. LOL


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
Firstly, we can't have major equipment and weapons in afghan afgh as even the soldiers of Afghanistan army are jihadis. There is no guarantee for Indiana assets in any base if local administration itself is hostile. Afghanistan is hostile to India in terms of values. It will tolerate India as long as India supplies aid and keeps is soldiers out. If Indian soldiers start coming in, there is bound to be a reaction.

Proxy war in Pakistan is low cist option and the damage is also low. It is just to keep the pot boiling and the people of Pakistan unhappy about its government. We can't spend too much Resources on that as the goal is not really big enough to necessitate it.

The trouble we can cause to Pakistan can never be big unless we go direct. Proxy wars are only good enough to cause mental and social irritation but can never ause big damage.

So, Afghanistan is not really something that is worth investing heavily. If it is possible to get low cost option, take it. Else, leave it. There is no need to go big on Afghanistan.

Even in IOR, USA is destabilizing. USA is trying to twist the oil trade in its favour and force down petrodollar on everyone. Chinese presence is minimal in IOR with no significant bases. However, USA is a major threat with its bases all over Arab region and even in Diego Garcia. It is actually more reasonable to pally with China and take out NATO presence in IOR. That will get rid of USA stranglehold and free up the world trade from the dollar domination.

You are stuck with pessimism which is best suited for entertainment blogs, not defence forums.

Keep harping about would be losses and assuming hostility in Afghanistan, you people deserve Pakistan.

I am done with this pessimism.

Stay in your homes, don't cross oceans, do some yoga and hate your enemies on the internet.


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2016
You are stuck with pessimism which is best suited for entertainment blogs, not defence forums.

Keep harping about would be losses and assuming hostility in Afghanistan, you people deserve Pakistan.

I am done with this pessimism.

Stay in your homes, don't cross oceans, do some yoga and hate your enemies on the internet.
One must be realistic, not optimistic. One must not jump from a building saying that one has optimism that God will make him superman to protect him!

I am simply being realistic. If youa re interested in dying for nothing, you can go to Afghanistan. We are more responsible and will not sacrifice our people for low cost. Every pre-planned sacrifice of our people will be for something that is of high value only.

Afghanistan is simply too low valued to be of any real use. If there is a major war, then India will slice through Pakistan and capture Afghanistan. But until that happens, there is no need to waste our soldiers in Afghanistan.


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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Military intervention in Afghanistan is plausible because it is Pakistan specific
What will be the nature of this intervention?

Posting 2-3 strike corps in Afghanistan on permanent deployment? and perpetually dealing with the problem of resupplying them through air, from mainland India in a logistics denial environment (they'll face terror attacks but that's a manageable level of attrition). End goal being? will that deployment in itself change overall Pakistani force deployment to our advantage? they are already sending low cost terrorists to our side, that wont stop just because we drew their attention to their western border. They can stay put within their country, they don't need to move their troops, just turn their face from right to left whenever the situation demands attention. They can beg the US to raise 2 low cost (area-denial) defensive corps to take care of our strike corps. And we'll never put our QRSAMs and other high-tech stuff on the Afghanistan side because there's no logistics to store them, service them, rearm them, repair these high tech missile systems on the Afghan side. Are we going to set up a DRDO housing mission for the Indian engineers who will service these equipment? It can be done easily on our side. It's very costly on foreign soil.

Is the end game to actually USE those strike corps to thrust from Afghanistan side into Pakistan? we could do much better if we have those resources on our side of the border and use them in a strike corps + pivot core pair and have full land access to resupply them from the mainland as they move in.

If we really HAVE to deploy on a foreign soil to discomfort Pak-China combine, we'll get disproportionate results if we deploy in Vietnam, instead of Afghanistan. Start putting ELINT, Brahmos, QRSAMs and other hardware there. Draw China's resources to face us there, so that they have lesser resources left to resupply Pakistan. China can't send insurgents to swim across to hit our infra in Vietnam, like Pakistan can do low-cost bombings in Afghanistan. The end result is the same, but Vietnam deployment is cheaper. Keep China focused into Vietnam and send the strike corps into Pakistan directly from Rajasthan somewhere in the middle of this decade. No extended Afghanistan deployment needed.

For now, let the red necks bleed for their acts. They came uninvited, they gave weapons to Pakistan, their WOT and the weapons and diplomatic cover they provided Pakistani deep state caused 40k of our soldiers and civilians to die in the decade following 9/11. They haven't been made to pay any cost for it. Let em boil for 5 more years. Let American civilians become wary of body bags coming from this region, so that when India goes in to finish Pakistan, Americans must have lost all domestic appetite to intervene, like it happened during the Vietnam war. Tire them out till then, grow your own strength silently. Why invest in an expeditionary campaign in Afghanistan when P-75 is still pending due to lack of funds? Anti-China mountain strike corps project is also pending.

The US will send aid to Pakistan, and ISI will kill American soldiers and the US will make a fool of themselves. Both these events are favorable to us. If we deploy there, we'll make a fool of ourselves. The US never wanted Indian influence to stretch so far out beyond our current boundaries and touch Central Asia anyway. This is a lollypop to get our soldiers to become cannon fodder so that American vital installments remain safe.
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Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Because i voted Modi as i have no-choice .... he is also turned as coward.

Yatha Raja Tatha Praja :frusty:
Nobody is going to DRAG this nation into an issue without a proper plan at a proper time because YOU and a few like you voted for Modi.(as if you had many choices .. :laugh: )
Even if it was you in the iron Armour ..who has to call the wouldn't dare to call a shot before all the equations are in place.

the anti lobby is spooked and something is on!

continue the rona...its fun


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
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What will be the nature of this intervention?

Posting 2-3 strike corps in Afghanistan on permanent deployment? and perpetually dealing with the problem of resupplying them through air, from mainland India in a logistics denial environment (they'll face terror attacks but that's a manageable level of attrition). End goal being? will that deployment in itself change overall Pakistani force deployment to our advantage? they are already sending low cost terrorists to our side, that wont stop just because we drew their attention to their western border. They can stay put within their country, they don't need to move their troops, just turn their face from right to left whenever the situation demands attention. They can beg the US to raise 2 low cost (area-denial) defensive corps to take care of our strike corps. And we'll never put our QRSAMs and other high-tech stuff on the Afghanistan side because there's no logistics to store them, service them, rearm them, repair these high tech missile systems on the Afghan side. Are we going to set up a DRDO housing mission for the Indian engineers who will service these equipment? It can be done easily on our side. It's very costly on foreign soil.

Is the end game to actually USE those strike corps to thrust from Afghanistan side into Pakistan? we could do much better if we have those resources on our side of the border and use them in a strike corps + pivot core pair and have full land access to resupply them from the mainland as they move in.

If we really HAVE to deploy on a foreign soil to discomfort Pak-China combine, we'll get disproportionate results if we deploy in Vietnam, instead of Afghanistan. Start putting ELINT, Brahmos, QRSAMs and other hardware there. Draw China's resources to face us there, so that they have lesser resources left to resupply Pakistan. China can't send insurgents to swim across to hit our infra in Vietnam, like Pakistan can do low-cost bombings in Afghanistan. The end result is the same, but Vietnam deployment is cheaper. Keep China focused into Vietnam and send the strike corps into Pakistan directly from Rajasthan somewhere in the middle of this decade. No extended Afghanistan deployment needed.

For now, let the red necks bleed for their acts. They came uninvited, they gave weapons to Pakistan, their WOT and the weapons and diplomatic cover they provided Pakistani deep state caused 40k of our soldiers and civilians to die in the decade following 9/11. They haven't been made to pay any cost for it. Let em boil for 5 more years. Let American civilians become wary of body bags coming from this region, so that when India goes in to finish Pakistan, Americans must have lost all domestic appetite to intervene, like it happened during the Vietnam war. Tire them out till then, grow your own strength silently. Why invest in an expeditionary campaign in Afghanistan when P-75 is still pending due to lack of funds? Anti-China mountain strike corps project is also pending.

The US will send aid to Pakistan, and ISI will kill American soldiers and the US will make a fool of themselves. Both these events are favorable to us. If we deploy there, we'll make a fool of ourselves. The US never wanted Indian influence to stretch so far out beyond our current boundaries and touch Central Asia anyway. This is a lollypop to get our soldiers to become cannon fodder so that American vital installments remain safe.
Large scale Deployment in Afghanistan is a problem for India, India cannot bare the costs that too when many players are there in Afghanistan with multiple motives of their own.

How ever, FATF, UN intervention, combined action plan by deploying military consultants who can help Afghan army is a good option as of now.

India should have minimum presence there to check mate Pakistan.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Large scale Deployment in Afghanistan is a problem for India, India cannot bare the costs that too when many players are there in Afghanistan with multiple motives of their own.

How ever, FATF, UN intervention, combined action plan by deploying military consultants who can help Afghan army is a good option as of now.

India should have minimum presence there to check mate Pakistan.
ONLY REASON why INDIA is RESPECTED by the AFGHAN Civilians and establishment is because..
India has MANAGED Afghanistan without putting its soldiers on the ground...which a HOST of nations failed to do.
That is India's strength.
If India puts its soldiers there without proper proper INTEL SUPPORT network and rely on UMRICANS network...Pretty sure we will hear about attack on our soldiers by paki based Talibs on a daily basis...
they will use our presence in Afghan soil to strangle us further and alienate us from the good will we created in Afghan.

Take down pakistan and its the solution to all the SOUTH ASIA problems


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
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ONLY REASON why INDIA is RESPECTED by the AFGHAN Civilians and establishment is because..
India has MANAGED Afghanistan without putting its soldiers on the ground...which a HOST of nations failed to do.
That is India's strength.
If India puts its soldiers there without proper proper INTEL SUPPORT network and rely on UMRICANS network...Pretty sure we will hear about attack on our soldiers by paki based Talibs on a daily basis...
they will use our presence in Afghan soil to strangle us further and alienate us from the good will we created in Afghan.

Take down pakistan and its the solution to all the SOUTH ASIA problems
USA will do what ever it takes to protect the Pakistani establishment, they do not keep them comfortable though.
Best thing to do is come to an agreement with neighboring countries, get a UN resolution on Afghanistan, Initiate development programs and have a small military (special forces) to protect the interests of India there.

Once India and Afghanistan can get a UN resolution and peace keeping force in Afghanistan, with FATF in place. It is game over for Pakistan.

USA seems to be not in the mood for UN peace keeping force , where in India also can pitch in and help to deal with the situation.

Full scale deployment should not be done even though it is tempting seeing the pakistani generals rogue behavior.
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Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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Large scale Deployment in Afghanistan is a problem for India, India cannot bare the costs that too when many players are there in Afghanistan with multiple motives of their own.

How ever, FATF, UN intervention, combined action plan by deploying military consultants who can help Afghan army is a good option as of now.

India should have minimum presence there to check mate Pakistan.
Correct, sirji.

We are doing that and constantly increasing our ITBP presence to protect our assets as and when our new infra projects/dams etc get completed in Afghanistan. India is also building more consulates in Afghanistan where we need to keep an eye on Pakistani insurgents. Indian Army has also scaled up the training of Afghan officer cadre in IMA. We are slowly creeping into Afghanistan as things develop. These officers will rise to the top management of Afghan Army and Intel and prove to be force multipliers for us in 5-10 years.

Like @sorcerer said, India has always said that we are willing to send our troops to Afghanistan under the UN peacekeeping banner where its deployment is paid by the UN and its security is guaranteed by the P5 countries, such that if the UN assets are hit, the P5 will have to reimburse us. No covert/ non-state actors/ deniability funny business.

We don't want to go there like a sitting duck with each nation in the P5 + an assortment of jihadi groups trying to cause attrition to us in an attempt to one-up each other. The US doesn't want this kind of a clean deal with a well defined goal/liability/reimbursement structure because their motives are ulterior. They want us to get trapped there where we end up spending our money, expending our soldiers, for THEIR goals and achieve none of our goals. The moment you turn your force towards Pakistan, they will give you the ultimatum. If that is off the bounds anyway, and if the goal of deployment in Afghanistan is to erode Pakistani presence and deny strategic depth, let it be done under the UN banner.
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Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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If we are going to fight in Afghanistan in sometime.

Remember we will be fighting alongside these guys.


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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Dragging everyone to your level of low life :pound::pound: that is
We have all accepted that that's how our @Chatrapathi packages his opinion. We don't get angry at his choice of words now. :D

From time to time, he makes some good points packaged in his [you're all stupid] Insert Chatrapati's Opinion Here [/ you're all stupid] packaging.

@Chatrapathi When the US deployed in Afghanistan after 9/11 they made offers to both India and Pakistan to send their troops to stabilize Afghanistan. India said that we are willing to deploy troops in Afghanistan under the UN banner. This entails a UN salary for our troops and UN guarantee (i.e if anyone strikes the UN peacekeepers and it is traced back to Pakistan then they may face sanctions from UN). It was a gentleman's offer, but the US doesn't want that. They want India to deploy our troops there without any legal cover and without any end goal.

India has contributed 2 lakh soldiers for 50+ UN missions till now, what's the big deal about one more mission. We negotiated with the UN and got them to pay our soldiers a monthly salary of 2200$ + full insurance cover for their family + maintenance allowance for our Army's mechanical equipment. Indian Army lives are not cheap. This is what the UN is already paying our soldiers for all the missions we are deployed in. The cost of deploying 50,000 soldiers at this rate would cost 1.3 billion $ a year, which is what the US pays Pakistan Army annually.

India's offer is still open to the US. Instead of paying 1.3B to Pakistan Army, they can engage the services of the UN and India will fill that need. But they themselves chose to select Pakistani Army over Indian offer just to spite India for asking for legal cover for our troops and refusing to send our troops to become sitting ducks, the way the US preferred, because they think our lives are cheap.

Post 9/11, the US estimated that the adverse impact of the US funds and weapons given to Pakistan will spillover into India and unnerve us when our bodybags start flowing from the LOC. But they hadn't calculated that shaking hands with the ISI would mean that American bodybags would start flowing from Afghanistan as well. After getting their fingers burnt now they want to get India involved but still wont agree on the gentleman's offer we made to send our troops under the UN banner. This is a problem of their own making. Let them face the attrition.
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Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Do not whine about a thousand years of slavery when you can praise about the thousands of years of glory that were and shall be again. An old lithographic print of a young Emperor Bharata.

Just a matter of perception and self esteem and self respect.
for other

Well!! boiling a propaganda over something that will never happen...
USA wont leave afghan and India wont sent its soldiers to afghan.
We have a better plan of action in Kashmir in the coming weeks...and we do have our color party in place..(a few friendlies)


Senior Member
Jan 2, 2018
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So-called intellectuals don't understand one thing

IF IA fought under UN flag we defacto becomes UN soldiers (aka western imperialism slaves) not INDIAN SOLDIERS

Millions of Indian Army men fought in WW1,WW2 and many wars across world and WON MOST OF THEM ....RIGHT WORDS ''Millions of Indian Slaves fought wars under British flag and won for British Royal''.

No self esteem, no strategy,no proactive only,no-long term thinking, seeking profit in everything like pakis call us Hindu baniya.:frusty:
It doesn't matter under whose flag we fight as long as India benefits from it. It's not the same as fighting for the benefit of the British empire.

India will benefit if we deploy in Afghanistan but it's only a cherry on the top. It's not the pudding itself. The goal is not high valued enough to expend so many resources. Our core goal is to break Pakistan, for which we have 3 strike corps already. Deploying in Afghanistan will need a minimum of 2 more strike corps. Feeding a total of 5 strike corps to kill just 1 fledgling enemy is an overkill. That's how the Soviet Union overspent and collapsed in an attempt to counter America's Star Wars program. The cost-benefit of opening a new front must be justified before jumping in the name of glory.

It's a desirable but not critical mission for us. Let the UN pay for it and we'll co-operate for the stability of this region. Otherwise, it's fine if it remains unstable, we are comfortable with the level of attrition we face at the LOC. There's no need to take on a higher rate of attrition for peanuts. Just check how many American and Pakistani soldiers have died at the Durand and achieved nothing beyond a stalemate in 20 years. This is not a tree that yields fruit. This is more like a cactus shrub to keep the pests away. No need to water it with milk and honey.

We need the money for our P75 project and 3 strike corps on our China front. Those are high value projects. No money to waste in Afghanistan. Let the UN pay for it, otherwise let the US deal with the consequences of invading Afghanistan without securing India's role first. We didn't invite them.

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